Code review comment for lp:~trond-norbye/drizzle/reviews

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Pål Sollie (sollie) wrote :


ISTANBUL — A Turkish court on Tuesday jailed Amnesty International's Turkey director and five other

Yours, Dora Granger

From: mp1214 [mailto:<email address hidden>]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 5:53 PM
To: <email address hidden>
Subject: Spaghetti

If there's any interest, I could provide a translation to what the narrator is saying.

It's a load of generic propaganda but it's kind of funny (for us, anyway).


Edit: There's a bit of a difference between North and South Korean, but I tried my best to keep it accurate.

*Kim reading checklists* "Our glorious leader, in his infinite wisdom, has always said he wishes to fly the blue skies in an airplane, with his fellow brave airmen."

*Taking off* "Aggressively grasping the controls of the aircraft, he inspired deep into the hearts of the men by trailblazing an airway towards victory."

*Positive rate, gear up* "Flying in an airplane is difficult and dangerous, even the officers' palms become sweaty and constantly think of their families during training - It is because of this, that our wonderful leader has proclaimed he must try his hand in flying."

*Doing steep turns and shit* "Holding onto the fate of the people of Korea, we insist and beg our ultimate commander to never step onto the danger that is aviation - but he replies, 'It is crucial for me to be with the great airmen. Only when I personally fly an airplane, the thought that the great leader is always with them will be entrusted, and their spirit and courage will be at the highest.'"

*Landing* I have a bit of trouble understanding this one, but it's something like, "Our bright and intelligent leader has flown the immense roads of the sky, and as always stayed with the people in spirit (it says something I couldn't get here, I think about a bird and a bull? Maybe their national animals)."

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