Code review comment for lp:~vthompson/music-app/fix-sorting

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Andrew Hayzen (ahayzen) wrote :

One inline comment, I also wonder if the allSongsModel and songsAlbumArtistModel should be sorted as well so that dispatcher and play all random are sorted in the same way. Note you'll need to change the id of the trackClicked calls to these if you do.

Furthermore in MusicGenres.qml we have...

AlbumsModel {
   id: albumGenreModel
   genre: model.genre
   store: musicStore

Repeater {
   id: albumGenreModelRepeater
   model: AlbumsModel {
       genre: model.genre
       store: musicStore

Could you remove one of the AlbumsModel (either remove albumGenreModel or set the model of the repeater to albumGenreModel) as we have done in the other models. While we are playing about with models :)

review: Needs Fixing

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