Code review comment for lp:~vila/bzr/788530-better-invalid-http-response

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Vincent Ladeuil (vila) wrote :

>>>>> John Arbash Meinel <email address hidden> writes:

    > ...

    >> The existing daughter classes already either define a specific _fmt and/or
    >> don't accept orig_error as a parameter so aren't concerned by this fix.
    >> > For now, though, it seems fine. We usually add tests into
    >> > bzrlib/tests/ for formatting stuff like this, though.
    >> For use facing errors that's true, in this specific case I'm addressing
    >> debug concerns, we should not use InvalidHttpResponse for user-facing
    >> errors.

    > I thought the whole point of the original bug was that this got shown as
    > a *user-facing* error, and that it made it confusing what the original
    > failure was.

Well, it's an unexpected exception: and invalid http response, this is
not some kind of error we expect and for which we can give a better
explanation to the user, it's used as a catch-all for several kind of
low-level errors.

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