
Created by Ted Gould and last modified
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Ted Gould

Recent revisions

185. By Ted Gould

releasing version 1:2.30.0-2ubuntu2~ppa1

184. By Ted Gould

Added debian/patches/40_unset_menuproxy.patch to make sure
gnome-panel and the applets don't pick up menu proxies.

183. By Robert Ancell

* Rebase on Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
* debian/control:
  - Build-depend on sharutils.
  - Add Vcs-Bzr info.
  - gnome-panel suggests menu-xdg rather than depends on it.
  - gnome-panel recommends indicator-applet.
* debian/rules:
  - Run autotools on build
  - Compile with --disable-initial-animation
  - don't build in process applets during the unstable cycle so crash issues
    should be easier to debug and reported on the corresponding binary
  - Update translations template.
  - Install the default menu icon.
* debian/add-indicator-applet.py:
  - Add indicator applet to existing panel configs on upgrade.
* debian/application-default-icon.png.uue:
  - Default icon for the menu entries.
* debian/fusa-applet.note.in:
* debian/migrate-fusa-config.py,
  - Show an update-notifer hook about the FUSA applet and
    add a script that can do the config migration.
* debian/gnome-panel-data.install:
  - Install apport hook
  - Install the "About Ubuntu" menu item.
* debian/gnome-panel-data.preinst:
  - Clean conffiles which are not in the new version on upgrade.
* debian/gnome-panel.install:
  - Install the files necessary to migrate existing panel configs
    on upgrade, to add the FUSA and indicator applet.
  - No /usr/lib/gnome-panel/*.so due to not building in process applets
* debian/gnome-panel.postinst:
  - Show note for adding FUSA applet on upgrade.
  - Add GConf defaults for directory fixup and indicator-applet
    migration on upgrade.
* debian/gnome-panel.postrm:
  - Remove GConf defaults on uninstall.
* debian/source_gnome-panel.py:
  - Apport hook
* debian/indicator-applet.desktop:
  - Indicator applet
* debian/ubuntu-about.desktop.in:
  - "About Ubuntu" menu item.
* debian/patches/01_layout.patch:
  - Changes to the panel layout.
* debian/patches/03_dnd_places_link.patch:
  - When using Drag'n'Drop from Places menu, install a link launcher
    (.desktop file) instead of copying the entir directory.
* debian/patches/04_default_panel_config.patch:
  - Change to the default configuration.
* debian/patches/05_no_session_delay.patch:
  - Don't set X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase=Panel to avoid delaying other softwares
    start on login
* debian/patches/06_higher_priority_for_applets_loading.patch:
  - Set higher priority to the applet loading idle function on start,
    the change leads to have the redraws delayed and reduced (disabled)
* debian/patches/16_compiz_workspace_switcher.patch:
  - Allow the workspace switcher to change the desktop layout
    when using compiz.
* debian/patches/17_about-ubuntu-translation.patch:
  - List ubuntu-about.desktop for translation.
* debian/patches/18_lockdown_lock_editor.patch:
  - Change to have lockdown locking the menu editor
* debian/patches/20_fusa_migration_note_i18n.patch:
  - Show an update-notifer hook about the FUSA applet and
    add a script that can do the config migration.
* debian/patches/25_dynamic_fusa_detection.patch:
  - Removes the shutdown, logout and lock screen items when the
    FUSA applet is on the panel
* debian/patches/30_disable-initial-animation.patch:
  - Patch to add build-time flag to disable the initial slide-in animation.
* debian/patches/71_change_bookmark_submenu_limit_value.patch:
  - Set the bookmarks number before submenu to 8 which should let users
    configure some before hitting the limit
* debian/patches/85_disable_shutdown_on_ltsp.patch:
  - Suppress the shutdown option in the panel if LTSP_CLIENT is set.
* debian/patches/90_git_new_unhidden.patch:
  - git change to fix an issue leading to new gnome-panel bars not being
    displayed until restart
* 01_panel_submenus.patch.
  - Dropped
* 02_panel_logout.patch.
  - Dropped
* 06_clock_permissions.patch.
  - Dropped
* debian/watch:
  - watch unstable versions

182. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version
* debian/patches/25_dynamic_fusa_detection.patch:
  - update by Cody Russell to try to fix a crasher in the change
    (lp: #448084)
* debian/patches/70_relibtoolize.patch:
  - new version update

181. By Steve Kowalik

No-change rebuild against a reverted CDBS.

180. By Sebastien Bacher

[ Michael Vogt ]
* debian/add-indicator-applet.py:
  - ignore disabled applets when checking for the indicator applet
    (LP: #539969)

[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* debian/migrate-fusa-config.py:
  - update to look for indicator-session-service since that's we use now,
    update the error string too (lp: #540350)
* debian/patches/19_switch_off_wording.patch:
  - dropped since "switch off" seems too british and that requires
    extra discussion, which will be for next cycle now
* debian/patches/25_dynamic_fusa_detection.patch:
  - clean extra g_debug calls which were added probably when the change was
    being written for testing but are just adding noise to the session log now

179. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version:
  - Fix crash when using the main menu (lp: #535326)
  - Add configure summary
* debian/patches/70_relibtoolize.patch:
  - new version update, downgrade gtk requirement since it builds fine using
    the current version

178. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version:
  - Build with latest GSeal'ed GTK+
  - Display GenericName in tooltip if there's no Comment
  - Fix applet right-sticking on screen resolution change (lp: #44082)
  - Make email addresses hyperlinks in about dialog
  - Use special XDG directory icon names
  - Build with latest GSeal'ed GTK+
  All Applets
  - Build with latest GSeal'ed GTK+
  Clock Applet
  - Fix wrong string in documentation
  - Use icon fallbacks if the theme does not include phases of moon
  - Validate input in add location dialog
  Notification Area Applet
  - Make location of standard status icons predictable
* debian/patches/70_relibtoolize.patch:
  - new version update, downgrade gtk requirement since it builds fine using
    the current version

177. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/add-indicator-applet.py, debian/gnome-panel.postinst,
  - changed to force the indicator-applet adding again on upgrade to lucid
    since quite some users removed the message indicator they were not using
    during the previous cycle and don't get application indicators now
* debian/patches/19_switch_off_wording.patch:
  - change by Ted Gould to rename "Shut Down" to "Switch off" which is the
    wording which will be used over the desktop for lucid (lp: #531495)

176. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version:
  - Add X-GNOME-AutoRestart to desktop file (lp: #522047)
  Clock Applet
  - Make sunrise/sunset and other times follow the 12/24h preference
* debian/patches/02_sunrise_sunset_time_format.patch:
  - dropped since the change is in the new version

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