Code review comment for ~sbaldassin/bileto:ust-bileto

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Robert Bruce Park (robru) wrote :

Ok, so I've had a chance to review the qakit source and I need to raise some concerns here. One thing is that the compute_ust_signoff as you've written it will be triggered every time the ticket is modified, for any reason. So it's true that the status job will update the ticket every 20 minutes, which will result in ust polling every 20 minutes, but it will also do a ust poll, eg, if a user edits a field on the ticket, and this is a really unacceptable slowdown for user experience, to do a syncronous poll and block the thread while the user is waiting for their change to save.

**IF** we go ahead with the idea of bileto polling ust results, we'll need to model it after britney/, eg, there should be an independent script that runs from cron and then feeds the results into bileto. That way it would run much more consistently and performantly, without interfering with user edits of tickets.

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