
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

12. By Dustin Kirkland 

[ Nobuto MURATA ]
* debian/powerwake.install, powerwake_completion: add bash completion
  for powerwake, LP: #551073

[ Dustin Kirkland ]
* powerwake: create the ~/.cache/ethers file, if it does not already
  exist, LP: #582381

11. By Dustin Kirkland 

* debian/powernap.upstart: fix LP: #531950
  - fix ethtool regex
  - allow for admin customized ethtool script, when powernap's
    is incorrect or undesired

10. By Dustin Kirkland 

* powerwake:
  - test ethers file for writability, LP: #458163
  - since non-priv users cannot write to globally cached ethers, support
    local user eth caches
* powernap-now, debian/install:
  - add a powernap-now utility, for sending the 'now'
  signal to the daemon
* debian/powernap.manpages, powernap-now.8:
  - add powernap-now manpages
* debian/powernap.init, debian/powernap.upstart, debian/rules:
  - upstart-ify powernap

9. By Dustin Kirkland 

powerwake: test ethers file for writability, LP: #458163

8. By Dustin Kirkland 

debian/powernap.init: enable WoL at boot on interface(s) that support
wake-on-lan, to ensure that a powernapping system can be awoken
later, LP: #445950

7. By Dustin Kirkland 

[ Dan Nurmi ]
* powerwake: add support for a broadcast argument, add getopt support

[ Dustin Kirkland ]
* powerwake.1: updated to handle Dan's extensions and new arguments
* powernap_calculator, powernap_calculator.1: new script to help determine
  the expected power savings usings powernap in a cloud environment;
  manpage documentation added
* debian/powernap.logrotate: rotate the powernap log
* powernapd: overhaul powernap's logging using python's built-in logging
* debian/control: bump standards version

6. By Dustin Kirkland 

* powerwake: handle more gracefully the lack of an /etc/ethers file
* powernapd: fix timestamp

5. By Dustin Kirkland 

* powerwake: maintain and use a cache of mac addresses, in
  /var/cache/powerwake/ethers; test is_mac() before adding to arp hash
* debian/powerwake.dirs, debian/powerwake.install,
  debian/powerwake.postinst, debian/control: add a separate powerwake
* debian/manpages, debian/powerwake.manpages: added manpage debhelper
* debian/control: recommend ethtool, which might be necessary to enable
  wake-on-lan on your ethernet card, powernap depends on pm-utils
* powernap -> powernapd, debian/init, debian/install: rename the python
  powernap daemon 'powernapd'
* powernap.1 -> powernapd.8: renamed, note ethtool
* powernap: new script that will either take a specified action, or
  run one of (pm-suspend, pm-hibernate, poweroff)
* powernap.8: document new script
* action: conffile describing what should go there
* debian/init: drop stdout on 'now' status check
* debian/*: use powernap.* and powerwake.* to remove any ambiguity
* powernapd: look for activity on /dev/* consoles and in /proc/interrupts
  during the grace period, such that any activity will cancel the
  powernap operation
* powerwake, powerwake.1: update to allow for static configuration
  override in /etc/ethers

4. By Dustin Kirkland 

* config: add default value statement to each item; add sane defaults;
  add grace period section
* powernap: add a system-wide warning message using 'wall', and a grace
  seconds interval to cancel the operation of 60 seconds (by default);
  move to using global variables for options defined in the config file
* debian/control: depend on bsdutils for 'wall' utility

3. By Dustin Kirkland 

* config, debian/control, powernap.1, powernap.py: lower the default
  polling period from 10 seconds to 1 second; polling /proc is cheap,
  and empirical testing has shown a negligible performance impact;
  add a note about DEBUG
* powernap.py -> powernap:
  - abstract take_action() to a function, add a handler for --now
  - daemonize within the python script
  - eliminate the shell wrapper
  - log to /var/log/powernap.*
  - add signal handling for "now", USR1
* powernap.1: add log files
* debian/init: add 'now' action and signal passing
* powerwake: initial cut at powerwake utility
* powerwake.1: initial cut at powerwake documentation

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