
Last commit made on 2024-01-31
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5de3ff5... by Brandon Nesterenko

MDEV-7850: Fix galera_sr.MDEV-18585

Binlog position changed due to presence of GTID thread_id

cd626ea... by Brandon Nesterenko

MDEV-7850: Add break and cleanup

b13ce59... by Brandon Nesterenko

MDEV-7850: GTID Thread_id Post-Push Fixes

Note this is currently a work-in-progress, pushed for
potential early feedback.

It addresses:
 1) The original thread_id of the master is propagated into
    the thread_id of the slave-binlogged GTID thread_id,
    rather than the thread_id of the applier thread.
 2) When seeing Q_DUMMY, rather than loop through each
    status var byte, skip to the end of the status var
 3) Added comments to explain the purpose of Q_DUMMY
 4) Simplified Query_log_event::begin_event to always use
    Q_DUMMY, rather than keeping the time zone str as well
 5) Fixed DBUG_ASSERT to be part of the conditoin to read in
    the event thread id, as to not read unowned memory
 6) Removed invalid ASSERTIONS for begin_event()

b0e77c0... by VladislavVaintroub

MDEV-32216 Option --parallel in mariadb-import

This is done for symmetry with mariadb-dump, which does not use threads
but allows parallelism via --parallel

Traditional --use-threads can still be used, it is synonymous
with --parallel

a5802ed... by VladislavVaintroub

MDEV-32216 add tests for mariadb-dump --parallel

- --parallel=N with or without --single-transaction
- Error cases (too many connections, emulate error on one connection)
- Windows specific test for named pipe connections

4532dae... by VladislavVaintroub

MDEV-32216 option --parallel/-j for mariadb-dump to increase parallelism

At the moment, it only works with --tab, to execute "SELECT INTO OUTFILE"
queries concurrently.

Uses connection_pool for concurrent execution.

ec5db64... by VladislavVaintroub

MDEV-32216 Connection pool with asynchronous query execution.

Parallelism is achieved by using mysql_send_query on multiple connections
without waiting for results, and using IO multiplexing (poll/IOCP) to
wait for completions.

Refresh libmariadb to pick up CONC-676 (fixes for IOCP use with named pipe)

9766a83... by VladislavVaintroub

MDEV-32216 preparation - cleanup code

- make connect_to_db() return MYSQL*, we'll reuse the function for
  connection pool.

- Remove variable 'mysql_connection', duplicated by variable 'mysql'
- do not attempt to start slave if connection did not succeed,#
  and fix mysqldump.result

a553d55... by VladislavVaintroub

MDEV-32216 Compile mysqldump as C++ (preparation for using connection pool)

d039346... by Kristian Nielsen

MDEV-4991: GTID binlog indexing

Improve the performance of slave connect using B+-Tree indexes on each binlog
file. The index allows fast lookup of a GTID position to the corresponding
offset in the binlog file, as well as lookup of a position to find the
corresponding GTID position.

This eliminates a costly sequential scan of the starting binlog file
to find the GTID starting position when a slave connects. This is
especially costly if the binlog file is not cached in memory (IO
cost), or if it is encrypted or a lot of slaves connect simultaneously
(CPU cost).

The size of the index files is generally less than 1% of the binlog data, so
not expected to be an issue.

Most of the work writing the index is done as a background task, in
the binlog background thread. This minimises the performance impact on
transaction commit. A simple global mutex is used to protect index
reads and (background) index writes; this is fine as slave connect is
a relatively infrequent operation.

Here are the user-visible options and status variables. The feature is on by
default and is expected to need no tuning or configuration for most users.

  On by default. Can be used to disable the indexes for testing purposes.

binlog_gtid_index_page_size (default 4096)
  Page size to use for the binlog GTID index. This is the size of the nodes
  in the B+-tree used internally in the index. A very small page-size (64 is
  the minimum) will be less efficient, but can be used to stress the
  BTree-code during testing.

binlog_gtid_index_span_min (default 65536)
  Control sparseness of the binlog GTID index. If set to N, at most one
  index record will be added for every N bytes of binlog file written.
  This can be used to reduce the number of records in the index, at
  the cost only of having to scan a few more events in the binlog file
  before finding the target position

Two status variables are available to monitor the use of the GTID indexes:


The "hit" status increments for each successful lookup in a GTID index.
The "miss" increments when a lookup is not possible. This indicates that the
index file is missing (eg. binlog written by old server version
without GTID index support), or corrupt.

Signed-off-by: Kristian Nielsen <email address hidden>