- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:unity/7.4
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Recent revisions
- 4117. By CI Train Bot Account
* Unity use track_obj to safely connect to UScreen and Settings
signals (LP: #1748330) (LP: #1748330)
* CairoBaseWindow: don't try to compute the blur of an invalid texture
(LP: #1290056)
* Unity: use new definition of infinite CompRegion's - 4115. By CI Train Bot Account
* InputMonitor: add an unity class that monitors XInput2 events and
converts them to XEvent
* EdgeBarrierController: use InputMonitor to get the barrier events
instead of relying on its implementation
* DecorationsMenuLayout: use input monitor for menu scrubbing (LP:
* PanelView: use InputMonitor to track menu events
* LockScreenPanel: use InputMonitor events instead of mouse polling
for menu scrubbing
* MenuManager: add support for mouse trackers with triangle algorithm
support (LP: #1618405)
* PanelView: scale gradient refinement properly
* PanelService: don't allow to deactivate menus if they've been opened
too shortly
* LockScreenController: ignore icon_paths_changed signal in
menumanager for Lockscreen
* LockScreenController: use InputMonitor to get all the events and
hide the Blank Window (LP: #1321075)
* LockScreenController: use input monitor to get the events to switch
monitor (LP: #1316862)
* LauncherOptions: use track_obj to manage option changes (LP:
* UnityScreen: toggle gestures recognition on lock (LP: #1645507)
* GnomeSessionManager: add gcancellable to instance and use it for
calls with temporary proxies
* BackgroundSettings: use gnome-bg to generate textures with proper
scaling (LP: #1666359)
* UnityWindow: safely check validity of UnityWindow from scaled one
(LP: #1659847)
* Panel: ensure the menu-manager tracker is updated to match monitor
(LP: #1671432)
* compiz-profile- setter: tool to update the current profile and use in
systemd and Unity settings (LP: #1668950)
* BGHash, UnityScreen: get desktop averageColor from compiz
* Launcher: disable or reduce most icon effects on lowgfx (LP:
* PanelController: ensure we disconnect from signals on destruction
(LP: #1504870)
* tools: add migration script to set the default values for unity-
lowgfx profile
* Properly handle the file manager copy dialog in
FileManagerLauncherIcon and in StorageLauncher Icon. (LP: #1575452,
LP: #1609845)
* Correctly position the force quit dialog when scaling is different
than 1.0 (LP: #1637991)
* GnomeSession: Retrieve the session id using dbus if $XDG_SESSION_ID
is not set
* Round gtk scaling factor to closest integer. (LP: #1649736)
* Keep the screen locked if rebooting with autologin. (LP: #1600389)
* Use g_mkdir_with_parents instead of mkdir.
* Lockscreen: always draw the background-color in the lockscreen (LP:
* Refactor the way UserAuthenticator is created and passed around.
Handle failures to create new threads and fallback to a "Switch to
greeter..." button in case of failure. (LP: #1311316)
* Wait until the color buffer is cleared before suspending. (LP:
* UnitySettings: If scale-factor is not set, find and set right scale
for HiDPI displays.
* shouldn't create blur rectangles when there's no blur, skips the
blur rects processing in low gfx.
* removes lowgfx option from ccsm, reads the "lowgfx" gsetting (LP:
* Fixed tooltip scaling issues. (LP: #1673950) -
Merged branch
- Bug #1311316: After locking screen there is no input field to type password for unlock
- Bug #1316862: Panel mouse events don't make the fade-to-blank stop
- Bug #1321075: It's impossible to exit from screensaver if a menu or an application grabs the screen
- Bug #1504870: compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::menu::Manager::Indicators() when trying to switch to full screen game crusader kings II
- Bug #1532508: Screen contents revealed briefly on resume, before even unlocking
- Bug #1575452: Copy/move dialog cannot be switched to in Xenial
- Bug #1600389: Keep the screen locked if autologin or nopasswdlogin is enabled
- Bug #1609845: sudo ubuntu-sdk ... open project ... click to file right key mouse "Show Containing Folder" . a folder shortcut in unity sidebar is not active
- Bug #1614597: LIM Menu keyboard navigation is broken when mouse enters in new menu
- Bug #1618405: Adjacent menu opens when moving from an indicator icon to its dropdown menu in LIMs and Lockscreen
- Bug #1622995: /usr/bin/compiz:11:sigc::internal::slot_rep::slot_rep:sigc::internal::typed_slot_rep:sigc::slot1:sigc::slot:unity::launcher::Options::Options
- Bug #1632656: /usr/bin/compiz unity::input::Monitor::Impl::UpdateEventMonitor unity::input::Monitor::Impl::~Impl:std::default_delete:std::unique_ptr unity::input::Monitor::~Monitor
- Bug #1635625: Some indicator icons are missing after unlocking the screen
- Bug #1637991: Force quit dialog is misplaced on hidpi monitors
- Bug #1644062: googletest 1.8.0-2 (on zesty) breaks existing builds [add_library cannot create target "gmock" ...]
- Bug #1645507: Unity crashed on oif::frame::Property<UFDeviceProperty>::GetProperty<void>
- Bug #1649736: unity picks poor hidpi scale factor defaults
- Bug #1659847: /usr/bin/compiz PluginClassHandler:PluginClassHandler:unity::UnityScreen::OnTerminateSpread sigc::internal::signal_emit0:sigc::signal0
- Bug #1666359: Lock screen doesn't cover entire desktop on HiDPI display with draw-user-backgrounds unchecked
- Bug #1668950: Unity doesn't provide an easy way to enable/disable the low graphics mode
- Bug #1671432: Global application menu does not follow mouse move for displaying submenus in multi-monitor setups
- Bug #1673950: Tooltips in the Unity launcher have a wrong padding and position
- Bug #1680927: Neko mode in Unity is not working anymore since 14.04
- Bug #1700859: Some effects are still present when low-gfx mode is enabled
- Bug #1702701: If the background file does not exists, the lockscreen draws a transparent background
- 4113. By CI Train Bot Account
* SwitcherView: always disable animations when in lowgfx mode (LP:
* When locked discard damages from windows below lockscreen. (LP:
* DecoratedWindow: display unmaximize button if the window is
vertically or horizontally maximized (LP: #1608480)
* Make sure the switcher detail view is properly scaled. Also scale
the xy_offset to make sure the switcher and launcher do not overlap.
(LP: #1605256)
* Close session dialog on first ESC. (LP: #1521116)
* Filter out scrolling envents for FilterExpanderLabel. (LP: #1604632)
* Disable menu discovery animation if MenusDiscoveryDuration is 0.
(LP: #942962)
* Redraw fake decorations on window resize. (LP: #940470)
* Use compiz::Window: :serverNext instead of compiz: :Window: :next in
IsWindowObscured as the latter can be outdated just after
scale/spread terminates. (LP: #1614116)
* DecoratedWindow: avoid deferencing an invalid shadow texture ptr,
and split functions (LP: #1608464)
* DecoratedWindow: display unmaximize button if the window is
vertically or horizontally maximized (LP: #1608480)
* DecorationsForceQuitDialog: make CSS selectors work with gtk 3.20
* UserAuthenticatorPam: ensure pam_handle_ is null initialized and
don't proceed if not set (LP: #1611668)
* DecorationStyle: set css name for Gtk 3.20
* OverlayRenderer: properly decorate launcher/panel when the launcher
is at the bottom (LP: #1611694)
* OverlayRenderer: don't use rotated textures, just rotate them at
rendering time
* SpreadWidgets: add container for spread filter and new spread
decorations (LP: #1283314)
* WindowButton: properly partially unmaximize a window when
middle/left clicking in the restore button (LP: #1616136) -
Merged branch
- Bug #940470: Windows that resize themselves while in windows are spread (Super + W) leave old pixels behind
- Bug #942962: Setting ‘Menus discovery duration’ to 0 does not disable menu discovery
- Bug #1283314: Launcher and top panel should have an outline/border in Spread Mode
- Bug #1521116: session dialog doesn't close on first "esc" use
- Bug #1602784: Switcher animation is still available in lowgfx mode
- Bug #1604632: Dash filter can't scroll with cursor on dropdown
- Bug #1605180: Compiz hogging CPU when screen off
- Bug #1605256: Switcher detail view does not scale properly on high dpi
- Bug #1608464: /usr/bin/compiz:11:unity::decoration::Window::Impl::ShadowTexture:unity::decoration::Window::Impl::Draw:unity::UnityWindow::glDraw:GLWindow::glDraw:WallWindow::glPaint
- Bug #1608480: When a window semi-maximized the decorator should show "Unmaximize" button.
- Bug #1611668: /usr/bin/compiz:11:pam_authenticate:unity::lockscreen::UserAuthenticatorPam:::unity::lockscreen::UserAuthenticatorPam:::g_task_thread_pool_thread:g_thread_pool_thread_proxy
- Bug #1611694: Launcher/Panel has no decorations when is in shown at the bottom and an overlay is shown
- Bug #1614116: Switching maximized windows using the spread might lead to wrong title.
- Bug #1616136: Middle/Right click in maximized window restore button doesn't properly Vertically/Horizontally maximizes a window
- 4111. By CI Train Bot Account
* FileManagerLaun
cherIcon: Don't trust the Quirk::VISIBLE in the ctor.
(LP: #1599133)
* [TrashLauncherIcon] Create GFileMonitor in an idle to avoid blocking
calls. (LP: #1602720)
* [LockSceen] Remove numlock warning. (LP: #1526322)
* Make sure initiate and terminate callbacks are not empty before
calling them. (LP: #1605012)
* Properly destroy close_button_ to properly disconnect lambda. (LP:
* Use the standard notification-device- eject in the "device eject"
notification. This allows us to scale it properly on high-dpi
setups. (LP: #1605231)
* Add tools to enforce unityshell plugin for the current profile and
add "move" and "resize" plugins as requirements. (LP: #1506023, LP:
#1605007, LP: #1604657)
* Unity script: use result from unity_support_test to check the right
COMPIZ_CONFIG_ PROFILE to use (LP: #1602377)
* LockScreenAcceleratorControlle r: ensure callbacks are valid before
calling them (LP: #1605012)
* DecoratedWindow: Added shadows for shaped windows (LP: 1608418)
* DecoratedWindow: Cleanup shadows for shaped windows, reduce
recomputation (LP: #1608418)
* UnityWindowView: don't try to deference close_button_ if its' null -
Merged branch
- Bug #1506023: Unityshell sometimes is removed from active-plugins unity list
- Bug #1526322: Lock screen shows unnecessary warning about numlock
- Bug #1599133: Blinking file manager icon when opening a device/volume window .
- Bug #1602377: Unity script doesn't support launching unity in low graphics mode
- Bug #1602720: Unity does not start when autologin is enabled.
- Bug #1604657: [Regression] Unity shows blank desktop with software renderer
- Bug #1605007: /usr/bin/compiz:11:ScaleScreen::getWindows:unity::UnityScreen::OnInitiateSpread:sigc::internal::signal_emit0:sigc::signal0:unity::PluginAdapter::NotifyCompizEvent
- Bug #1605010: /usr/bin/compiz:11:unity::IconTexture::SetTexture:unity::ui::UnityWindowView:::sigc::adaptor_functor:sigc::internal::slot_call4:sigc::internal::signal_emit4
- Bug #1605012: compiz lockscreen crashed with SIGABRT in AcceleratorController :: OnActionActivated
- Bug #1605231: Eject notification icon not properly scaled on high-dpi.
- Bug #1608418: Google Chrome (or chromium with default borders) has no shadows in Unity
- 4109. By CI Train Bot Account
* PanelView: Don't draw it if the geo doesn't intersect the monitor
geo (as in ezoom)
* speeds up the showdesktop plugin in lowgfx mode
* Add whitelist for auto-repated keys. (LP: #1586491)
* Fix scale window activation if in show desktop mode. (LP: #1582056)
* Order matters in the rendering. Draw launcher shadow after the
background in all cases. (LP: #1586374)
* Fallback to volume name if no other identifier is available. (LP:
* Do not trigger screensaver on session inactive. (LP: #1587507)
* Use SwitcherController::SetDetail instead of detail=... (LP:
* UnitySettings: Add an option to enable/disable pam account checking.
(LP: #1460649)
* Lockscreen: Make sure warning and errors are properly shown to the
user (LP: #1593696)
* Add missing header to fix compilation error with -Duse_pch=OFF.
* Filter out fullscreen window in show desktop mode. (LP: #1597706)
* Make sure file manager icon is not removed when unpinned. (LP:
* Properly calculate the intersection geometry in PanelView::Draw.
This is needed to properly call SyncGeometries and to avoid problems
such as lp:1595698. (LP: #1595698)
* UnitySettings: Add dconf keys for disabling multitouch gestures (LP:
* LockScreenAcceleratorControlle r: use key::Grabber to handle allowed
bindings (LP: #1438754)
* LockScreenAcceleratorControlle r: check if a setting key is available
instead of crashing
* ApplicationLauncherIcon: ensure quirks are properly set on icon
* Views: Toggle animators durations based on low-gfx setting (LP:
* unity7.conf: use different compiz profile based on
unity_support_ test result (LP: #1598770) -
Merged branch
- Bug #1103593: Unity always shows all devices in launcher when CD is inserted
- Bug #1273005: Unity could use "export UNITY_LOW_GFX_MODE=1" option in low hardware or VM
- Bug #1438754: Backlight cannot be adjusted at lock screen
- Bug #1460649: Can't unlock screen with last day password (before expired)
- Bug #1578792: nautilus/files doesn't show up in the launcher when unpinned
- Bug #1582056: Switching windows in Unity fails to bring program to foreground
- Bug #1586374: Launcher sizing wrong in low graphics mode
- Bug #1586491: Volume up and down keys no longer autorepeat
- Bug #1587507: TTY switch triggers lock screen.
- Bug #1587618: alt-backtick on desktop icon whilst alt-tabbing prevents further alt-tabbing
- Bug #1589520: Add dconf keys for disabling multitouch gestures
- Bug #1593696: Unity Lockscreen fails to show warnings on expiring passwords.
- Bug #1595698: Panel requires click+hold on secondary monitor to access menus
- Bug #1597706: Unity shell not drawn if show desktop is activated and a window is in fullscreen mode
- Bug #1598770: Unity in low-graphics mode has animations and unneeded redraws
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp:unity