
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

37. By Mario Limonciello

* Adjust the sandybridge blacklist to match that in the latest compiz.
  (LP: #644372)
* Ubiquity bootstrap: sync before reboots.

36. By Mario Limonciello

Fix recovery from recovery of a recovery. (LP: #643889)

35. By Mario Limonciello

* Unset dbus session address before spawning burning apps for recovery media.
  - Recent versions of ubiquity (2.3.18+) set the dbus session address in the
    environment. This causes issues because root can't speak on the session
    bus (and that's what plugininstall.py runs as).

34. By Mario Limonciello

* Add another id to blacklist for sugar bay. Thanks Robert Hooker!
* Include the architecture in the target ISO names.
* Add one more rotational character to allow a full rotation.
* Dynamically populate the list of available UI's.
* For atom class, if une-efl is available, set to that by default.

33. By Mario Limonciello

* Parse the architecture of debs in debs/main to help figure out which
  to install.
* Modify the dell-default-ui logic to match goals better for 10.10.
* Run dell-default-ui during install rather than on first boot.
* Preseed any advanced questions in case this is non-RP install.
* Update the text for the restart dialog.
* In the swap recipe fixup, detect large memory (>= 4GB) and don't create
  swap in these scenarios either.
* Fix the efi set_advanced logic to not accidentally force msdos.

32. By Mario Limonciello

[ Mario Limonciello ]
* If boot/grub/efi.img is found, create a mutlti-catalog ISO image.
* Support FISH packages of nested archives for OIE.
* Support media that uses GRUB to boot.
* Mark a boot as an EFI boot if /sys/firmware/efi exists too.
* Run grub-install in EFI mode too (it will use efibootmgr for us)
* Fix Y-align on some labels.
* If a disk is grub based, don't include the isolinux directory in the ISO.
* Be more rigid about the scenarios that grub gets reinstalled on
  first boot.
* Don't run part of the recovery plugin in bootstrap mode.
* If dmi-available-memory isn't available (such as x86_64), fall back to
* No need to run efibootmgr to cleanup after install, the OS handles it.
* Fixup creating media from recovery partitions containing eltorito.img.
* Make sure the image complete dialog is centered.
* Import translations from launchpad.

[ Peter Petrakis ]
* Autobuilder Frontend:
  - Cleanup of help text.
  - Add support to set iso prefix.
  - Add support to set specific dell-recovery package.
  - Add an option to skip the local git tree update.

31. By Mario Limonciello

[ Mario Limonciello ]
* Save files in XDG Downloads directory by default (LP: #616671)
* Re-encode strings to utf8 when checking ISOs in builder mode. (LP: #616663)
* Remove unused misc import in dell-recovery ubiquity plugin.
* If choosing resize mode, still hide the UI pieces that make the page grow.
* Clean up pylint warnings and errors in the ubiquity plugins.
* Don't allow the bootstrap plugin to run if not in automatic mode.
* Hide the plugin_widgets page in factory mode to prevent the app from
  growing and showing the wrong sized slideshow.

[ Peter Petrakis ]
* Add bto-autobuilder for standalone build features. (LP: #619452)

30. By Mario Limonciello

[ Mario Limonciello ]
* Use the newly available progress bar from all ubiquity plugins to display
  status while building the RP.
* Split out the propagated kernel options into their own file, to make sure
  they are common to the RP after install too.
* If common.cfg is missing, don't flip out.
* Make sure that BOOT_IMAGE is not propagating into the RP.
* Always output the name of the plugin in debug strings.
* Fix backwards list for une/ude in UI chooser.
* Correct a rounding regression with the switch to parted for making partitions.
* Add some additional debugging for all installs to share more about the creation
  of the UP and grub.
* Strip the stray characters at the end of extra command line.
* Backup the logs to the RP at the end of building RP for later debug purposes.
* When booting grub from partition 4, search that partition before the rp for
  a common.cfg

[ Peter Petrakis ]
* Record the base iso used in the bto_manifest
* Calculate the md5sum of each driver fish and record it in bto_md5sum

29. By Mario Limonciello

* Fix a regression with tgz type fish packages from previous pylint cleanup
  due to tarfile not containing an __exit__ method.
* When operating on a newer ubiquity version, hide the progress_section
  at window bottom.
* Drop the title string on the bootstrap page. It looks funny.
* Don't propagate BOOT_IMAGE either to target system.
* Add a title string to the recovery page, it looks funny without it.

28. By Mario Limonciello

* Work around a bug with interactions between a non-KMS plymouth and
  casper running when VT7 is active by not running casper stop if
  'noprompt' is not present in /proc/cmdline.
* Add a (hidden) advanced settings popup window for dell-bootstrap.
* New side effects for the advanced settings popup:
  - All advanced configuration options get propogated to the /proc/cmdline
    used during installation (off the RP).
  - The number of callbacks, set_, and get_ functions needed to be reduced
    to allow code to be reused.
  - All template questions that were used a lot were reused multiple times
    now have common definitions to avoid keeping the strings all over.
  - Set the table of advanced features inactive when running on non-genuine
    HW and also when running in HDD recovery mode.
* Set type as the last action in updating the UI to avoid dual boot settings
  mucking with it.
* Drop the dell-language ubiquity plugin. It was only used to keep a constant
  title, which ubiqutiy now has support for.
* Merge in the dell-default-ui plugin from dell-oobe (which is now unnecessary).
* Merge translations from launchpad.

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