Code review comment for lp:~rachidbm/ubuntu-translations-stats/bug-971432

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David Planella (dpm) wrote :

Thanks a lot for your work and sorry for the long delay in coming back to you. My new focus on App Development means that I can only spend some spare time on translations development. I had to find some additional time to fix some infrastructure issues before activating stats for Quantal and to be able to come back to developing this webapp this cycle.

I have merged most of your changes, with some additional modifications (renamed the INSTALL file to However, regarding the proposed fix:

> {c:[{v:'<a href="/stats/{{}}/{{language.code}}">{{}}</a>'},

I'd rather fix it by a proper combination of Apache config and APPEND_SLASH rather than hardcoding the URL. Alternatively, if you can convince me that that's the only way, I'll be happy to merge the change :)

review: Needs Fixing

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