Code review comment for lp:~roadmr/checkbox/modalias-parsing

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Zygmunt Krynicki (zyga) wrote :

16:31 <@zyga> roadmr:
16:31 <@zyga> roadmr: how is package_version related to the modalias?
16:33 < roadmr> zyga: good question... I think this is designed to express a package (identified by name) and convey that we may have different versions of the same package
16:33 < roadmr> zyga: this reflects how it's stored in hexr's database where there's a package table with just the names, and a packageversion intermediate table with versions and a link to packages
16:33 < roadmr> zyga: in here, a particular package version may contain a specific set of modaliases for which the package provides drivers or functionality
16:34 < roadmr> zyga: this is somewhat tied to version because conceivably a newer version of the same package may have a different set of modaliases
16:34 < roadmr> zyga: but mostly I think it's a "historical naming" convention, I would just call it "package" and it would have "name", "version" and "modalias" attributes
16:48 <@zyga> roadmr: ok, thanks
16:48 < roadmr> zyga: np, thanks for the review :D

review: Approve

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