Line 200:
The method ``map_magento_order`` is public (accessible from XMR/RPC) but may return a None value if they are zero or many invoices.
Line 1133
You've put an unused local variable ``first_install``.
Lines 1138-1149, I would rather use only one UPDATE with a CASE, it should something like:
UPDATE res_partner_address
SET name = CASE
WHEN firstname IS NOT NULL AND lastname IS NOT NULL THEN (firstname || ' ' || lastname)
WHEN firstname IS NOT NULL AND lastname IS NULL THEN firstname
WHEN firstname IS NULL AND lastname IS NOT NULL THEN lastname
ELSE '';
Some minor things:
Line 200: order`` is public (accessible from XMR/RPC) but may return a None value if they are zero or many invoices.
The method ``map_magento_
Line 1133
You've put an unused local variable ``first_install``.
Lines 1138-1149, I would rather use only one UPDATE with a CASE, it should something like:
UPDATE res_partner_address
SET name = CASE
WHEN firstname IS NOT NULL AND lastname IS NOT NULL THEN (firstname || ' ' || lastname)
WHEN firstname IS NOT NULL AND lastname IS NULL THEN firstname
WHEN firstname IS NULL AND lastname IS NOT NULL THEN lastname
ELSE '';
Otherwise, it seems good.