Code review comment for ~sbaldassin/bileto:ust-bileto

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Robert Bruce Park (robru) wrote :

Hey Santiago, apologies I've been meaning to dedicate more time to this but the rollout was not particularly smooth so I've had a few fires to put out.

The single greatest challenge we will face is the fact that britney runs in precise, which limits us to python 3.2, which is really showing its age. It's not clear to me that qakit or jenkins modules are going to work in precise, and backporting them may well be harder than just writing a few http requests.

In terms of the bileto side, I like to keep things as simple as possible, so loading the big jenkins module in my server process is really unappealing to me (even if you resolve the issue of polling jenkins every time a user edits a ticket, I won't accept any code that imports jenkins in bileto/*.py) keep in mind that our flask server has 15 worker processes so anything imported in bileto/*.py is going to be imported in 15 different processes and stick around forever.

The significantly better approach is to just have one script called periodically from cron. It can load jenkins, iterate over tickets, submit some tests, and then exit without being a huge burden on the system for a prolonged period of time.

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