Merge lp:~severinh/lottanzb/modes-module into lp:lottanzb/0.5

Proposed by Severin H
Status: Merged
Approved by: Sander Tuit
Approved revision: 304
Merge reported by: Severin H
Merged at revision: 306
Proposed branch: lp:~severinh/lottanzb/modes-module
Merge into: lp:lottanzb/0.5
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~severinh/lottanzb/modes-module
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lp:~severinh/lottanzb/modes-module updated
298. By Severin H

Downloads can be enqueued from command line (both using a nzb file or a newzbin id). Needs testing.

299. By Severin H

Detect correctly if the active HellaNZB uses the correct config file, even if the log exeeds 20 entries.

300. By Severin H

Fixes last commit.

301. By Severin H

Make sure the lock mechanism works also if LottaNZB is installed.

302. By Severin H

Added a few code comments and removed some lines of obsolete code.

303. By Severin H

Removed messages to avoid redundance.

304. By Severin H

Bug in ProcessList fixed. Patch by sparks. Fixes #225983.

305. By Severin H

Another commit which introduces a bunch of changes: Buttons such as the 'Download directory' toolbar button and the Newzbin menu entry dynamically change their sensibility, when the usage mode or the preferences are changed. Numerous bugs from the previous revision are fixed now and I even added a few code comments ;-) (I'm lousy at that, I know). The different usage mode classes are not singletons anymore. Each instance of such a class represents a certain usage mode with its specific configuration, which makes it easier to us to go back to an old usage mode for example. LottaNZB now definitely supports custom hellanzb exectables in standalone mode (e. g. tsocks hellanzb in order to wrap it). No more odd HellaNZB output message when closing LottaNZB. The recently registered blueprint which redesigns the local front-end mode has been implemented. The user only needs to select the configuration file to connect to a running HellaNZB instance. If the user closes the usage mode selection window, the old mode is restored automatically. The 'Cancel' and 'Save' buttons are disabled while changing the usage mode. LottaNZB now restarts HellaNZB in the background if the user makes any changes to the preferences that require this. Finally, I reached the bottom of the diff file. Have fun and keep in mind that this code still needs some refinement. ;-)

306. By Severin H

Some strings weren't wrapped using _(...). German translation updated.


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