[dash] Esc key behavior inconsistent with Unity

Bug #966121 reported by Paweł Stołowski
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released
Paweł Stołowski
unity-2d (Ubuntu)
Fix Released

Bug Description

Esc behavior in Unity2d dash and hud is inconsistent with Unity.

When dash/hud is opened:
* In unity hitting Esc clears search entry first (if anything was entered), second Esc hit closes the dash/hud.
* In unity-2d hitting Esc closes the dash/hud unconditional, even if search entry is populated.

Unity-2d should handle Esc in Dash and Hud the way Unity does.

Related branches

Gerry Boland (gerboland)
Changed in unity-2d:
milestone: none → 5.10.0
Changed in unity-2d:
assignee: nobody → Pawel Stolowski (stolowski)
Changed in unity-2d:
status: Confirmed → In Progress
description: updated
Changed in unity-2d:
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Changed in unity-2d:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package unity-2d - 5.10.0-0ubuntu1

unity-2d (5.10.0-0ubuntu1) precise-proposed; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - unity-2d-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in
      QCoreApplication::notifyInternal() (LP: #918566)
    - Unity-2d-shell crashes on startup on 64bit machines with 20+ tiles in
      launcher (LP: #967012)
    - Unity 2-d launcher doesn't hide or display properly (LP: #940590)
    - [dash] search terms aren't applied on lens change / dash show
      (LP: #947985)
    - [5.8 pre staging] "sticky edge" option does nothing visible
      (LP: #961285)
    - [dash] Maximise, then restore - much of background not removed from
      screen (LP: #968215)
    - [hud] shows up when using ctrl+alt and pressing alt first (LP: #972318)
    - [UIFe] Dash - No message displayed when no results are returned in the
      Dash (LP: #711199)
    - Missing lens shortcuts (Super-A, Super-F) (LP: #834078)
    - [dash] Unable to scroll Filter Results (LP: #920878)
    - [launcher] stays open if you mouseOut before reveal animation completes
      (LP: #943296)
    - HUD on wrong screen on mutli monitor system (LP: #947145)
    - [a11y] Orca reports "Shell" when opening HUD, Dash or Launcher
      (LP: #948033)
    - multimonitor: Please give me a way to turn off sticky monitor edges
      (LP: #946104)
    - [dash] Esc key behavior inconsistent with Unity (LP: #966121)
    - toggling the spread from the launcher does not work (LP: #968146)
    - unity-2d-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in KeyMonitor::registerEvents()
      (LP: #965464)
    - [Dash] Focus is lost when switching with the mouse (LP: #974235)
    - Multiple items selected in HUD list (LP: #948441)
    - Hud hides launcher even if set to always show (LP: #948960)
    - [launcher] Pointer reveal barrier should be 1 way only (LP: #960175)
    - [hud] connection to HUD being created on startup (LP: #965106)
    - [dash] On 1024x786 screen, dash not fullscreen so border truncated
      (LP: #967305)
  * debian/20_ubuntu-2d-gconf-default:
    - set a default key for HUD showing on Alt, in case unity-3d isn't
      installed or run before unity-2d.
  * debian/control:
    - bump libnux-2.0-dev to latest for ABI break
 -- Didier Roche <email address hidden> Thu, 12 Apr 2012 11:02:08 +0200

Changed in unity-2d (Ubuntu):
status: New → Fix Released
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