Code review comment for lp:~mterry/unity8/split

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Michael Terry (mterry) wrote :

> Do you think it makes sense to add a test that checks
> SessionBroadcast::requestHomeShown is called on onShowDashHome
> to make sure it doesn't get lost in future refactorings? Or
> would it feel like "we're testing a function call works"?

I'm leaning toward the latter.

* got an "incoming voice mail" item in the messaging indicator (not sure if related or where from...) - I sometimes get it in the session, sometimes in greeter, sometimes in both...

Should be in both, and I've only ever happened to notice it in both. But I easily could have missed a time when it only showed in one because I never unlocked or whatever.

I'm not exactly sure why telephony-service decides to show that when. But it gets the status from ofono, which is a system daemon. I would file this under "telephony/indicator bug" and don't personally think it's a blocker.

* app is black when unlocking greeter over an app

Ugh, so it is. I hadn't tested that case recently (past month or so). I will investigate why.

* greeter indicators should fade-out on unlock

Oh yeah? I thought the idea was to have it look like the indicator panel didn't change at all (as far as possible).

* no GSM signal icon in greeter

I get an icon. That is something I usually look for too, so I'm surprised to hear that. Is this an all-the-time problem?

* "stats on welcome screen" in settings app not respected (seems to be a bug in trunk already)

I think someone was refactoring the infographic code recently, I wonder if that setting code got dropped. But if that's a bug in trunk, not a blocker for this.

* at the end of unlock, session (?) launcher kicks in for a split second

Not always. Only seems to if you are moving at a particular (relatively fast) speed. Right? That does seem odd. And it's the greeter launcher (you can tell if you have some running apps, they won't show up in greeter launcher). This is likely an issue in trunk, as I didn't change the teasing/swiping logic. But I'll have to confirm.

* tapping "Tap to unlock" did not move the greeter away but just disappeared it

Noted, will investigate.

* unity8-greeter crash on manta when locking (weird, seems to be on closing mir - is greeter destroyed on unlock?)

No it's not destroying on unlock. Curious. Will investigate.

* telephony-service crash on manta when locking

Hrm. Will investigate.

* indicator-network crash on manta when (re)locking

Hrm. Will investigate.

* brightness doesn't work on flo

I don't have a flo. But what do you mean? Idle-dimming? But you say later that this is just a problem with flo at the moment.

* three batteries (sic!) in greeter on manta

Hah! Really? OK. Will investigate. I should have tested manta recently.

* (related to previous comment) clearing voicemail doesn't clear in greeter (or the other way around)

Known bug, we are going to live with that for now. Super annoying though, I agree. That problem exists for any incoming call or text message.

* unity8-greeter spins on manta :'( → probably related to the crash

Noted, will investigate.

* locale isn't communicated between session and greeter → time format changes between session and greeter

Language should be communicated, right? Looks like I forgot about time.

* can't unlock my SIM any more, the indicator shows full bars when I know the SIM is PIN-locked...

I thought SIM unlocking was busted in trunk anyway? Ugh. I wasn't worrying about testing that, since I had heard it was busted. I don't have a locking SIM so I might need some help with that one.

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