Code review comment for lp:~renatofilho/address-book-app/keyboard-navigation

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Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho (renatofilho) wrote :

> Some problems:
> 1) Ctrl F to search, then type your search string, press enter, down arrow
> should navigate to first item in results list and select it
I do not like to use arrows to navigate btw objects, the arrows is alreary consumed by the text input to navigate internally (up/down when multilines).
Could we use "Tab" here?

> 2) When at top of the contact list and press up arrow focus should go to the
> section selector
> a) right/left arrow in section selector should navigate between sections
> b) down arrow when in section selector should navigate back to list

This need to be implemented by SDK. We can implement WORKAROUNDS here to support that but I would like to avoid it if possible.

The correct here is set focus to the page section and it handle the arrows or tab.

> 3) After saving a new contact, the new contact should be selected in the list
> and scrolled into view, but this is not working and first item in list is
> selected instead.
> 4) When you create a new contact and cancel (via esc), we should either select
> what was previously selected or the first item, but something should be
> selected. Currently nothing selected and right panel is blank which is not
> desirable.
I will implement that.

> 5) When you enter edit mode, focus needs to be placed in the first field
As discussed on IRC, this is not possible at the moment since we can not detect if there is a keyboard connect to device or not.
Implementing it ad default behavior you bring regressions on the phone use case.

> 6) In edit mode, Up/Down arrow keys should navigate the fields on the edit
> screen same as tabs do
Are you sure about that? This is not how desktop apps work. Most of the apps uses Tab to go foward and "shift+tab" to go backward on items in the screen.

> 7) In edit mode, left arrow key should bring focus back to contact list, if in
> contact list right arrow should navigate to first field in edit mode

Left and Right arrow is already used by the fields to navigate internally on the text. The correct will be use "tab".

But again we will need some big WORKAROUNDS here, since the item that receives focus on the page will be the header and it does not handle focus very well at the moment.

> 8) Seeing of lots of these errors in log: file:///usr/share/address-book-
> app/imports/ABContactEditorPage.qml:45:9: QML Action: Invalid shortcut:
This is because a WORKAROUND that I am using to avoid bug #1514856.

Right now all shortcuts are enable even if the action is not active/visible, because of that I am using this WORKAROUND:

shortcut: ? "Ctrl+s": ""

this warning message appear when setting the shortcut to "" (empty).

> 8)

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