Merge lp:~rconradharris/nova/lp794672 into lp:~hudson-openstack/nova/trunk

Proposed by Rick Harris
Status: Merged
Approved by: Rick Harris
Approved revision: 1169
Merged at revision: 1169
Proposed branch: lp:~rconradharris/nova/lp794672
Merge into: lp:~hudson-openstack/nova/trunk
Diff against target: 203 lines (+54/-27)
6 files modified
nova/ (+4/-2)
nova/image/ (+6/-1)
nova/image/ (+31/-6)
nova/tests/image/ (+1/-3)
nova/virt/ (+1/-10)
nova/virt/xenapi/ (+11/-5)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~rconradharris/nova/lp794672
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Mark Washenberger (community) Abstain
Brian Waldon (community) Abstain
Dan Prince (community) Approve
Vish Ishaya (community) Abstain
Brian Lamar (community) Needs Information
Ed Leafe (community) Approve
Review via email:

Description of the change

Allows Nova to talk to multiple Glance APIs (without the need for an external load-balancer). Chooses a random Glance API for each request.

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Revision history for this message
Ed Leafe (ed-leafe) wrote :


review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Dan Prince (dan-prince) wrote :

Hi Rick,

I think we need to add '/v1' into generated URL in the image_url function (line 158).

Also, How would an end user actually specify the new Glance API server list in the nova.conf file?



review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Brian Waldon (bcwaldon) wrote :

I'm not quite so sure this belongs in Nova. This is adding a very simple load-balancing implementation that, to be useful, needs to be very well thought out. For example, what happens when one of your glance servers is down? What if the glance servers are running different versions of the registry api? I think this is a good idea that should be left up to a deployer.

As a side note, I couldn't get the flag set up correctly. What should that look like?

review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
Dan Prince (dan-prince) wrote :

Sorry. Couple more thoughts here.

Do we want to maintain backwards compatibility with the old glance_host/glance_port flags as well? I mean if a user specifies only the glance_host/glance_port options we could use that. Otherwise if the new glance_api_servers is specified we could use it instead of the legacy flags.

Revision history for this message
Brian Lamar (blamar) wrote :

I feel like we're trying to program in a solution where a better solution already exists. What is the problem with making glance_host == a load balanced IP and using conventional load balancing to do the job here? Load balancing logic doesn't belong in Nova in my opinion. It's just going to complicate the code unnecessarily.

review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
Jay Pipes (jaypipes) wrote :

I'd agree with the rest of the comments about better solutions being available (using a LB in the deployment). This works, of course, but it's not ideal.

Revision history for this message
Brian Lamar (blamar) wrote :

What's next? Weighted-least-connections algorithm support? Automatic health checks? Caching? Adding/removing nodes on the fly?

I'd really prefer to leave this out as the only time I'd want to use this is in development...where you don't need load balancing.

Revision history for this message
Rick Harris (rconradharris) wrote :

Brian Lamar--

> I feel like we're trying to program in a solution where a better solution already exists. What is
> the problem with making glance_host == a load balanced IP and using conventional load balancing to
> do the job here? Load balancing logic doesn't belong in Nova in my opinion. It's just going to
> complicate the code unnecessarily.

I really can't argue with this because, for the most part, this is exactly right. In fact, as mentioned above, that was the original idea behind having a single IP-- we just shove load-balancing off to something that can do it well.

But, leading into your next observation...

> I'd really prefer to leave this out as the only time I'd want to use this is in development...where you don't need load balancing.

There's the rub. According to Ant, they're running into issues testing where Glance is the bottleneck. Of course, we could always say, 'just toss a LB in there'.

The issue with that is, they're going to be spinning-up and tearing-down test envs left and right. It could be a burden to constantly have to configure an external component each time. In this case, dirt-simple `random.choice` is good 'nuff though.

> What's next? Weighted-least-connections algorithm support? Automatic health checks? Caching?
> Adding/removing nodes on the fly?

If each one of those had compelling arguments to why they should be included for testing and dev, then yeah, maybe should consider adding rudimentary versions of those. But, none of the above seem very compelling :).

I think the take-away is, from my perspective, we may need to add some less-than-ideal versions of components to facilitate testing. Sure, it will complicate the code somewhat. Hopefully reduced friction amortized over hundreds of test iterations make the trade-off worth it.

Revision history for this message
Rick Harris (rconradharris) wrote :

Brian Waldon--

> This is adding a very simple load-balancing implementation that, to be useful, needs to be very well thought out. For example, what happens when one of your glance servers is down

This is just to facilitate load-testing. The recommendation, as before, stands: use a real load-balancer in prod.

> As a side note, I couldn't get the flag set up correctly. What should that look like?

Hmm, I'll look into that.


> Do we want to maintain backwards compatibility with the old glance_host/glance_port flags as well?

Good question.

My preference is to just rip the band-aid off, make the change to using a list, and have one correct way going forward. Post-diablo it will be much harder, I think, to deprecate glance_host and glance_port.

Revision history for this message
Brian Lamar (blamar) wrote :

Hey Rick, while I was writing that response I had a feeling it was something Ant/Ozone was running in to and I really see the motivation behind this change here.

However, if we're running into load issues during testing I feel the next logical step is to increase the realism in the testing environment instead of molding the code to fit the needs of testing.

We're going to have to automate the deployment of load balancers eventually anyway, right? I know it's one more thing but I still feel this isn't the place to put this code. Maybe others disagree, and I'll step aside if so.

Revision history for this message
Rick Harris (rconradharris) wrote :

> However, if we're running into load issues during testing I feel the next logical step is to
> increase the realism in the testing environment instead of molding the code to fit the needs of
> testing.

I like this idea, but I think that's a medium-term goal; it's probably not going to solve the testing problem tomorrow.

I would consider this patch (an admittedly hacky) stop-gap to get us by until we get something more prod-like setup in our testing envs.

Revision history for this message
termie (termie) wrote :

I'd second blamar's last statement, the testing deployment should include the load balancer setup and config, this isn't radically different from any other steps we take via the chef scripts we've used already.

Revision history for this message
Mark Washenberger (markwash) wrote :

124 + self.stubs = stubout.StubOutForTesting()
125 self.client = StubGlanceClient(None)
126 - self.service = glance.GlanceImageService(self.client)
127 + self.service = glance.GlanceImageService()
128 + self.stubs.Set(self.service, 'client', self.client)
129 self.context = context.RequestContext(None, None)

This change seems to hurt rather than help. For one, now I have to know about stubout in order to fully understand the tests. For another, now if I change how the glance image service calls its internal variables, I have broken a bunch of tests without doing anything wrong. Can we stick with the way we were doing it before, please?

Revision history for this message
Rick Harris (rconradharris) wrote :

> Can we stick with the way we were doing it before, please?


Though, `stubout` and `mox` are used across a bunch our tests already. My completely non-scientific opinion is that dependency-injection is used much less frequently. So, there is a risk that we're making things worse by having two separate ways of achieving the exact same thing.

Personally, I'd prefer we settle on using stubs, but that might be a question better suited for the ML.

Revision history for this message
Antony Messerli (antonym) wrote :

Mainly this came out of my discussion with Rick about getting around the bottlenecks of hitting the single glance server when doing 500 builds at once. The Glance server was getting slammed hard from the sheer number of simultaneous builds.

I agree that full production environment would utilize load balancers to properly set load up across multiple glance-api. For a user with a smaller environment, or for stress testing, the patch might be useful to some.

Revision history for this message
Rick Harris (rconradharris) wrote :

Re-proposing this with fixes to address the comments above. Notes in-line.

> As a side note, I couldn't get the flag set up correctly. What should that look like?

Good catch. Looks like DEFINE_list doesn't work with arbitrarily nested structures, just lists of strings. To handle this, reworked code to use host:port format. So, config would look like:


> I think we need to add '/v1' into generated URL in the image_url function (line 158).

Looks like this was moot. The function `image_urls` was only called within an objectstore specific method in xenapi.vm_utils, so the Glance part of the switch could just go away.

Also, since it's not re-used anywhere else (nor would it be at this point), I just moved to the code over to where it's used.

> Can we stick with the way we were doing it before, please?


Revision history for this message
Vish Ishaya (vishvananda) wrote :

I'm leaning toward the above comments about using a load balancer. It is it too complex to write a testing script that throws up 4 glance servers and HAProxy? We do the above for nova-api in all of our production deploys and it isn't too difficult.

review: Abstain
Revision history for this message
Dan Prince (dan-prince) wrote :

> Dan--
> > Do we want to maintain backwards compatibility with the old
> glance_host/glance_port flags as well?
> Good question.
> My preference is to just rip the band-aid off, make the change to using a
> list, and have one correct way going forward. Post-diablo it will be much
> harder, I think, to deprecate glance_host and glance_port.

Thanks Rick. I agree.

After a bit of pondering I think I actually like the single --glance_api_servers flag better anyway.

Regarding some of the other comments I would say that nothing you've done here prevents anyone from using a load balancer. Using a load balancer is certainly a good option. However the Glance image service is unique in that it is bandwidth intensive and providing a simple random choice option within nova seems reasonable to me. Sounds like a practical approach to me.

Good work!

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Dan Prince (dan-prince) wrote :

BTW. If it gives anyone any confidence Smoke tests for EC2 and the OSAPI pass for this branch after I make the change to nova.conf to use --glance_api_servers.


Revision history for this message
Brian Waldon (bcwaldon) wrote :

I'm personally not interested in this feature, so I'll let everybody else decide if it goes in. This will definitely achieve the goal of randomizing requests across multiple glance nodes, but it will also randomly expose inconsistencies between them. If we really want a robust "load-balancing" feature we should implement it generically after a blueprint design discussion.

review: Abstain
Revision history for this message
Mark Washenberger (markwash) wrote :

Sorry, Rick, I should have asked about this earlier:

93 + self._client = client
94 +
95 + def _get_client(self):
96 + # NOTE(sirp): we want to load balance each request across glance
97 + # servers. Since GlanceImageService is a long-lived object, `client`
98 + # is made to choose a new server each time via this property.
99 + if self._client is not None:
100 + return self._client
101 + glance_host, glance_port = pick_glance_api_server()
102 + return GlanceClient(glance_host, glance_port)
103 +
104 + def _set_client(self, client):
105 + self._client = client
106 +
107 + client = property(_get_client, _set_client)

I am concerned about consistency problems. If there is a problem with one glance server, is it going to make it too hard to debug? For example, if I connect to one server to list images, and then another server to get images, it might not be clear where the problem is. It also might create some odd situations with pagination. (A lot of these problems would exist with insufficiently sticky load balancers as well.)

If my concern points to an actual problem, perhaps the solution is to look at making the glance image service a short-lived object.

review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
Mark Washenberger (markwash) wrote :

After some more thought, I'm not sure if there's any good way to handle an inconsistency among glance servers that are supposed to be identical (short of statically configuring each compute node in a round-robin fashion). So I'll pull my 'needs information' but I'd still love to hear any thoughts you have about this.

Revision history for this message
Mark Washenberger (markwash) :
review: Abstain
Revision history for this message
Rick Harris (rconradharris) wrote :


> If we really want a robust "load-balancing" feature we should implement it generically after a blueprint design discussion.

From the sound of it, I don't think anybody wants to include real load-balancing logic into Nova.

> I am concerned about consistency problems. If there is a problem with one glance server, is it going to make it too hard to debug?

Sporadic failures (timeouts, hung nodes, etc) are a fact of life in any load-balanced setup.

Any step we take to mitigate that will lead us down the rabbit-hole of re-inventing a real-world load-balancer; definitely not a problem we should be solving.

I think this gives us the best trade-off of simplicity vs. does-the-job.

> It also might create some odd situations with pagination

AFAIK we're passing in the pagination state with the request. Since there's no shared state, this shouldn't be a problem.

Things could get trickier when we start managing sessions as part of authn & authz. Though, as long as we keep that state outside of the glance-api server (using memcached or something), we shouldn't have a problem.

Revision history for this message
Rick Harris (rconradharris) wrote :

Given that it's at +2 with 3 +0's, I'm going to go ahead and merge this in.

Preview Diff

[H/L] Next/Prev Comment, [J/K] Next/Prev File, [N/P] Next/Prev Hunk
1=== modified file 'nova/'
2--- nova/ 2011-06-03 20:32:42 +0000
3+++ nova/ 2011-06-09 21:51:44 +0000
4@@ -270,8 +270,10 @@
5 DEFINE_string('connection_type', 'libvirt', 'libvirt, xenapi or fake')
6 DEFINE_string('aws_access_key_id', 'admin', 'AWS Access ID')
7 DEFINE_string('aws_secret_access_key', 'admin', 'AWS Access Key')
8-DEFINE_integer('glance_port', 9292, 'glance port')
9-DEFINE_string('glance_host', '$my_ip', 'glance host')
10+# NOTE(sirp): my_ip interpolation doesn't work within nested structures
12+ [''],
13+ 'list of glance api servers available to nova (host:port)')
14 DEFINE_integer('s3_port', 3333, 's3 port')
15 DEFINE_string('s3_host', '$my_ip', 's3 host (for infrastructure)')
16 DEFINE_string('s3_dmz', '$my_ip', 's3 dmz ip (for instances)')
18=== modified file 'nova/image/'
19--- nova/image/ 2011-06-02 15:12:35 +0000
20+++ nova/image/ 2011-06-09 21:51:44 +0000
21@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
22 from nova import exception
23 from nova import utils
24 from nova import flags
25+from nova.image import glance as glance_image_service
27 FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
29@@ -48,6 +49,8 @@
30 return ImageService()
33+# FIXME(sirp): perhaps this should be moved to nova/images/glance so that we
34+# keep Glance specific code together for the most part
35 def get_glance_client(image_href):
36 """Get the correct glance client and id for the given image_href.
38@@ -62,7 +65,9 @@
39 """
40 image_href = image_href or 0
41 if str(image_href).isdigit():
42- glance_client = GlanceClient(FLAGS.glance_host, FLAGS.glance_port)
43+ glance_host, glance_port = \
44+ glance_image_service.pick_glance_api_server()
45+ glance_client = GlanceClient(glance_host, glance_port)
46 return (glance_client, int(image_href))
48 try:
50=== modified file 'nova/image/'
51--- nova/image/ 2011-06-01 18:58:17 +0000
52+++ nova/image/ 2011-06-09 21:51:44 +0000
53@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
54 from __future__ import absolute_import
56 import datetime
57+import random
59 from glance.common import exception as glance_exception
61@@ -39,6 +40,21 @@
62 GlanceClient = utils.import_class('glance.client.Client')
65+def pick_glance_api_server():
66+ """Return which Glance API server to use for the request
68+ This method provides a very primitive form of load-balancing suitable for
69+ testing and sandbox environments. In production, it would be better to use
70+ one IP and route that to a real load-balancer.
72+ Returns (host, port)
73+ """
74+ host_port = random.choice(FLAGS.glance_api_servers)
75+ host, port_str = host_port.split(':')
76+ port = int(port_str)
77+ return host, port
80 class GlanceImageService(service.BaseImageService):
81 """Provides storage and retrieval of disk image objects within Glance."""
83@@ -51,12 +67,21 @@
86 def __init__(self, client=None):
87- # FIXME(sirp): can we avoid dependency-injection here by using
88- # stubbing out a fake?
89- if client is None:
90- self.client = GlanceClient(FLAGS.glance_host, FLAGS.glance_port)
91- else:
92- self.client = client
93+ self._client = client
95+ def _get_client(self):
96+ # NOTE(sirp): we want to load balance each request across glance
97+ # servers. Since GlanceImageService is a long-lived object, `client`
98+ # is made to choose a new server each time via this property.
99+ if self._client is not None:
100+ return self._client
101+ glance_host, glance_port = pick_glance_api_server()
102+ return GlanceClient(glance_host, glance_port)
104+ def _set_client(self, client):
105+ self._client = client
107+ client = property(_get_client, _set_client)
109 def index(self, context, filters=None, marker=None, limit=None):
110 """Calls out to Glance for a list of images available."""
112=== modified file 'nova/tests/image/'
113--- nova/tests/image/ 2011-05-31 20:30:09 +0000
114+++ nova/tests/image/ 2011-06-09 21:51:44 +0000
115@@ -60,10 +60,8 @@
116 NOW_DATETIME = datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 11, 10, 30, 22)
118 def setUp(self):
119- # FIXME(sirp): we can probably use stubs library here rather than
120- # dependency injection
121 self.client = StubGlanceClient(None)
122- self.service = glance.GlanceImageService(self.client)
123+ self.service = glance.GlanceImageService(client=self.client)
124 self.context = context.RequestContext(None, None)
126 def assertDateTimesFilled(self, image_meta):
128=== modified file 'nova/virt/'
129--- nova/virt/ 2011-05-25 23:57:04 +0000
130+++ nova/virt/ 2011-06-09 21:51:44 +0000
131@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
133 from nova import context
134 from nova import flags
135+from nova.image import glance as glance_image_service
136 import nova.image
137 from nova import log as logging
138 from nova import utils
139@@ -42,13 +43,3 @@
140 elevated = context.get_admin_context()
141 metadata = image_service.get(elevated, image_id, image_file)
142 return metadata
145-# TODO(vish): xenapi should use the glance client code directly instead
146-# of retrieving the image using this method.
147-def image_url(image):
148- if FLAGS.image_service == "nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService":
149- return "http://%s:%s/images/%s" % (FLAGS.glance_host,
150- FLAGS.glance_port, image)
151- return "http://%s:%s/_images/%s/image" % (FLAGS.s3_host, FLAGS.s3_port,
152- image)
154=== modified file 'nova/virt/xenapi/'
155--- nova/virt/xenapi/ 2011-06-02 23:24:09 +0000
156+++ nova/virt/xenapi/ 2011-06-09 21:51:44 +0000
157@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
158 from nova import exception
159 from nova import flags
160 import nova.image
161+from nova.image import glance as glance_image_service
162 from nova import log as logging
163 from nova import utils
164 from nova.auth.manager import AuthManager
165@@ -358,10 +359,12 @@
167 os_type = instance.os_type or FLAGS.default_os_type
169+ glance_host, glance_port = \
170+ glance_image_service.pick_glance_api_server()
171 params = {'vdi_uuids': vdi_uuids,
172 'image_id': image_id,
173- 'glance_host': FLAGS.glance_host,
174- 'glance_port': FLAGS.glance_port,
175+ 'glance_host': glance_host,
176+ 'glance_port': glance_port,
177 'sr_path': cls.get_sr_path(session),
178 'os_type': os_type}
180@@ -409,9 +412,11 @@
181 # here (under Python 2.6+) and pass them as arguments
182 uuid_stack = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for i in xrange(2)]
184+ glance_host, glance_port = \
185+ glance_image_service.pick_glance_api_server()
186 params = {'image_id': image,
187- 'glance_host': FLAGS.glance_host,
188- 'glance_port': FLAGS.glance_port,
189+ 'glance_host': glance_host,
190+ 'glance_port': glance_port,
191 'uuid_stack': uuid_stack,
192 'sr_path': cls.get_sr_path(session)}
194@@ -576,7 +581,8 @@
195 Returns: A single filename if image_type is KERNEL_RAMDISK
196 A list of dictionaries that describe VDIs, otherwise
197 """
198- url = images.image_url(image)
199+ url = "http://%s:%s/_images/%s/image" % (FLAGS.s3_host, FLAGS.s3_port,
200+ image)
201 LOG.debug(_("Asking xapi to fetch %(url)s as %(access)s") % locals())
202 if image_type == ImageType.KERNEL_RAMDISK:
203 fn = 'get_kernel'