
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

19. By Michael Vogt

* disable borders around the (internal) notebook widgets
* softwarestore/view/installedpane.py:
  - fix crash when now app_model is available yet (LP: #435464)
* softwarestore/view/pendingview.py:
  - fix crash in cancel handling (LP: #435454)
* softwarestore/view/appdetailsview.py:
  - add translator comment for the price (LP: #435405)
* data/templates/AppDetailsView.html:
  - simplify the html, disable DnD (LP: #434236), thanks to
    Istvan Nyitrai
* move common code into softwarepane.py
* update license to GPLv3
* update translators comment for "Ubuntu Software Store"

18. By Michael Vogt

[ Michael Vogt ]
* softwarestore/view/appdetailsview.py, data/templates/AppDetailsView.html:
  - add basic license information to each package
* softwarestore/app.py:
  - set default focus on the search entry and focus categories
    ("departments") on key-down (LP: #433828)
* data/templates/CategoriesView.html:
  - arrow key navigation added (thanks to Stuart Langridge)
* softwarestore/db/database.py:
  - move query parser code into a proper place and default to
    AND for multiple search terms (LP: #432978)
  - support boolean expressions in the search terms (AND, OR, NOT)
* disable warning if a package gets removed that another package
  recommends (its not part of the spec how to handle this)
* softwarestore/db/update.py:
  - do not fail if no locale is defined (LP: #434699)

[ Andrew Higginson ]
* debian/control:
  - add python-gconf dependencies (needed in the image fetch code to
    get the proxy from gconf)
* softwarestore/view/appdetailsview.py, softwarestore/view/dialogs.py:
  - make the remove dialog conform to the spec

17. By Michael Vogt

* softwarestore/db/update.py:
  - ensure that empty strings are not tried to be translated
    (LP: #432995)
* softwarestore/view/appdetailsview.py:
  - support config file prompts and media change requests
* debian/control:
  - add dependency to python-aptdaemon-gtk for the media change
* softwarestore/view/dialogs.py:
  - new DetailsMessageDialog class
* softwarestore/view/widgets/wkwidget.py:
  - disable webkit plugins (can cause hangs from flash player)
* software-store:
  - import pygst with pygst.require to ensure that it does not
    fail later (LP: #427621)

16. By Michael Vogt

* data/ubuntu-software-store.desktop.in:
  - drop NoDisplay (LP: #431882)

15. By Michael Vogt

* i18n fixes, thanks to Istvan Nyitrai
* code cleanup
* show different status bar label based on if it is a search
  or a not (LP: #426252) - thanks to István Nyitrai
* Show empty status bar on viewing details, thanks to
  István Nyitrai LP: #425876
* fix crash when clicking "Install" (LP: #432645)
* add border around navigation pane (LP: #433520)
* do not raise if entering the password takes too long (LP: #432704)
* softwarestore/view/appview.py:
  - fix bug in on_iter_nth_child()
* when a transaction is triggered and there is no other transaction
  already queued, jump to the "in progress" view (LP: #426257)
* Fix usage of "Pending" to "In progress" (LP: #434088)
* softwarestore/view/appdetailsview.py:
  - use aptdaemons {install,upgrade,remove}_packages instead
    of commit_packages

14. By Michael Vogt

* debian/control:
  - add missing build-depend to lsb-release

13. By Michael Vogt

[ Michael Vogt ]
* data/ui/SoftwareStore.ui
  - use © instead (c) (LP: #431298)
* softwarestore/SimpleGtkbuilderApp.py, softwarestore/app.py:
  - fix gettext domain in gtkbuilder (thanks to sianis)
* po/hu.po:
  - new translation, thanks to Gabor Kelemen
* softwarestore/view/basepane.py:
  - fix crash when no adjustment is available (LP: #432126)
* setup.py:
  - auto-generate softwarestore/version.py on build to ensure
    version information is always valid
* softwarestore/view/appdetailsview.py:
  - set user-agent string to software-store
* softwarestore/view/pendingview.py:
  - do not crash if a transaction can not be canceled, but log
    a error instead
* implement dbus service that informs the GUI if the database
  is rebuild in the background and make the UI insensitive
  while a rebuild is in progress

[ Andrew Higginson ]
* debian/control:
  - better description
  - add depedency to python-sexy (LP: #432173)

12. By Michael Vogt

* softwarestore/view/appview.py:
  - fix crash in on_iter_children() LP: #427630
* merged lp:~sil/software-store/run-uninstalled, many
  thanks to Stuart Langridge
* merged lp:~sil/software-store/disable-install-button, many
  thanks to Stuart Langridge (this is cleaner than the previous
* merged lp:~rugby471/software-store/software-store-andrew, many
  thanks to Andrew Higginson
* softwarestore/db/update.py:
  - fix i18n reading from the app-install-data files
  - add X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain support
  - Don't crash if we cannot write to ./data/xapian,
    print that we cannot write to the directory.
* softwarestore/view/appdetailsview.py
  - extend show_app() to take (appname, pkgname)
* softwarestore/view/appview.py:
  - ensure correct icons for overlapping application names
  - fix bug in the "only installed" filter (LP: #430838)
* softwarestore/view/widgets/imagedialog.py:
  - make the download fully threaded
* softwarestore/db/database.py:
  - cleanup and move common code here
* softwarestore/app.py:
  - fix crash when no pane is active (LP: #430912)
* utils/update-software-store:
  - fix crash when setlocale() fails (LP: #431099)
* softwarestore/view/appdetailsview.py:
  - shwo proper error message (LP: #431100)
* softwarestore/view/dialogs.py:
  - improve dialog handling by adding optional details
* po/POTFILES.in:
  - updated

11. By Michael Vogt

[ Andrew Higginson ]
* softwarestore/view/widgets/searchentry.py:
  - Included clearing of the main pane timeout
    when clicking the clear button in the search
    entry (LP: #423747)
  - Added correct behaviour when the search icon
    in the search entry is clicked
* softwarestore/data/ui/SoftwareStore.ui:
  - Made menu items have images (if they are enabled)
  - Added Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete Menu
    items (LP: #426218)
  - Version bump and correct logo in about
    dialog (LP: #428677)
* softwarestore/app.py:
  - Added functions for when the Edit menu items are
    clicked (but not for Undo/Redo yet).
  - Added code to hide the Edit menu items when the
    search entry is not focused
* data/icons/scalable/apps/software-store.svg:
  - removed obselete file
* data/icons/*/status/softwarestore-progress-*.png:
  - re-exported icons to be 24x24 and optimised
* software-store:
  - version bump
* data/templates/AppDetailsView.html:
  - made install/remove button disable itself
    after click
* softwarestore/view/appdetailsview.py:
  - removed implemented FIXME

[ Michael Vogt ]
* softwarestore/view/appdetailsview.py:
  - ensure the gnome debconf frontend is used
  - make screenshot loading url configurable
  - cleanup
  - use internal viewer for large screenshot display
    (thanks to Andrew Higginson)
  - made install/remove button enable again if the user
    cancels the action
  - use the new ShowImageDialog
  - detect if a package is not available for the given
  - add maintainance time to the status (LP: #427266)
* softwarestore/view/widgets/imagedialog.py:
  - new widget for the large screenshot display
* merged the help xml fixes from Matthew East (many thanks!)
  LP: #429897
* fix icon display in the progress view (LP: #428679)
* softwarestore/view/appview.py:
  - fix crash for applications with no summary
* softwarestore/view/widgets/searchentry.py:
  - add undo/redo (LP: #428291)
* softwarestore/app.py:
  - simply the copy/cut/paste
  - use undo/redo from searchentry
  - fix crash for packages not available in cache (LP #428356)

10. By Michael Vogt

* softwarestore/view/viewswitcher.py:
  - make the iconsize 24px (LP: #425797)
* data/ubuntu-software-store.desktop.in:
  - add "NoDisplay=true", we enforce showing it at a special
    location via a gnome-panel patch (LP: #426209)
* merge fixes from rugby471, many thanks!
* softwarestore/view/appview.py:
  - sort in locale friendly way
* softwarestore/app.py:
  - call setlocale() to ensure python-apt provides translated
    package descriptions
* do not display progress circle once the screenshot has
  loaded (LP: #425859) - thanks to rugby471

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