Code review comment for lp:~viswesn/juju-ci-tools/ensure_provider_cleanup

Revision history for this message
viswesuwara nathan (viswesn) wrote :

Hi All,

>> In the future it would be helpful to mention why you made a change different to what was suggested, it removes any need for guessing and/or assuming that there was a misunderstanding.

<<Viswa>> I definitely do this And I used repr instead of str on reading from link

>> Regarding your question re: issubset
<<Viswa>> The function is now modified and it is now single line; I didn't integrated the same in the caller and kept the function contains_only_known_instances as it is.

Major changes in the test code were done to make Mock only for lower level function (client) as discussed and mock were not introduced for the functions that were introduced by us.

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