
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

34. By David Prévot <email address hidden>

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Ship the /var/lib/libuuid/ directory in the package instead of creating it
  in postinst. Closes: #694898

33. By David Prévot <email address hidden>

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Drop the /etc/default/rcS update from postinst. (Closes: #676454)

[ Translation update ]
* French, David Prévot. Closes: #684225, #270584
* Vietnamese, Trần Ngọc Quân.
* Dutch, Benno Schulenberg.
* Polish, Michał Kułach. Closes: #685785

32. By Hilko Bengen

* Non-maintainer upload.
* agetty: don't use log_err() for non-fatal errors
* agetty: Eliminate another log_err() call. Closes: #675569
* Fix watch file

31. By LaMont Jones

[Petr Uzel]

* sfdisk: fix calculation due to type mismatch (ix86) Closes: #670127

[Eduard Bloch]

* Make sure we have non-null mount options. Closes: #632118

[Francesco Del Degan]

* tries to umount /proc when told to umount /some/dir/proc without an
  /etc/mtab entry. Closes: #634107

[Pino Toscano]

* Deliver {c,}fdisk-udeb on hurd. Closes: #672551

[Roger Leigh]

* Improve handling of the hardware clock
  - Remove redundant hwclockfirst.sh and hwclock.sh. The reason for
    this redundant script existing (/etc/localtime not being present
    until after /usr was mounted AFAICT) no longer exists. The
    hwclock script has been adjusted to run before checkroot.
    Closes: #660365
  - Migrate existing
    UTC= setting in /etc/default/rcS to UTC/LOCAL in /etc/adjtime.
    This removes needless duplication of the setting, and prevents the
    behaviour of hwclock being overridden, and its configuration
    overwritten every shutdown. Closes: #554345
  - The hwclock init scripts now use /etc/adjtime instead of the
    --utc and --localtime options (based on the UTC setting).
  - Add /etc/default/hwclock and hwclock(5) which permit
    configuration without editing the initscript, and also document
    all the undocumented variables used by the scripts.
    Closes: #481357, #659654
  - The udev hwclock-set script runs hwclock --tzset unconditionally
    in all cases (it's a no-op for UTC).
  - The user running "hwclock --systohc (--utc|--localtime)" is now
    handled correctly. The clock state is recorded in /etc/adjtime
    and correctly handled on system restart. This means the UTC
    setting in /etc/default/rcS doesn't create problems by requiring
    two separate changes (changing the UTC setting and running
    hwclock) to do the same thing.
  - Comment out the now-obsolete UTC= setting in /etc/default/rcS,
    with a reference to /etc/adjtime and hwclock(8).
  - systemd uses /etc/adjtime as for hwclock to store the hardware
    clock UTC/LOCAL configuration. This change means there's a
    single place to store the hardware clock configuration for all
    init systems.

30. By LaMont Jones

[Michał Kułach]

* Polish Debconf Translation. Closes: #658507

[LaMont Jones]

* fix lintian error
* Drop broken Pre-Depends: multiarch-support on udeb. Closes: #661562

[Roger Leigh]

* Support /etc/default/hwclock. Closes: #659654

29. By LaMont Jones

fix lintian error

28. By Christoph Egger

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Fixing FTBFS on !linux (Closes: #650185)
  * Only enable partx where it is supported
  * Handle vc flags missing on FreeBSD
  * Fix tty creation on kFreeBSD taking patch from 2.19

27. By Cyril Brulebois

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Fix FTBFS by running autoreconf -vfi before calling ./configure, which
  looks better than patching Makefile.in's manually. Thanks to Thorsten
  Glaser for reporting, and to Simon Ruderich for suggesting a patch
  (Closes: #650534).
* Add autoconf, automake, autopoint, and libtool to Build-Depends
* Set severity to “high” for the RC bug fix.

26. By LaMont Jones

* New upstream

[Roger Leigh]

* Various merge fixes [with edits - lamont]
  - drop old unused patches
  - cleanup debian/rules
  - updated symbols files for lib{blkid,mount,uuid}1

[LaMont Jones]

* merge in 2.19.1-{3..5}
* deliver /etc/fstab.d


* add korean debconf pofile. Closes: #632421, #632425

[Niels Thykier]

* Add build-arch and build-indep targets. Closes: #648467

25. By Adam Conrad

* Conflict/Replace fstrim to provide smooth upgrades (closes: #627579)
* Don't run hwclock-set when running under systemd (closes: #629811)
* Switch to using linux-any in place of lists (closes: #635530, #634722)

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