Thanks for the awesome feedback Colin :-) Sorry for not replying before, I was busy at uni.
So, I started to work on your suggestions, and all seems to work now, but the test fails (only for bzr), with this error:
Error in test lp.code.browser.tests.test_branchmergeproposal.TestBranchMergeProposalMergedViewBzr.test_link_to_merged_revno
Traceback (most recent call last):
_StringException: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/rpadovani/launchpad/lp-branches/link-revision-merged-mp/lib/lp/code/browser/tests/", line 167, in test_link_to_merged_revno
revision_link = bmp.merge_target.getCodebrowseUrlForRevision(
AttributeError: 'thread._local' object has no attribute 'interaction'
I tried to looking on the internet for this error, but I found nothingu useful. Also because in the file there is no reference to a thread, so I think is something more complicated.
Also another question:
you said to use quote_plus(revision) but if revision is an int then the function fails because int isn't interable. Explicit casting it to a string is the right way to go or there is another function to use?
Thanks for the awesome feedback Colin :-) Sorry for not replying before, I was busy at uni.
So, I started to work on your suggestions, and all seems to work now, but the test fails (only for bzr), with this error:
Error in test lp.code. browser. tests.test_ branchmergeprop osal.TestBranch MergeProposalMe rgedViewBzr. test_link_ to_merged_ revno rpadovani/ launchpad/ lp-branches/ link-revision- merged- mp/lib/ lp/code/ browser/ tests/test_ branchmergeprop" , line 167, in test_link_ to_merged_ revno target. getCodebrowseUr lForRevision(
Traceback (most recent call last):
_StringException: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/
revision_link = bmp.merge_
AttributeError: 'thread._local' object has no attribute 'interaction'
I tried to looking on the internet for this error, but I found nothingu useful. Also because in the file there is no reference to a thread, so I think is something more complicated.
Also another question: revision) but if revision is an int then the function fails because int isn't interable. Explicit casting it to a string is the right way to go or there is another function to use?
you said to use quote_plus(
I'm starting to work on other two tests