Code review comment for lp:~marcustomlinson/unity-scopes-api/lp-1410125

Revision history for this message
Marcus Tomlinson (marcustomlinson) wrote :

> > This looks reasonable. But why haven't we seen this before now?
> In particular, the test (as it was originally) passes when I run this locally
> on my Vivid machine, but fails on Jenkins. Why?

Maybe a new version of JsonCpp? My version is "0.6.0~rc2-3.1ubuntu1".

Here's the output when I run the test on my Vivid machine:

[==========] Running 3 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 3 tests from JsonSettingsSchema
[ RUN ] JsonSettingsSchema.basic
unknown file: Failure
C++ exception with description "unity::ResourceException: JsonSettingsSchema(): expected value of type object for "parameters", id = "string_no_default2"" thrown in the test body.
[ FAILED ] JsonSettingsSchema.basic (1 ms)
[ RUN ] JsonSettingsSchema.exceptions
/home/marcustomlinson/Projects/work/unity-scopes-api/lp-1410125/test/gtest/scopes/internal/JsonSettingsSchema/JsonSettingsSchema_test.cpp:461: Failure
Value of: e.what()
  Actual: "unity::ResourceException: JsonSettingsSchema(): expected value of type object for \"parameters\", id = \"x\""
Expected: "unity::ResourceException: JsonSettingsSchema(): missing \"parameters\" definition, id = \"x\""
[ FAILED ] JsonSettingsSchema.exceptions (1 ms)
[ RUN ] JsonSettingsSchema.empty_then_with_location
[ OK ] JsonSettingsSchema.empty_then_with_location (1 ms)
[----------] 3 tests from JsonSettingsSchema (3 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 3 tests from 1 test case ran. (4 ms total)
[ PASSED ] 1 test.
[ FAILED ] 2 tests, listed below:
[ FAILED ] JsonSettingsSchema.basic
[ FAILED ] JsonSettingsSchema.exceptions


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