
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

29. By Sergio Durigan Junior

Remove "Force SSL verification" patch.
The patch "force-ssl-cert-verification.patch" was mistakenly included
in the last Midori release; this cased a regression because the user
cannot access a website that has a self-signed SSL/TLS certificate
anymore. This change removes the patch and allows the user to trust
self-signed certificates again. (Closes: #799337)

28. By Sergio Durigan Junior

[ Yves-Alexis Perez ]
* New upstream release.
* Apply patch from Colin Watson to improve conffile handling, using new
  debhelper features. closes: #659773
* debian/control:
  - update standards version to 3.9.3.
  - update homepage address.
  - remove myself from uploaders.
* debian/midori.maintscript:
  - handle the /etc/xdg/midori/extensions/libadblock.so removal there.
                                                              closes: #660303
* debian/patches:
  - force-ssl-cert-verification added, set ssl-strict to TRUE so connections
    are not done if the ssl certificate can't be trusted.
* debian/compat bumped to 9.

[ Ryan Niebur ]
* new upstream version, including the waf unpack changes made thanks
  to the NMU by Koichi Akabe
  - refreshed patches
  - add new Build-Dep on libzeitgeist-dev
* Improve dh_auto_clean target in d/rules to handle some leftover
  files from quilt and waf

[ Andres Salomon ]
* Import Debian patch 0.4.3+dfsg-0.2

[ Sergio Durigan Junior ]
* Changing gbp.conf to not override the default tag name for releases.
* Updating section names on debian/gbp.conf
* Imported Upstream version 0.5.11
* Update debian/patches for the new Midori version (0.5.11).
* Revamp build system (use cmake instead of waf)
  - Update debian/rules, removing old stuff (from waf) and adding new,
    simpler rules for the cmake-based build.
  - Update debian/control, listing the new package maintainer and
    reviewed dependencies.
  - Delete debian/waf-unpack file.
  - Rename debian/config/{Debian,Ubuntu}.h files to
  With this change, it is now unnecessary to create a DFSG-modified
  version of the package, because Waf is not used as the build system
  anymore (for more details, see Bug 645191).
  It is possible to build the package now, but it still has some lintian
  warnings that will be fixed in the following changes.
  (Closes: #663185, #758103, #787878)
* Adding shlibs and lintian-overrides files.
  Due to the way libraries (i.e., plugins) are built by Midori (without
  a proper SONAME), it is necessary (or at least recommended) to provide
  a shlibs file that contains trustworthy information about the
  libraries being installed on the system.
  Unfortunately, it is also necessary to provide a lintian-overrides
  file in order to silence some lintian warnings (mostly about the
  shlibs mentioned above). We'll have to work with upstream in order to
  solve this problem.
  Another lintian error that needed to be silenced was related to the
  data/midori.swf file, present at the original tarball. This file is
  used just for testing (i.e., it is not installed in the system), and
  is actually generated using the png2swf utility (from the swftools
  package), which means it can be verified.
* Rewrite manpage.
  The old manpage was too simple and did not cover many of the options
  supported by Midori on the command line. Fixed that by rewriting it
  almost completely, including many missing options, updating dates and
  author, and improving the formatting.

27. By Neil Williams

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Drop debian/presubj.in as the webkit text browser
  GtkLauncher is no longer packaged. (Closes: #759959)

26. By Koichi Akabe

* Non-maintainer upload
* Repack to extract waf script (Closes: 645191)
* debian/waf-unpack
  - add to describe how to extract waf script
* debian/rules
  - add get-orig-source target

25. By Yves-Alexis Perez

New upstream release.

24. By Yves-Alexis Perez

* New upstream release.
* debian/midori.{preinst,postinst,postrm}:
  - handle adblock configuration file rename.

23. By Yves-Alexis Perez

* debian/control:
  - update libwebkitgtk-dev build-dep to 1.4.3
* As a side effect, the rebuild against webkit 1.6.1 fix midori crashing
  because of missing webkit_web_view_get_selected_text() closes: #646198

22. By Yves-Alexis Perez

* New upstream release.
  - fix middle click on back/forward button. closes: #644840
  - correctly clear private data on quit when asked. closes: #644658
* debian/patches:
  - 0001-Fix-for-Bug-819688 dropped, included upstream.
* debian/control:
  - drop libjs-mootools from depends, it's not needed anymore.
* debian/rules:
  - don't remove mootools.js since it's not even shipped anymore.

21. By Yves-Alexis Perez

* debian/patches:
  - 0001-Fix-for-Bug-819688 added, correctly restore tab panel when needed.

20. By Yves-Alexis Perez

* New upstream release.
* debian/control:
  - bump webkit build-dep to 1.1.17.
  - bump valac build-dep to 0.10.

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