Code review comment for ~sergiodj/ubuntu/+source/nfs-utils:bug1918141-service-file-adjustment-focal

Revision history for this message
Sergio Durigan Junior (sergiodj) wrote :

Thanks for the review, Utkarsh. I've added the Applied-Upstream header to the patch.

As for filing this bug against Debian's nfs-utils, we have already discussed about this on Mattermost but for the sake of completeness I will repeat what I said there: nfs-utils on Debian (and consequently on Ubuntu) is is a real sad state: the package is very outdated, with more than 100 bugs open, and not well maintained. This bug has been fixed by upstream a long time ago, and it is in our plans to update the package ASAP on Debian/Ubuntu during the next cycle, so instead of contributing to increase the vast number of bugs, I will focus on helping the Debian maintainer with the update and then bring it to Ubuntu.

Anyway, pushed and uploaded:

$ git push pkg upload/1%1.3.4-2.5ubuntu3.4
Enumerating objects: 17, done.
Counting objects: 100% (17/17), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done.
Writing objects: 100% (12/12), 3.22 KiB | 549.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 12 (delta 8), reused 0 (delta 0)
To ssh://
 * [new tag] upload/1%1.3.4-2.5ubuntu3.4 -> upload/1%1.3.4-2.5ubuntu3.4
$ dput nfs-utils_1.3.4-2.5ubuntu3.4_source.changes
Trying to upload package to ubuntu
Checking signature on .changes
gpg: /home/sergio/work/nfs-utils/nfs-utils_1.3.4-2.5ubuntu3.4_source.changes: Valid signature from 106DA1C8C3CBBF14
Checking signature on .dsc
gpg: /home/sergio/work/nfs-utils/nfs-utils_1.3.4-2.5ubuntu3.4.dsc: Valid signature from 106DA1C8C3CBBF14
Uploading to ubuntu (via ftp to
  Uploading nfs-utils_1.3.4-2.5ubuntu3.4.dsc: done.
  Uploading nfs-utils_1.3.4-2.5ubuntu3.4.debian.tar.xz: done.
  Uploading nfs-utils_1.3.4-2.5ubuntu3.4_source.buildinfo: done.
  Uploading nfs-utils_1.3.4-2.5ubuntu3.4_source.changes: done.
Successfully uploaded packages.

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