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Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

54. By Maarten Lankhorst

* Add initial support for pointer barriers with xinput2 api. (LP: #1242633)
  - Fallback to xfixes stays available.
* Bump dependencies to compile with both pointer barriers implementations.

53. By Łukasz Zemczak

* New upstream release (LP: #1060262):
  - [Launcher] [Multi-monitor] Removing a non running app tile from a
    launcher should remove it from all (LP: #988739)
  - Panel Titlebar double click is emitted for any mouse button (LP: #736491)
  - Launcher does not hide if shown while dragging a file (LP: #1002308)
  - icon isn't reset when clearing the search query (LP: #973225)
  - Issue when ejecting busy device from the Unity 2D Shell (LP: #997786)
  - Sticky edges don't work in RTL (LP: #984092)
  - pips are not correctly updated when plugin in a second monitor
    (LP: #1003943)
  - [dash] Unable to maximize (LP: #918648)
  - all panels have same window focus on multiple monitors unity2d
    (LP: #930147)
  - Dash will not open files under Greek folders (LP: #1002710)
  - Launcher does not respond to changes in icon theme (LP: #605475)
  - [panel] Invisible items in systray (LP: #703389)
  - [panel] Ignores "enabled" property on top-level menus (LP: #850017)
* Reverted some quantal-specific commits which are no longer relevant

52. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* Cherry-picked from upstream:
  - Update dependency to the renamed libgeis-dev (LP: #1046392)
* debian/control:
  - Rename dependency to libgeis-dev

[ Didier Roche ]
* debian/control:
  - build-dep on latest nux and unity as libgeis-dev and
    libutouch-geis-dev are conflicting

51. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release:
  - unity-2d-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in ref() (LP: #968046)
  - [hud] First entry always activated with keyboard navigation
    (LP: #980899)
  - unity-2d-shell crashes on autoscrolling on launcher tile removal
    (LP: #988239)
  - unity-2d-shell crashes when using with a NX server (LP: #983942)
  - Dash - update Dash keyboard shortcuts so the 'CTRL + TAB' switches
    between Lenses and 'TAB' by itself moves the focus between categories
    (LP: #891648)
  - [spread] When multiple windows of an app are open, clicking on one
    doesn't bring it to the foreground (LP: #917334)
  - [HUD][multi-monitor] HUD should be expanded to the left if used on a
    screen without launcher (LP: #979927)
  - unity-2d scope un-url-escapes values from its model (LP: #986175)
  - [places] tab key does nothing (LP: #891565)
  - HUD is silent to screen readers (LP: #949445)
  - launcher background coloring does not get reset when using enter to
    activate/start a program (LP: #965079)
  - [multi-monitor] [launcher] Drag & drop application to launcher on
    primary screen, other launchers not updated (LP: #966239)
  - HUD gets activated by Thinkpad USB Keyboard's back and forward buttons
    (LP: #968840)
  - Unity 2D doesn't load 24 bit icons (LP: #977262)
  - Four finger tap does not open the Dash (LP: #978659)
  - No icon in launcher entry, after installing software (LP: #980640)
  - Menu items displayed incorrectly when window streched over multiples
    monitors (LP: #987215)
  - [unity-2d-panel] The close button (potentially the others too) can
    toggled even when they are not visible anymore (LP: #924264)
  - When closing the Dash with the [x] panel button the last windows is not
    focused and doesn't allow to use window controls. (LP: #945459)
  - [launcher] item hint flickers when hovering between launcher edge and
    item (LP: #948383)
  - Missaligned progress bar (LP: #980609)
  - Launcher tile tooltip appears in wrong screen in RTL multimonitor setups
    (LP: #984080)

50. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release:
  - unity-2d-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in
    QCoreApplication::notifyInternal() (LP: #918566)
  - Unity-2d-shell crashes on startup on 64bit machines with 20+ tiles in
    launcher (LP: #967012)
  - Unity 2-d launcher doesn't hide or display properly (LP: #940590)
  - [dash] search terms aren't applied on lens change / dash show
    (LP: #947985)
  - [5.8 pre staging] "sticky edge" option does nothing visible
    (LP: #961285)
  - [dash] Maximise, then restore - much of background not removed from
    screen (LP: #968215)
  - [hud] shows up when using ctrl+alt and pressing alt first (LP: #972318)
  - [UIFe] Dash - No message displayed when no results are returned in the
    Dash (LP: #711199)
  - Missing lens shortcuts (Super-A, Super-F) (LP: #834078)
  - [dash] Unable to scroll Filter Results (LP: #920878)
  - [launcher] stays open if you mouseOut before reveal animation completes
    (LP: #943296)
  - HUD on wrong screen on mutli monitor system (LP: #947145)
  - [a11y] Orca reports "Shell" when opening HUD, Dash or Launcher
    (LP: #948033)
  - multimonitor: Please give me a way to turn off sticky monitor edges
    (LP: #946104)
  - [dash] Esc key behavior inconsistent with Unity (LP: #966121)
  - toggling the spread from the launcher does not work (LP: #968146)
  - unity-2d-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in KeyMonitor::registerEvents()
    (LP: #965464)
  - [Dash] Focus is lost when switching with the mouse (LP: #974235)
  - Multiple items selected in HUD list (LP: #948441)
  - Hud hides launcher even if set to always show (LP: #948960)
  - [launcher] Pointer reveal barrier should be 1 way only (LP: #960175)
  - [hud] connection to HUD being created on startup (LP: #965106)
  - [dash] On 1024x786 screen, dash not fullscreen so border truncated
    (LP: #967305)
* debian/20_ubuntu-2d-gconf-default:
  - set a default key for HUD showing on Alt, in case unity-3d isn't
    installed or run before unity-2d.
* debian/control:
  - bump libnux-2.0-dev to latest for ABI break

49. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release
  - Loss of DBus connection with active Dash/Hud results in broken panel
    (LP: #953168)
  - [launcher] super key and number from _keypad_ doesn't work (LP: #750514)
  - [dash] Home lens state not reset if dash closed & reopened (LP: #948299)
  - HUD is silent to screen readers (LP: #949445)
  - Use title case capitalization "Lock to Launcher" & "Unlock from
    Launcher" (LP: #949636)
  - tiles highlight incorrect, highlight only visible at edge (LP: #953403)
  - [UIFe] Use average color of wallpaper to tint launcher/dash/panel/hud
    (LP: #960194)
* debian/control:
  - build-dep on latest nux and unity-core

48. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release:
  - unity-2d-panel crashed with SIGABRT in Unity2dDebug::unity2dQtHandler()
    (LP: #925457)
  - unity-2d-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in ref() (LP: #947278)
  - Launcher - Make Launcher left of screen reveal more responsive and less
    prone to false positives (LP: #765819)
  - [dash] [launcher] [panel] Tinting based on wallpaper missing
    (LP: #882101)
  - [launcher] In multimonitor setup Unity-2D only shows launcher on one
    monitor (fails MM UX spec #2.8) (LP: #780204)
  - [unity-2d] FF exception to add PointerBarrier to Unity2d (LP: #947976)
  - multimonitor, launcher: Provide an option to display either a single
    launcher or a launcher on each display in a multi-monitor environment
    (LP: #950136)
  - lens switching is not keyboard navigable (LP: #945220)
  - [panel] [multi-monitor] On secondary screen, unable to scrub from
    indicator menu to app menu (LP: #844809)
  - "Workspaces" button displays previous wallpaper (LP: #900019)
  - Dash - cursor should change when pointer is over the search field
    (LP: #849175)
  - Filter checkboxes are without margins in right to left locales
    (LP: #949319)
  - [panel] [multi-monitor] Open indicator menu on one screen causes other
    indicator to look open too (LP: #844798)
  - Dash - horizental divider line in between categories incorrectly drawn
    (LP: #841750)
  - [launcher] Tile Progress bar starting from left of launcher, not
    container (LP: #912777)
  - Dash - dash is not closed with alt+f4 (LP: #891818)
  - [dash] Rating stars in right-to-left locales behave inconsistently.
    (LP: #945719)
  - LensButton.qml:72 warning when running unity-2d (LP: #947276)
  - [dash] Multi-range filters are rendered incorrectly in right-to-left
    locales (LP: #950649)
* debian/unity-2d.gconf-defaults:
  - removed: not used anymore and causing regression with hide-mode=2
    by default, converted to the gsettings key (LP: #942772)
* debian/unity-2d.preinst:
  - removed, was a natty -> oneiric transition
* debian/control, debian/unity-2d-common.install:
  - create unity-2d-common and make some packages depending on it
  - move some files from unity-2d package to unity-2d-common
    (gsettings and apport hook) to have packaging shipping their schema
    (LP: #925457)
* debian/unity-2d-common.install.in:
  - no more gconf -> gsettings migration shipped
* debian/unity-2d.postinst, prerm, trigger:
  - moved to unity-2d-common new package, to ensure even people uninstalling
    unity-2d got the right metacity configuration in the session
  - update the trigger to the correct directory
* debian/control:
  - bump to latest Standards-Version
  - fix some too long description
  - put the transitional packages in the oldlibs/extra section
  - build-dep on libxtst-dev, libxfixes-dev for barrier change
  - need latest metacity for barriers to work

47. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* debian/control:
  - rebuild against latest libunity-core-5.0-dev and libnux-2.0-dev for ABI
* removed distro-patch as not anymore needed with latest unity

46. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release
  - [dash] [hud] If no active window, shell processes crashes (LP: #944724)
  - Long delay on session logout (LP: #812104)
  - apps/docs are not launched when performing a search on the home lens
    (LP: #932092)
  - [unity-2d] FF exception to add HUD to Unity2d (LP: #942045)
  - There's a gap between the launcher and the upper panel (LP: #942031)
  - Dash - Genre filter category in the Music Lens should use a 3 column
    layout (LP: #841902)
  - selected lens arrow should be on top instead of bottom (LP: #932291)
  - [launcher] pixel-perfection fixes, new assets, tile & pip position,
    border line & context menu position (LP: #936881)
  - Workspace switcher icon should not generate background from icon
    (LP: #939586)
  - No glow assets still needed X Y Z (LP: #934059)
* Revert an upstream commit to ensure that there is not regression with
  libunity-core 5.4 (change will be introduced again when unity 5.6 released)

45. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release
  - unity-2d-launcher crashed with SIGABRT in qt_message_output()
    (LP: #854634)
  - Useless scroll arrows in Unity 2D global menus (LP: #913237)
  - [workspace switcher] Does not activate since bzr revision 900
    (LP: #928398)
  - On unity 2d when using Hebrew localization launcher won't load if you
    move cursor all the way to the right (LP: #877292)
  - panel 2D uses wrong width on multi monitor setup (LP: #880698)
  - Keyboard shortcut - F10 shortcut is used to show menu and this is wrong
    (LP: #878492)
  - [dash] User can move dash around with ALT+LeftClick+Move (LP: #827838)
  - [launcher] UI does not distinguish between windows on this workspace and
    others (LP: #883172)
  - Panel and launcher are blank and non-functional when /usr is a symlink
    (LP: #757288)
  - Launcher - change to 'locked out' by default (LP: #928153)
* debian/control:
  - Build-dep on latest nux (ABI break)
* debian/*install, debian/control:
  - transition unity-2d-launcher and unity-2d-places to unity-2d-shell
  - breaks against older gnome-session (as components links changed)

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