
Created by Daniel Manrique and last modified
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Daniel Manrique

Recent revisions

52. By Daniel Manrique

Rearranged and resized text to accomodate longer strings

51. By Daniel Manrique

* New upstream release (LP: #1049130)
* qt/frontend/images/checkbox-qt-head.png: updated header image
  (LP: #1044035)

50. By Martin Pitt

releasing version 0.14.5

49. By Martin Pitt

* New upstream release (LP: #1042911)
* [FEATURE]: qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp, qt/frontend/qtfront.h,
  qt/frontend/qtfront.ui, checkbox_qt/qt_interface.py: Replaced test result
  buttons with radiobuttons, made comment area always visible, and added
  keyboard shortcuts. (LP: #1044037)

48. By Sylvain Pineau

* New upstream release (LP: #1039094)

[ Daniel Manrique ]
* New version 0.14.4 for Quantal Quetzal development.
* Added new audio_test and test definitions.

[Jeff Lane]
* jobs/esata.txt.in: added tests for removable eSATA drives
  scripts/removable_storage_test: added support for ata_serial_esata devices
  scripts/removable_storage_watcher: added support for ata_serial_esata
* scripts/optical_write_test: changed behaviour to timeout after 5 minutes
  rather than a few seconds to give testers a chance to complete the test
  without having to sit on top of the machine waiting. If tester doesn't hit
  itself and proceed.
  jobs/optical.txt.in: Cleared up text in the existing manual optical write
  tests and added two automated tests that can be used if desired (they still
  require the user to push the tray in after writing, but eliminate other
* scripts/graphics_driver: Added this script based to parse Xorg.0.log and
  discover the currently running graphics driver and driver version
  jobs/graphics.txt.in: Added a new job to take advantage of the
  graphics_driver script.
  data/whitelists/default.whitelist: Added the graphics_driver job to the
  default whitelist because this would be good data to gather for UF and
  doesn't cost much
* scripts/graphics_driver: Merged Alberto Milone's work on a
  hybrid_graphics_test into graphics_driver as his stuff and my stuff were
  similar enough to be in the same script, plus this allows the advantage of
  using Bryce Harrington's xorglog library down the road.
* scripts/removable_storage_test: removed a lot of unnecessary output to
  clean up the test run and also added in some basic performance monitoring.

[Sylvain Pineau]
* jobs/graphics.txt.in, jobs/benchmarks.txt.in: Move gtkperk to the benchmarks
* jobs/benchmarks.txt.in, scripts/wifi_time2reconnect: Add a test to monitor
  the time needed to reconnect to a WIFI access point.
* jobs/cpu.txt.in: Added a check for ARM Vector Floating Point Unit support.
* jobs/touchscreen.txt.in: Add 3 new manual tests (tap-detect, drag-n-drop and
* jobs/audio.txt.in: Added a test that verifies that the various audio
  channels are working properly.
* scripts/camera_test, jobs/camera.txt.in: Replace the call to "xawtv -hwscan"
  in camera_test by the VIDIOC_QUERYCAP ioctl, xawtv requirement removed.
* jobs/led.txt.in, jobs/local.txt.in, scripts/led_hdd_test.py: Add LED
* jobs/suspend.txt.in: Resurrect scripts/sleep_test as a fallback of fwts for
  the suspend/suspend_advanced test.

[Brendan Donegan]
* scripts/audio_settings: Converted script from Perl to Python(3), putting
  it in line with approved technology guidelines
* jobs/audio.txt.in: Fixed audio jobs to use --file option of audio_settings
  instead of piping to STDOUT.
* Prettify the Step icons that appear next to each test step in the test run
  screen (LP: #1036085)
* Remove the 'Don't show this message on startup' checkbox from the
  introduction screen, since it isn't used (LP: #1036218)
* Continue to run the progress bar when the test dependencies are being
  resolved so that it doesn't look like the UI hung (LP: #1036573)
* Remove gcov_attachment from default whitelist since it depends on lcov
  which is not in the default install, and is not used anyway.

[Nathan Williams]
* scripts/network_check: Fixed exception handling in the absence of zenity
  (LP: #988260)

[Samantha Jian]
* Added disk spindown test script and definition.
* Added support for BT devices on PCI bus. (LP: #1036124)

[Jeff Marcom]
* Added Accelerometer test.
* scripts/gst_pipeline_test, jobs/audio.txt.in: Added device sink check

[Matt Fischer]
* Added test to check that volume is within acceptable range and audio
  elements are not muted.
* scripts/camera_test: added the resolutions option to take sample pictures
  in all resolutions supported by the specified webcam
  jobs/camera.txt.in: added the camera/multiple-resolution-images test which
  utilitizes the changes to the camera_test script

[Alberto Milone]
* checkbox/contrib/gdk.py: Added library for getting gtk.gdk.Screen object
  checkbox/contrib/xrandr.py: Added library for manipulating graphics
  settings similar to how xrandr does it.
  scripts/brightness_test: Added automated test to verify that backlight
  settings are properly honored
  scripts/color_depth_info: Added script to get info on color depth and pixel
  scripts/graphics_modes_info: Added script to gather info on the supported
  graphics modes available
  scripts/rotation_test: Added script to automate screen rotation testing
  jobs/graphics.txt.in, jobs/monitor.txt.in: Added jobs to take advantage of
  the new scripts added to Checkbox

[ Sean Feole ]
* scripts/wifi_reconnect_resume_test, jobs/wifi_resume_time added.
* Fixed an output issue in scripts/wifi_reconnect_test that was not handled
  in the original merge. Also tweaked error messages to be more useful.

[Chris Wayne]
* Added in bluetooth_test and related jobs for automated bluetooth

47. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre

* New upstream release (LP: #1033652)
* Changed description of PCMCIA/PCIX to PCMCIA/ExpressCard since PCIX
  generally applies to servers (LP: #992249)
* Removed call to unlink temporary file in Html5Thread part of gpu_test.
  Also addressed a few pyflakes complaints and removed a stray print.
* Include block device name in fields of block_device resource
  output. This will prevent different block device fields from being
  confused with each other (LP: #1027849)
* Fix apport_prompt.py so it properly checks the value in
  /etc/default/apport (LP: #1029897)
* Initially disable the 'Run' tab in the Qt UI, re-enabling it when the
  'Start Testing' has been clicked (LP: #1029815)
* Put Component and Status into one tree view on the selection screen,
  rather than two seperate ones (LP: #1030871)
* Disable the Select All and Deselect All buttons in the selection
  view during testing (LP: #1032259)
* New version 0.14.3 for Quantal Quetzal development.
* alsa_info is invoked with --no-dialog, otherwise if dialog is installed
  it results in invalid data in the submission file and results.
  (LP: #1028065)
* Instruct Chromium browser to accept file:// URLs so it can correctly
  open the checkbox submission.xml report (LP: #1026614)
* scripts/gconf_resource: decode gconf output as utf-8 rather than ascii
  (LP: #1022593)
* jobs/user_apps.txt.in: Quicktime test now depends on gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg
  to ensure it's able to play .mov files (LP: #633009)
* scripts/network_check: InvalidURL exception is caught and handled more
  cleanly (LP: #751701)

* jobs/usb.txt.in, scripts/disk_read_performance_test: Add a USB3 read
  performance test.
  scripts/block_device_resource: Add the maximum usb specification supported
  by both a block device and the corresponding root hub port.
* qt/frontend/qtfront.ui, qt/frontend/images/checkbox-qt-head.png:
  Add transparency properties to the main window header to keep the main theme
  colors in the widget background (LP: #1030857)
* Added timeout to job call for disk smart test.
* Escaping encoded strings in udevadm output (LP: #1025381)
* jobs/cpu.txt.in: added a depends to cpu/scaling_test-log-attach to ensure
  that job does not run until afte cpu/scaling_test (LP: #1031994)

* scripts/network_device_info: added a check to ensure what lspci reports and
  what NetworkManger reports (if it is installed) are the same. Reports more
  useful info now like driver and driver version, IP address, etc.
* scripts/cycle_vts: added checks to fail test if chvt returns a non-zero
  exit code. Added a final check at the end to verify we did land back on the
  original VT after testing.
  jobs/miscellanea.txt.in: fixed a typo in the chvt job. It used to reqire
  'package.alias' instead of 'package.name'

46. By Daniel Manrique

* New upstream release (LP: #1025869)

[Jeff Marcom]
* scripts/gpu_test - Fixed potential thread exiting issue.

[Javier Collado]
* Fixed detection of circular references in resolver.

[Jeff Lane]
* New version 0.14.2 for Quantal Quetzal development.
* jobs/cpu.txt.in: added cpu_scaling_test log attachment job
* jobs/disk.txt.in: modified block_device requirements so they'll work right
  jobs/info.txt.in: added block_device resource requirements to hdparm job so
  it won't run on removable stuff where it's not necessary.
* jobs/info.txt.in: removed extraneous fwts_log job
  jobs/miscellanea.txt.in: modified fwts_results.log job
* scripts/optical_detect: minor tweak to send error output to stderr
  scripts/optical_read_test: added root user check because this needs to be
  run with root privileges. Added some additional output for stderr for
  failures so we will know WHY a test or the script failed. Replaced
  sys.stdout.write() and flush() calls with simple print statements.
* scripts/ipmi_test: output tweaks so error messages now go to stderr. No BMC
  message is a little more clear. Module failed to load now generates an
  error rather than a simple exit.
* scripts/network_device_info: minor change so that the fail message now
  specifies that it was an error and outputs to stderr properly.
* scripts/disk_smart: Improvements to the logging and output during testing.
* scripts/cpu_scaling_test: lots of output changes using logging module.
  renamed script to frequency_governors_test to be more descriptive and less
  confusing. Added a --log option to write logs to an actual file
  jobs/cpu.txt.in: added an attachment job to attach the freq_governors log.
  Modified cpu/frequency_governors to write to log file
* scripts/cpu_offlining: added an extra bit of output in case of failures.
* scripts/fwts_test: improved console output so that the info displayed in
  submission.xml is more useful.
  jobs/power-management.txt.in: added job to attach fwts_wakealarm.log to
* scripts/network_ntp_test: Tweaked output to use log levels more
  appropriately. Added some decoding so that bytes output show up as strings
  properly in output. Converted from optparse to argparse. Added a root
  check because this needs to be root to properly run.
* scripts/disk_read_performance_test: Added extra targeted output so that
  users can understand what's going on. Moved the exit bits so the test will
  actuall run on multiple drives as originally intended and not exit on the
  first failure.
* scripts/removable_storage_test: vastly improved the output from that script
  and also introduced some new error handling to cover a couple conditions
  that generated unhelpful tracebacks.
* scripts/memory_compare: changed the output a little so failures now dump
  data to stderr and success to stdout. Also added a try/except block to
  catch possible ZeroDivisionError cases if dmi or meminfo return 0 (found on
  my local system due to a library issue)
* jobs/power-management.txt.in: improved rtc and tickless idle tests to
  provide more useful output, even though they are very simple tests.
* jobs/networking.txt.in: added some output to networking/multi_nic so a
  failure due to unconfigured ifaces generates something beyond a blank line
* scripts/cpu_topology: Changed it so there is less output on success and
  more useful output on failure. Fixed a bug in the test for Failure that
  caused the False condition to never be met.
* scripts/network_bandwidth_test: fleshed out the output to make it a little
  more useful in both debug and info levels. Was going to set the
  networking/bandwidth job to debug, but the info output should now be
  sufficient to begin diagnosing test failures.
* jobs/usb.txt.in: Added output to usb/detect in case no USB controllers are
  found. Added dependencies on the udisks package which may not be installed
  by default.
  debian/control: Added udisks as a suggests for checkbox as it's required
  for the USB tests to function.
* scripts/memory_test: converted from optparse to argparse. Added some extra
  stderr output that may be useful if this test fails. redirected some
  existing error messages to stderr also
* scripts/disk_stats_test: some minor changes to output. Also, error output
  now goes to stderr on test failure.

[Marc Tardif]
* Fixed duplicate jobs appearing in the store when rerunning jobs.
* Fixed packaging to install scripts under /usr/lib.

[Daniel Manrique]
* Added a message file format test that does some simplistic checks
  on jobs/* files to ensure they are sane.
* Fixed two typos in jobs/suspend.txt.in.
* Merging of translations into job files prior to running message
  file format test, to further ensure that translated strings
  and field descriptions are parsed correctly.
* Explicit encoding of error strings in Job.execute, so that data returned
  is consistent and invokers of this method don't choke on it. (LP:

[Brendan Donegan]
* Make a call to rfkill unblock in the create_connection script, incase
  those nasty Broadcom drivers have left a soft-block on the wireless after
  loading. Also do a bit of refactoring to use check_output and check_call
  instead of Popen (LP: #1019162)
* Move the call to unblock to before the connection is created
* Reimplemented memory_compare in python3 and restructured it to put
  things into dictionaries for easy access. Also fixed bug with detecting
  non-RAM devices as RAM. (LP: #960087)
* Wait longer to get the window handle in gpu_test, so that we don't fall foul
  of timing issues. (LP: #1018563)
* Catch exception raised in memory_compare by DMI RAM entries with No Module
  Installed in the Size field (LP: #1023220)
* Also unblock wireless before wireless_scanning test, as I neglected to do
  this before. (LP: #1023619)
* Replace Flash video playback with HTML5 video playback. This has better
  support in Ubuntu and is more relevant (LP: #1024078)

[Sylvain Pineau]
* Add the firmware version (BIOS or UEFI) to the XML report.

45. By Javier Collado

* New upstream release (LP: #1018571)

[Brendan Donegan]
* Fixed up a few things with the gpu_lockup tests. Removed depends,
  renamed to gpu_lockup_suspend to reflect behaviour and removed the
  requirement on Firefox
* Changed suspend_advanced and suspend_advanced_auto to use less
  strict definition of fwts s3 test.

[Javier Collado]
* Make sure that jobs are topologically ordered (LP: #990075)
* Keep job ordering as close to whitelist as possible (LP: #1017951)

[Marc Tardif]
* New version 0.14.1 for Quantal Quetzal development.
* jobs/suspend.txt.in: Fixed trailing newline on otherwise empty line.
* scripts/run_templates: Fixed calls to Popen to use universal_newlines
  to return strings instead of bytes (LP: #1018354)

[Daniel Manrique]
* Fixed duplicate suspend/bluetooth_obex_after_suspend job name.
* scripts/dpkg_resource: Changed encoding from ascii to utf-8 to handle
  non-ascii locales (LP: #1018353)

[Jeff Lane]
* Migrated audio/external-HDMI-playback into checkbox. Modified the
  command to match our other audio tests that save and reset mixer

44. By Marc Tardif

* New upstream release (LP: #1016746):

[Aurelien Gateau]
* lib/template.py, lib/template_i18n.py, plugins/jobs_info.py,
  plugins/suites_prompt.py: Add a "sortkey" attribute to jobs, the sortkey
  order matches the order in which they appear in jobfiles.
* checkbox_gtk/gtk_interface.py: Shows jobs and suites in sortkey order
  (that is, as they appear in job definition files, rather than
* checkbox_gtk/gtk_interface.py, gtk/checkbox-gtk.ui,
  plugins/jobs_prompt.py: Added a progress bar showing tests completed and

[Brendan Donegan]
* jobs/suspend.txt.in: Fixed dependencies on wireless and suspend_advanced
* Changed screenshot jobs to use /dev/external_webcam which will be set by
  a udev rule (LP: #956885)
* [FEATURE] Added touchpad tests from CE QA Checkbox to allow touchpad
  testing to be performed
* [FEATURE] Python 2 to 3 conversion:
  * scripts/create_connection - switched to using argparse and fixed
    representation of octal literal
  * scripts/internet_test - ran 2to3 tool and decoded result of
    check_output. Also replaced optparse with argparse
  * scripts/memory_info
  * scripts/removable_storage_test - ran 2to3 tool and fixed some
    encoding issues
  * scripts/removable_storage_watcher - ran 2to3 tool and swapped
    use of gobject with gi.repository.GObject
  * scripts/xrandr_cycle - ran 2to3 tool and fixed encoding issue
  * scripts/obex_send - ran 2to3 tool and swapped
    use of gobject with gi.repository.GObject
* Update touchpad.py to use gsettings instead of deprecated gconf
  (LP: #1004212)
* Instead of checking output of nmcli con up in create_connection,
  check the return code is success instead (LP: #1013537)
* base64 encode the after suspend screenshot attachement so that it can
  be uploaded properly (LP: #1016126)
* Fixed simple type in xorg_memory_test, introduced by Python3
  conversion (LP: #1016387)
* [FEATURE] Add suspend/bluetooth_obex_after_suspend_auto test to be
  used during fully automated SRU testing

[Daniel Manrique]
* Tweaks to internet_test: don't try to ping an IP that's unreachable from
  the specified interface (or at all), try to find something pingable via
  other means.
* Reverted feature to keep tests ordered, as the sortkey attribute causes
  undesirable secondary effects.
* New version 0.14 for Quantal Quetzal development.
* Set the correct user (root) for fwts-wakealarm test (LP: #1004102)
* Set correct user (root) for usb/storage-preinserted, so it works correctly
  on servers (LP: #1004131)
* Log (at level INFO) name of each message we execute, so the currently
  running job can be determined by looking at the logfile, rather than
  hunting through process lists.
* [FEATURE] Added script and jobs to collect and attach output from
* Assume utf-8 encoding always, when opening template files.
  (LP: #1015174)
* [FEATURE] Replaced the context menu in the selection tree with explicit
  "select/deselect all" buttons.

[Javier Collado]
* Updated camera_test script to use better tool for capturing the image
  and allow specifying a device to use, plus other improvements. Create a
  job which takes a capture from the webcam of the desktop.
* Added jobs to take screenshots after suspend and attach the resulting jpg
* [FEATURE] Added smoke test jobs, whitelist and local job to use for
  checkbox development purposes.
* Fixed "camera_test detect" problem with missing args attributes (LP:
* Submission screen in Qt interface updated to support certification client:
  - customize contents depending on the upload target (launchpad or certification)
  - display links to the report properly in the show_entry method
* Fixed qt interface show_entry method preopulates widget that gets
  user input (LP: #1000451)
* Added customizable deselect_warning message in qt show_tree method (LP: #1000443)
* show_error method shows long text properly in gtk/qt interfaces (LP:

[Jeff Lane]
* Created automated version of optical/read for server testing
  Fixed issues with optical_read_test script:
  - test could pass if /dev/cdrom did not exist
  - test could pass if /dev/cdrom was inaccessible
  - test could pass if no optical device was passed in (LP: #945178)
* Removed hard coded paths from scripts (LP: #949435)
* Removed files in /data that are not used in any job descriptions
  (LP: #957396)
* [FEATURE] Modified stress jobs so that they are all automated per decision
   made during the cert sprint.
* [FEATURE] Changes to Power Management testing in Checkbox:
  * scripts/pm_test: added a slightly modified version of OEM team's pm.py
    script for reboot/poweroff testing
  * jobs/hibernate.txt.in: modified hibernate test to use fwts and added new
    jobs to attach log files from hibernate testing.
  * jobs/power-management.txt.in: added new poweroff and reboot jobs using pm_test
    script. Added jobs to attach logs from reboot and poweroff tests to
  * jobs/stress.txt.in: modified suspend_30_cycles and hibernate_30_cycles to
    use fwts. Added jobs to attach logs from 30 cycle tests to results.
  * jobs/suspend.txt.in: Modified suspend_advanced and suspend_advanced_auto to use
    fwts. Added job to attach log from suspend_advanced and suspend_advanced_auto
    to results.
* [FEATURE] jobs/miscellanea.txt.in: added a job to gather tester info for
  certification purposes. Not to be used for UF.
* [FEATURE] Python 2 to 3 conversion:
  * scripts/cpu_topology: ran 2to3, made modificates based on code review and
    tested script to verify functionality.
  * scripts/disk_smart: ported to Python 3. Inserted bits to decode byte
    data returned by Popen. Fixed list_handler to decode bytes types to clean
    up debug output. Added bits to improve debug output. Migrated from
    optparse to argparse.
  * scripts/network_check: ran 2to3 and that was all that was needed. Also
    took the liberty of migrating from optparse to ArgParse sine we're
    Python3 only now.
  * scripts/network_device_info: ran 2to3 and changed shebang.
  * scripts/network_info: ran 2to3 and changed shebang. Fixed encoding issue
    with interface[:15] (needed to be a bytes object).
  * scripts/fwts_test: ran 2to3 and changed shebang, fixed an encoding bug
    with Popen output. Cleaned up the final output to be more useful for
    debugging test failures.
  * scripts/keyboard_test: nothing to do for conversion beyond changing shebang.
  * scripts/network_ntp_test: 2to3 changed nothing, so modified shebang.
    Fixed an encoding issue with Popen output in. Re-inserted a call to
    SilentCall() that was removed from TimeSkew() by someone in a previous
    revision, which made the TimeSkew() function do nothing. Fixed an
    unbuffered I/O error in SilentCall() discovered while testing Python3
  * scripts/optical_detect, scripts/optical_read_test: ran 2to3 and changed
    shebang. Changes were minimal.
  * scripts/xorg_memory_test: 2to3 made minimal changes, modifed shebang.
    Converted optparse code to argparse code and replaced sys.argv[] stuff
    with more useful positional arguments. Removed a redundant import that
    2to3 injected.
  * scripts/resolution_test: ran 2to3 with minimal changes. Changed shebang.
    Converted optparse to argparse and removed unnecessary calls to
  * scripts/pm_log_check: ran 2to3 and changed shebang.
  * scripts/pm_test: ran 2to3 and changed shebang. After a lot of trial and
    error, changed the way xinput is called to avoid confusing bytecode
    embedded in the command output that was causing problems with
    bytes.decode() on the "after reboot" hardware checks.

[Jeff Marcom]
* [FEATURE] Python 2 to 3 conversion:
  * scripts/memory_info
  * scripts/memory_test
  * scripts/touchpad_test
* Deprecated: wake_on_lan_test
* Update touchpad.py to use gsettings instead of deprecated gconf
  (LP: #1004212)

[Marc Tardif]
* [FEATURE] Reworked media_keys_test into key_test, making it more generic
  and able to test for any key that sends an scancode. Used it to implement
  a test for the Super key.
* [FEATURE] Added new interactive and auto-verifying touchpad scrolling
* [FEATURE] Python 2 to 3 conversion:
  * scripts/ansi_parser
  * scripts/cking_suite
  * scripts/floppy_test
  * scripts/network_bandwidth_test
  * scripts/cpu_scaling_test
* Removed sleep_test script no longer used by any test definition.
* [FEATURE] Deprecated scripts:
  * scripts/autotest_filter and scripts/autotest_suite
  * scripts/ltp_filter and scripts/ltp_suite
  * scripts/mago_filter and scripts/mago_suite
  * scripts/qa_regression_suite
* [FEATURE] Reworked media_keys_test into key_test, making it more generic
  and able to test for any key that sends an scancode. Used it to implement
  a test for the Super key.
* [FEATURE] Added new interactive and auto-verifying touchpad scrolling
* Removed sleep_test script no longer used by any test definition.
* Migrated project minus scripts to Python 3.

[Sylvain Pineau]
* Updated gst_pipeline_test to add a --fullscreen option for video playback.
* Add python-gtk2 dependency, Gst from gi.repository don't work well with
  messages (See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=631901).
* Add a new job to capture screen during fullscreen video playback.
* qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp, qt/frontend/qtfront.h, plugins/suites_prompt.py,
  checkbox_qt/qt_interface.py, plugins/jobs_prompt.py: The selection tree is
  now updated when recovering from a previous run (LP: #937696)
* [FEATURE] Python 2 to 3 conversion:
  * scripts/gst_pipeline_test. Migrated to PyGI.
  * scripts/removable_resource: Add a resource job to identify removable
    block devices. __disks__ jobs updated to run only on internal drives.
* [FEATURE] jobs/benchmarks.txt.in, scripts/pts_run: Add a reworked launcher
  for phoronix-test-suite tests.
* [FEATURE] Python 2 to 3 conversion:
* jobs/stress.txt.in: add OEM team's stress tests (including reboot and poweroff)
  and log analysis jobs

[Tiago Salem Herrmann]
* checkbox_qt/qt_interface.py, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp,
  qt/frontend/qtfront.h, qt/frontend/treemodel.cpp, qt/frontend/treemodel.h:
  Makes it possible for the job selection tree to have more than 2 levels of
  children nodes.
* checkbox/user_interface.py, checkbox_qt/qt_interface.py,
  plugins/user_interface.py, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp, qt/frontend/qtfront.h:
  Correctly update automated test execution status in the Selection tab
  (LP: #950105).
* qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp: Avoid QDBusArgument warnings when running
  checkbox-qt from a terminal (LP: #957476)

43. By Daniel Manrique

* New upstream release (LP: #980063)

* Automated translation file updates from Launchpad

[Jeff Lane]
* qt/checkbox-qt.ui, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp: Converted
  submissionWarningLabel and text to submissionUbuntuFriendlyLabel wtih
  instructional text for submitting results. This is a workaround for the
  bug causing the warning to be displayed at all times rather than only when
  testing is incomplete. (LP: #967457)
* jobs/networking.txt.in: Removed dhclient call from networking/multi_nic
  tests because of a bug in dhclient that can cause it to hang when run on
  eth0. New test requirement will be that the tester must configure and
  bring up all ethernet devices prior to running checkbox. Also added a
  check to make sure we're not trying to run the test on a device that's not
  active. (LP: #926229)

[Tiago Salem Herrmann]
* checkbox_qt/qt_interface.py, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp,
  qt/frontend/qtfront.h: Do async calls to some ui methods and avoid
  unexpected dbus timeouts (LP: #962333)

[Sylvain Pineau]
* qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp: Submit/View results buttons are disabled until
  every selected test has been run (LP: #937715)

[Daniel Manrique]
* jobs/optical.txt.in: Change test descriptions to avoid confusing
  instruction to press the "Next" button (which is incorrect). (LP: #971181)
* jobs/local.txt.in: Fixed touchpad local job which was using suspend.txt
  as the job source) (LP: #979344)
* jobs/mediacards.txt.in: Added usb and scsi devices to
  removable_storage_test commands (LP: #979356)

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