Code review comment for lp:~roadmr/checkbox/packaging-canonical-certification-server-updates

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Ara Pulido (ara) wrote :

I agree with Jeff, I think canonical-cert-server binary should be part of of canonical-cert-server.

A provider should not only provide whitelists and tests, but the ability to quickly run those.

I am thinking here about the CE QA use case, for example.

Let's think this way:

Elsa, who is the QA lead for Lenovo, works for a while in creating the Sutton provider with the specific tests for Sutton (plus she knows all certification tests need to run as well).
She creates a new provider with a whitelist with the lenovo tests and pointing to all cert tests.
She creates a binary that runs checkbox-gui with that whitelist
She packages the provider (including the binary) and adds extra dependencies if needed (i.e. certification provider)

Then, all CE QA members testing a Lenovo system, only need to do:

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:sutton-2014-testing
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install sutton-2014-testing
$ sutton-2014-testing

withtout knowing anything about the complexity of dependencies.

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