
Created by Piotr Miedzik and last modified
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Piotr Miedzik

Recent revisions

39. By Piotr Miedzik

adds usb-redir feature

38. By Serge Hallyn

* Cherrypick upstream patch to fix crash with rng device (LP: #1235017)
  - virtio-rng-fix-crash

37. By Serge Hallyn

Re-introduce snippet in upstart job to load kvm modules if needed.
(LP: #1218459)

36. By Stefan Bader

* Cherry-picking three Xen related patches targetted for qemu-stable:
  * xen-simplify-xen_enabled.patch
  * main_loop-do-not-set-nonblocking-if-xen_enabled.patch
  * xen_machine_pv-do-not-create-a-dummy-CPU-in-machine-.patch

35. By Adam Conrad

Drop openbios-ppc and openhackware Depends to Suggests for now.

34. By Serge Hallyn

* Merge 1.5.0+dfs-3 from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control
    * update maintainer
    * remove libiscsi, usb-redir, vde, vnc-jpeg, and libssh2-1-dev
      from build-deps
    * enable rbd
    * add qemu-system and qemu-common B/R to qemu-keymaps
    * add D:udev, R:qemu, R:qemu-common and B:qemu-common to
    * qemu-system-arm, qemu-system-ppc, qemu-system-sparc:
      - add qemu-kvm to Provides
      - add qemu-common, qemu-kvm, kvm to B/R
      - remove openbios-sparc from qemu-system-sparc D
    * qemu-system-x86:
      - add qemu-common to Breaks/Replaces.
      - add cpu-checker to Recommends.
    * qemu-user: add B/R:qemu-kvm
    * qemu-kvm:
      - add armhf armel powerpc sparc to Architecture
      - C/R/P: qemu-kvm-spice
    * add qemu-common package
    * drop qemu-slof which is not packaged in ubuntu
  - add qemu-system-common.links for tap ifup/down scripts and OVMF link.
  - qemu-system-x86.links:
    * remove pxe rom links which are in kvm-ipxe
    * add symlink for kvm.1 manpage
  - debian/rules
    * add kvm-spice symlink to qemu-kvm
    * call dh_installmodules for qemu-system-x86
    * update dh_installinit to install upstart script
    * run dh_installman (Closes: #709241) (cherrypicked from 1.5.0+dfsg-2)
  - Add qemu-utils.links for kvm-* symlinks.
  - Add qemu-system-x86.qemu-kvm.upstart and .default
  - Add qemu-system-x86.modprobe to set nesting=1
  - Add qemu-system-common.preinst to add kvm group
  - qemu-system-common.postinst: remove bad group acl if there, then have
    udev relabel /dev/kvm.
  - Dropped patches:
    * 0001-fix-wrong-output-with-info-chardev-for-tcp-socket.patch
  - Kept patches:
    * expose_vms_qemu64cpu.patch - updated
    * gridcentric patch - updated
    * linaro arm patches from qemu-linaro rebasing branch

33. By Adam Conrad

Drop openbios-ppc and openhackware Depends to Suggests for now.

32. By Serge Hallyn

* Merge 1.5.0+dfs-2 from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control
    * update maintainer
    * remove libiscsi, usb-redir, vde, vnc-jpeg, and libssh2-1-dev
      from build-deps
    * enable rbd
    * add qemu-system and qemu-common B/R to qemu-keymaps
    * add D:udev, R:qemu, R:qemu-common and B:qemu-common to
    * qemu-system-arm, qemu-system-ppc, qemu-system-sparc:
      - add qemu-kvm to Provides
      - add qemu-common, qemu-kvm, kvm to B/R
      - remove openbios-sparc from qemu-system-sparc D
    * qemu-system-x86:
      - add qemu-common to Breaks/Replaces.
      - add cpu-checker to Recommends.
    * qemu-user: add B/R:qemu-kvm
    * qemu-kvm:
      - add armhf armel powerpc sparc to Architecture
      - C/R/P: qemu-kvm-spice
    * add qemu-common package
    * drop qemu-slof which is not packaged in ubuntu
  - add qemu-system-common.links for tap ifup/down scripts and OVMF link.
  - qemu-system-x86.links:
    * remove pxe rom links which are in kvm-ipxe
    * add symlink for kvm.1 manpage
  - debian/rules
    * add kvm-spice symlink to qemu-kvm
    * call dh_installmodules for qemu-system-x86
    * update dh_installinit to install upstart script
    * run dh_installman (Closes: #709241) (cherrypicked from 1.5.0+dfsg-2)
  - Add qemu-utils.links for kvm-* symlinks.
  - Add qemu-system-x86.qemu-kvm.upstart and .default
  - Add qemu-system-x86.modprobe to set nesting=1
  - Add qemu-system-common.preinst to add kvm group
  - qemu-system-common.postinst: remove bad group acl if there, then have
    udev relabel /dev/kvm.
  - Dropped patches:
    * 0001-fix-wrong-output-with-info-chardev-for-tcp-socket.patch
  - Kept patches:
    * expose_vms_qemu64cpu.patch - updated
    * gridcentric patch - updated
    * linaro arm patches from qemu-linaro rebasing branch

31. By Serge Hallyn

* re-add qemu-system-x86.modprobe to set nesting=1 (LP: #1155177)
* qemu-system-x86.qemu-kvm.upstart:
  - remove NESTED workarounds from upstart file.
  - remove loading of modules which is now always done
  - remove TAPR define which is no longer used
* move customizable defines back to qemu-kvm.default
* copy creation of group kvm to preinst - the group must exist when the
  kvm udev rule is installed (LP: #1103022) (LP: #1092715)
* add adduser to qemu-system-common Pre-Depends for use by preinst.

30. By Serge Hallyn

debian/rules: add a symlink from kvm-spice to kvm in qemu-kvm, on
i386/amd64 targets. (LP: #1126258)

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