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Launchpad does not know where OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) hosts its code.

Bazaar branches

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/kilo bug 1 Development 2017-09-26 19:59:21 UTC
251. debian/theme/ubuntu/_styles.scss: Ens...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2017-09-26 19:07:42 UTC

debian/theme/ubuntu/_styles.scss: Ensure btn-primary text color takes
precedence (LP: #1481216).

lp:~cbjchen/horizon/lp1382079 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2016-03-15 07:28:23 UTC
244. SRU fix for LP: #1382079

Author: Liang Chen
Revision Date: 2016-03-15 07:25:41 UTC

SRU fix for LP: #1382079

lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/juno bug 1 Development 2015-12-09 17:42:18 UTC
223. releasing package horizon version 1:2...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2015-12-09 17:03:26 UTC

releasing package horizon version 1:2014.2.4-0ubuntu1~cloud2

lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/liberty 1 Development 2015-10-12 12:03:52 UTC
238. debian/control: Open wily/liberty

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2015-05-07 16:19:45 UTC

debian/control: Open wily/liberty

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2015.1.1 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2015-08-04 16:45:17 UTC
238. * Resynchronize with stable/kilo (bb0...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2015-08-04 16:45:17 UTC

* Resynchronize with stable/kilo (bb05237) (LP: #1481008):
  - [d29a68c] Removing Network Profile support in stable/kilo
  - [cfb16ec] Add a conditional judgement to avoid invalid dict index
  - [824df76] Fix mock issues found due to new mock release
  - [82f63a5] Fix Create User form's fields sorting for Django 1.7
  - [f0691cf] changing email from user list deletes user passwd
  - [25c961f] fix delete action always cause error
  - [ec27165] Fix date pickers in metering modal
  - [8ed6a85] Wait until the image is registered in Sahara image test
  - [fcff73c] Skip test_{floatingip,image_register_unregister,create_delete_user} for now
  - [1e84c93] Handle errors during glance image updates correctly
  - [2fc3fcd] corrected the create volume from snapshot
  - [84da479] Escape the description param from heat template
  - [bafdabb] Prevent multiple form submission on table row actions
  - [0642fdd] Fixing data processing operations for alternate webroots
  - [2e8e70b] User should be able to update allocation pool values.
  - [61d3955] Don't pass read only attributes on neutron update
  - [78e9a99] I/O error uploading image
  - [6566057] Fix TemplateDoesNotExist at manage/unmanage volumes
  - [30dde70] Sanitation of metadata passed from Django
  - [322a74c] Inherit environment variables for tests that use nodeenv
  - [baf55ce] LBaas v1 Associate Monitor to Pool Fails
  - [bb05237] Fix exponentially growing AJAX updates for table rows

lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/icehouse bug 1 Development 2015-07-29 05:22:57 UTC
204. Fixup regression in 2015.1.5 due to p...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2015-07-29 05:22:57 UTC

Fixup regression in 2015.1.5 due to partial backport

lp:~billy-olsen/horizon/icehouse-fix-lp1476417 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2015-07-27 18:40:20 UTC
204. Fix "Unable to Connect to Neutron" er...

Author: Billy Olsen
Revision Date: 2015-07-27 18:01:37 UTC

Fix "Unable to Connect to Neutron" error message which is displayed
in various UI panels. (LP: #1476417)

- d/p/fix-neutron-connection-error.patch - Removes the erroneous
  usage of the FloatingIPManager.is_supported() method.

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2014.1.5 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2015-06-22 15:27:57 UTC
203. * Resynchronize with stable/icehouse ...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2015-06-22 15:27:31 UTC

* Resynchronize with stable/icehouse (4ff165c) (LP: #1467533):
  - [78b6f5e] Fix exponentially growing AJAX updates for table rows
  - [86a6628] Handle RequestURITooLong error in large instance table
  - [2a6fe4a] Fix host listing in live migration
  - [9109812] Exclude security group related quotas when the extension disabled
  - [4ff165c] horizon ignores region for identity service
* d/p/fix-host-listing-live-migration.patch: Dropped; Fixed upstream.
* d/p/fix-requirements.patch: Rebased

lp:horizon/essex bug 1 Development 2015-06-15 18:17:27 UTC
3940. Merge "Merge tag '2014.2'"

Author: Jenkins
Revision Date: 2015-06-15 18:17:27 UTC

Merge "Merge tag '2014.2'"

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2015.1.0 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2015-04-30 13:49:24 UTC
236. New upstream release for OpenStack kilo.

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2015-04-30 13:48:34 UTC

New upstream release for OpenStack kilo.

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2014.1.4-0ubuntu2 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2015-03-29 18:55:22 UTC
202. d/control: Set minimum python-six dep...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2015-03-29 18:54:01 UTC

d/control: Set minimum python-six dependency to 1.5.2 (LP: #1403114).

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2014.1.4 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2015-03-16 19:13:08 UTC
201. * Resynchronize with stable/icehouse ...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2015-03-16 19:13:08 UTC

* Resynchronize with stable/icehouse (b14a2ec) (LP: #1432608):
  - [4f12ca8] Fix metering daily display
  - [e00979e] Use floats instead of integer in memory calculation of admin dashboard
  - [0eef0d8] Removing Moscow's timezone check
  - [c37aafa] Remove the urlquote to arguments passed to reverse
  - [61d09f6] Horizon login page contains DOS attack mechanism
  - [33f2b93] Prevent leaking `target` info into subsequent `policy.check()` calls
  - [a04aa21] Tolerate completely missing floating_ips
  - [ad1a893] Fixing Neutron Subnet Details help text
  - [7dd9ca6] Handle negative values in total*Used for Cinder absolute limits
  - [2b292e8] Workaround for negative vals in total*Used in nova absolute_limits
  - [e5a9037] Update WSGI app creation to be compatible with Django 1.7
  - [b14a2ec] Run router dashboard unit tests by default
* d/p/fix-dashboard-django-wsgi.patch: Rebased
* d/p/fix-requirements.patch: Rebased
* d/p/fix-host-listing-live-migration.patch: Cherry picked from

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2015.1-b2-0ubuntu2 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2015-02-20 16:07:52 UTC
218. d/pydist-overrides: Add python-xstati...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2015-02-20 15:51:58 UTC

d/pydist-overrides: Add python-xstatic-smart-table.

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2015.1-b1 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2015-02-13 15:12:54 UTC
219. Drop selenium dependency.

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2015-02-13 15:12:54 UTC

Drop selenium dependency.

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2015.1-b2-0ubuntu1 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2015-02-13 15:12:54 UTC
219. Drop selenium dependency.

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2015-02-13 15:12:54 UTC

Drop selenium dependency.

lp:~cisco-openstack/horizon/cis-havana 1 Development 2015-02-11 03:36:56 UTC
172. Bump epoch

Author: Matt Popow
Revision Date: 2015-02-11 03:36:56 UTC

Bump epoch

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2014.2.2 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2015-02-05 20:40:32 UTC
216. * Resynchronize with stable/juno (697...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2015-02-05 20:32:29 UTC

* Resynchronize with stable/juno (697888b) (LP: #1418695):
  - [889f9d9] Update project limits when using input selector
  - [be88d14] Update project limits when flavor changes
  - [0723e70] Fix metering daily display
  - [5603578] Fix Horizon crash when parsing volume list
  - [e100279] Only enable one images filter button
  - [60d01cc] add missing icons for Project > Images filter
  - [8a717d9] Fix sorting by size for Project->Images table
  - [070771b] removing mandatory mark for post_creation tab
  - [9120a7f] Removing Moscow's timezone check
  - [e8a66a4] Horizon login page contains DOS attack mechanism
  - [962a0a7] Fix popup error when volume service disabled
  - [bcac1a8] Gracefully handle failures to retrieve a flavor
  - [2cd9435] Return eye-icon to its place when validation message is shown
  - [9b11e2e] Fix timezones in line chart
  - [bca0f47] Disable router HA attribute due to Neutron bug
  - [b2dc30d] Remove glyphicon-eye-open icon from Description
  - [697888b] Remove selenium dependency when not using selenium tests
* d/p/prevent_login_page_DOS.patch: Dropped. Fix is now upstream.

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2014.2.1-2 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-12-09 18:52:01 UTC
214. d/p/prevent_login_page_DOS.patch: Che...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2014-12-09 18:42:24 UTC

d/p/prevent_login_page_DOS.patch: Cherry picked from

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2014.2.1 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-12-08 16:49:21 UTC
213. * Resynchronize with stable/juno (9e7...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2014-12-08 16:49:21 UTC

* Resynchronize with stable/juno (9e777f2) (LP: #1398952):
  - [ae7f053] Translation import for 2014.2.1 Juno stable update
  - [13b0c0e] Prevent leaking `target` info into subsequent `policy.check()` calls
  - [9144738] Fix dashboard nav, when panelgroup empty
  - [a2edb3d] Fix Instance Details error when using Cinder V2
  - [d44c663] Make labels in Network Topology translatable
  - [ed895a1] Make update metadata segments translatable
  - [d546faf] Make status in instance details screen translatable
  - [146a722] Handle negative values in total*Used for Cinder absolute limits
  - [7dbdd1c] Fix borders for "Actions" column in Firefox
  - [9e777f2] Update WSGI app creation to be compatible with Django 1.7
* d/p/fix-dashboard-django-wsgi.patch: Rebased.
* d/ Extract tar file after generating it.

lp:~pavel-kirpichyov/horizon/juno 1 Development 2014-10-21 12:37:01 UTC
214. remove some patches

Author: Pavel Kirpichyov
Revision Date: 2014-10-21 12:37:01 UTC

remove some patches

lp:~james-page/horizon/rc1-fixes-final-branding 1 Development 2014-10-07 16:59:54 UTC
201. Theme refresh from design, re-instate...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2014-10-07 16:59:32 UTC

Theme refresh from design, re-instate download juju env bits

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2014.1.3 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-10-03 15:19:13 UTC
199. * Resynchronize with stable/icehouse ...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2014-10-03 15:19:01 UTC

* Resynchronize with stable/icehouse (dc8e46f) (LP: #1377136):
  - [ba524b0] template to rely on the the "id" attribute
  - [ad2d428] Rename add_error methods: Django 1.7 conflict
  - [8dfe113] Replace Ceilometer ClientException with HTTPException
  - [f5e1ff4] Add missing "load url from future" in a container template
  - [839c53d] Add OS_REGION_NAME to openrc
  - [737fe40] Set the correct min_disk size when creating volume from image
  - [a8eeed9] Allow forms to disable autofill in all browsers
  - [e32a00d] Fix endpoint error when running keystone on apache
  - [faac9e7] Not able to delete a pseudo-folder via horizon
  - [b6d6e15] Set python hash seed to 0 in tox.ini
  - [ba908ae] Fix XSS issue with the unordered_list filter
  - [9a5894b] Long container names no longer break the page
  - [c9cb128] TEMPLATE_DIRS must be a tuple
  - [95dcdae] Proper port for LBaaS members
  - [dc8e46f] Use default_project_id as user project for keystone v3

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/b3-css-fix bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-09-26 16:57:53 UTC
199. d/theme/css/ubuntu.css: Fix Ubuntu th...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2014-09-26 16:08:48 UTC

d/theme/css/ubuntu.css: Fix Ubuntu theme for Instances "more" dropdown.
(LP: #1308651).

lp:~james-page/horizon/juno-b3-fixes (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-09-25 12:52:34 UTC
205. d/README.source: Details of all of th...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2014-09-25 12:52:34 UTC

d/README.source: Details of all of the above and how to use it.

lp:~cisco-openstack/horizon/icehouse 1 Development 2014-08-25 02:50:44 UTC
169. Refresh static artifacts

Author: Mark T. Voelker
Revision Date: 2014-08-25 02:50:44 UTC

Refresh static artifacts

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2014.1.2 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-08-08 13:56:57 UTC
197. * Resynchronize with stable/icehouse ...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2014-08-08 13:52:10 UTC

* Resynchronize with stable/icehouse (4a70f4c) (LP: #1354159):
  - [2b9c566] Import translations for Icehouse stable update
  - [015f24c] Fix security group modal header overflow
  - [785a526] Disable broken unit test (related to "Change Password")
  - [eb3a40a] Replace UserManager with None in tests
  - [e66fbc3] Sort security group rules by protocol and port
  - [a855b0c] Avoid AttributeError: SecurityGroup error handle
  - [937436f] adapt to python-novaclient-2.18.0
  - [32a7b71] Fix multiple Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.
  - [43ac907] add httplib2 explicitly to requirements.txt
  - [0b2352e] Prevent error message when creating a user
  - [765e6d3] Fix issues with importing the Login form
  - [a29cdbc] Fix formatting of heat exceptions
  - [b527f22] Image uploads should always happen in the background
  - [4a70f4c] Fix the dot overlaps with the table border in Availability Zones table

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/havana-commit-tracking 1 Development 2014-07-25 13:02:13 UTC
228. OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit track...

Author: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Revision Date: 2014-07-25 13:02:13 UTC

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [df782fc] Tests fail due to keystoneclient 0.10 release LP: 1347236

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2014.1.1 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-06-13 15:46:13 UTC
196. * Resynchronize with stable/icehouse ...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2014-06-13 15:46:13 UTC

* Resynchronize with stable/icehouse (fbd5b2e) (LP: #1328134):
  - [e492c7e] Updated from global requirements
  - [e5f04c2] Fix pseudo-folder content listing
  - [cd2f7dc] add missing references to policy files
  - [232b712] Use escapejs filter on JavaScript strings
  - [0c3b710] Add missing mock for cinder.default_quota_get
  - [7c47ec5] Add logging handler for openstack_auth in the tests
  - [306c5ca] Check host is not none in host aggregate page
  - [fbd5b2e] Add missing comma in Volume ResourceWrapper class

lp:~zulcss/horizon/2014.1.rc2 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-04-09 00:07:00 UTC
193. Add missing file

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2014-04-09 00:06:25 UTC

Add missing file

lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/havana bug 1 Development 2014-04-07 00:26:51 UTC
184. Resynchronize with stable/havana

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2014-04-07 00:26:51 UTC

Resynchronize with stable/havana

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2013.2.3 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-04-04 15:13:50 UTC
184. * Resynchronize with stable/havana (8...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2014-04-04 15:13:32 UTC

* Resynchronize with stable/havana (82cb9f6) (LP: #1302575):
  - [b2259b3] Don't copy the flavorid when updating flavors
  - [8db4687] Allow snapshots of paused and suspended instances
  - [cf181c1] Reduce number of novaclient calls
  - [82cb9f6] Fixing tests to work with keystoneclient 0.6.0

lp:~james-page/horizon/icehouse-rc1 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-03-31 16:33:43 UTC
192. releasing package horizon version 1:2...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2014-03-31 16:32:04 UTC

releasing package horizon version 1:2014.1~rc1-0ubuntu1

lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/grizzly 1 Development 2014-03-24 14:26:50 UTC
156. Ubuntu Stable Release Update for Open...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2014-03-24 14:26:50 UTC

Ubuntu Stable Release Update for OpenStack Grizzly

lp:~corey.bryant/horizon/2013.1.5 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-03-24 14:16:40 UTC
156. * Resynchronize with stable/grizzly (...

Author: Corey Bryant
Revision Date: 2014-03-24 14:16:40 UTC

* Resynchronize with stable/grizzly (e6a4653) (LP: #1295674):
  - [e6a4653] Fixing tests to work with keystoneclient 0.6.0
  - [3212dd0] User email is optional and can be absent
  - [117ac2f] Adding management_url to test mock client
  - [b14debc] Fix bug by escaping strings from Nova before displaying them

lp:~pavel-kirpichyov/horizon/icehouse 1 Development 2014-03-20 11:58:09 UTC
192. do not recommend openstack-dashboard-...

Author: Pavel Kirpichyov
Revision Date: 2014-03-20 11:58:09 UTC

do not recommend openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/grizzly-commit-tracking 1 Development 2014-03-20 09:32:07 UTC
24. OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit track...

Author: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Revision Date: 2014-03-20 09:32:07 UTC

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [37b208a] Email shouldn't be a mandatory attribute LP: 1260423

lp:~james-page/horizon/icehouse-tidy-and-fix (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-02-25 14:41:37 UTC
187. d/control: Drop BD on python-d2to1, m...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2014-02-25 14:41:37 UTC

d/control: Drop BD on python-d2to1, merged into python-pbr.

lp:~cisco-openstack/horizon/havana 1 Development 2014-01-29 15:17:50 UTC
163. Add lesscpy dependency for compressed...

Author: Chris Ricker
Revision Date: 2014-01-29 15:17:50 UTC

Add lesscpy dependency for compressed_offline

lp:~zulcss/horizon/2014.b2.1 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-01-24 14:35:15 UTC
186. debian/static: Refresh assets.

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2014-01-24 14:35:15 UTC

debian/static: Refresh assets.

lp:~pavel-kirpichyov/horizon/havana 1 Development 2014-01-06 15:25:47 UTC
183. Add designateclient as requirement

Author: Pavel Kirpichyov
Revision Date: 2014-01-06 15:25:12 UTC

Add designateclient as requirement

lp:~zulcss/horizon/2014.1.b1 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-12-09 14:09:20 UTC
184. Fix static content

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-12-09 14:09:20 UTC

Fix static content

lp:~cisco-openstack/horizon/grizzly-dfa 1 Development 2013-11-08 02:08:50 UTC
158. Force rebuild for DFA

Author: Chris Ricker
Revision Date: 2013-11-08 02:08:50 UTC

Force rebuild for DFA

lp:~cisco-openstack/horizon/grizzly-n1k 1 Development 2013-11-01 22:27:38 UTC
161. Bump release

Author: Chris Ricker
Revision Date: 2013-11-01 22:27:38 UTC

Bump release

lp:~zulcss/horizon/2013.2 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-10-17 13:44:01 UTC
181. releasing package horizon version 1:2...

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-10-17 13:43:49 UTC

releasing package horizon version 1:2013.2-0ubuntu1

lp:~zulcss/horizon/2013.2.rc2 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-10-15 14:34:42 UTC
179. Update based on comments

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-10-15 14:34:42 UTC

Update based on comments

lp:~cisco-openstack/horizon/grizzly 1 Development 2013-10-09 17:32:20 UTC
157. Bump release

Author: Chris Ricker
Revision Date: 2013-10-09 17:32:20 UTC

Bump release

lp:~james-page/horizon/theme-refresh-perms-fix bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-10-04 13:46:20 UTC
177. * d/theme/css/ubuntu.css: Refresh Ubu...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2013-10-04 13:45:00 UTC

* d/theme/css/ubuntu.css: Refresh Ubuntu theme against new Havana
  stylesheets, fixing network and chart layouts (LP: #1235249).
* d/openstack-dashboard.postinst: Allow horizon user to read and
  write data in /var/lib/openstack-dashboard inline with user and
  group permissions set in Apache configuration.

lp:~james-page/horizon/havana-rc1 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-10-03 12:49:56 UTC
177. debian/control: Add python-lesscpy as...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2013-10-03 12:48:45 UTC

debian/control: Add python-lesscpy as a suggests to optionally
support online compression of static assets (LP: #1226674).

lp:~zulcss/horizon/1210253 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-10-02 14:41:21 UTC
163. releasing package horizon version 1:2...

Author: <email address hidden>
Revision Date: 2013-08-21 14:08:37 UTC

releasing package horizon version 1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu3

lp:~zulcss/horizon/lesscpy bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-10-02 13:44:37 UTC
177. Update changelog

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-10-02 13:44:37 UTC

Update changelog

lp:~james-page/horizon/fixup-secret-storage bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-10-01 16:51:35 UTC
174. * Don't use /etc/openstack-dashboard ...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2013-10-01 16:50:25 UTC

* Don't use /etc/openstack-dashboard for in-process generated data
  (LP: #1233752):
  - d/openstack-dashboard.{install,postinst}: Create
    /var/lib/openstack-dashboard and allow www-data user to write data.
  - d/p/ubuntu_settings.patch: Use /var/lib/openstack-dashboard for
    secret key storage instead of /etc/openstack-dashboard.

lp:~james-page/horizon/refresh-static-assets-fix-type (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-09-02 09:07:40 UTC
166. d/openstack-dashboard.p*: Fix typo in...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2013-09-02 09:07:20 UTC

d/openstack-dashboard.p*: Fix typo in configuration file name,
ensure consistent use of tabs/spaces.

lp:~yolanda.robla/horizon/autokpgtests (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-08-28 15:06:03 UTC
166. added autopkg tests: debian/control: ...

Author: Yolanda Robla
Revision Date: 2013-08-28 15:06:03 UTC

added autopkg tests:
debian/control: added XS-Testsuite
debian/tests: added test files

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/folsom-commit-tracking 1 Development 2013-08-02 22:20:09 UTC
4. OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit track...

Author: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Revision Date: 2013-08-02 22:20:09 UTC

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [d202fd4] Test failing due to latest version of openstack_auth LP: 1207599

lp:~zulcss/horizon/2013.2.b2 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-07-22 16:35:25 UTC
161. Merged james's branch

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-07-22 16:35:25 UTC

Merged james's branch

lp:~james-page/horizon/refresh-static-assets 1 Development 2013-07-22 16:30:20 UTC
161. * Automate refresh of static assets: ...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2013-07-22 16:29:56 UTC

* Automate refresh of static assets:
  - d/rules: Added refresh-static-assets helper target.
  - d/README.compression: Updated for new process.
* d/static/*: Refreshed static assets.

lp:~zulcss/horizon/apache-transition (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-07-18 17:26:38 UTC
157. debian/rules: Apache 2.4 transition

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-07-18 17:25:57 UTC

debian/rules: Apache 2.4 transition

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/grizzly bug 1 Development 2013-06-10 17:32:58 UTC
153. Releasing 1:2013.1.2-0ubuntu1

Author: Adam Gandelman
Revision Date: 2013-06-10 17:32:58 UTC

Releasing 1:2013.1.2-0ubuntu1

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/havana 1 Development 2013-05-31 14:00:01 UTC
155. releasing version 1:2013.2~b1-0ubuntu1

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-05-31 14:00:01 UTC

releasing version 1:2013.2~b1-0ubuntu1

lp:~zulcss/horizon/2012.2.b1 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-05-31 13:35:17 UTC
154. releasing version 1:2013.2~b1-0ubuntu1

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-05-31 13:33:31 UTC

releasing version 1:2013.2~b1-0ubuntu1

lp:~zulcss/horizon/horizon-pbr (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-05-21 16:35:18 UTC
153. Refreshed again

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-05-21 16:35:18 UTC

Refreshed again

lp:~zulcss/horizon/ftbfs (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-05-15 15:14:34 UTC
152. * New upstream release. * debian/cont...

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-05-15 15:13:24 UTC

* New upstream release.
* debian/control: Add python-d2to1, python-pbr
* debian/patches/ubuntu_local_settings.patch: Refreshed.

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/folsom 1 Development 2013-05-13 22:32:15 UTC
134. Add meta-bug ref.

Author: Adam Gandelman
Revision Date: 2013-05-13 22:32:15 UTC

Add meta-bug ref.

lp:~yolanda.robla/horizon/precise-security (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-04-24 15:20:38 UTC
30. updated changelog

Author: Yolanda Robla
Revision Date: 2013-04-24 15:20:38 UTC

updated changelog

lp:~james-page/horizon/theme-resync bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-04-22 13:10:26 UTC
151. Re-sync Ubuntu theme with upstream ch...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2013-04-22 13:09:18 UTC

Re-sync Ubuntu theme with upstream changes, fixing instance network
selection dialog and network topology screens (LP: #1157918).

lp:~zulcss/horizon/js-refresh (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-04-10 17:11:08 UTC
149. Recompress static JS and CSS and gene...

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-04-10 17:10:10 UTC

Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for
offline compression.

lp:~yolanda.robla/horizon/precise-essex-proposed (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-04-10 12:34:49 UTC
110. Resynchronize with stable/essex (LP: ...

Author: Yolanda Robla
Revision Date: 2013-04-10 12:34:49 UTC

Resynchronize with stable/essex (LP: #1089488):

lp:~zulcss/horizon/2013.1 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-04-05 19:21:34 UTC
148. releasing version 1:2013.1-0ubuntu1

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-04-05 19:20:53 UTC

releasing version 1:2013.1-0ubuntu1

lp:~zulcss/horizon/rc2 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-04-02 13:41:24 UTC
147. releasing version 1:2013.1~rc2-0ubuntu1

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-04-02 13:40:48 UTC

releasing version 1:2013.1~rc2-0ubuntu1

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/precise-grizzly bug 1 Development 2013-03-20 20:54:48 UTC
147. * Automated Ubuntu testing build: * N...

Author: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Revision Date: 2013-03-20 20:53:27 UTC

* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f95dd00] Remove note on theming from release notes.
* [8a262ea] Bump version to 2013.2.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1ae7598] Adds Grizzly release notes.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [8a6c81a] Updated translations from transifex for Grizzly RC.
* [e1d12a4] Improve UX around "unauthorized" API exceptions.
* [b87398d] Implement configurable auto-fade for alerts messages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [aeab8c7] Handle None protocol in security group rule table
* [2c89200] Pin the cinderclient version.
* [e1d12a4] Improve UX around "unauthorized" API exceptions.
* [b87398d] Implement configurable auto-fade for alerts messages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1935a3d] Check if volume service is enabled in quota update
* [a19b009] Disable LB panel by default; allow UUID for Sec Group ID.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [2c89200] Pin the cinderclient version.
* [e765f4e] Reduce duplicate definitions about quota sets
* [ea96bb3] Adds docs for settings/configuration.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [a19b009] Disable LB panel by default; allow UUID for Sec Group ID.
* [ea96bb3] Adds docs for settings/configuration.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [e765f4e] Reduce duplicate definitions about quota sets
* [ea96bb3] Adds docs for settings/configuration.
* [38d5b60] Correct the related tenant_id when getting quotas
* [45cb691] Adding extensibility to workflow template file.
* [50c2115] Fix circular dependencies in dashboard settings
* [9fcbbe3] Display port link between router and extra network
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [e0d3b5b] rm invalid args when updating quotas with nova api
* [45cb691] Adding extensibility to workflow template file.
* [50c2115] Fix circular dependencies in dashboard settings
* [9fcbbe3] Display port link between router and extra network
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [38d5b60] Correct the related tenant_id when getting quotas
* [45cb691] Adding extensibility to workflow template file.
* [50c2115] Fix circular dependencies in dashboard settings
* [9fcbbe3] Display port link between router and extra network
* [80f5126] Pass-in the initial value when performing a POST on
  Workflow Action. This fixes the call to self.changed_data, it allows
  django forms to be able to compare initial value with current value.
* [8ac3e38] Remove router actions from Admin panel
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [5456d34] Fix device name for example. Fixes bug 1152975
* [06a4297] Fixes uncaught exception on Add Pool when unable to
  retrieve networks
* [d2a80a6] Fixes error message formatting in Load Balancers panel
* [8ac3e38] Remove router actions from Admin panel
* [96c8b9f] Update to Quantum Client 2.2.0
* [f4d04c6] Add some more customization help and examples
* [20b2008] Increase maxlength of Snapshot Name to 255.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [80f5126] Pass-in the initial value when performing a POST on
  Workflow Action. This fixes the call to self.changed_data, it allows
  django forms to be able to compare initial value with current value.
* [4d8e331] Updating .po files for translation.
* [d2a80a6] Fixes error message formatting in Load Balancers panel
* [1cc9c0a] Fixes uncaught exception on Add Monitor when unable to
  retrieve pools
* [96c8b9f] Update to Quantum Client 2.2.0
* [d9c1173] Update CACHE_ to CACHES settings
* [f4d04c6] Add some more customization help and examples
* [20b2008] Increase maxlength of Snapshot Name to 255.
* [6db859c] Don't change dashboard on admin tenant switch
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [06a4297] Fixes uncaught exception on Add Pool when unable to
  retrieve networks
* [d2a80a6] Fixes error message formatting in Load Balancers panel
* [96c8b9f] Update to Quantum Client 2.2.0
* [d9c1173] Update CACHE_ to CACHES settings
* [f4d04c6] Add some more customization help and examples
* [20b2008] Increase maxlength of Snapshot Name to 255.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [4d8e331] Updating .po files for translation.
* [0982039] Prevents flavors to be deleted when reusing a name
* [6db859c] Don't change dashboard on admin tenant switch
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1cc9c0a] Fixes uncaught exception on Add Monitor when unable to
  retrieve pools
* [c97e693] Allow non-admin users to clear router gateway properly
* [4f81c93] blueprint quantum-lbaas
* [6db859c] Don't change dashboard on admin tenant switch
* [1cb3dc7] Improve style of network topology
* [fe660f9] Bump python-quantumclient version to 2.1.2
* [4c34f5f] Support multiple role selection in projects
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [0982039] Prevents flavors to be deleted when reusing a name
* [4f81c93] blueprint quantum-lbaas
* [1cb3dc7] Improve style of network topology
* [4c34f5f] Support multiple role selection in projects
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [c97e693] Allow non-admin users to clear router gateway properly
* [4c34f5f] Support multiple role selection in projects
* [b5f4d63] Fix errant XHR request happening on every page
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [fe660f9] Bump python-quantumclient version to 2.1.2
* [b5f4d63] Fix errant XHR request happening on every page
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [ab34fe5] Allow for terminating paused/suspended instances
* [85157a7] Escape the region name before passing as value in URL.
* [1e86770] Correctly mock keystoneclient.Client.auto_token property
  with Mox
* [0e542cb] Ensure "Add Interface" form in Admin Panel works
* [9205a0f] Fix row striping when datatables are filtered
* [14ac6c5] Fix footer count update for multi-table pages
* [235935f] Fix uninitialized variable in launch instance
* [a6832ce] Fix hogan js templates in IE8
* [c822a9f] Fix images/snapshots table pagination
* [7584fe3] Allow admin to edit project quotas for security groups and
* [109ccb1] Fix a TypeError when working in a Folsom env.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* New upstream release candidate for Grizzly:
  - Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for
    offline compression.
* d/watch: Update uversionmangle to deal with upstream versioning
  changes, remove
* d/control: Version python-compressor >= 1.2 (LP: #1130610).
* debian/patches/ Refresh, specify memcache
  location as part of CACHES, as per upstream changes to example config.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [0d53dc7] pin django to 1.4.x stream
* [14ac6c5] Fix footer count update for multi-table pages
* [250d21a] Adding network-topology view for quantum
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for offline
* Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for offline
  compression in preparation for Grizzly-3.
* New usptream release.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [0d331a6] Add support for both soft and hard reboot options
* [004ddec] Added encryption support for volumes
* [63203ab] Resolve API import issues (quantum)
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [250d21a] Adding network-topology view for quantum
* [63203ab] Resolve API import issues (quantum)
* [f2fb22c] Support adding/removing instance security groups
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [004ddec] Added encryption support for volumes
* [63203ab] Resolve API import issues (quantum)
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f2fb22c] Support adding/removing instance security groups
* [4ae4a22] Update (some) table actions to use icons together with
* [3a84686] Allow users to specify the order of VNICs of an instance.
* [27150a2] Implements ability to upload local image to glance.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cf09dd8] Improved security group rule editing.
* [b36a285] Remove placeholder objects for subfolders
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [d107e4d] Replaces ugettext with ugettext_lazy in the dashboard-
  related files
* [62dd7b4] Allow image filtering based on image ownership
* [2b3d829] Add X-FRAME_OPTIONS header to protect against Clickjacking
* [c70ceb7] Add recommendations for secure deployments
* [e5e7589] Some text in html are not translatable, this cleans-up
  some of those files.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [5cfbb95] If a user only has 1 keypair, this keypair should be
  selected by default
* [62dd7b4] Allow image filtering based on image ownership
* [2b3d829] Add X-FRAME_OPTIONS header to protect against Clickjacking
* [c70ceb7] Add recommendations for secure deployments
* [d25e560] Fixes support for User filtering without JavaScript
* [3b601d7] Added openstack_dashboard/local/.secret_key_store to
* [0e414a9] Improve error message when the default role doesn't exist
* [245aa2a] Properly enable/disable project/user edit via setting.
* [9f5e817] Fixes the width of the error box on the login form.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cd0a959] Adds API Access information to Access & Security panel.
* [3b601d7] Added openstack_dashboard/local/.secret_key_store to
* [0e414a9] Improve error message when the default role doesn't exist
* [245aa2a] Properly enable/disable project/user edit via setting.
* [9f5e817] Fixes the width of the error box on the login form.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [d25e560] Fixes support for User filtering without JavaScript
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [3b601d7] Added openstack_dashboard/local/.secret_key_store to
* [ffe2168] Fixing sidebar layout in IE.
* [dadf4f7] Timezones can change - display the current tz offset
* [43e8ea4] Fix on async messaging to don't escape message string
  marked as safe.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [80d7f9b] Change the first letter of routers tab header and html
  title from lowercase to uppercase.
* [a9e94fc] Re-enable client logging.
* [dbfcc97] Quantum Floating IP support
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1cd260e] Allow password-field autocomplete to be configured in
* [08071a2] Fix footer count update
* [1186717] Update to latest oslo-version.
* [34d8d5e] Confirmation dialogs lists selected objects name
* [11e16f8] Disable allocate IP button if the current number of
  floating IP is equal or larger than the amount allowed by the quota.
* [d3e642f] Change "select all" checkbox behaviour while checkboxes is
* [bdc6454] Remove image_type column from images/snaps tables
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [fea8f87] Implements the autocomplete attribute on the login form
* [1186717] Update to latest oslo-version.
* [11e16f8] Disable allocate IP button if the current number of
  floating IP is equal or larger than the amount allowed by the quota.
* [bdc6454] Remove image_type column from images/snaps tables
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [08071a2] Fix footer count update
* [11e16f8] Disable allocate IP button if the current number of
  floating IP is equal or larger than the amount allowed by the quota.
* [bdc6454] Remove image_type column from images/snaps tables
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f36efbb] Enhances consistency in 'Create Project' modal
* [f56a346] Invoke the has_more_data function of tables when loading
  TableTab. This allows classes extending TableTab to support
* [05207f5] Prevent the user from creating a single IP address sized
* [10bc52a] Added "create image" capabiltiy to the admin dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [c2da2e2] Default recoverable error to WARN log level.
* [05207f5] Prevent the user from creating a single IP address sized
* [10bc52a] Added "create image" capabiltiy to the admin dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [59b7e60] Add support for SPICE consoles
* [edb64d9] Split the logo.png into two files to enable splash page
* [0d303c8] Add UTC offset information to the timezone
* [12faaa5] Ensure to use api.<category>.<method>
* [f71cc8f] Don't show the EC2 Credentials panel if there is no EC2
* [e646376] Clarify the ambiguity of the "more actions" dropdown.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [870f2ca] save the original requestor's IP so it doesn't get
* [0d303c8] Add UTC offset information to the timezone
* [12faaa5] Ensure to use api.<category>.<method>
* [f71cc8f] Don't show the EC2 Credentials panel if there is no EC2
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [edb64d9] Split the logo.png into two files to enable splash page
* [0d303c8] Add UTC offset information to the timezone
* [f71cc8f] Don't show the EC2 Credentials panel if there is no EC2
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [12faaa5] Ensure to use api.<category>.<method>
* [f71cc8f] Don't show the EC2 Credentials panel if there is no EC2
* [0e5179a] Fix attributes processing in ActionMetaclass
* [99b678b] Remove |safe from openrc.template
* [cdd5e9e] Improves some UX details
* [2560965] Extend offline-compression context
* [6f3a980] Absolute limits of -1 should be treated as unlimited
* [1464edf] Allow insecure authentication
* [e646376] Clarify the ambiguity of the "more actions" dropdown.
* [d0aff3a] Catch another breakage, when cinder is unavailable
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [b58177c] Clean-up deprecated diablo code in index.html.
* [0e5179a] Fix attributes processing in ActionMetaclass
* [99b678b] Remove |safe from openrc.template
* [cdd5e9e] Improves some UX details
* [2560965] Extend offline-compression context
* [6f3a980] Absolute limits of -1 should be treated as unlimited
* [1464edf] Allow insecure authentication
* [cf34ed7] make long tenant names look better
* [e646376] Clarify the ambiguity of the "more actions" dropdown.
* [d0aff3a] Catch another breakage, when cinder is unavailable
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [6353c8d] Adding extensibility to data_table template file
* [cf34ed7] make long tenant names look better
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [d65d38f] Use default_if_none rather than default filter
* [7a177be] Prevent column summation if no non-None cells
* [4632aa5] Don't update count on tables without a summary row
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [3a9b0da] Horizon escapes special characters in
* [4632aa5] Don't update count on tables without a summary row
* [158ce5c] Check the display name for volumes on AJAX polls.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [90b2c7c] Allow setting nova quotas to unlimited
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [158ce5c] Check the display name for volumes on AJAX polls.
* [eed092a] Support Quantum L3 function
* [31d55e5] Improve Quantum panels to Folsom advanced features
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [94726fd] Migrate an instance from the admin dashboard
* [eed092a] Support Quantum L3 function
* [31d55e5] Improve Quantum panels to Folsom advanced features
* [613b46d] Disable Launch Button based on quotas
* [4b1fc16] Fixed unicode for object copy
* [a37779c] Really, really, honestly adjust the size of the noVNC
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [a984cec] Don't redirect when clicking instance detail page in admin
* [a37779c] Really, really, honestly adjust the size of the noVNC
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [613b46d] Disable Launch Button based on quotas
* [a37779c] Really, really, honestly adjust the size of the noVNC
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [4d2199d] Fixes PEP8 errors as reported by pep8 1.3.4
* [c5b6747] Store timezone as string. Fixes bug 1091021.
* [24367e6] Avoid cinder calls, when cinder is unavailable
* [13e5c15] Adds a "simplified" floating IP management option.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [37731b9] Pin docutils to 0.9.1.
* [a3d136e] Removes unused imports
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [95a034a] Fixes bug 1086290, edit-flavor broken
  when flavor has extra specs. Includes unittest for the same, and
  modified mock data to to include extra-specs Change-Id:
* [a3d136e] Removes unused imports
* [aec73a7] Add a check for unlimited quotas
* [06e1d59] show swap disk in listing and forms in flavors syspanel
* [4a8f15e] Specify floating ips table action cloumn's width
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [eab5fc7] Allow permissions to be set on tables
* [aec73a7] Add a check for unlimited quotas
* [06e1d59] show swap disk in listing and forms in flavors syspanel
* [4a8f15e] Specify floating ips table action cloumn's width
* [300747c] Make sure vCPU and RAM quotas are initialised when no
  instances are running
* [fd6bc63] Add an optional link_classes to tables.Column, this is
  used as the class of the displayed link in the cell.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [146eef4] Return a better error message(security_groups)
* [300747c] Make sure vCPU and RAM quotas are initialised when no
  instances are running
* [fd6bc63] Add an optional link_classes to tables.Column, this is
  used as the class of the displayed link in the cell.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [155e3ae] Fix handling of UUID-typed flavor ids
* [56b2252] For long tenant name, display an ellipsis using CSS3.
* [18473fd] refactor UserFilterAction code
* [7ab5ace] Accepts UUID as an ID of Floating IP
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [20bfac6] Ignore the socket timeout error in Selenium test
* [56b2252] For long tenant name, display an ellipsis using CSS3.
* [18473fd] refactor UserFilterAction code
* [7ab5ace] Accepts UUID as an ID of Floating IP
* [86427b8] Adds transitional deprecation code for old dashboard
* [76ef256] Don't inherit from base.html in 500 error page
* [0d305a6] Fixes for missing files in MANIFEST.
* [0065e66] Unifies Horizon conf.
* [ffb98f1] Client-side validation of password/confirmation match
* [3fbe68f] Honour LOGIN_URL when redirecting to login page
* [2f98bef] Reworks quotas and services panels into System Info panel.
* [2205300] use addHorizonLoadEvent() method instead of
* [16fd3c9] Allow running tests individually
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [dcda694] Return a friendly error at flavor creation
* [86427b8] Adds transitional deprecation code for old dashboard
* [76ef256] Don't inherit from base.html in 500 error page
* [0d305a6] Fixes for missing files in MANIFEST.
* [0065e66] Unifies Horizon conf.
* [3fbe68f] Honour LOGIN_URL when redirecting to login page
* [2f98bef] Reworks quotas and services panels into System Info panel.
* [2205300] use addHorizonLoadEvent() method instead of
* [16fd3c9] Allow running tests individually
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [ffb98f1] Client-side validation of password/confirmation match
* [4c88b9b] Added a check for volume service in quota functions
* [9249a5d] Report correct return value from pep8 check
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [9c12d23] Move netaddr to pip-requires
* [9249a5d] Report correct return value from pep8 check
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [4c88b9b] Added a check for volume service in quota functions
* [89904e6] Remove superfluous slash from admin usage.csv template
* [e202400] When editing an image, correctly set the 'is_public'
* [e837b10] Changed "Delete volume" success message text
* [82c19ae] Flavor Extra Specs support.
* Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for offline
  compression in preparation for Grizzly-2.
* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/add_juju_settings_pannel.patch: Disable during
  Grizzly dev. cycle.
* New upstream relase.
* Refreshed patches.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cb7aa15] Set defaultbranch in .gitreview to stable/folsom
* [1e9b870] Bump next version to 2012.2.1
* [fcba390] Fixes error when clicking OpenStack logo.
* [d842573] Final translations for Folsom.
* [a925885] Allow any python-swiftclient v1.1 through v1.X
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cb7aa15] Set defaultbranch in .gitreview to stable/folsom
* [1e9b870] Bump next version to 2012.2.1
* [d842573] Final translations for Folsom.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [fcba390] Fixes error when clicking OpenStack logo.
* [d842573] Final translations for Folsom.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [a925885] Allow any python-swiftclient v1.1 through v1.X
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [55002fd] Set FINAL versioning
* [968a6aa] Document limitations of quantum/nova/floating ip
* [a8c92dc] Remove template comments from compressed blocks.
* [347e95a] Admin panel: Don't poll shutoff instances
* [5950c1f] Adds release notes for 2012.2 "Folsom".
* [4e6107c] Adds a docs example for a customization module.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [34cd316] Fixes workflows to work without javascript.
* [4e6107c] Adds a docs example for a customization module.
* [8756b3b] Preserve add-to-field after form error.
* [eacda11] Don't poll on instances in a shutoff state.
* [ceb22f1] Adds a method for overriding specific API messages.
* [85b0bfe] Use device name from nova for attach message.
* [caf8eaf] Fix BatchAction class incongruence between documentation
  and code Fixes launchpad bug #1044424
* [9c77ce0] Fix PEP8 issues.
* [7d2e14c] Add Quantum public network support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [856083a] Make sure quota error message is displayed in overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [b177299] PEP8 issues fixed
* [ac2b355] grammar fixes and other minutia
* [6dbf9f1] Makes Launch Instance only show images that are "active"
  Fixes launchpad Bug #1040231
* [38ecad3] Add nosehtmloutput as a test dependency.
* [30ed984] Syspanel volume list once again shows all volumes.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [66d7d99] Creates volume snapshot detail page and links to it via
  the Name column in the Volume Snapshots table
* [7df3c9e] Adds instance UUID to associate floating ip dialog Fixes
  launchpad Bug #1039092
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [20166b1] * Removes instance ID from create volume snapshot Fixes
  launchpad bug #1039080 * Changes volume id to name in volume
  snapshot Fixes launchpad bug #1039082
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [7df3c9e] Adds instance UUID to associate floating ip dialog Fixes
  launchpad Bug #1039092
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1048ac6] Removes instance UUID from floating ip table Fixes
  launchpad bug #1039090
* [cb3c7a9] Only blur project membership inputs.
* [df04d43] Fixes some table footer bugs.
* [9fff560] High-light selected container in browser Fixed bug
  #1038264 Change-Id: I46c1d2faf58872d9ed72ee9f6f0f9c4d61d20756
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [156a368] Adds breadcrumb to resource browser. Fixes bug #1037012
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c00496e] Don't change tabs based on
  cookie if GET param is set.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [57acfca] Makes the usage of "RAM"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Memory"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [312348e] Fix slight grammar error.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [57acfca] Makes the usage of "RAM"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Memory"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [695a973] Makes "Instance Name"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Server Name"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aca0c22] Removes the jquery.example
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [257a3a8] Fixes form error box
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dfe0cf8] Catch an exception of API
  call when retrieving quota usage.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aca0c22] Removes the jquery.example
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [705aef0] Bug #1018560 Adding quota
  display to Overview template
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [257a3a8] Fixes form error box
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9947225] Removes the admin launch
  instance function.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ed08664] Resolves i18n problem on
  batch actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [27752e3] Adding missing files to
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4957301] Clarifying Quickstart
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9947225] Removes the admin launch
  instance function.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3e98b5b] Adds javascript console
  logging for debug mode.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ed08664] Resolves i18n problem on
  batch actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4957301] Clarifying Quickstart
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [56c23b5] Clean up instance state
  checking for actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbfef25] Corrects the CSV download
  link for overview pages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3e98b5b] Adds javascript console
  logging for debug mode.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [27752e3] Adding missing files to
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbbdaa6] Update tablesorter cache
  after ajax updates.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f280caa] Table filtering fixes.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbbdaa6] Update tablesorter cache
  after ajax updates.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2c1edf9] Update python-
  quantumclient dep to require >=2.0
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5531909] Specify tenant_id when
  retrieving network list from Quantum.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [61ed1d7] Fix floating notifications
  so they scroll with window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0cd51d5] Switch to using
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b1cbee8] Adds faux "edit" UI for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a6263af] Fetch "deleted" flavors
  for quota tabulation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [801c232] Switch to use python-
  swiftclient instead of cloudfiles.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5531909] Specify tenant_id when
  retrieving network list from Quantum.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [61ed1d7] Fix floating notifications
  so they scroll with window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [81af6d9] "Select all" checkboxes
  now don't select hidden items
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a6263af] Fetch "deleted" flavors
  for quota tabulation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b18532d] Removed inline object
  creation. Added project membership tab to 'Add Project' workflow
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ee17b15] Adds i18n support for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [89d3d11] Adds ResourceBrowser and
  ResourceBrowserView class
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [05cf900] Initial support of Quantum
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caf166e] Update python-glanceclient
  to allow anything < v2
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3640c38] Set env version to 25 for
  python-glanceclient dep
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c3c6e58] Update python-glanceclient
  dep to 0.3.X
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c966775] Don't call a method that
  doesn't exist for unauth'd requests.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [87ef0db] Allow empty device name.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3c4b00c] Warn user if no role
  assigned in default Project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dfdb837] Replace spin.js with
  animated gif for updating table rows.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3c4b00c] Warn user if no role
  assigned in default Project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e1635b6] project workflow: project
  membership UI
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1275650] Added breadcrumb selector
  for swift subfolders
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [30b58e2] Separate OpenStack
  exceptions from Horizon exceptions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9ac1f9b] Separate "modal" behavior
  from "self-handling" in forms.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e18be12] Don't show attachment UI
  if volume is already attached.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1275650] Added breadcrumb selector
  for swift subfolders
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [30b58e2] Separate OpenStack
  exceptions from Horizon exceptions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [68e612d] Added a check for None
  value in get_object_display
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [414fc7a] Allow control of whether a
  user can specify a volume mount point.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9ac1f9b] Separate "modal" behavior
  from "self-handling" in forms.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [972e71e] Adds an option for linking
  to external help docs.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e410ee9] Emails in the user list
  now urlized.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7560824] Fixed name of snaphot
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [414fc7a] Allow control of whether a
  user can specify a volume mount point.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4cda859] Makes the instance detail
  tabs sticky.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec3c76e] Guarantee that data is not
  undefined in quota index view.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c28ce3b] Update glanceclient
  imports and version req
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f81afa6] Fix for quota
  initialization scripts
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4cda859] Makes the instance detail
  tabs sticky.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [fc31aa7] Cleans up instance log
  page, form, HTML/styles...
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f81afa6] Fix for quota
  initialization scripts
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [972802e] Adds dynamic project
  creation to Create User.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [124cec7] Allow to use SSL with
  self-signed certificates
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1118b29] Add run_tests flag to run
  only selenium tests.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [d0403e9] Temp fix for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [cbb22a1] admin workflow to add/edit
  project info and quotas
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6ba1a4d] Makes data table accept
  mixed data types
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6f838a0] Fixed/enabled selenium
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [58983bf] Moves bootstrap LESS back
  to openstack_dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6ba1a4d] Makes data table accept
  mixed data types
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7743e6f] Display form with initial
  input and error after failure to import keypair
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2392da4] Added action for creating
  a volume from snapshot
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [cbb22a1] admin workflow to add/edit
  project info and quotas
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df5a13c] Inline object creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dec4876] Fixed the bug with images
  returned as generator
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ba27042] Added custom parser for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ac39a8e] Allow security group rules
  to have their own group as a source
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0544de] Partial sync of jsonutils
  from openstack-common
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df5a13c] Inline object creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0544de] Partial sync of jsonutils
  from openstack-common
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [d174c79] Fix the "more" link on the
  images table
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b282751] Fixed logic for disabling
  form button
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8d8ea1a] Allow arbitrarily setting
  the entry point in a workflow.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bd0bf10] Added 'always-enabled'
  submit button selector
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4fb923d] Smarter table form
  rendering and controls.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8d8ea1a] Allow arbitrarily setting
  the entry point in a workflow.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [459ed0c] Fixing documentation style
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [821d7a6] Adding Better Error for
  Launching Instance
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dcb6683] Allowed empty file for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f3dc3b9] A description is not
  required for a Project creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [360ce39] Remove
  glanceclient.AuthorizationFailure exception
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dcb6683] Allowed empty file for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c339189] Auth refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0ae2556] Fixes behavior of the
  'check-all' checkbox
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f5d89c3] Allows filtering form
  field to be selected.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [439c272] Provide user-selectable
  timezone support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dcb6683] Allowed empty file for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f3dc3b9] A description is not
  required for a Project creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [469be83] Fix --pep8
  jenkins interaction.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [439c272] Provide user-selectable
  timezone support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8bb5a78] Makes API endpoints
  discoverable for an end user.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df10657] Includes LESS files in
  bdist packages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [010475b] Summation rows handle None
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2c0a8f3] Volumes Redux.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9aa2dda] Provide utilities to
  automate secure secret key generation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e0906bc] Adding flavor name to
  instances table view under column 'Size'
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [fb83d84] Check for quota data
  before trying to use it in JS.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8e8d5a7] Use client libs from PyPI
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5831b8c] Ensure that launching from
  image/snapshot selects proper default.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [40fef2d] Changing 'Associate /
  Disassociate IP' to 'Associate / Disassociate Floating IP' and
  adding Portuguese translation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [406cb5d] Volume Progress Bar &
  Fixes For Quota
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [db15907] Add flavor name to
  Detailed Instance Overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ba4d3e1] Adding Associated Keypair
  as Column 'Keypair' to Instances table view
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [42e6dec] Fixing the scrollbars on
  the VNC window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [40fef2d] Changing 'Associate /
  Disassociate IP' to 'Associate / Disassociate Floating IP' and
  adding Portuguese translation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [db15907] Add flavor name to
  Detailed Instance Overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7b72245] Fix for to
  support tenant names with blanks.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9e0189c] Fixing Amazon Image
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8d63b31] Fixes Nonetype error of
  flavor info in intances index view
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8efb813] Fixing the project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0ccb8f1] Update the sensitive data
  exception filter bugfix.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18e2218] 'Edit' image disabled if
  image in 'Queued' state
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [406cb5d] Volume Progress Bar &
  Fixes For Quota
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9e0189c] Fixing Amazon Image
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aa6919d] Removed new lines when
  importing a keypair
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bbf9555] Pin client versions until
  verioinfo bug is fixed.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41c3a59] JavaScript Refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ac6bc36] Make TIME_ZONE a local
  settings with a sane default.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [820fdfe] Corrections for stricter
  pep8 checking.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a670349] Fix Project Overview link
  to use instance_id
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41c3a59] JavaScript Refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [820fdfe] Corrections for stricter
  pep8 checking.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ffd1031] Return the correct ec2
  access/secret when generating
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5e20e7c] Ensure existing image
  properties are not deleted
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1da39eb] Updated status messages
  after launching multiple instances
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0fe202] Login/Logout redirects
  with Django variables
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7ce7905] Forcing Horizon to use
  PEP8 1.1
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1da39eb] Updated status messages
  after launching multiple instances
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0e40bdd] Use horizon's panel
  template loader.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bb29bbf] Reduced height of modal
  dialog textareas in dashboard
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41307a3] Adds warning banner for
  admin users in project dash.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4624620] When laxy loading tabs
  don't overwrite query params.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6174eae] Make Horizon timezone-
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [626d236] Cleans up the settings files.
* [9f2cfc3] Adding the bin dir and lessc binary to the manifest file.
* [b9be56f] Removes Horizon's "time" module.
* [359a71e] Swift Object filter improve and fix bug#1013409
* [f6f2a91] Fix async messages w/ translated strings.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [9f2cfc3] Adding the bin dir and lessc binary to the manifest file.
* [b9be56f] Removes Horizon's "time" module.
* [359a71e] Swift Object filter improve and fix bug#1013409
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f6f2a91] Fix async messages w/ translated strings.
* [c17b06d] Fixing Nameless Volume Display
* [5d9cbf4] Support revisions in version numbers
* [7ebc365] compiled i18n file "django.po" for chinese
* [a5a1e40] Improved message handling.
* New release candidate for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
* New release candidate for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
* New usptream version.
* debian/patches/add_juju_settings_panel.patch: Refreshed
* debian/patches/turn-off-debug.patch: Refreshed
* debian/patches/{use-memcache.patch, turn-off-debug.patch}: Refresh.

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/raring-grizzly 1 Development 2013-03-20 20:54:17 UTC
147. * Automated Ubuntu testing build: * N...

Author: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Revision Date: 2013-03-20 20:54:17 UTC

* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f95dd00] Remove note on theming from release notes.
* [8a262ea] Bump version to 2013.2.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1ae7598] Adds Grizzly release notes.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [8a6c81a] Updated translations from transifex for Grizzly RC.
* [e1d12a4] Improve UX around "unauthorized" API exceptions.
* [b87398d] Implement configurable auto-fade for alerts messages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [aeab8c7] Handle None protocol in security group rule table
* [2c89200] Pin the cinderclient version.
* [e1d12a4] Improve UX around "unauthorized" API exceptions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1935a3d] Check if volume service is enabled in quota update
* [a19b009] Disable LB panel by default; allow UUID for Sec Group ID.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [2c89200] Pin the cinderclient version.
* [e765f4e] Reduce duplicate definitions about quota sets
* [ea96bb3] Adds docs for settings/configuration.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [a19b009] Disable LB panel by default; allow UUID for Sec Group ID.
* [ea96bb3] Adds docs for settings/configuration.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [e765f4e] Reduce duplicate definitions about quota sets
* [ea96bb3] Adds docs for settings/configuration.
* [38d5b60] Correct the related tenant_id when getting quotas
* [45cb691] Adding extensibility to workflow template file.
* [50c2115] Fix circular dependencies in dashboard settings
* [9fcbbe3] Display port link between router and extra network
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [e0d3b5b] rm invalid args when updating quotas with nova api
* [45cb691] Adding extensibility to workflow template file.
* [50c2115] Fix circular dependencies in dashboard settings
* [9fcbbe3] Display port link between router and extra network
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [38d5b60] Correct the related tenant_id when getting quotas
* [45cb691] Adding extensibility to workflow template file.
* [50c2115] Fix circular dependencies in dashboard settings
* [9fcbbe3] Display port link between router and extra network
* [80f5126] Pass-in the initial value when performing a POST on
  Workflow Action. This fixes the call to self.changed_data, it allows
  django forms to be able to compare initial value with current value.
* [8ac3e38] Remove router actions from Admin panel
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [5456d34] Fix device name for example. Fixes bug 1152975
* [06a4297] Fixes uncaught exception on Add Pool when unable to
  retrieve networks
* [d2a80a6] Fixes error message formatting in Load Balancers panel
* [8ac3e38] Remove router actions from Admin panel
* [96c8b9f] Update to Quantum Client 2.2.0
* [f4d04c6] Add some more customization help and examples
* [20b2008] Increase maxlength of Snapshot Name to 255.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [80f5126] Pass-in the initial value when performing a POST on
  Workflow Action. This fixes the call to self.changed_data, it allows
  django forms to be able to compare initial value with current value.
* [4d8e331] Updating .po files for translation.
* [d2a80a6] Fixes error message formatting in Load Balancers panel
* [1cc9c0a] Fixes uncaught exception on Add Monitor when unable to
  retrieve pools
* [96c8b9f] Update to Quantum Client 2.2.0
* [d9c1173] Update CACHE_ to CACHES settings
* [f4d04c6] Add some more customization help and examples
* [20b2008] Increase maxlength of Snapshot Name to 255.
* [6db859c] Don't change dashboard on admin tenant switch
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [06a4297] Fixes uncaught exception on Add Pool when unable to
  retrieve networks
* [d2a80a6] Fixes error message formatting in Load Balancers panel
* [96c8b9f] Update to Quantum Client 2.2.0
* [d9c1173] Update CACHE_ to CACHES settings
* [f4d04c6] Add some more customization help and examples
* [20b2008] Increase maxlength of Snapshot Name to 255.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [4d8e331] Updating .po files for translation.
* [0982039] Prevents flavors to be deleted when reusing a name
* [6db859c] Don't change dashboard on admin tenant switch
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1cc9c0a] Fixes uncaught exception on Add Monitor when unable to
  retrieve pools
* [c97e693] Allow non-admin users to clear router gateway properly
* [4f81c93] blueprint quantum-lbaas
* [6db859c] Don't change dashboard on admin tenant switch
* [1cb3dc7] Improve style of network topology
* [fe660f9] Bump python-quantumclient version to 2.1.2
* [4c34f5f] Support multiple role selection in projects
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [0982039] Prevents flavors to be deleted when reusing a name
* [4f81c93] blueprint quantum-lbaas
* [1cb3dc7] Improve style of network topology
* [4c34f5f] Support multiple role selection in projects
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [c97e693] Allow non-admin users to clear router gateway properly
* [4c34f5f] Support multiple role selection in projects
* [b5f4d63] Fix errant XHR request happening on every page
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [fe660f9] Bump python-quantumclient version to 2.1.2
* [b5f4d63] Fix errant XHR request happening on every page
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [ab34fe5] Allow for terminating paused/suspended instances
* [85157a7] Escape the region name before passing as value in URL.
* [1e86770] Correctly mock keystoneclient.Client.auto_token property
  with Mox
* [0e542cb] Ensure "Add Interface" form in Admin Panel works
* [9205a0f] Fix row striping when datatables are filtered
* [14ac6c5] Fix footer count update for multi-table pages
* [235935f] Fix uninitialized variable in launch instance
* [a6832ce] Fix hogan js templates in IE8
* [c822a9f] Fix images/snapshots table pagination
* [7584fe3] Allow admin to edit project quotas for security groups and
* [109ccb1] Fix a TypeError when working in a Folsom env.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [0d53dc7] pin django to 1.4.x stream
* [14ac6c5] Fix footer count update for multi-table pages
* [250d21a] Adding network-topology view for quantum
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [0d331a6] Add support for both soft and hard reboot options
* [004ddec] Added encryption support for volumes
* [63203ab] Resolve API import issues (quantum)
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [250d21a] Adding network-topology view for quantum
* [63203ab] Resolve API import issues (quantum)
* [f2fb22c] Support adding/removing instance security groups
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [004ddec] Added encryption support for volumes
* [63203ab] Resolve API import issues (quantum)
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f2fb22c] Support adding/removing instance security groups
* [4ae4a22] Update (some) table actions to use icons together with
* [3a84686] Allow users to specify the order of VNICs of an instance.
* [27150a2] Implements ability to upload local image to glance.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cf09dd8] Improved security group rule editing.
* [b36a285] Remove placeholder objects for subfolders
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [d107e4d] Replaces ugettext with ugettext_lazy in the dashboard-
  related files
* [62dd7b4] Allow image filtering based on image ownership
* [2b3d829] Add X-FRAME_OPTIONS header to protect against Clickjacking
* [c70ceb7] Add recommendations for secure deployments
* [e5e7589] Some text in html are not translatable, this cleans-up
  some of those files.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [5cfbb95] If a user only has 1 keypair, this keypair should be
  selected by default
* [62dd7b4] Allow image filtering based on image ownership
* [2b3d829] Add X-FRAME_OPTIONS header to protect against Clickjacking
* [c70ceb7] Add recommendations for secure deployments
* [d25e560] Fixes support for User filtering without JavaScript
* [3b601d7] Added openstack_dashboard/local/.secret_key_store to
* [0e414a9] Improve error message when the default role doesn't exist
* [245aa2a] Properly enable/disable project/user edit via setting.
* [9f5e817] Fixes the width of the error box on the login form.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cd0a959] Adds API Access information to Access & Security panel.
* [3b601d7] Added openstack_dashboard/local/.secret_key_store to
* [0e414a9] Improve error message when the default role doesn't exist
* [245aa2a] Properly enable/disable project/user edit via setting.
* [9f5e817] Fixes the width of the error box on the login form.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [d25e560] Fixes support for User filtering without JavaScript
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [3b601d7] Added openstack_dashboard/local/.secret_key_store to
* [ffe2168] Fixing sidebar layout in IE.
* [dadf4f7] Timezones can change - display the current tz offset
* [43e8ea4] Fix on async messaging to don't escape message string
  marked as safe.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [80d7f9b] Change the first letter of routers tab header and html
  title from lowercase to uppercase.
* [a9e94fc] Re-enable client logging.
* [dbfcc97] Quantum Floating IP support
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1cd260e] Allow password-field autocomplete to be configured in
* [08071a2] Fix footer count update
* [1186717] Update to latest oslo-version.
* [34d8d5e] Confirmation dialogs lists selected objects name
* [11e16f8] Disable allocate IP button if the current number of
  floating IP is equal or larger than the amount allowed by the quota.
* [d3e642f] Change "select all" checkbox behaviour while checkboxes is
* [bdc6454] Remove image_type column from images/snaps tables
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [fea8f87] Implements the autocomplete attribute on the login form
* [1186717] Update to latest oslo-version.
* [11e16f8] Disable allocate IP button if the current number of
  floating IP is equal or larger than the amount allowed by the quota.
* [bdc6454] Remove image_type column from images/snaps tables
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [08071a2] Fix footer count update
* [11e16f8] Disable allocate IP button if the current number of
  floating IP is equal or larger than the amount allowed by the quota.
* [bdc6454] Remove image_type column from images/snaps tables
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f36efbb] Enhances consistency in 'Create Project' modal
* [f56a346] Invoke the has_more_data function of tables when loading
  TableTab. This allows classes extending TableTab to support
* [05207f5] Prevent the user from creating a single IP address sized
* [10bc52a] Added "create image" capabiltiy to the admin dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [c2da2e2] Default recoverable error to WARN log level.
* [05207f5] Prevent the user from creating a single IP address sized
* [10bc52a] Added "create image" capabiltiy to the admin dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [59b7e60] Add support for SPICE consoles
* [edb64d9] Split the logo.png into two files to enable splash page
* [0d303c8] Add UTC offset information to the timezone
* [12faaa5] Ensure to use api.<category>.<method>
* [f71cc8f] Don't show the EC2 Credentials panel if there is no EC2
* [e646376] Clarify the ambiguity of the "more actions" dropdown.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [870f2ca] save the original requestor's IP so it doesn't get
* [0d303c8] Add UTC offset information to the timezone
* [12faaa5] Ensure to use api.<category>.<method>
* [f71cc8f] Don't show the EC2 Credentials panel if there is no EC2
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [edb64d9] Split the logo.png into two files to enable splash page
* [0d303c8] Add UTC offset information to the timezone
* [f71cc8f] Don't show the EC2 Credentials panel if there is no EC2
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [12faaa5] Ensure to use api.<category>.<method>
* [f71cc8f] Don't show the EC2 Credentials panel if there is no EC2
* [0e5179a] Fix attributes processing in ActionMetaclass
* [99b678b] Remove |safe from openrc.template
* [cdd5e9e] Improves some UX details
* [2560965] Extend offline-compression context
* [6f3a980] Absolute limits of -1 should be treated as unlimited
* [1464edf] Allow insecure authentication
* [e646376] Clarify the ambiguity of the "more actions" dropdown.
* [d0aff3a] Catch another breakage, when cinder is unavailable
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [b58177c] Clean-up deprecated diablo code in index.html.
* [0e5179a] Fix attributes processing in ActionMetaclass
* [99b678b] Remove |safe from openrc.template
* [cdd5e9e] Improves some UX details
* [2560965] Extend offline-compression context
* [6f3a980] Absolute limits of -1 should be treated as unlimited
* [1464edf] Allow insecure authentication
* [cf34ed7] make long tenant names look better
* [e646376] Clarify the ambiguity of the "more actions" dropdown.
* [d0aff3a] Catch another breakage, when cinder is unavailable
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [6353c8d] Adding extensibility to data_table template file
* [cf34ed7] make long tenant names look better
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [d65d38f] Use default_if_none rather than default filter
* [7a177be] Prevent column summation if no non-None cells
* [4632aa5] Don't update count on tables without a summary row
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [3a9b0da] Horizon escapes special characters in
* [4632aa5] Don't update count on tables without a summary row
* [158ce5c] Check the display name for volumes on AJAX polls.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [90b2c7c] Allow setting nova quotas to unlimited
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [158ce5c] Check the display name for volumes on AJAX polls.
* [eed092a] Support Quantum L3 function
* [31d55e5] Improve Quantum panels to Folsom advanced features
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [94726fd] Migrate an instance from the admin dashboard
* [eed092a] Support Quantum L3 function
* [31d55e5] Improve Quantum panels to Folsom advanced features
* [613b46d] Disable Launch Button based on quotas
* [4b1fc16] Fixed unicode for object copy
* [a37779c] Really, really, honestly adjust the size of the noVNC
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [a984cec] Don't redirect when clicking instance detail page in admin
* [a37779c] Really, really, honestly adjust the size of the noVNC
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [613b46d] Disable Launch Button based on quotas
* [a37779c] Really, really, honestly adjust the size of the noVNC
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [4d2199d] Fixes PEP8 errors as reported by pep8 1.3.4
* [c5b6747] Store timezone as string. Fixes bug 1091021.
* [24367e6] Avoid cinder calls, when cinder is unavailable
* [13e5c15] Adds a "simplified" floating IP management option.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [37731b9] Pin docutils to 0.9.1.
* [a3d136e] Removes unused imports
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [95a034a] Fixes bug 1086290, edit-flavor broken
  when flavor has extra specs. Includes unittest for the same, and
  modified mock data to to include extra-specs Change-Id:
* [a3d136e] Removes unused imports
* [aec73a7] Add a check for unlimited quotas
* [06e1d59] show swap disk in listing and forms in flavors syspanel
* [4a8f15e] Specify floating ips table action cloumn's width
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [eab5fc7] Allow permissions to be set on tables
* [aec73a7] Add a check for unlimited quotas
* [06e1d59] show swap disk in listing and forms in flavors syspanel
* [4a8f15e] Specify floating ips table action cloumn's width
* [300747c] Make sure vCPU and RAM quotas are initialised when no
  instances are running
* [fd6bc63] Add an optional link_classes to tables.Column, this is
  used as the class of the displayed link in the cell.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [146eef4] Return a better error message(security_groups)
* [300747c] Make sure vCPU and RAM quotas are initialised when no
  instances are running
* [fd6bc63] Add an optional link_classes to tables.Column, this is
  used as the class of the displayed link in the cell.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [155e3ae] Fix handling of UUID-typed flavor ids
* [56b2252] For long tenant name, display an ellipsis using CSS3.
* [18473fd] refactor UserFilterAction code
* [7ab5ace] Accepts UUID as an ID of Floating IP
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [20bfac6] Ignore the socket timeout error in Selenium test
* [56b2252] For long tenant name, display an ellipsis using CSS3.
* [18473fd] refactor UserFilterAction code
* [7ab5ace] Accepts UUID as an ID of Floating IP
* [86427b8] Adds transitional deprecation code for old dashboard
* [76ef256] Don't inherit from base.html in 500 error page
* [0d305a6] Fixes for missing files in MANIFEST.
* [0065e66] Unifies Horizon conf.
* [ffb98f1] Client-side validation of password/confirmation match
* [3fbe68f] Honour LOGIN_URL when redirecting to login page
* [2f98bef] Reworks quotas and services panels into System Info panel.
* [2205300] use addHorizonLoadEvent() method instead of
* [16fd3c9] Allow running tests individually
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [dcda694] Return a friendly error at flavor creation
* [86427b8] Adds transitional deprecation code for old dashboard
* [76ef256] Don't inherit from base.html in 500 error page
* [0d305a6] Fixes for missing files in MANIFEST.
* [0065e66] Unifies Horizon conf.
* [3fbe68f] Honour LOGIN_URL when redirecting to login page
* [2f98bef] Reworks quotas and services panels into System Info panel.
* [2205300] use addHorizonLoadEvent() method instead of
* [16fd3c9] Allow running tests individually
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [ffb98f1] Client-side validation of password/confirmation match
* [4c88b9b] Added a check for volume service in quota functions
* [9249a5d] Report correct return value from pep8 check
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [9c12d23] Move netaddr to pip-requires
* [9249a5d] Report correct return value from pep8 check
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [4c88b9b] Added a check for volume service in quota functions
* [e202400] When editing an image, correctly set the 'is_public'
* [e837b10] Changed "Delete volume" success message text
* [9249a5d] Report correct return value from pep8 check
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [89904e6] Remove superfluous slash from admin usage.csv template
* [92510f1] Wrap a project list call with exception handler.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [82c19ae] Flavor Extra Specs support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [c61c5e2] Enforce use of latest django_openstack_auth for PKI
* [046f012] Remove unused usage.csv template
* [0c12faa] Update all usage.csv templates to use 2 decimal places
* [70ac5bd] Add newline between rows of Admin usage.csv
* [b21617a] Adding volume owner (project) to admin table.
* [069c3f5] Adding volume host to admin table.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [68db72b] Dynamically size the noVNC iframe, fix typos in copy
* [046f012] Remove unused usage.csv template
* [0c12faa] Update all usage.csv templates to use 2 decimal places
* [b21617a] Adding volume owner (project) to admin table.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [70ac5bd] Add newline between rows of Admin usage.csv
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [b21617a] Adding volume owner (project) to admin table.
* [069c3f5] Adding volume host to admin table.
* [057d891] Added support for volume types
* [ef4e931] Use UUIDs for flavor create/edit.
* [cdcd8e3] Enable quota data from multiple sources.
* Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for offline
  compression in preparation for Grizzly-2.
* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/add_juju_settings_pannel.patch: Disable during
  Grizzly dev. cycle.
* New upstream relase.
* Refreshed patches.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [fcba390] Fixes error when clicking OpenStack logo.
* [d842573] Final translations for Folsom.
* [a925885] Allow any python-swiftclient v1.1 through v1.X
* [55002fd] Set FINAL versioning
* [968a6aa] Document limitations of quantum/nova/floating ip
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [fcba390] Fixes error when clicking OpenStack logo.
* [d842573] Final translations for Folsom.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [a925885] Allow any python-swiftclient v1.1 through v1.X
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [55002fd] Set FINAL versioning
* [968a6aa] Document limitations of quantum/nova/floating ip
* [a8c92dc] Remove template comments from compressed blocks.
* [347e95a] Admin panel: Don't poll shutoff instances
* [5950c1f] Adds release notes for 2012.2 "Folsom".
* [4e6107c] Adds a docs example for a customization module.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [34cd316] Fixes workflows to work without javascript.
* [8756b3b] Preserve add-to-field after form error.
* [eacda11] Don't poll on instances in a shutoff state.
* [ceb22f1] Adds a method for overriding specific API messages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [4e6107c] Adds a docs example for a customization module.
* [eacda11] Don't poll on instances in a shutoff state.
* [ceb22f1] Adds a method for overriding specific API messages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [8756b3b] Preserve add-to-field after form error.
* [ceb22f1] Adds a method for overriding specific API messages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [85b0bfe] Use device name from nova for attach message.
* [9c77ce0] Fix PEP8 issues.
* [7d2e14c] Add Quantum public network support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [caf8eaf] Fix BatchAction class incongruence between documentation
  and code Fixes launchpad bug #1044424
* [9c77ce0] Fix PEP8 issues.
* [7d2e14c] Add Quantum public network support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [856083a] Make sure quota error message is displayed in overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [b177299] PEP8 issues fixed
* [ac2b355] grammar fixes and other minutia
* [6dbf9f1] Makes Launch Instance only show images that are "active"
  Fixes launchpad Bug #1040231
* [38ecad3] Add nosehtmloutput as a test dependency.
* [30ed984] Syspanel volume list once again shows all volumes.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [66d7d99] Creates volume snapshot detail page and links to it via
  the Name column in the Volume Snapshots table
* [7df3c9e] Adds instance UUID to associate floating ip dialog Fixes
  launchpad Bug #1039092
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [20166b1] * Removes instance ID from create volume snapshot Fixes
  launchpad bug #1039080 * Changes volume id to name in volume
  snapshot Fixes launchpad bug #1039082
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [7df3c9e] Adds instance UUID to associate floating ip dialog Fixes
  launchpad Bug #1039092
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1048ac6] Removes instance UUID from floating ip table Fixes
  launchpad bug #1039090
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cb3c7a9] Only blur project membership inputs.
* [df04d43] Fixes some table footer bugs.
* [9fff560] High-light selected container in browser Fixed bug
  #1038264 Change-Id: I46c1d2faf58872d9ed72ee9f6f0f9c4d61d20756
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [156a368] Adds breadcrumb to resource browser. Fixes bug #1037012
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c00496e] Don't change tabs based on
  cookie if GET param is set.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [57acfca] Makes the usage of "RAM"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Memory"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [312348e] Fix slight grammar error.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [57acfca] Makes the usage of "RAM"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Memory"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [695a973] Makes "Instance Name"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Server Name"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aca0c22] Removes the jquery.example
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [257a3a8] Fixes form error box
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dfe0cf8] Catch an exception of API
  call when retrieving quota usage.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aca0c22] Removes the jquery.example
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [705aef0] Bug #1018560 Adding quota
  display to Overview template
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [257a3a8] Fixes form error box
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9947225] Removes the admin launch
  instance function.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ed08664] Resolves i18n problem on
  batch actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [27752e3] Adding missing files to
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4957301] Clarifying Quickstart
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9947225] Removes the admin launch
  instance function.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3e98b5b] Adds javascript console
  logging for debug mode.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ed08664] Resolves i18n problem on
  batch actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4957301] Clarifying Quickstart
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [56c23b5] Clean up instance state
  checking for actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbfef25] Corrects the CSV download
  link for overview pages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3e98b5b] Adds javascript console
  logging for debug mode.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [27752e3] Adding missing files to
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbbdaa6] Update tablesorter cache
  after ajax updates.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f280caa] Table filtering fixes.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbbdaa6] Update tablesorter cache
  after ajax updates.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2c1edf9] Update python-
  quantumclient dep to require >=2.0
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5531909] Specify tenant_id when
  retrieving network list from Quantum.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [61ed1d7] Fix floating notifications
  so they scroll with window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0cd51d5] Switch to using
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b1cbee8] Adds faux "edit" UI for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a6263af] Fetch "deleted" flavors
  for quota tabulation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [801c232] Switch to use python-
  swiftclient instead of cloudfiles.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5531909] Specify tenant_id when
  retrieving network list from Quantum.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [61ed1d7] Fix floating notifications
  so they scroll with window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [81af6d9] "Select all" checkboxes
  now don't select hidden items
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a6263af] Fetch "deleted" flavors
  for quota tabulation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b18532d] Removed inline object
  creation. Added project membership tab to 'Add Project' workflow
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ee17b15] Adds i18n support for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [89d3d11] Adds ResourceBrowser and
  ResourceBrowserView class
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [05cf900] Initial support of Quantum
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caf166e] Update python-glanceclient
  to allow anything < v2
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3640c38] Set env version to 25 for
  python-glanceclient dep
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c3c6e58] Update python-glanceclient
  dep to 0.3.X
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c966775] Don't call a method that
  doesn't exist for unauth'd requests.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [87ef0db] Allow empty device name.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3c4b00c] Warn user if no role
  assigned in default Project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dfdb837] Replace spin.js with
  animated gif for updating table rows.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3c4b00c] Warn user if no role
  assigned in default Project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e1635b6] project workflow: project
  membership UI
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1275650] Added breadcrumb selector
  for swift subfolders
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [30b58e2] Separate OpenStack
  exceptions from Horizon exceptions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9ac1f9b] Separate "modal" behavior
  from "self-handling" in forms.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e18be12] Don't show attachment UI
  if volume is already attached.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1275650] Added breadcrumb selector
  for swift subfolders
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [30b58e2] Separate OpenStack
  exceptions from Horizon exceptions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [68e612d] Added a check for None
  value in get_object_display
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [414fc7a] Allow control of whether a
  user can specify a volume mount point.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9ac1f9b] Separate "modal" behavior
  from "self-handling" in forms.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [972e71e] Adds an option for linking
  to external help docs.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e410ee9] Emails in the user list
  now urlized.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7560824] Fixed name of snaphot
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [414fc7a] Allow control of whether a
  user can specify a volume mount point.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4cda859] Makes the instance detail
  tabs sticky.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec3c76e] Guarantee that data is not
  undefined in quota index view.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c28ce3b] Update glanceclient
  imports and version req
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f81afa6] Fix for quota
  initialization scripts
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4cda859] Makes the instance detail
  tabs sticky.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [fc31aa7] Cleans up instance log
  page, form, HTML/styles...
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f81afa6] Fix for quota
  initialization scripts
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [972802e] Adds dynamic project
  creation to Create User.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [124cec7] Allow to use SSL with
  self-signed certificates
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1118b29] Add run_tests flag to run
  only selenium tests.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [d0403e9] Temp fix for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [cbb22a1] admin workflow to add/edit
  project info and quotas
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6ba1a4d] Makes data table accept
  mixed data types
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6f838a0] Fixed/enabled selenium
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [58983bf] Moves bootstrap LESS back
  to openstack_dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6ba1a4d] Makes data table accept
  mixed data types
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7743e6f] Display form with initial
  input and error after failure to import keypair
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2392da4] Added action for creating
  a volume from snapshot
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [cbb22a1] admin workflow to add/edit
  project info and quotas
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df5a13c] Inline object creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dec4876] Fixed the bug with images
  returned as generator
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ba27042] Added custom parser for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ac39a8e] Allow security group rules
  to have their own group as a source
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0544de] Partial sync of jsonutils
  from openstack-common
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df5a13c] Inline object creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [821d7a6] Adding Better Error for
  Launching Instance
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dcb6683] Allowed empty file for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c339189] Auth refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [360ce39] Remove
  glanceclient.AuthorizationFailure exception
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [459ed0c] Fixing documentation style
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8d8ea1a] Allow arbitrarily setting
  the entry point in a workflow.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4fb923d] Smarter table form
  rendering and controls.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bd0bf10] Added 'always-enabled'
  submit button selector
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b282751] Fixed logic for disabling
  form button
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0544de] Partial sync of jsonutils
  from openstack-common
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [d174c79] Fix the "more" link on the
  images table
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0ae2556] Fixes behavior of the
  'check-all' checkbox
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f5d89c3] Allows filtering form
  field to be selected.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [439c272] Provide user-selectable
  timezone support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dcb6683] Allowed empty file for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f3dc3b9] A description is not
  required for a Project creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [469be83] Fix --pep8
  jenkins interaction.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [439c272] Provide user-selectable
  timezone support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8bb5a78] Makes API endpoints
  discoverable for an end user.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df10657] Includes LESS files in
  bdist packages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [010475b] Summation rows handle None
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2c0a8f3] Volumes Redux.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9aa2dda] Provide utilities to
  automate secure secret key generation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e0906bc] Adding flavor name to
  instances table view under column 'Size'
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [fb83d84] Check for quota data
  before trying to use it in JS.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8e8d5a7] Use client libs from PyPI
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5831b8c] Ensure that launching from
  image/snapshot selects proper default.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [40fef2d] Changing 'Associate /
  Disassociate IP' to 'Associate / Disassociate Floating IP' and
  adding Portuguese translation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [406cb5d] Volume Progress Bar &
  Fixes For Quota
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [db15907] Add flavor name to
  Detailed Instance Overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ba4d3e1] Adding Associated Keypair
  as Column 'Keypair' to Instances table view
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [42e6dec] Fixing the scrollbars on
  the VNC window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [40fef2d] Changing 'Associate /
  Disassociate IP' to 'Associate / Disassociate Floating IP' and
  adding Portuguese translation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [db15907] Add flavor name to
  Detailed Instance Overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7b72245] Fix for to
  support tenant names with blanks.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9e0189c] Fixing Amazon Image
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8d63b31] Fixes Nonetype error of
  flavor info in intances index view
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8efb813] Fixing the project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0ccb8f1] Update the sensitive data
  exception filter bugfix.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18e2218] 'Edit' image disabled if
  image in 'Queued' state
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [406cb5d] Volume Progress Bar &
  Fixes For Quota
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9e0189c] Fixing Amazon Image
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aa6919d] Removed new lines when
  importing a keypair
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bbf9555] Pin client versions until
  verioinfo bug is fixed.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41c3a59] JavaScript Refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ac6bc36] Make TIME_ZONE a local
  settings with a sane default.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [820fdfe] Corrections for stricter
  pep8 checking.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a670349] Fix Project Overview link
  to use instance_id
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41c3a59] JavaScript Refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [820fdfe] Corrections for stricter
  pep8 checking.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ffd1031] Return the correct ec2
  access/secret when generating
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5e20e7c] Ensure existing image
  properties are not deleted
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1da39eb] Updated status messages
  after launching multiple instances
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0fe202] Login/Logout redirects
  with Django variables
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7ce7905] Forcing Horizon to use
  PEP8 1.1
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1da39eb] Updated status messages
  after launching multiple instances
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0e40bdd] Use horizon's panel
  template loader.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bb29bbf] Reduced height of modal
  dialog textareas in dashboard
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41307a3] Adds warning banner for
  admin users in project dash.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4624620] When laxy loading tabs
  don't overwrite query params.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6174eae] Make Horizon timezone-
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [626d236] Cleans up the settings files.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [9f2cfc3] Adding the bin dir and lessc binary to the manifest file.
* [b9be56f] Removes Horizon's "time" module.
* [359a71e] Swift Object filter improve and fix bug#1013409
* [f6f2a91] Fix async messages w/ translated strings.
* [c17b06d] Fixing Nameless Volume Display
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [9f2cfc3] Adding the bin dir and lessc binary to the manifest file.
* [b9be56f] Removes Horizon's "time" module.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [359a71e] Swift Object filter improve and fix bug#1013409
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f6f2a91] Fix async messages w/ translated strings.
* [c17b06d] Fixing Nameless Volume Display
* [5d9cbf4] Support revisions in version numbers
* [7ebc365] compiled i18n file "django.po" for chinese
* [a5a1e40] Improved message handling.
* [7b565fc] Fixed validation check for ICMP rules
* [f1a8e0c] Move docs to doc.
* [e555129] New .tmpl files are not included in build.
* [24748ac] Clarifying user roles in various places.
* [155bfb7] Rollup of volume fixes.
* [375102d] Dependency Reconcilliation
* [45e958b] UUID Cleanup.
* [da9ee69] Horizon should use openstack.common.jsonutils
* [cba0599] Common table functions are now run on
* [2bae084] Generate two different nosetests.xml files.
* [0074328] Updating Horizon to use LESS.
* [e1eaaa3] Prevent erroneous log message when accessing security
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [187785b] Adding block links in table cells.
* [6ba785c] Some tablesort style tweaks.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [4570fff] Only sort on sortable columns.
* [6ba785c] Some tablesort style tweaks.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [59e862e] Add Swift pseudo-folder support to Horizon.
* [ca795fe] Glance remote image creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [ab71a13] Re-enabling client-side table sorting on a basic level.
* [ca795fe] Glance remote image creation.
* [58762cd] Added a check for attachment['instance']
* [216f41a] Changed project uuid to project name
* [10a62b3] Added metadata for server
* [dd5cd7c] Change tenant to project in python code to match
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [24355b7] Added some identifying classes to detail page sections.
* [819de96] Fixing security group create success message.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [085e072] Improved floating ip assocation via workflows.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [819de96] Fixing security group create success message.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [8fd77f0] Adds a summation row option to the datatables.
* [f1ab7f7] Bootstrapifying quota bars in launch modal window
* [3b41cb9] Added help text in local.settings.example how to setup
  Horizon to use SSL-offloading proxy to properly handle page
  redirects to SSL.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [bbdba48] Adding an AJAX indication to modal loading.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f1ab7f7] Bootstrapifying quota bars in launch modal window
* [113fb84] Prevent switching from syspanel to nova dash for image
* [9cb0c10] Removing the current project from the drop-down.
* [f986a63] Make sure Horizon is treating passwords securely.
* [3b942b4] Lowering zindex for spinners, so they don't appear above
  modal windows.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [c93e7c0] Add ProjectTestingInterface to horizon.
* [9cb0c10] Removing the current project from the drop-down.
* [f986a63] Make sure Horizon is treating passwords securely.
* [3b942b4] Lowering zindex for spinners, so they don't appear above
  modal windows.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [113fb84] Prevent switching from syspanel to nova dash for image
* [9cb0c10] Removing the current project from the drop-down.
* [48e325d] Restored functionality of the region switcher dropdown.
* [dcae1d7] PEP8/style cleanup.
* [f986a63] Make sure Horizon is treating passwords securely.

lp:~james-page/horizon/grizzly-rc1 bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-03-20 11:44:09 UTC
148. Refresh assets and mark for release

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2013-03-20 11:44:09 UTC

Refresh assets and mark for release

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/precise-essex-stable 1 Development 2013-03-15 13:05:36 UTC
108. * Automated Ubuntu testing build: * N...

Author: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Revision Date: 2013-03-15 13:05:36 UTC

* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [5ce3942] Bump version to 2012.1.4
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [b67f21f] Final versioning for 2012.1.3
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [7e651d7] Use glance stable/essex rather than master
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [35eada8] Fix open redirect in Horizon.
* [f862d9e] Corrects the CSV download link for overview pages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [8889311] Do not crash when deleting image or volume with no name
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f862d9e] Corrects the CSV download link for overview pages.
* [52bbba1] Added --only-selenium option in
* [9b22d68] Fixed validation check for ICMP rules
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9b22d68] Fixed validation check for
  ICMP rules
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [52bbba1] Added --only-selenium
  option in
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bd4c3a2] Bump version to 2012.1.3
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b0d6f54] Set defaultbranch in
  .gitreview to stable/essex
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9f581a8] Added instance name for
  volume attachment
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [102cf10] Added a new attribute -
  display_choices to Column class, for substituting the display value
  of the statuses provided by Nova to some more meaningful ones in the
  instance table.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b7ecdb7] Add tox.ini file.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c1ac606] Fix stable/essex
  (2012.1.1) versioning
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b602ec5] Final versioning for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [fec36c4] Backport of Folsom Glance
  pagination review.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [d364a21] Bump version to 2012.1.2
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9f581a8] Added instance name for
  volume attachment
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [102cf10] Added a new attribute -
  display_choices to Column class, for substituting the display value
  of the statuses provided by Nova to some more meaningful ones in the
  instance table.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [fec36c4] Backport of Folsom Glance
  pagination review.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8364743] Use publicURLs for
  generated endpoints for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7b959c2] This is a backport which
  fixes the issue with images being marked public when edited. This is
  fixed in Folsom by:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5dd878e] Change Instance to Image
  for image detail page.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7a53d28] Made quota names prettier.
  Fixed bug 979417.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b7ecdb7] Add tox.ini file.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c1ac606] Fix stable/essex
  (2012.1.1) versioning
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [7a53d28] Made quota names prettier. Fixed bug 979417.
* [5dd878e] Change Instance to Image for image detail page.
* [7b959c2] This is a backport which fixes the issue with images being
  marked public when edited. This is fixed in Folsom by:
* [67aa09a] makes api return default endpoint types. fixes bug 994151
* [abc532f] Fixes lp978896 -- Session fixation security fix

lp:~cisco-openstack/horizon/folsom-multitool 1 Development 2013-03-15 11:04:25 UTC
127. Refresh patches again

Author: Soren Hansen
Revision Date: 2013-03-05 11:23:09 UTC

Refresh patches again

lp:~james-page/horizon/memcache-fixup (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-03-13 11:34:43 UTC
145. Fixup caching configuration

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2013-03-13 11:34:29 UTC

Fixup caching configuration

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/precise-folsom bug 1 Development 2013-03-12 02:34:40 UTC
131. * Automated Ubuntu testing build: * N...

Author: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Revision Date: 2013-03-12 02:34:40 UTC

* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [8ece3c7] pin django to 1.4.x stream
* [1af5e78] Prevent the user from creating a single IP address sized
* [f421145] Bump version to 2012.2.4
* [6757997] Final versioning for 2012.2.3
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [aa369b0] Add UTC offset information to the timezone
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1af5e78] Prevent the user from creating a single IP address sized
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f421145] Bump version to 2012.2.4
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [6757997] Final versioning for 2012.2.3
* [20fa0fc] Don't show the EC2 Credentials panel if there is no EC2
* [476072d] Avoid cinder calls, when cinder is unavailable
* [e19a218] Allow setting nova quotas to unlimited
* [0b1c553] Don't inherit from base.html in 500 error page
* [2f959c6] Specify floating ips table action column's width
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [ebc5e6d] Add a check for unlimited quotas
* [e19a218] Allow setting nova quotas to unlimited
* [69147a6] Pin docutils to 0.9.1, fix pep8 errors
* [9060885] Fix bug 1055929 - Can not display usage data for Quota
* [817d628] Revert "Temp fix for api/"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [2f959c6] Specify floating ips table action column's width
* [9060885] Fix bug 1055929 - Can not display usage data for Quota
* [817d628] Revert "Temp fix for api/"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [69147a6] Pin docutils to 0.9.1, fix pep8 errors
* [9060885] Fix bug 1055929 - Can not display usage data for Quota
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [da9a19c] Bump next version to 2012.2.2
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [9647138] Final versioning for 2012.2.1
* [65c2ab8] When editing an image, correctly set the 'is_public'
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [53954a7] Fixes JavaScript count bug in tables.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [65c2ab8] When editing an image, correctly set the 'is_public'
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cb7aa15] Set defaultbranch in .gitreview to stable/folsom
* [1e9b870] Bump next version to 2012.2.1
* [fcba390] Fixes error when clicking OpenStack logo.
* [d842573] Final translations for Folsom.
* [a925885] Allow any python-swiftclient v1.1 through v1.X
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cb7aa15] Set defaultbranch in .gitreview to stable/folsom
* [1e9b870] Bump next version to 2012.2.1
* [d842573] Final translations for Folsom.
* Resynchronize with stable/folsom (da9a19c7) (LP: #1085255):
  - [53954a7] Fixes JavaScript count bug in tables.
  - [65c2ab8] Edit image popup public checkbox not pulling in value
    (LP: #1076216)
  - [cb7aa15] Set defaultbranch in .gitreview to stable/folsom
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [fcba390] Fixes error when clicking OpenStack logo.
* [d842573] Final translations for Folsom.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [a925885] Allow any python-swiftclient v1.1 through v1.X
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [55002fd] Set FINAL versioning
* [968a6aa] Document limitations of quantum/nova/floating ip
* [a8c92dc] Remove template comments from compressed blocks.
* [347e95a] Admin panel: Don't poll shutoff instances
* [5950c1f] Adds release notes for 2012.2 "Folsom".
* [4e6107c] Adds a docs example for a customization module.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [34cd316] Fixes workflows to work without javascript.
* [4e6107c] Adds a docs example for a customization module.
* [8756b3b] Preserve add-to-field after form error.
* [eacda11] Don't poll on instances in a shutoff state.
* [ceb22f1] Adds a method for overriding specific API messages.
* [85b0bfe] Use device name from nova for attach message.
* [caf8eaf] Fix BatchAction class incongruence between documentation
  and code Fixes launchpad bug #1044424
* [9c77ce0] Fix PEP8 issues.
* [7d2e14c] Add Quantum public network support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [856083a] Make sure quota error message is displayed in overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [b177299] PEP8 issues fixed
* [ac2b355] grammar fixes and other minutia
* [6dbf9f1] Makes Launch Instance only show images that are "active"
  Fixes launchpad Bug #1040231
* [38ecad3] Add nosehtmloutput as a test dependency.
* [30ed984] Syspanel volume list once again shows all volumes.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [66d7d99] Creates volume snapshot detail page and links to it via
  the Name column in the Volume Snapshots table
* [7df3c9e] Adds instance UUID to associate floating ip dialog Fixes
  launchpad Bug #1039092
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [20166b1] * Removes instance ID from create volume snapshot Fixes
  launchpad bug #1039080 * Changes volume id to name in volume
  snapshot Fixes launchpad bug #1039082
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [7df3c9e] Adds instance UUID to associate floating ip dialog Fixes
  launchpad Bug #1039092
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1048ac6] Removes instance UUID from floating ip table Fixes
  launchpad bug #1039090
* [cb3c7a9] Only blur project membership inputs.
* [df04d43] Fixes some table footer bugs.
* [9fff560] High-light selected container in browser Fixed bug
  #1038264 Change-Id: I46c1d2faf58872d9ed72ee9f6f0f9c4d61d20756
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [156a368] Adds breadcrumb to resource browser. Fixes bug #1037012
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c00496e] Don't change tabs based on
  cookie if GET param is set.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [57acfca] Makes the usage of "RAM"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Memory"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [312348e] Fix slight grammar error.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [57acfca] Makes the usage of "RAM"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Memory"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [695a973] Makes "Instance Name"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Server Name"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aca0c22] Removes the jquery.example
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [257a3a8] Fixes form error box
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dfe0cf8] Catch an exception of API
  call when retrieving quota usage.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aca0c22] Removes the jquery.example
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [705aef0] Bug #1018560 Adding quota
  display to Overview template
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [257a3a8] Fixes form error box
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9947225] Removes the admin launch
  instance function.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ed08664] Resolves i18n problem on
  batch actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [27752e3] Adding missing files to
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4957301] Clarifying Quickstart
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9947225] Removes the admin launch
  instance function.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3e98b5b] Adds javascript console
  logging for debug mode.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ed08664] Resolves i18n problem on
  batch actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4957301] Clarifying Quickstart
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [56c23b5] Clean up instance state
  checking for actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbfef25] Corrects the CSV download
  link for overview pages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3e98b5b] Adds javascript console
  logging for debug mode.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [27752e3] Adding missing files to
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbbdaa6] Update tablesorter cache
  after ajax updates.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f280caa] Table filtering fixes.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbbdaa6] Update tablesorter cache
  after ajax updates.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2c1edf9] Update python-
  quantumclient dep to require >=2.0
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5531909] Specify tenant_id when
  retrieving network list from Quantum.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [61ed1d7] Fix floating notifications
  so they scroll with window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0cd51d5] Switch to using
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b1cbee8] Adds faux "edit" UI for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a6263af] Fetch "deleted" flavors
  for quota tabulation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [801c232] Switch to use python-
  swiftclient instead of cloudfiles.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5531909] Specify tenant_id when
  retrieving network list from Quantum.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [61ed1d7] Fix floating notifications
  so they scroll with window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [81af6d9] "Select all" checkboxes
  now don't select hidden items
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a6263af] Fetch "deleted" flavors
  for quota tabulation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b18532d] Removed inline object
  creation. Added project membership tab to 'Add Project' workflow
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ee17b15] Adds i18n support for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [89d3d11] Adds ResourceBrowser and
  ResourceBrowserView class
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [05cf900] Initial support of Quantum
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caf166e] Update python-glanceclient
  to allow anything < v2
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3640c38] Set env version to 25 for
  python-glanceclient dep
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c3c6e58] Update python-glanceclient
  dep to 0.3.X
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c966775] Don't call a method that
  doesn't exist for unauth'd requests.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [87ef0db] Allow empty device name.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3c4b00c] Warn user if no role
  assigned in default Project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dfdb837] Replace spin.js with
  animated gif for updating table rows.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3c4b00c] Warn user if no role
  assigned in default Project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e1635b6] project workflow: project
  membership UI
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1275650] Added breadcrumb selector
  for swift subfolders
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [30b58e2] Separate OpenStack
  exceptions from Horizon exceptions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9ac1f9b] Separate "modal" behavior
  from "self-handling" in forms.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e18be12] Don't show attachment UI
  if volume is already attached.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1275650] Added breadcrumb selector
  for swift subfolders
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [30b58e2] Separate OpenStack
  exceptions from Horizon exceptions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [68e612d] Added a check for None
  value in get_object_display
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [414fc7a] Allow control of whether a
  user can specify a volume mount point.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9ac1f9b] Separate "modal" behavior
  from "self-handling" in forms.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [972e71e] Adds an option for linking
  to external help docs.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e410ee9] Emails in the user list
  now urlized.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7560824] Fixed name of snaphot
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [414fc7a] Allow control of whether a
  user can specify a volume mount point.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4cda859] Makes the instance detail
  tabs sticky.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec3c76e] Guarantee that data is not
  undefined in quota index view.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c28ce3b] Update glanceclient
  imports and version req
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f81afa6] Fix for quota
  initialization scripts
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4cda859] Makes the instance detail
  tabs sticky.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [fc31aa7] Cleans up instance log
  page, form, HTML/styles...
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f81afa6] Fix for quota
  initialization scripts
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [972802e] Adds dynamic project
  creation to Create User.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [124cec7] Allow to use SSL with
  self-signed certificates
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1118b29] Add run_tests flag to run
  only selenium tests.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [d0403e9] Temp fix for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [cbb22a1] admin workflow to add/edit
  project info and quotas
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6ba1a4d] Makes data table accept
  mixed data types
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6f838a0] Fixed/enabled selenium
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [58983bf] Moves bootstrap LESS back
  to openstack_dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6ba1a4d] Makes data table accept
  mixed data types
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7743e6f] Display form with initial
  input and error after failure to import keypair
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2392da4] Added action for creating
  a volume from snapshot
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [cbb22a1] admin workflow to add/edit
  project info and quotas
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df5a13c] Inline object creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dec4876] Fixed the bug with images
  returned as generator
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ba27042] Added custom parser for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ac39a8e] Allow security group rules
  to have their own group as a source
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0544de] Partial sync of jsonutils
  from openstack-common
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df5a13c] Inline object creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0544de] Partial sync of jsonutils
  from openstack-common
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [d174c79] Fix the "more" link on the
  images table
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b282751] Fixed logic for disabling
  form button
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8d8ea1a] Allow arbitrarily setting
  the entry point in a workflow.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bd0bf10] Added 'always-enabled'
  submit button selector
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4fb923d] Smarter table form
  rendering and controls.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8d8ea1a] Allow arbitrarily setting
  the entry point in a workflow.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [459ed0c] Fixing documentation style
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [821d7a6] Adding Better Error for
  Launching Instance
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dcb6683] Allowed empty file for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f3dc3b9] A description is not
  required for a Project creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [360ce39] Remove
  glanceclient.AuthorizationFailure exception
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dcb6683] Allowed empty file for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c339189] Auth refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0ae2556] Fixes behavior of the
  'check-all' checkbox
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f5d89c3] Allows filtering form
  field to be selected.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [439c272] Provide user-selectable
  timezone support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dcb6683] Allowed empty file for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f3dc3b9] A description is not
  required for a Project creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [469be83] Fix --pep8
  jenkins interaction.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [439c272] Provide user-selectable
  timezone support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8bb5a78] Makes API endpoints
  discoverable for an end user.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df10657] Includes LESS files in
  bdist packages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [010475b] Summation rows handle None
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2c0a8f3] Volumes Redux.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9aa2dda] Provide utilities to
  automate secure secret key generation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e0906bc] Adding flavor name to
  instances table view under column 'Size'
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [fb83d84] Check for quota data
  before trying to use it in JS.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8e8d5a7] Use client libs from PyPI
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5831b8c] Ensure that launching from
  image/snapshot selects proper default.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [40fef2d] Changing 'Associate /
  Disassociate IP' to 'Associate / Disassociate Floating IP' and
  adding Portuguese translation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [406cb5d] Volume Progress Bar &
  Fixes For Quota
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [db15907] Add flavor name to
  Detailed Instance Overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ba4d3e1] Adding Associated Keypair
  as Column 'Keypair' to Instances table view
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [42e6dec] Fixing the scrollbars on
  the VNC window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [40fef2d] Changing 'Associate /
  Disassociate IP' to 'Associate / Disassociate Floating IP' and
  adding Portuguese translation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [db15907] Add flavor name to
  Detailed Instance Overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7b72245] Fix for to
  support tenant names with blanks.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9e0189c] Fixing Amazon Image
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8d63b31] Fixes Nonetype error of
  flavor info in intances index view
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8efb813] Fixing the project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0ccb8f1] Update the sensitive data
  exception filter bugfix.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18e2218] 'Edit' image disabled if
  image in 'Queued' state
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [406cb5d] Volume Progress Bar &
  Fixes For Quota
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9e0189c] Fixing Amazon Image
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aa6919d] Removed new lines when
  importing a keypair
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bbf9555] Pin client versions until
  verioinfo bug is fixed.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41c3a59] JavaScript Refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ac6bc36] Make TIME_ZONE a local
  settings with a sane default.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [820fdfe] Corrections for stricter
  pep8 checking.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a670349] Fix Project Overview link
  to use instance_id
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41c3a59] JavaScript Refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [820fdfe] Corrections for stricter
  pep8 checking.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ffd1031] Return the correct ec2
  access/secret when generating
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5e20e7c] Ensure existing image
  properties are not deleted
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1da39eb] Updated status messages
  after launching multiple instances
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0fe202] Login/Logout redirects
  with Django variables
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7ce7905] Forcing Horizon to use
  PEP8 1.1
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1da39eb] Updated status messages
  after launching multiple instances
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0e40bdd] Use horizon's panel
  template loader.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bb29bbf] Reduced height of modal
  dialog textareas in dashboard
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41307a3] Adds warning banner for
  admin users in project dash.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4624620] When laxy loading tabs
  don't overwrite query params.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6174eae] Make Horizon timezone-
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [626d236] Cleans up the settings files.
* [9f2cfc3] Adding the bin dir and lessc binary to the manifest file.
* [b9be56f] Removes Horizon's "time" module.
* [359a71e] Swift Object filter improve and fix bug#1013409
* [f6f2a91] Fix async messages w/ translated strings.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [9f2cfc3] Adding the bin dir and lessc binary to the manifest file.
* [b9be56f] Removes Horizon's "time" module.
* [359a71e] Swift Object filter improve and fix bug#1013409
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f6f2a91] Fix async messages w/ translated strings.
* [c17b06d] Fixing Nameless Volume Display
* [5d9cbf4] Support revisions in version numbers
* [7ebc365] compiled i18n file "django.po" for chinese
* [a5a1e40] Improved message handling.
* New release candidate for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
* New release candidate for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
* New usptream version.
* debian/patches/add_juju_settings_panel.patch: Refreshed
* debian/patches/turn-off-debug.patch: Refreshed
* debian/patches/{use-memcache.patch, turn-off-debug.patch}: Refresh.

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/quantal-folsom 1 Development 2013-03-12 02:33:40 UTC
131. * Automated Ubuntu testing build: * N...

Author: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Revision Date: 2013-03-12 02:33:40 UTC

* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [8ece3c7] pin django to 1.4.x stream
* [1af5e78] Prevent the user from creating a single IP address sized
* [f421145] Bump version to 2012.2.4
* [6757997] Final versioning for 2012.2.3
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [aa369b0] Add UTC offset information to the timezone
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1af5e78] Prevent the user from creating a single IP address sized
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f421145] Bump version to 2012.2.4
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [6757997] Final versioning for 2012.2.3
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [20fa0fc] Don't show the EC2 Credentials panel if there is no EC2
* [476072d] Avoid cinder calls, when cinder is unavailable
* [e19a218] Allow setting nova quotas to unlimited
* [0b1c553] Don't inherit from base.html in 500 error page
* [2f959c6] Specify floating ips table action column's width
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [ebc5e6d] Add a check for unlimited quotas
* [e19a218] Allow setting nova quotas to unlimited
* [69147a6] Pin docutils to 0.9.1, fix pep8 errors
* [9060885] Fix bug 1055929 - Can not display usage data for Quota
* [817d628] Revert "Temp fix for api/"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [2f959c6] Specify floating ips table action column's width
* [9060885] Fix bug 1055929 - Can not display usage data for Quota
* [817d628] Revert "Temp fix for api/"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [69147a6] Pin docutils to 0.9.1, fix pep8 errors
* [9060885] Fix bug 1055929 - Can not display usage data for Quota
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [da9a19c] Bump next version to 2012.2.2
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [9647138] Final versioning for 2012.2.1
* [65c2ab8] When editing an image, correctly set the 'is_public'
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [53954a7] Fixes JavaScript count bug in tables.
* [65c2ab8] When editing an image, correctly set the 'is_public'
* [cb7aa15] Set defaultbranch in .gitreview to stable/folsom
* [1e9b870] Bump next version to 2012.2.1
* [d842573] Final translations for Folsom.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [fcba390] Fixes error when clicking OpenStack logo.
* [d842573] Final translations for Folsom.
* [a925885] Allow any python-swiftclient v1.1 through v1.X
* [55002fd] Set FINAL versioning
* [968a6aa] Document limitations of quantum/nova/floating ip
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [fcba390] Fixes error when clicking OpenStack logo.
* [d842573] Final translations for Folsom.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [a925885] Allow any python-swiftclient v1.1 through v1.X
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [55002fd] Set FINAL versioning
* [968a6aa] Document limitations of quantum/nova/floating ip
* [a8c92dc] Remove template comments from compressed blocks.
* [347e95a] Admin panel: Don't poll shutoff instances
* [5950c1f] Adds release notes for 2012.2 "Folsom".
* [4e6107c] Adds a docs example for a customization module.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [34cd316] Fixes workflows to work without javascript.
* [8756b3b] Preserve add-to-field after form error.
* [eacda11] Don't poll on instances in a shutoff state.
* [ceb22f1] Adds a method for overriding specific API messages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [4e6107c] Adds a docs example for a customization module.
* [eacda11] Don't poll on instances in a shutoff state.
* [ceb22f1] Adds a method for overriding specific API messages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [8756b3b] Preserve add-to-field after form error.
* [ceb22f1] Adds a method for overriding specific API messages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [85b0bfe] Use device name from nova for attach message.
* [9c77ce0] Fix PEP8 issues.
* [7d2e14c] Add Quantum public network support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [caf8eaf] Fix BatchAction class incongruence between documentation
  and code Fixes launchpad bug #1044424
* [9c77ce0] Fix PEP8 issues.
* [7d2e14c] Add Quantum public network support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [856083a] Make sure quota error message is displayed in overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [b177299] PEP8 issues fixed
* [ac2b355] grammar fixes and other minutia
* [6dbf9f1] Makes Launch Instance only show images that are "active"
  Fixes launchpad Bug #1040231
* [38ecad3] Add nosehtmloutput as a test dependency.
* [30ed984] Syspanel volume list once again shows all volumes.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [66d7d99] Creates volume snapshot detail page and links to it via
  the Name column in the Volume Snapshots table
* [7df3c9e] Adds instance UUID to associate floating ip dialog Fixes
  launchpad Bug #1039092
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [20166b1] * Removes instance ID from create volume snapshot Fixes
  launchpad bug #1039080 * Changes volume id to name in volume
  snapshot Fixes launchpad bug #1039082
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [7df3c9e] Adds instance UUID to associate floating ip dialog Fixes
  launchpad Bug #1039092
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [1048ac6] Removes instance UUID from floating ip table Fixes
  launchpad bug #1039090
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cb3c7a9] Only blur project membership inputs.
* [df04d43] Fixes some table footer bugs.
* [9fff560] High-light selected container in browser Fixed bug
  #1038264 Change-Id: I46c1d2faf58872d9ed72ee9f6f0f9c4d61d20756
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [156a368] Adds breadcrumb to resource browser. Fixes bug #1037012
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c00496e] Don't change tabs based on
  cookie if GET param is set.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [57acfca] Makes the usage of "RAM"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Memory"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [312348e] Fix slight grammar error.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [57acfca] Makes the usage of "RAM"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Memory"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [695a973] Makes "Instance Name"
  consistent across dashboard instead of "Server Name"
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aca0c22] Removes the jquery.example
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [257a3a8] Fixes form error box
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dfe0cf8] Catch an exception of API
  call when retrieving quota usage.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aca0c22] Removes the jquery.example
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [705aef0] Bug #1018560 Adding quota
  display to Overview template
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec534c1] Restores the warning
  message to the Project dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [257a3a8] Fixes form error box
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caa77f5] Fixes inline object
  creation button styling
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9947225] Removes the admin launch
  instance function.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ed08664] Resolves i18n problem on
  batch actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [27752e3] Adding missing files to
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4957301] Clarifying Quickstart
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [629316f] Fixes a js error when
  tables loaded on the page are empty.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9947225] Removes the admin launch
  instance function.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3e98b5b] Adds javascript console
  logging for debug mode.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ed08664] Resolves i18n problem on
  batch actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4957301] Clarifying Quickstart
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [56c23b5] Clean up instance state
  checking for actions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbfef25] Corrects the CSV download
  link for overview pages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3e98b5b] Adds javascript console
  logging for debug mode.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [27752e3] Adding missing files to
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbbdaa6] Update tablesorter cache
  after ajax updates.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f280caa] Table filtering fixes.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dbbdaa6] Update tablesorter cache
  after ajax updates.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2c1edf9] Update python-
  quantumclient dep to require >=2.0
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5531909] Specify tenant_id when
  retrieving network list from Quantum.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [61ed1d7] Fix floating notifications
  so they scroll with window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0cd51d5] Switch to using
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b1cbee8] Adds faux "edit" UI for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a6263af] Fetch "deleted" flavors
  for quota tabulation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [801c232] Switch to use python-
  swiftclient instead of cloudfiles.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5531909] Specify tenant_id when
  retrieving network list from Quantum.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [61ed1d7] Fix floating notifications
  so they scroll with window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [81af6d9] "Select all" checkboxes
  now don't select hidden items
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a6263af] Fetch "deleted" flavors
  for quota tabulation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b18532d] Removed inline object
  creation. Added project membership tab to 'Add Project' workflow
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ee17b15] Adds i18n support for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [89d3d11] Adds ResourceBrowser and
  ResourceBrowserView class
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [05cf900] Initial support of Quantum
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [caf166e] Update python-glanceclient
  to allow anything < v2
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3640c38] Set env version to 25 for
  python-glanceclient dep
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c3c6e58] Update python-glanceclient
  dep to 0.3.X
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c966775] Don't call a method that
  doesn't exist for unauth'd requests.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [87ef0db] Allow empty device name.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3c4b00c] Warn user if no role
  assigned in default Project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dfdb837] Replace spin.js with
  animated gif for updating table rows.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [3c4b00c] Warn user if no role
  assigned in default Project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e1635b6] project workflow: project
  membership UI
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1275650] Added breadcrumb selector
  for swift subfolders
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [30b58e2] Separate OpenStack
  exceptions from Horizon exceptions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9ac1f9b] Separate "modal" behavior
  from "self-handling" in forms.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e18be12] Don't show attachment UI
  if volume is already attached.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1275650] Added breadcrumb selector
  for swift subfolders
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [30b58e2] Separate OpenStack
  exceptions from Horizon exceptions.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [68e612d] Added a check for None
  value in get_object_display
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [414fc7a] Allow control of whether a
  user can specify a volume mount point.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9ac1f9b] Separate "modal" behavior
  from "self-handling" in forms.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [972e71e] Adds an option for linking
  to external help docs.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e410ee9] Emails in the user list
  now urlized.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7560824] Fixed name of snaphot
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [414fc7a] Allow control of whether a
  user can specify a volume mount point.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4cda859] Makes the instance detail
  tabs sticky.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ec3c76e] Guarantee that data is not
  undefined in quota index view.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c28ce3b] Update glanceclient
  imports and version req
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f81afa6] Fix for quota
  initialization scripts
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4cda859] Makes the instance detail
  tabs sticky.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [fc31aa7] Cleans up instance log
  page, form, HTML/styles...
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f81afa6] Fix for quota
  initialization scripts
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [972802e] Adds dynamic project
  creation to Create User.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [124cec7] Allow to use SSL with
  self-signed certificates
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1118b29] Add run_tests flag to run
  only selenium tests.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [d0403e9] Temp fix for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [cbb22a1] admin workflow to add/edit
  project info and quotas
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6ba1a4d] Makes data table accept
  mixed data types
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6f838a0] Fixed/enabled selenium
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [58983bf] Moves bootstrap LESS back
  to openstack_dashboard.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6ba1a4d] Makes data table accept
  mixed data types
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7743e6f] Display form with initial
  input and error after failure to import keypair
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2392da4] Added action for creating
  a volume from snapshot
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [cbb22a1] admin workflow to add/edit
  project info and quotas
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df5a13c] Inline object creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dec4876] Fixed the bug with images
  returned as generator
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ba27042] Added custom parser for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ac39a8e] Allow security group rules
  to have their own group as a source
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0544de] Partial sync of jsonutils
  from openstack-common
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df5a13c] Inline object creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [821d7a6] Adding Better Error for
  Launching Instance
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dcb6683] Allowed empty file for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [c339189] Auth refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [360ce39] Remove
  glanceclient.AuthorizationFailure exception
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [459ed0c] Fixing documentation style
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8d8ea1a] Allow arbitrarily setting
  the entry point in a workflow.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4fb923d] Smarter table form
  rendering and controls.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bd0bf10] Added 'always-enabled'
  submit button selector
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [b282751] Fixed logic for disabling
  form button
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0544de] Partial sync of jsonutils
  from openstack-common
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [d174c79] Fix the "more" link on the
  images table
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0ae2556] Fixes behavior of the
  'check-all' checkbox
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f5d89c3] Allows filtering form
  field to be selected.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [439c272] Provide user-selectable
  timezone support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [dcb6683] Allowed empty file for
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f3dc3b9] A description is not
  required for a Project creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [469be83] Fix --pep8
  jenkins interaction.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [439c272] Provide user-selectable
  timezone support.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8bb5a78] Makes API endpoints
  discoverable for an end user.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [df10657] Includes LESS files in
  bdist packages.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [010475b] Summation rows handle None
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [2c0a8f3] Volumes Redux.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9aa2dda] Provide utilities to
  automate secure secret key generation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [e0906bc] Adding flavor name to
  instances table view under column 'Size'
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [fb83d84] Check for quota data
  before trying to use it in JS.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8e8d5a7] Use client libs from PyPI
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5831b8c] Ensure that launching from
  image/snapshot selects proper default.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [40fef2d] Changing 'Associate /
  Disassociate IP' to 'Associate / Disassociate Floating IP' and
  adding Portuguese translation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [406cb5d] Volume Progress Bar &
  Fixes For Quota
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [db15907] Add flavor name to
  Detailed Instance Overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ba4d3e1] Adding Associated Keypair
  as Column 'Keypair' to Instances table view
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [42e6dec] Fixing the scrollbars on
  the VNC window.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [40fef2d] Changing 'Associate /
  Disassociate IP' to 'Associate / Disassociate Floating IP' and
  adding Portuguese translation
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [db15907] Add flavor name to
  Detailed Instance Overview
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7b72245] Fix for to
  support tenant names with blanks.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9e0189c] Fixing Amazon Image
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8d63b31] Fixes Nonetype error of
  flavor info in intances index view
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [8efb813] Fixing the project
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0ccb8f1] Update the sensitive data
  exception filter bugfix.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18f74a8] Updated wording for
  instance termination.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [18e2218] 'Edit' image disabled if
  image in 'Queued' state
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [406cb5d] Volume Progress Bar &
  Fixes For Quota
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [9e0189c] Fixing Amazon Image
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [aa6919d] Removed new lines when
  importing a keypair
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bbf9555] Pin client versions until
  verioinfo bug is fixed.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41c3a59] JavaScript Refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ac6bc36] Make TIME_ZONE a local
  settings with a sane default.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [820fdfe] Corrections for stricter
  pep8 checking.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a670349] Fix Project Overview link
  to use instance_id
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [a08705e] Tweaking admin warning
  dialog HTML.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41c3a59] JavaScript Refactor.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [820fdfe] Corrections for stricter
  pep8 checking.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [ffd1031] Return the correct ec2
  access/secret when generating
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [5e20e7c] Ensure existing image
  properties are not deleted
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1da39eb] Updated status messages
  after launching multiple instances
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [f0fe202] Login/Logout redirects
  with Django variables
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [7ce7905] Forcing Horizon to use
  PEP8 1.1
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [1da39eb] Updated status messages
  after launching multiple instances
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [0e40bdd] Use horizon's panel
  template loader.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [bb29bbf] Reduced height of modal
  dialog textareas in dashboard
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [41307a3] Adds warning banner for
  admin users in project dash.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [4624620] When laxy loading tabs
  don't overwrite query params.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: [6174eae] Make Horizon timezone-
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build: No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [626d236] Cleans up the settings files.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [9f2cfc3] Adding the bin dir and lessc binary to the manifest file.
* [b9be56f] Removes Horizon's "time" module.
* [359a71e] Swift Object filter improve and fix bug#1013409
* [f6f2a91] Fix async messages w/ translated strings.
* [c17b06d] Fixing Nameless Volume Display
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [9f2cfc3] Adding the bin dir and lessc binary to the manifest file.
* [b9be56f] Removes Horizon's "time" module.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [359a71e] Swift Object filter improve and fix bug#1013409
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f6f2a91] Fix async messages w/ translated strings.
* [c17b06d] Fixing Nameless Volume Display
* [5d9cbf4] Support revisions in version numbers
* [7ebc365] compiled i18n file "django.po" for chinese
* [a5a1e40] Improved message handling.
* [7b565fc] Fixed validation check for ICMP rules
* [f1a8e0c] Move docs to doc.
* [e555129] New .tmpl files are not included in build.
* [24748ac] Clarifying user roles in various places.
* [155bfb7] Rollup of volume fixes.
* [375102d] Dependency Reconcilliation
* [45e958b] UUID Cleanup.
* [da9ee69] Horizon should use openstack.common.jsonutils
* [cba0599] Common table functions are now run on
* [2bae084] Generate two different nosetests.xml files.
* [0074328] Updating Horizon to use LESS.
* [e1eaaa3] Prevent erroneous log message when accessing security
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [187785b] Adding block links in table cells.
* [6ba785c] Some tablesort style tweaks.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [4570fff] Only sort on sortable columns.
* [6ba785c] Some tablesort style tweaks.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [59e862e] Add Swift pseudo-folder support to Horizon.
* [ca795fe] Glance remote image creation.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [ab71a13] Re-enabling client-side table sorting on a basic level.
* [ca795fe] Glance remote image creation.
* [58762cd] Added a check for attachment['instance']
* [216f41a] Changed project uuid to project name
* [10a62b3] Added metadata for server
* [dd5cd7c] Change tenant to project in python code to match
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [24355b7] Added some identifying classes to detail page sections.
* [819de96] Fixing security group create success message.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [085e072] Improved floating ip assocation via workflows.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [819de96] Fixing security group create success message.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [8fd77f0] Adds a summation row option to the datatables.
* [f1ab7f7] Bootstrapifying quota bars in launch modal window
* [3b41cb9] Added help text in local.settings.example how to setup
  Horizon to use SSL-offloading proxy to properly handle page
  redirects to SSL.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [bbdba48] Adding an AJAX indication to modal loading.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f1ab7f7] Bootstrapifying quota bars in launch modal window
* [113fb84] Prevent switching from syspanel to nova dash for image
* [9cb0c10] Removing the current project from the drop-down.
* [f986a63] Make sure Horizon is treating passwords securely.
* [3b942b4] Lowering zindex for spinners, so they don't appear above
  modal windows.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [c93e7c0] Add ProjectTestingInterface to horizon.
* [9cb0c10] Removing the current project from the drop-down.
* [f986a63] Make sure Horizon is treating passwords securely.
* [3b942b4] Lowering zindex for spinners, so they don't appear above
  modal windows.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [113fb84] Prevent switching from syspanel to nova dash for image
* [9cb0c10] Removing the current project from the drop-down.
* [48e325d] Restored functionality of the region switcher dropdown.
* [dcae1d7] PEP8/style cleanup.
* [f986a63] Make sure Horizon is treating passwords securely.

lp:~cisco-openstack/horizon/folsom 1 Development 2013-03-05 11:23:09 UTC
127. Refresh patches again

Author: Soren Hansen
Revision Date: 2013-03-05 11:23:09 UTC

Refresh patches again

lp:~james-page/horizon/fix-watch-file (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-03-01 14:16:14 UTC
143. d/watch: Update uversionmangle to dea...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2013-03-01 14:14:52 UTC

d/watch: Update uversionmangle to deal with upstream versioning
changes, remove

lp:~james-page/horizon/g3-compress (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-02-26 07:36:40 UTC
142. Recompress static JS and CSS and gene...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2013-02-26 07:36:25 UTC

Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for offline

lp:~zulcss/horizon/horizon-g3-precise 1 Development 2013-02-25 14:01:10 UTC
43. * New upstream release for the Ubuntu...

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-02-25 13:56:46 UTC

* New upstream release for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
* Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for offline
  compression in preparation for Grizzly-3.
* New usptream release.

lp:~zulcss/horizon/horizon-g3 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-02-22 15:47:03 UTC
141. releasing version 2013.1.g3-0ubuntu1

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-02-22 15:43:29 UTC

releasing version 2013.1.g3-0ubuntu1

lp:~james-page/horizon/g3-recompress (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-02-19 14:55:05 UTC
140. Recompress static JS and CSS and gene...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2013-02-19 14:54:50 UTC

Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for offline
compression in preparation for Grizzly-3.

lp:~zulcss/horizon/horizon-cloud-g2 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-01-25 16:27:23 UTC
42. Fix changelog

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-01-25 16:27:23 UTC

Fix changelog

lp:~zulcss/horizon/horizon-g2 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-01-11 14:41:43 UTC
139. New upstream release.

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2013-01-11 14:39:57 UTC

New upstream release.

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/precise-essex-proposed bug 1 Development 2012-12-17 11:08:01 UTC
107. * Resynchronize with stable/essex (5c...

Author: Yolanda Robla
Revision Date: 2012-12-17 11:08:01 UTC

* Resynchronize with stable/essex (5ce39422):
  - [7e651d7] stable/essex horizon installs unusable version of glance
    (LP: #1057125)
  - [35eada8] open redirect / phishing attack via "next" parameter
  - [8889311] TypeError when trying to delete an unnamed volume via dashboard
    (LP: #1031291)
  - [f862d9e] Wrong 'Download CSV Summary' link (LP: #1020555)
* Dropped patches, superseeded by snapshot:
  - debian/patches/CVE-2012-3540.patch [35eada8]
* SECURITY UPDATE: open redirect / phishing attack via "next"
  parameter (LP: #1039077)
  - debian/patches/CVE-2012-3540.patch: disallow redirects to anywhere
    other than the same origin
  - CVE-2012-3540

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/precise-grizzly-proposed 1 Development 2012-11-19 12:15:37 UTC
110. Merged in latest proposed packaging f...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2012-11-19 12:15:37 UTC

Merged in latest proposed packaging from raring

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/raring-grizzly-proposed 1 Development 2012-11-01 16:39:04 UTC
130. Refresh patches for opening of Grizzly.

Author: Adam Gandelman
Revision Date: 2012-11-01 16:39:06 UTC

Refresh patches for opening of Grizzly.

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/quantal-folsom-proposed bug 1 Development 2012-10-09 19:30:59 UTC
128. * debian/theme/css/ubuntu.css: Refres...

Author: Adam Gandelman
Revision Date: 2012-10-09 19:30:34 UTC

* debian/theme/css/ubuntu.css: Refreshed against Folsom. (LP: #1064420)
* debian/patches/add_juju_panel.patch: Update and refresh for Folsom
  compatability. (LP: #1064605)
* debian/patches/allow_alternate_css.patch: Remove unapplied, obsolete

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/precise-folsom-proposed bug 1 Development 2012-10-05 00:49:32 UTC
107. debian/control: Set strict version re...

Author: Adam Gandelman
Revision Date: 2012-10-05 00:49:32 UTC

debian/control: Set strict version requirements between python-django-horizon,
openstack-dashboard, and openstack-ubuntu-theme. (LP: #1061961)

lp:~cisco-openstack/horizon/essex 1 Development 2012-09-19 07:23:57 UTC
98. Move openstack-dashboard away from th...

Author: Soren Hansen
Revision Date: 2012-09-19 07:23:57 UTC

Move openstack-dashboard away from the web root

lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/quantal 1 Development 2012-08-16 19:06:31 UTC
118. Fix changelog

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2012-08-16 19:06:31 UTC

Fix changelog

lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/folsom 1 Development 2012-07-06 15:43:59 UTC
108. New usptream version.

Author: Chuck Short
Revision Date: 2012-07-06 15:43:26 UTC

New usptream version.

lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/precise-essex 1 Development 2012-06-12 11:38:02 UTC
94. Actually include debian/patches/use-m...

Author: Dave Walker
Revision Date: 2012-06-12 11:38:02 UTC

Actually include debian/patches/use-memcache.patch.. doh

lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/quantal-folsom 1 Development 2012-05-01 14:07:37 UTC
93. * debian/control: Added memcached as ...

Author: Dave Walker
Revision Date: 2012-04-26 10:55:33 UTC

* debian/control: Added memcached as a Recommends of python-django-horizon,
  to ensure a memcached is running and can be used via default install.
  - LP: #988435

lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/precise-folsom 1 Development 2012-05-01 14:07:08 UTC
93. * debian/control: Added memcached as ...

Author: Dave Walker
Revision Date: 2012-04-26 10:55:33 UTC

* debian/control: Added memcached as a Recommends of python-django-horizon,
  to ensure a memcached is running and can be used via default install.
  - LP: #988435

lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/essex bug 1 Development 2012-04-26 10:58:58 UTC
93. * debian/control: Added memcached as ...

Author: Dave Walker
Revision Date: 2012-04-26 10:55:33 UTC

* debian/control: Added memcached as a Recommends of python-django-horizon,
  to ensure a memcached is running and can be used via default install.
  - LP: #988435

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/horizon/essex bug 1 Development 2012-04-20 16:37:37 UTC
84. * Automated Ubuntu testing build: * N...

Author: Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot
Revision Date: 2012-04-20 16:37:37 UTC

* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [a58db85] Adding a user configurable log length.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [6da7f69] Don't choke on unlimited quotas. Fixes bug 971937.
* [736ebd1] Prevent table data elements from wrapping text.
* [6e0d93e] Can now specify endpoint type via setting.
* [215a2d8] fix cidr help text
* [a491b2a] Adds an error message for an outright failure on an ajax
* [d33da79] Prevent confirmation password data from being sent to
* [1fe5924] Instance log and console actions now go to detail tabs.
* [385c019] Don't try to make an admin call in a user-level dashboard.
* [7e7a273] Prevent multiple modals/multiple form submissions via
* [8f32bf9] Ensure that table action ids are unique again. Fixes bug
* [3d91871] Improved keystone error handling in syspanel.
* [e1f7473] volume.volumeId property used wrongly as .volume_id
* [e04580f] Using internalURL for Keystone endpoint.
* [d85196d] Replacing the ULs with DLs on the instance detail page.
* [864f6a6] Makes OS_TENANT_ID and OS_TENANT_NAME separate in RC file.
* [24ba966] Added "network" to the list of required nova services.
* [8fadde1] Add preference towards single id for action handling.
* [300591a] Fix issue with not loading and showing tenant name in
  syspanel/instance view
* [ae4d7ba] Added a min-width to the header bar.
* [2c716b1] Fix display of volumes and snapshots
* [1373c30] show proper error message in VNC tab if instance not ready
* [8b878a4] Dropdown arrow button inherits the same style as main
* [092d30d] Adds configurable ajax connection queueing.
* [295731e] Adds an option for "sticky" tabs.
* [75ed693] Adds PanelGroup class and site customization hook.
* [7b50e66] User needs to log in messages.
* [ad60c4a] Replacing the caption tag in data tables.
* [b1820e4] Replaces "_" with " " for instance status and task
* [a862b1c] Add link to instance for its id in floating ip list
* [ceaea01] ".modal" style only applied to modals now.
* [dad858b] updating image should redirect back to original page
* [f78ff97] fix ajax row update polling decay,
* [409d11a] Copies column instances to be unique per table instance.
* [5636626] Ensures tab data is preloaded. With tests! Fixes bug
* [e08cc35] Removed max_length from username/password fields in login
* [8e0574e] Fix ephemeral field name in quota computing
* [016e3d1] Prevent AJAX POST for multipart forms (e.g. file uploads).
* [205089c] Adds support for tabs + tables.
* [8dc99fe] skip adding spinner animation to row cell if no polling
* [e4d6970] Additional translations for Traditional Chinese
* [4dbea6a] Added check to verify email exists when filtering users.
* [e80e715] fix label name for add rule in security group to be
* [d8c838b] remove console.log from javascript
* [08b4de8] Use ugettext_lazy for verbose_texts instead of unicode.
* [0b3725a] Rework translation for panel and dashboard names. Marked
  more strings.
* [85559a4] Fixing an issue where a unique id was not being returned
  for the overview table, causing the same information to be rendered
  for instances with the same name but differing stats. Fixes bug
* [ddd43ea] Translate the sidebar.
* [78d8bcd] Fix instance row updates polling and actions name
* [b7d63ae] fix ajax-modal to work with updated row
* [77bf51a] make execute with python by default
* [76ee44f] fix IndexError when trying to create the first flavor (bug
* [fca896b] LaunchAction button enabled only if image is in 'active'
* [e0d2b62] Allow image name up to 255 characters
* [2676c09] Block launching more than one instance if volume is
* [5717dc3] Fix AJAX form posting that work incorrectly if get() in
  base views is overridden by subclass, e.g. EditRulesView and
  EditAttachmentsView if they don't add X-Horizon-Location custom
  headers if redirect is used. This mucking is probably the cleanest
  way to fix this in the meantime.
* [b522cea] fix horizontal form error field layout break
* [b6a2c24] Implements AJAX form posting.
* [b0b6b7b] Fixing an issue with overlapping content in FireFox using
  the caption tag. Fixes bug #960823
* [a9ef264] set kernel and ramdisk id not as required field as it's
  not editable
* [7f2f29b] Show the modal exactly where it's invoked
* [1ff4d87] Handle custom column classes; inherit from HTMLElement.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [97fc4f8] Final versioning for 2012.1
* [2a51171] Corrects glance image action permissions.
* [8b1d028] Load tab context data during init for "preload" tabs.
  Fixes bug 959800.
* [872543a] Changing name of project settings page to Download
  OpenStack RC File.
* [9931748] Making download ec2 credentials submit button blue
* [2f946fa] Allow message assertions to check response context as
* [f59ecbe] Fixed a variable being clobbered in the auth_forms
* [8ea8422] Adds service name to services table.
* [e315b19] Fix EC2 endpoint when downloading credentials
* [53f15d9] don't use zipfile's context manager as it won't work on
* [b3c7035] Add a select all checkbox at table header dynamically
* [74dd2e9] Filter action respects HTTP method. Fixes bug 931272.
* [19ef513] Paring down the syspanel instances table.
* [fccfacb] Security Group Rule enhancements.
* [3a6ffe8] Added AJAX updating error handling.
* [b53d083] Instantiate novaclient managers for test data.
* [9fbca56] Using the <caption> tag for table captions. Fixes bug
* [5ab5d28] reset table to empty look if row becomes empty during
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [baf6662] Improves the BaseAdminView TestCase.
* [cefb135] Set usage to 0 if attribute not present
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [a942066] Adding a string for the create volume form. Fixes Bug
* [d4456b3] fix syspanel overview missing messages if future date
* [99019b2] allow backdrop for modal inside modal, and rearrange the
* [fd3bb97] Port validation should include 65535
* [cb18f03] Clears session if login fails unexepctedly. Fixes bug
* [ebbf8a0] auth_forms: remove dead code
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cefb135] Set usage to 0 if attribute not present
* [d4456b3] fix syspanel overview missing messages if future date
* [fd3bb97] Port validation should include 65535
* [cb18f03] Clears session if login fails unexepctedly. Fixes bug
* [ebbf8a0] auth_forms: remove dead code
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [99019b2] allow backdrop for modal inside modal, and rearrange the
* [3ab6377] allow errored volume to be deleted since nova api allows
  it now
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [b8754d5] Updates Image Details page to match other details pages.
  Fixes bug 955625.
* [b61ee08] Corrects available actions for syspanel images table.
* [5a2da5d] set minimum instance launch count to 1
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [b989724] adds default text for empty instance list in form select
* [047d674] Add missing docs files in tarball
* [5a2da5d] set minimum instance launch count to 1
* [588c782] add source group rule interface in security groups edit
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [7d6089b] Updating ec2 credentials verbiage.
* [e2a558a] Changes 'project settings' to a more fitting 'OpenStack
* [047d674] Add missing docs files in tarball
* [382a510] User.authorized_tenants is now a cached property.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [cb8f3dd] Added IDs and identifiable classes to all action buttons.
* [753ebd6] Moved ajax updating from Action to Row.
* [382a510] User.authorized_tenants is now a cached property.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [56d98e5] Created a new detail view for volumes (like instance
* [753ebd6] Moved ajax updating from Action to Row.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [f7c0dd2] Adding a cancel CSS class to confirmation modals so they
  can be styled individualls. Fixes Bug #954515
* [ceed483] Show security groups for instance in overview detail.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [6999780] Updated docs to reflect current required services for
* [ceed483] Show security groups for instance in overview detail.
* [ea63d25] force actions_column min-width:140px to prevent dropdown
* [dfe55c0] add progressive interval delay, extra checks in ajax row
  update polling
* [f5efe11] fix filter form for container objects list
* [91b9f15] use tables.DeleteAction for DeleteContainer and
* [d0f7867] Removes duplicate error messages from being displayed
  during batch action error.
* [8944026] Volume delete action cleanup.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [b820fba] Adds default text for keypair select widget on launch
* [d0f7867] Removes duplicate error messages from being displayed
  during batch action error.
* [8944026] Volume delete action cleanup.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [2c2a583] Improved contributing docs.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [e206ba6] Ensuring the exception handler for the image detail page
* [d0c6d54] hide tooltip after select field is selected
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [7b526b6] When the glance client throws an Exception at Horizon,
  catch it and determine if it is an HTTP exception. If it is, recast
  it as a glance_client.ClientConnectionError so that Horizon can deal
  with it in a better manner. Fixes 951200
* [c9f566d] Changed CharField to IntegerField in forms where the
  actual value is expected to be integer.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [44f670e] Allows row status to be determined as the aggregate of
  multiple columns.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [24f6bc5] Adding the ability to configure password strength in the
  local_settings. Fixes bug 948317
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [e165416] Update to work with latest novaclient * fixes
  bug 951919
* [a0b57a5] Don't show stack trace when unknown exception happens
  during login.
* [f028477] Fix the translation of transform string
* [d5c438a] Removed id sanitizers now that cinder client does the
  right thing.
* [6b7f856] Translate names for some tables.
* [fa74048] Restores volume attachment list to instance details.
* [424bf84] Fix changing locale if using WSGIScriptAlias
* [839cdbe] Show quotas in Allocate IP form and block if quota limit
* [a358f18] load Edit Attachments for volume in modal window
* [07adf63] Makes sure ajax-updated rows still get correct actions
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [d4d8145] User crud no longer available in syspanel when Keystone is
  using something other than the native auth backend.
* [6b7f856] Translate names for some tables.
* [fa74048] Restores volume attachment list to instance details.
* [424bf84] Fix changing locale if using WSGIScriptAlias
* [33566cb] add table column verbose_name to make it into translation
* [7affd63] Minor extensibility tweaks (sidebar context and div
* [93f8382] Moves the branding back out of the main nav template.
  [efb280f] Translation for Chinese Traditional
* [a32f679] Minor extensibility improvements. [efb280f] Translation
  for Chinese Traditional
* [8ff0f46] Update for AUTHORS file to remove duplicate entries
  Multiple emails per person are mapped in .mailmap file Fixes bug
* [ecbd98a] Fix typo vnc to VNC [3a36b8f] Fix typo Snaphots to
  Snapshots [ff5f0d5] Fix typo termiante to terminate
* [ad0784c] fix chinese i18n code name from zh-TW/zh-CN to zh_TW/zh_CN
  [b59d288] Updated translation files; added sphinx template
  placeholder to manifest. [86bb083] Form errors should be very
  apparent. [aebc081] Remove trailing whitespaces in regular file
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* [f631470] Remove old Glance variables from openrc template [a23434d]
  Show proper warning message if security group rule is incomplete
* [b59d288] Updated translation files; added sphinx template
  placeholder to manifest. [a23434d] Show proper warning message if
  security group rule is incomplete
* [c49ab04] Fixed a couple of places where tenant was still being
  shown to the user. [d70a0fa] Disable submit action button until any
  of list item is selected [0860680] set image attributes not
  modifiable as read-only [5d22379] Prevents fade-in of modal forms in
  case of existing previous modal form. Note: This is just a quick fix
  for the problem specified in the bug. In general there are problems
  with using overlaying modals. Each subsequent modal form doesn't
  'backdrop' the previous one, and the first modal could be closed
  without closing the last one. [dff4efa] Appending [Instance_ID] in
  instance name for Floating IP association form in case the instance
  name is not unique. Screenshot can be seen at:
* No change rebuild.
* [9edcc59] Return proper error message when adding security group
  with no params [0860680] set image attributes not modifiable as
  read-only [017f756] add git commit date / sha1 to sphinx html docs
  Prevents fade-in of modal forms in case of existing previous modal
  form. Note: This is just a quick fix for the problem specified in
  the bug. In general there are problems with using overlaying modals.
  Each subsequent modal form doesn't 'backdrop' the previous one, and
  the first modal could be closed without closing the last one.
  [dff4efa] Appending [Instance_ID] in instance name for Floating IP
  association form in case the instance name is not unique. Screenshot
  can be seen at: [7423d11] Made Create Snapshot
  load in modal. [d2324b8] Changed alert message to show actual IP
  instead of obj_id for 'Disassociate IP' action. [9ffb726] Added
  floatformat:2 filter to Overview usage for Hours/GBs
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* [9bea795] Made readme a little more clear on where to put [f5a8fd4] One last redux for requirement
* [0ee6fa8] Fixed so the sdist command works
  properly. [6dee4e0] Removed '/' symbol in csv report. [309a724]
  Removed subheading from Overview pages. [6d20a65] Made Release
  Floating IPs buttons red. [0b7b11b] Give a project name instead of
  tenant id when allocating an ip [fa1f817] Removed period from login
  status. [2fd7e91] Removed unwanted handling for the -e and -f flags
  in install_requires.
* No change rebuild.
* [b1a6f00] Added a default SECRET_KEY
* [6dee4e0] Removed '/' symbol in csv report. [6d20a65] Made Release
  Floating IPs buttons red. [0b7b11b] Give a project name instead of
  tenant id when allocating an ip [fa1f817] Removed period from login
* No change rebuild.
* [309a724] Removed subheading from Overview pages. [6d20a65] Made
  Release Floating IPs buttons red. [0b7b11b] Give a project name
  instead of tenant id when allocating an ip
* [2fd7e91] Removed unwanted handling for the -e and -f flags in
  install_requires. [a9d926e] Added package_data to horizon
* [28c1a25] Require django >= 1.3.1 and rework __init__ to make
  installing easier. [dec0bc3] Small fix for forms with alert messages
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* [2042b89] Makes actually list it's dependencies for
  pip/easy_install. [a674025] Volumes page should not show inactive
  instances. [4b4bbd4] Added detail view for images. [8676439] Updated
  the django.wsgi file for devstack. [052aa55] Unifies the project
  packaging into one set of modules.
* [fca0b64] Implements reusable tab components. [4b33334] Validates
  port range and displayed non-field errors.
* [e040ad1] Prevents unauth'd view calls from popping up login in
  modal window.
* [7ab3948] Adds usage vs quota data to the launch instance dialog.
  Adds a reusable progress bar indicator. [8da6535] Added beginnings
  of a deployment guide w/ info on sessions.
* [7604208] Implementing EC2 credentials download [8da6535] Added
  beginnings of a deployment guide w/ info on sessions. [b79a3f7]
  Validates CIDR for security group rule input.
* [fa61455] Fixing Volume call used in image launch modal. [46bceaa]
  Makes the background color default to white. [0e58aea] Floating ip
  attachment needed ip instead of id.
* [461a266] Remove an unused template [46bceaa] Makes the background
  color default to white. [0e58aea] Floating ip attachment needed ip
  instead of id.
* [2491f6e] Changing default volume attachment interface.
* [f1b0ab6] Use the volume endpoint for volume actions [8cfd57b] don't
  show batch actions if no table data is available
* [ab35449] Swift name usage cleanup. Unicode support and slash
* [8cfd57b] don't show batch actions if no table data is available
  Allow login post without region in POST data. [c17d93d] Removed a
  *really* outdated setting. [d87006d] Improve usability of syspanel
  instance list.
* [3e77ad7] Adds test (copied from Glance/Keystone) to verify authors
  file is up-to-date. [b2d8133] Adding new ephemeral disk attribute to
  flavors. [c17d93d] Removed a *really* outdated setting. [d87006d]
  Improve usability of syspanel instance list.
* [75cf16c] Allow login post without region in POST data. [c17d93d]
  Removed a *really* outdated setting.
* [ab1fa53] Added an authors file generated from the git log (and de-
  duplicated). [404bda3] Help texts and dynamic label change for
  entering security group rules. ICMP rules have different meanings
  for the from_port and to_port fields. [1ee0694] allow rebooting
  instance in shutoff state
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* [2dcebb8] Adds new explicit interstitial page to download keypair.
  [3441088] Updated for Django 1.4. [321778f] Close button added for
  alert messages.
* No change rebuild.
* [784a9a0] Cleanup of quantum dependencies and imports.
* [572db79] Updated to Bootstrap 2.0 Final, and removed unused media.
  [d2df3ee] Keystone-related improvements.
* [db1b005] Adding iso8601 to pip-requires for Glance [d2df3ee]
  Keystone-related improvements. [1c62ba7] Adds tests for
  pause/unpause instances [7404d3f] Adds tests for instance console
  exception [0e55ede] Adds tests for suspend/resume instances
* [8b7e744] Fixed #934459. Remove outdated -E arg for pip. [7404d3f]
  Adds tests for instance console exception [8a919b8] Fixes for volume
  attachments view and modal behavior. [0e55ede] Adds tests for
  suspend/resume instances
* [1c62ba7] Adds tests for pause/unpause instances [7404d3f] Adds
  tests for instance console exception [0e55ede] Adds tests for
  suspend/resume instances
* [8a919b8] Fixes for volume attachments view and modal behavior.
* [bcb4166] Ignoring .venv dir [7e717f3] Sets default values for
  month/year at Usage Form in overview page [b5a60bc] Adds client-side
  templating capabilities. [6e9f375] Fixes a style bug when a button
  is the first element in a button group. [25cefd3] Rename venvs to
  match everyone else.
* No change rebuild.
* [c689f19] Bugfixes for modify project users. [7e717f3] Sets default
  values for month/year at Usage Form in overview page [1c57c92]
  Coloring errors in forms red. [6e9f375] Fixes a style bug when a
  button is the first element in a button group. [0027bc2] Improved
  AJAX polling. [25cefd3] Rename venvs to match everyone else.
  [7369311] Fixes logic for toggle Pause/Suspend actions Fixes bug
  925395. Added functionality in BatchAction to support multiple
  actions. The verbose_names are accordingly changed in update method.
  It is only required that the current action index is set in the
* [aca7394] Refactored test suite. [0027bc2] Improved AJAX polling.
  [7369311] Fixes logic for toggle Pause/Suspend actions Fixes bug
  925395. Added functionality in BatchAction to support multiple
  actions. The verbose_names are accordingly changed in update method.
  It is only required that the current action index is set in the
* No change rebuild.
* [1c57c92] Coloring errors in forms red. [0027bc2] Improved AJAX
  polling. [7369311] Fixes logic for toggle Pause/Suspend actions
  Fixes bug 925395. Added functionality in BatchAction to support
  multiple actions. The verbose_names are accordingly changed in
  update method. It is only required that the current action index is
  set in the control. [190f4fc] Adds support for volume snapshots
  (volume snapshots table and ability to boot from a volume snapshot).
* [aed4766] Full support for dashboard and panel configuration via
  service catalog. [190f4fc] Adds support for volume snapshots (volume
  snapshots table and ability to boot from a volume snapshot).
* [797c497] Cleanup on syspanel.images code, and unuset template
  removal. [c46f36a] Added readme for changing branding. [6516c38]
  Updated Copyright dates to 2012.
* [4d8a924] Improved region switcher. [c46f36a] Added readme for
  changing branding. [6516c38] Updated Copyright dates to 2012.
* [95970b7] Auto-updating for data in data tables!
* [c106616] Making attach volume detach action work again. [478772b]
  Syspanel instance display corrections.
* No change rebuild.
* [87e6970] Renamed all user-facing cases of "tenant" to "project".
* [478772b] Syspanel instance display corrections.
* [6892653] Use unscoped token to fetch authorized projects. Fixes bug
  927939. [32b8ab6] Fixes delete of a flavor in syspanel. Fixes bug
  924110. novaclient API is changed - purge param is removed. Patch 2:
  removed duplicate line Patch 3: removed repeated test call of the
  same method [a5d73d9] Slightly imrpoved usability of noVNC console
* [0cbf1d4] Re-fixing the horizontal layout of the usage range form.
  [32b8ab6] Fixes delete of a flavor in syspanel. Fixes bug 924110.
  novaclient API is changed - purge param is removed. Patch 2: removed
  duplicate line Patch 3: removed repeated test call of the same
* [a5d73d9] Slightly imrpoved usability of noVNC console [5131ce2]
  Cleans up leftover coverage files after test run. [3eae6c8] fixed
  whitespace and alignment of elements to be consistent [648075f]
  Making checkbox padding more flexible (vs. static pixel amounts)
  Making width of checkbox column consistent, even when no rows are
  shown [6d9baeb] Make space consistent between tables [c381195] Added
  vertical padding in tenant switcher [fd9d583] Converted Quantum to
  Datatables. [b8803fd] Fixing scroll overflow of table actions
* No change rebuild.
* [ce35f94] Added spacing in sidebar for nab elements [3eae6c8] fixed
  whitespace and alignment of elements to be consistent [6d9baeb] Make
  space consistent between tables [c381195] Added vertical padding in
  tenant switcher [fd9d583] Converted Quantum to Datatables. [b8803fd]
  Fixing scroll overflow of table actions
* [64b81ac] Reworked all the usage implementations into one standard
  set. [1a9ee2f] Adjusting placement of alert action buttons
* [8eb4a10] Coverage stats no longer incorrect. [1a9ee2f] Adjusting
  placement of alert action buttons
* [8cab45b] Center all multi-select checkboxes
* No change rebuild.
* [e2e1498] Trades out a one-off style tweak for a reusable one from
* [051cc12] Window now goes as low as 1024px wide without breaking.
* [a3f04d7] Fixed a tupo in Floating IP table header Fixes bug 923281
  [ec65aed] Tenant user administration upgrades.
* [e2e89a3] Import cleanups, removing unused vars, exception handling,
  one test fix.
* [ec65aed] Tenant user administration upgrades. [5444f45] Cleans up
  imports and error handling for syspanel.tenants. Fixes bug 922406.
  [c6003ab] Improves error handling for missing table values (less
  confusing). [b127470] Adds title to tenant edit modal. Fixes bug
  922350. [e559e48] Tenant description no longer raises an exception
  if missing. Fixes bug 922301. [31a15f9] Removes unmainted
  requirements from
* [df8fdd2] Makes failing mox test output 10x easier to decipher.
  [5444f45] Cleans up imports and error handling for syspanel.tenants.
  Fixes bug 922406. [c6003ab] Improves error handling for missing
  table values (less confusing). [b127470] Adds title to tenant edit
  modal. Fixes bug 922350. [e559e48] Tenant description no longer
  raises an exception if missing. Fixes bug 922301. [61cdfb6] Separate
  time overrides from test machinery. [31a15f9] Removes unmainted
  requirements from
* No change rebuild.
* [72a50b1] Novaclient for usage features. Kill openstackx.
* No change rebuild.
* [166ec2f] Implements action colors as per style guide. Fixes bug
  921741. [1e46e36] Corrects spacing for dropdown menu items. Fixes
  bug 921747. [1ae9559] Removes max-height from modals. Fixes bug
  921733. [eea6cfe] Corrects cross-browser height issues for .btn-
  group + .small.
* No change rebuild.
* [db1842c] Bootstrap 2!
* [f60aa08] switching to use python-quantumclient intead of quantum
  repo directly
* [269e389] horizon: Use novaclient for flavor create/delete [0314de8]
  Remove another quota-related openstackx dep
* [4724c2a] Port quantum vif servers call to novaclient
* [0314de8] Remove another quota-related openstackx dep [7b0ca43] Hide
  boot from volume UI when no volumes are available. [ac2a134] Made
  cancel button more visible. [fe97aa4] Tenant description now
  required on create and edit
* [5e680c9] Fixing default for boot from volume (from /dev/vda to vda)
  [7b0ca43] Hide boot from volume UI when no volumes are available.
  [959d29a] Converts syspanel.images to use datatables, new modals,
  etc. [ac2a134] Made cancel button more visible. [fe97aa4] Tenant
  description now required on create and edit [b39f0a0] Deleting a
  directory that should not have been there [ff7c1ce] Implementing
  multi-region support. [a67347f] Swift exception handling
  improvements. [bc7ebe1] Pylint cleanup (mostly unused or missing
  imports). [f0b48bd] Remove services openstackx dependency [37b7989]
  VNC no longer loads by default on instance detail page. [5305447]
  Port servers calls to novaclient [6883ea9] Port quotas to novaclient
  [41912be] Added specific style for error box. * fixes bug 900432
* [f0b48bd] Remove services openstackx dependency
* debian/conffiles: /etc/openstack-dashboard/
* [f0b48bd] Remove services openstackx dependency
* [05ba37d] Update Actions to require class-level name. [26878f6] Adds
  ID to flavors list.
* No change rebuild.
* [eaf93c8] Tooltip implementation cleanup. [1916202] Added a
  contributing guide to the Horizon docs. [7054298] Auto-remove auto-
  generated .rst files for deleted .py files. [e41f93a] Fix reference
  to vnc console.url
* No change rebuild.
* [c1bf05f] Adds support for boot from volume. [e41f93a] Fix reference
  to vnc console.url
* No change rebuild.
* [e90e8a9] Implementing instance count field in launch form. *
  fixes bug 905061 * Allows for launching multiple instances at
* [f53ee0a] Use novaclient to get a vnc console.
* [e0ff336] Fixes a syntax error when updating tenants [33519eb] Fix
  volume deletion by adding object id sanitization and object display
* [9f9d4ab] Converts images and snapshots to new tables, modals, error
  handling, etc.
* [33519eb] Fix volume deletion by adding object id sanitization and
  object display names
* [1e9a178] Prevents rendered data from being cached across table
* [6c35916] Converts instances and volumes to new tables, modals, etc.
* [29b70fb] Implementing Floating IP Pools for Horizon
* [ad36c05] Fix flavor creation template.
* [af66c03] Makes all dashboards (and all views under them)
  login_required by default. [35b8ba1] adding suspend/resume and
  pause/unpause instances to horizon added to both user and sys view
  for blueprint suspend-instance [a47aa6f] pip-requires: Document dep
* [a77ed5e] Moved authorized_tenants retrieval to middleware.
  [a47aa6f] pip-requires: Document dep list
* [35b8ba1] adding suspend/resume and pause/unpause instances to
  horizon added to both user and sys view for blueprint suspend-
* [a47aa6f] pip-requires: Document dep list [7fe56c5] Centralized
  error handling.
* [badb97e] Converted Syspanel Flavors table.
* [7fe56c5] Centralized error handling. [61650ce] Docs fixes.
  Tenant quota API cleanup and tests. Fixed bug 913020. [f06671d] Adds
  first inklings of metadata support for swift and adds extensions for
  files with no extension when downloading if available. [cf7d2c1]
  Silences logging output during test runs. [75c8ac5] Converts
  nova.containers to use new tables, modals, etc. [f9ce14d] Ensure the
  test runner uses the same settings for both sets of tests. [8526849]
  * Fix instance console log output for log tab * Add some css to make
  things a bit more pretty. [18a117e] Implement tooltips using twipsy
  and field help_text property. [22d80f7] Converts all of Access &
  Security to use new panels, modals, views, etc. [f0b6114] Converts
  nova.access_and_security.keypairs to new tables and modals.
  [993cc3b] Fixed some questionable grammar in an error message.
  Unified horizon and openstack-dashboard environments. [2dedfb3]
  Converts syspanel.quotas to new tables. [f274ba9] Float ALL form
  checkboxes left [53a635d] Remove last chzn ref [cf088fb] PEP8

lp:~james-page/horizon/essex 1 Development 2012-03-09 14:03:32 UTC
53. * Automated Ubuntu testing build: * N...

Author: James Page
Revision Date: 2012-03-09 14:03:32 UTC

* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* No change rebuild.
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [33566cb] add table column verbose_name to make it into translation
* [d354c60] Fix quicksearch filter for tables, thr row class odd/even
  has been missing
* [7affd63] Minor extensibility tweaks (sidebar context and div
* [93f8382] Moves the branding back out of the main nav template.
* [2d2e600] Refactorize JS codes for action button check to reduce
* Automated Ubuntu testing build:
* [33566cb] add table column verbose_name to make it into translation
* [d354c60] Fix quicksearch filter for tables, thr row class odd/even
  has been missing
* [7affd63] Minor extensibility tweaks (sidebar context and div
* [93f8382] Moves the branding back out of the main nav template.
* [2d2e600] Refactorize JS codes for action button check to reduce
* ad0784c fix chinese i18n code name from zh-TW/zh-CN to zh_TW/zh_CN
  f631470 Remove old Glance variables from openrc template b59d288
  Updated translation files; added sphinx template placeholder to
  manifest. 86bb083 Form errors should be very apparent. c49ab04 Fixed
  a couple of places where tenant was still being shown to the user.
* c49ab04 Fixed a couple of places where tenant was still being shown
  to the user. 9edcc59 Return proper error message when adding
  security group with no params d70a0fa Disable submit action button
  until any of list item is selected 0860680 set image attributes not
  modifiable as read-only 9bea795 Made readme a little more clear on
  where to put
* No change rebuild.
* [c49ab04] Fixed a couple of places where tenant was still being
  shown to the user. [d70a0fa] Disable submit action button until any
  of list item is selected [0860680] set image attributes not
  modifiable as read-only [5d22379] Prevents fade-in of modal forms in
  case of existing previous modal form. Note: This is just a quick fix
  for the problem specified in the bug. In general there are problems
  with using overlaying modals. Each subsequent modal form doesn't
  'backdrop' the previous one, and the first modal could be closed
  without closing the last one. [dff4efa] Appending [Instance_ID] in
  instance name for Floating IP association form in case the instance
  name is not unique. Screenshot can be seen at:
* No change rebuild.
* [9edcc59] Return proper error message when adding security group
  with no params [0860680] set image attributes not modifiable as
  read-only [017f756] add git commit date / sha1 to sphinx html docs
  Prevents fade-in of modal forms in case of existing previous modal
  form. Note: This is just a quick fix for the problem specified in
  the bug. In general there are problems with using overlaying modals.
  Each subsequent modal form doesn't 'backdrop' the previous one, and
  the first modal could be closed without closing the last one.
  [dff4efa] Appending [Instance_ID] in instance name for Floating IP
  association form in case the instance name is not unique. Screenshot
  can be seen at: [7423d11] Made Create Snapshot
  load in modal. [d2324b8] Changed alert message to show actual IP
  instead of obj_id for 'Disassociate IP' action. [9ffb726] Added
  floatformat:2 filter to Overview usage for Hours/GBs
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* [9bea795] Made readme a little more clear on where to put [f5a8fd4] One last redux for requirement
* [0ee6fa8] Fixed so the sdist command works
  properly. [6dee4e0] Removed '/' symbol in csv report. [309a724]
  Removed subheading from Overview pages. [6d20a65] Made Release
  Floating IPs buttons red. [0b7b11b] Give a project name instead of
  tenant id when allocating an ip [fa1f817] Removed period from login
  status. [2fd7e91] Removed unwanted handling for the -e and -f flags
  in install_requires.
* No change rebuild.
* [b1a6f00] Added a default SECRET_KEY
* [6dee4e0] Removed '/' symbol in csv report. [6d20a65] Made Release
  Floating IPs buttons red. [0b7b11b] Give a project name instead of
  tenant id when allocating an ip [fa1f817] Removed period from login
* No change rebuild.
* [309a724] Removed subheading from Overview pages. [6d20a65] Made
  Release Floating IPs buttons red. [0b7b11b] Give a project name
  instead of tenant id when allocating an ip
* [2fd7e91] Removed unwanted handling for the -e and -f flags in
  install_requires. [a9d926e] Added package_data to horizon
* [28c1a25] Require django >= 1.3.1 and rework __init__ to make
  installing easier. [dec0bc3] Small fix for forms with alert messages
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* [2042b89] Makes actually list it's dependencies for
  pip/easy_install. [a674025] Volumes page should not show inactive
  instances. [4b4bbd4] Added detail view for images. [8676439] Updated
  the django.wsgi file for devstack. [052aa55] Unifies the project
  packaging into one set of modules.
* [fca0b64] Implements reusable tab components. [4b33334] Validates
  port range and displayed non-field errors.
* [e040ad1] Prevents unauth'd view calls from popping up login in
  modal window.
* [7ab3948] Adds usage vs quota data to the launch instance dialog.
  Adds a reusable progress bar indicator. [8da6535] Added beginnings
  of a deployment guide w/ info on sessions.
* [7604208] Implementing EC2 credentials download [8da6535] Added
  beginnings of a deployment guide w/ info on sessions. [b79a3f7]
  Validates CIDR for security group rule input.
* [fa61455] Fixing Volume call used in image launch modal. [46bceaa]
  Makes the background color default to white. [0e58aea] Floating ip
  attachment needed ip instead of id.
* [461a266] Remove an unused template [46bceaa] Makes the background
  color default to white. [0e58aea] Floating ip attachment needed ip
  instead of id.
* [2491f6e] Changing default volume attachment interface.
* [f1b0ab6] Use the volume endpoint for volume actions [8cfd57b] don't
  show batch actions if no table data is available
* [ab35449] Swift name usage cleanup. Unicode support and slash
* [8cfd57b] don't show batch actions if no table data is available
  Allow login post without region in POST data. [c17d93d] Removed a
  *really* outdated setting. [d87006d] Improve usability of syspanel
  instance list.
* [3e77ad7] Adds test (copied from Glance/Keystone) to verify authors
  file is up-to-date. [b2d8133] Adding new ephemeral disk attribute to
  flavors. [c17d93d] Removed a *really* outdated setting. [d87006d]
  Improve usability of syspanel instance list.
* [75cf16c] Allow login post without region in POST data. [c17d93d]
  Removed a *really* outdated setting.
* [ab1fa53] Added an authors file generated from the git log (and de-
  duplicated). [404bda3] Help texts and dynamic label change for
  entering security group rules. ICMP rules have different meanings
  for the from_port and to_port fields. [1ee0694] allow rebooting
  instance in shutoff state
* No change rebuild.
* No change rebuild.
* [2dcebb8] Adds new explicit interstitial page to download keypair.
  [3441088] Updated for Django 1.4. [321778f] Close button added for
  alert messages.
* No change rebuild.
* [784a9a0] Cleanup of quantum dependencies and imports.
* [572db79] Updated to Bootstrap 2.0 Final, and removed unused media.
  [d2df3ee] Keystone-related improvements.
* [db1b005] Adding iso8601 to pip-requires for Glance [d2df3ee]
  Keystone-related improvements. [1c62ba7] Adds tests for
  pause/unpause instances [7404d3f] Adds tests for instance console
  exception [0e55ede] Adds tests for suspend/resume instances
* [8b7e744] Fixed #934459. Remove outdated -E arg for pip. [7404d3f]
  Adds tests for instance console exception [8a919b8] Fixes for volume
  attachments view and modal behavior. [0e55ede] Adds tests for
  suspend/resume instances
* [1c62ba7] Adds tests for pause/unpause instances [7404d3f] Adds
  tests for instance console exception [0e55ede] Adds tests for
  suspend/resume instances
* [8a919b8] Fixes for volume attachments view and modal behavior.
* [bcb4166] Ignoring .venv dir [7e717f3] Sets default values for
  month/year at Usage Form in overview page [b5a60bc] Adds client-side
  templating capabilities. [6e9f375] Fixes a style bug when a button
  is the first element in a button group. [25cefd3] Rename venvs to
  match everyone else.
* No change rebuild.
* [c689f19] Bugfixes for modify project users. [7e717f3] Sets default
  values for month/year at Usage Form in overview page [1c57c92]
  Coloring errors in forms red. [6e9f375] Fixes a style bug when a
  button is the first element in a button group. [0027bc2] Improved
  AJAX polling. [25cefd3] Rename venvs to match everyone else.
  [7369311] Fixes logic for toggle Pause/Suspend actions Fixes bug
  925395. Added functionality in BatchAction to support multiple
  actions. The verbose_names are accordingly changed in update method.
  It is only required that the current action index is set in the
* [aca7394] Refactored test suite. [0027bc2] Improved AJAX polling.
  [7369311] Fixes logic for toggle Pause/Suspend actions Fixes bug
  925395. Added functionality in BatchAction to support multiple
  actions. The verbose_names are accordingly changed in update method.
  It is only required that the current action index is set in the
* No change rebuild.
* [1c57c92] Coloring errors in forms red. [0027bc2] Improved AJAX
  polling. [7369311] Fixes logic for toggle Pause/Suspend actions
  Fixes bug 925395. Added functionality in BatchAction to support
  multiple actions. The verbose_names are accordingly changed in
  update method. It is only required that the current action index is
  set in the control. [190f4fc] Adds support for volume snapshots
  (volume snapshots table and ability to boot from a volume snapshot).
* [aed4766] Full support for dashboard and panel configuration via
  service catalog. [190f4fc] Adds support for volume snapshots (volume
  snapshots table and ability to boot from a volume snapshot).
* [797c497] Cleanup on syspanel.images code, and unuset template
  removal. [c46f36a] Added readme for changing branding. [6516c38]
  Updated Copyright dates to 2012.
* [4d8a924] Improved region switcher. [c46f36a] Added readme for
  changing branding. [6516c38] Updated Copyright dates to 2012.
* [95970b7] Auto-updating for data in data tables!
* [c106616] Making attach volume detach action work again. [478772b]
  Syspanel instance display corrections.
* No change rebuild.
* [87e6970] Renamed all user-facing cases of "tenant" to "project".
* [478772b] Syspanel instance display corrections.
* [6892653] Use unscoped token to fetch authorized projects. Fixes bug
  927939. [32b8ab6] Fixes delete of a flavor in syspanel. Fixes bug
  924110. novaclient API is changed - purge param is removed. Patch 2:
  removed duplicate line Patch 3: removed repeated test call of the
  same method [a5d73d9] Slightly imrpoved usability of noVNC console
* [0cbf1d4] Re-fixing the horizontal layout of the usage range form.
  [32b8ab6] Fixes delete of a flavor in syspanel. Fixes bug 924110.
  novaclient API is changed - purge param is removed. Patch 2: removed
  duplicate line Patch 3: removed repeated test call of the same
* [a5d73d9] Slightly imrpoved usability of noVNC console [5131ce2]
  Cleans up leftover coverage files after test run. [3eae6c8] fixed
  whitespace and alignment of elements to be consistent [648075f]
  Making checkbox padding more flexible (vs. static pixel amounts)
  Making width of checkbox column consistent, even when no rows are
  shown [6d9baeb] Make space consistent between tables [c381195] Added
  vertical padding in tenant switcher [fd9d583] Converted Quantum to
  Datatables. [b8803fd] Fixing scroll overflow of table actions
* No change rebuild.
* [ce35f94] Added spacing in sidebar for nab elements [3eae6c8] fixed
  whitespace and alignment of elements to be consistent [6d9baeb] Make
  space consistent between tables [c381195] Added vertical padding in
  tenant switcher [fd9d583] Converted Quantum to Datatables. [b8803fd]
  Fixing scroll overflow of table actions
* [64b81ac] Reworked all the usage implementations into one standard
  set. [1a9ee2f] Adjusting placement of alert action buttons
* [8eb4a10] Coverage stats no longer incorrect. [1a9ee2f] Adjusting
  placement of alert action buttons
* [8cab45b] Center all multi-select checkboxes
* No change rebuild.
* [e2e1498] Trades out a one-off style tweak for a reusable one from
* [051cc12] Window now goes as low as 1024px wide without breaking.
* [a3f04d7] Fixed a tupo in Floating IP table header Fixes bug 923281
  [ec65aed] Tenant user administration upgrades.
* [e2e89a3] Import cleanups, removing unused vars, exception handling,
  one test fix.
* [ec65aed] Tenant user administration upgrades. [5444f45] Cleans up
  imports and error handling for syspanel.tenants. Fixes bug 922406.
  [c6003ab] Improves error handling for missing table values (less
  confusing). [b127470] Adds title to tenant edit modal. Fixes bug
  922350. [e559e48] Tenant description no longer raises an exception
  if missing. Fixes bug 922301. [31a15f9] Removes unmainted
  requirements from
* [df8fdd2] Makes failing mox test output 10x easier to decipher.
  [5444f45] Cleans up imports and error handling for syspanel.tenants.
  Fixes bug 922406. [c6003ab] Improves error handling for missing
  table values (less confusing). [b127470] Adds title to tenant edit
  modal. Fixes bug 922350. [e559e48] Tenant description no longer
  raises an exception if missing. Fixes bug 922301. [61cdfb6] Separate
  time overrides from test machinery. [31a15f9] Removes unmainted
  requirements from
* No change rebuild.
* [72a50b1] Novaclient for usage features. Kill openstackx.
* No change rebuild.
* [166ec2f] Implements action colors as per style guide. Fixes bug
  921741. [1e46e36] Corrects spacing for dropdown menu items. Fixes
  bug 921747. [1ae9559] Removes max-height from modals. Fixes bug
  921733. [eea6cfe] Corrects cross-browser height issues for .btn-
  group + .small.
* No change rebuild.
* [db1842c] Bootstrap 2!
* [f60aa08] switching to use python-quantumclient intead of quantum
  repo directly
* [269e389] horizon: Use novaclient for flavor create/delete [0314de8]
  Remove another quota-related openstackx dep
* [4724c2a] Port quantum vif servers call to novaclient
* [0314de8] Remove another quota-related openstackx dep [7b0ca43] Hide
  boot from volume UI when no volumes are available. [ac2a134] Made
  cancel button more visible. [fe97aa4] Tenant description now
  required on create and edit
* [5e680c9] Fixing default for boot from volume (from /dev/vda to vda)
  [7b0ca43] Hide boot from volume UI when no volumes are available.
  [959d29a] Converts syspanel.images to use datatables, new modals,
  etc. [ac2a134] Made cancel button more visible. [fe97aa4] Tenant
  description now required on create and edit [b39f0a0] Deleting a
  directory that should not have been there [ff7c1ce] Implementing
  multi-region support. [a67347f] Swift exception handling
  improvements. [bc7ebe1] Pylint cleanup (mostly unused or missing
  imports). [f0b48bd] Remove services openstackx dependency [37b7989]
  VNC no longer loads by default on instance detail page. [5305447]
  Port servers calls to novaclient [6883ea9] Port quotas to novaclient
  [41912be] Added specific style for error box. * fixes bug 900432
* [f0b48bd] Remove services openstackx dependency
* debian/conffiles: /etc/openstack-dashboard/
* [f0b48bd] Remove services openstackx dependency
* [05ba37d] Update Actions to require class-level name. [26878f6] Adds
  ID to flavors list.
* No change rebuild.
* [eaf93c8] Tooltip implementation cleanup. [1916202] Added a
  contributing guide to the Horizon docs. [7054298] Auto-remove auto-
  generated .rst files for deleted .py files. [e41f93a] Fix reference
  to vnc console.url
* No change rebuild.
* [c1bf05f] Adds support for boot from volume. [e41f93a] Fix reference
  to vnc console.url
* No change rebuild.
* [e90e8a9] Implementing instance count field in launch form. *
  fixes bug 905061 * Allows for launching multiple instances at
* [f53ee0a] Use novaclient to get a vnc console.
* [e0ff336] Fixes a syntax error when updating tenants [33519eb] Fix
  volume deletion by adding object id sanitization and object display
* [9f9d4ab] Converts images and snapshots to new tables, modals, error
  handling, etc.
* [33519eb] Fix volume deletion by adding object id sanitization and
  object display names
* [1e9a178] Prevents rendered data from being cached across table
* [6c35916] Converts instances and volumes to new tables, modals, etc.
* [29b70fb] Implementing Floating IP Pools for Horizon
* [ad36c05] Fix flavor creation template.
* [af66c03] Makes all dashboards (and all views under them)
  login_required by default. [35b8ba1] adding suspend/resume and
  pause/unpause instances to horizon added to both user and sys view
  for blueprint suspend-instance [a47aa6f] pip-requires: Document dep
* [a77ed5e] Moved authorized_tenants retrieval to middleware.
  [a47aa6f] pip-requires: Document dep list
* [35b8ba1] adding suspend/resume and pause/unpause instances to
  horizon added to both user and sys view for blueprint suspend-
* [a47aa6f] pip-requires: Document dep list [7fe56c5] Centralized
  error handling.
* [badb97e] Converted Syspanel Flavors table.
* [7fe56c5] Centralized error handling. [61650ce] Docs fixes.
  Tenant quota API cleanup and tests. Fixed bug 913020. [f06671d] Adds
  first inklings of metadata support for swift and adds extensions for
  files with no extension when downloading if available. [cf7d2c1]
  Silences logging output during test runs. [75c8ac5] Converts
  nova.containers to use new tables, modals, etc. [f9ce14d] Ensure the
  test runner uses the same settings for both sets of tests. [8526849]
  * Fix instance console log output for log tab * Add some css to make
  things a bit more pretty. [18a117e] Implement tooltips using twipsy
  and field help_text property. [22d80f7] Converts all of Access &
  Security to use new panels, modals, views, etc. [f0b6114] Converts
  nova.access_and_security.keypairs to new tables and modals.
  [993cc3b] Fixed some questionable grammar in an error message.
  Unified horizon and openstack-dashboard environments. [2dedfb3]
  Converts syspanel.quotas to new tables. [f274ba9] Float ALL form
  checkboxes left [53a635d] Remove last chzn ref [cf088fb] PEP8

lp:~openstack-ubuntu-packagers/horizon/ubuntu bug 1 Development 2012-03-06 12:21:01 UTC
11. Merge ubuntu packaging.

Author: Soren Hansen
Revision Date: 2012-03-06 12:21:01 UTC

Merge ubuntu packaging.

1100 of 100 results