Code review comment for lp:~mc-return/compiz/compiz0.9.9.merge-plugin-screensaver

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MC Return (mc-return) wrote :

> Hi,
> It seems like the screensaver plugin is not actually being installed
> dh_install --fail-missing
> dh_install: compiz-plugins missing files
> (debian/tmp/usr/*/compiz/*screensaver.*), aborting
> make[1]: *** [override_dh_install] Error 2
> Can you check that:
> a) it does actually get installed
> b) it gets installed to $PREFIX/lib/compiz/screenaver
> It might get installed somewhere else - have a check to see.

I think the problem might be the missing xscrnsaver dependency
and it might probably be fixed by adding a dependency on libxss-dev
to compiz-plugins or compiz-dev package in debian/control.
The build logs above seem to be indicating that it fails to install
because screensaver was not compiled in the first place...

review: Needs Information

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