Code review comment for ~bryce/ubuntu/+source/apache2:merge-v2.4.53-2-kinetic

Revision history for this message
Andreas Hasenack (ahasenack) wrote :

You could squash together these 3 commits if you want, to make the delta simpler/smaller:

commit ee14fcd7ad2a6e0f7dfa4b05d20bc8687c2474bf
Author: Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>
Date: Fri May 20 14:12:41 2022 -0700

        - d/apache2.postrm: Include md5 sum for updated index.html

commit 998d8b823b2cbc61d06d46dca2dc602fed87a93a
Author: Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>
Date: Fri May 20 14:12:44 2022 -0700

        - d/index.html, d/icons/ubuntu-logo.png: Refresh page design and
          new logo
          (LP: 1966004)

commit 7315771f7f353b1ca92fac1c85b3bdf7208e97ed
Author: Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Feb 2 19:12:23 2022 -0800

        - d/index.html, d/icons/ubuntu-logo.png, d/apache2.postrm,
          d/s/include-binaries: replace Debian with Ubuntu on default
          page and add Ubuntu icon file.
          (LP 1288690)

But it's also ok as is, I'm fine either way.

Note that the PPA builds failed, but I haven't seen a clear error. In fact, the logs says:

Build finished at 2022-05-25T18:56:10Z


I: Built successfully

+1 if it's just some transient error in LP and a retry fixes it.

review: Approve

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