Code review comment for lp:~michihenning/unity-scopes-api/abigail

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James Henstridge (jamesh) wrote :

Just recording part of a conversation from IRC. Michi got the following error when comparing the XML dump to the shared library on his system:

In the XML dump, these are defined here:

    <elf-symbol name='_ZN5unity6scopes15ConfigExceptionC2ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE' type='func-type' binding='global-binding' alias='_ZN5unity6scopes15ConfigExceptionC2ERKS1_' is-defined='yes'/>
    <elf-symbol name='_ZN5unity6scopes15ConfigExceptionC2ERKS1_' type='func-type' binding='global-binding' is-defined='yes'/>

The "alias" attribute on the first line seems erroneous, since the first mangled name is ConfigException(std::string const&), while the second is ConfigException(ConfigException const&). These are clearly not the same symbol, so I'm not sure why they'd be listed as such here.

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