
Last commit made on 2024-03-18
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14ec153... by VladislavVaintroub

MDEV-33519 Remove WITH_SSL=<custom_location_of_openssl> option

This commit removes the WITH_SSL=<custom_location_of_openssl> option,
leaving only -DWITH_SSL=bundled/system.

The rationale behind this removal is as follows:

1. The WITH_SSL=<custom_location_of_openssl> option is obscure
and not widely used.

2. There is no added value in this option compared to using
OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR. In fact, the availability of "helpful" MySQL options
might discourage users from exploring proper CMake options independently.

3. Users may incorrectly assume full MySQL compatibility even with this
option, including undocumented behaviors such as MySQL's preference for static libraries
with WITH_SSL=<custom_location_of_openssl>.

This change simplifies the configuration options and encourages users to
adopt more standardized and documented practices.

1e889a6... by Alexander Barkov

MDEV-33621 Unify duplicate code in my_wildcmp_uca_impl() and my_wildcmp_unicode_impl()

This is a refactoring patch, it does not change the behaviour.
The MTR tests are being added only to cover the LIKE predicate better.
(these tests should have been added earlier under terms of MDEV 9711).
This patch does not need its own specific MTR tests.

Moving the duplicate code into a new shared file ctype-wildcmp.inl
and including it from multiple places, to define the following functions:

- my_wildcmp_uca_impl(), in ctype-uca.c

  For utf8mb3, utf8mb4, ucs2, utf16, utf32, using cs->cset->mb_wc().
  For UCA based collations.

- my_wildcmp_mb2_or_mb4_general_ci_impl(), in ctype-ucs2.c:

  For ucs2, utf16, utf32, using cs->cset->mb_wc().
  For general_ci-style collations:
      - xxx_general_ci
      - xxx_general_mysql500_ci
      - xxx_general_nopad_ci

- my_wildcmp_mb2_or_mb4_bin_impl(), in ctype-ucs2.c:

  For ucs2, utf16, utf32, using cs->cset->mb_wc().
  For _bin collations:
      - xxx_bin
      - xxx_nopad_bin

- my_wildcmp_utf8mb3_general_ci_impl(), in ctype-utf8.c

  Optimized for utf8mb3, using my_mb_wc_utf8mb3_quick().

  For general_ci-style collations:
      - utf8mb3_general_ci
      - utf8mb3_general_mysql500_ci
      - utf8mb3_general_nopad_ci

- my_wildcmp_utf8mb4_general_ci_impl(), in ctype-utf8.c

  Optimized for utf8mb4, using my_mb_wc_utf8mb4_quick().

  For general_ci-style collations:
      - utf8mb4_general_ci
      - utf8mb4_general_nopad_ci

9e7afa7... by Alexander Barkov

Extra tests for MDEV-30716 Wrong casefolding in xxx_unicode_520_ci for U+0700..U+07FF

New tests display additional information about characters from the BMP range:

- A summary with a COUNT(*) for all distinct combinations of properties
  telling how the "=" and the "LIKE" predicates compare characters to their
  LOWER() and UPPER() variants.

- A detailed list of trciky characters
  for which the "=" and the "LIKE" predicates compare
  LOWER(c)/UPPER(c) variants as not equal to just "c".

Tricky characters include:
 - Turkish letters: ı - small dotless letter i
 - Croatian letters: precombined contractions for Dž, Dz, Lj, Nj
 - Units of measurement: Ω,K,Å (Ohm, Kelvin, Angstrom)
   These ones look very similar to Greek letter Omega,
   Latin letter Kra, Swedish/Finnish letter A with a ring above.

929c2e0... by Alexander Barkov

MDEV-31531 Remove my_casedn_str() and my_caseup_str()

Under terms of MDEV 27490 we'll add support for non-BMP identifiers
and upgrade casefolding information to Unicode version 14.0.0.
In Unicode-14.0.0 conversion to lower and upper cases can increase octet length
of the string, so conversion won't be possible in-place any more.

This patch removes virtual functions performing in-place casefolding:
  - my_charset_handler_st::casedn_str()
  - my_charset_handler_st::caseup_str()
and fixes the code to use the non-inplace functions instead:
  - my_charset_handler_st::casedn()
  - my_charset_handler_st::caseup()

de9c357... by VladislavVaintroub

MDEV-32841 Add tests for new counters.

Only add innodb_async_reads/writes_total_count here.
For all other counters, writing reproducible tests is rather tricky.

59df9f2... by VladislavVaintroub

MDEV-32841 - review fixes

f8bb99b... by VladislavVaintroub

MDEV-32841 Use chrono::duration<double> instead of chrono::duration<float>

Requested by Marko during review

01466ad... by VladislavVaintroub

MDEV-32841 Provide Innodb async IO statistics

Provide some statistics about asynchronous IO reads and writes:
 - number of pending operations
 - number of completion callbacks that are currently being executed
 - number of completion callbacks that are currently queued
   (due to restriction on number of IO threads)
 - total number of IOs finished
 - total time to wait for free IO slot
 - total number of completions that were queued.

Also revert tpool InnoDB perfschema instrumentation (MDEV-31048)
That instrumentation of cache mutex did not bring any revelation (
the mutex is taken for a couple of instructions), and made it impossible
to use tpool outside of the server (e.g in mariadbimport/dump)

374783c... by Yuchen Pei <email address hidden>

MDEV-28152 Features for sequences

- Add `as <int_type>` to sequence creation options
  - int_type can be signed or unsigned integer types, including
    tinyint, smallint, mediumint, int and bigint
  - Limitation: when alter sequence as <new_int_type>, cannot have any
    other alter options in the same statement
  - Limitation: increment remains signed longlong, and the hidden
    constraint (cache_size x abs(increment) < longlong_max) stays for
    unsigned types. This means for bigint unsigned, neither
    abs(increment) nor (cache_size x abs(increment)) can be between
    longlong_max and ulonglong_max
- Truncating maxvalue and minvalue from user input to the nearest max
  or min value of the type, plus or minus 1. When the truncation
  happens, a warning is emitted
- Information schema table for sequences

eeba940... by Sergei Golubchik

remove deprecated since 10.4