
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp:ubuntu/saucy-proposed/ubuntu-download-manager
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

26. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Loïc Minier ]
* Always honor UBUNTU_DOWNLOADER_DEBUG; we should consider switching
  release builds to -UDEBUG, but this is too intrusive right now; LP:
  #1240656. (LP: #1240656)

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 151

25. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Manuel de la Pena ]
* Remove the file after the successful execution of the post-download
  command line. (LP: #1233209)
* Listen to the connection state of the device and pause the download
  when we are disconnected. Reconnect asap. (LP: #1233435)

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 149

24. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Manuel de la Pena ]
* Deal with the presence of the download file in a nicer way. (LP:

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 146

23. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Manuel de la Pena ]
* Add BaseTestCase that removes the qDebug output so that we have a
  cleaner tests results output. (LP: #1230210)
* Allow the hash method to be empty. (LP: #1232050)
* Use syslog when running as a system bus service rather than logging
  to a file. (LP: #1230236)
* Remove the XDG implementation and use the standard paths class found
  in qt. (LP: #1226998)
* Keep track of the replies so that when the daemon is stoppable we
  clear the cache. (LP: #1229463)

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 144

22. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Manuel de la Pena ]
* Return error if the url is ill formed. (LP: #1228245)
* Return DBus error when the hash method is not known. (LP: #1228246)

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 138

21. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Manuel de la Pena ]
* Ensure that when there is a network error the state of the
  GroupDownload is correctly set. (LP: #1227850, #1227907, #1218031)
* Provide system dbus API to be used by apps such as the image
  updates. (LP: #1211486)
* Provide new arg and new method to simplify tests. (LP: #1228233)
* Ensure that all downloads are canceled and that the files are
  correctly removed. (LP: #1229413)

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 135

20. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Loïc Minier ]
* Vcs-Bzr branch in control was out of date; use the alias which
  should always point at the right one.

[ Manuel de la Pena ]
* Ensure that when there is a hash error the state change is emitted
  and is the correct download state. (LP: #1224676)
* Correctly manage SSL errors. (LP: #1228057)

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 130

19. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Barry Warsaw ]
* When extracting the QPair from _downloadProgress, use a reference
  local variable so that a new QPair isn't created, thus throwing away
  the update. (LP: #1226243)

[ Manuel de la Pena ]
* Fixes the irl example in the test folder. (LP: #1221598)
* Added a class that provides a way to generate secure paths to
  appamor confined applications.
* Make use of the apparmor class to build secure dbus paths. (LP:
* Increases the test coverage of the download factory class.
* Added the new metadata key 'objectpath' where the client can propose
  a uuid for the download that will be used to create the path. (LP:
* Change the interface name so that is less confusing. (LP: #1224538)
* Fixed the location where the file is stored. If the local-file
  metadata is provided and the app is not cofined that would be the
  used file else the XDG/APP_ID one will be used. (LP: #1224641,
* Provide two command line args to be used in tests. (LP: #1202809)
* Set the accept-encoding header to 'identity' so that we do not
  expand any download. (LP: #1224678)

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 126

18. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Manuel de la Pena ]
* Added code to store single downloads in the new sqlite db.

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 115

17. By PS Jenkins bot

[ Manuel de la Pena ]
* Move to store the metadata in a sqlite db in disk rather than using
  a dir tree.

[ Ubuntu daily release ]
* Automatic snapshot from revision 113

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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