Code review comment for lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/implement_dotnet_ipc_events

Revision history for this message
Rick McBride (rmcbride) wrote :

Looks good, however 'NAnt.exe tests' hangs after

'Executng Canonical.UbuntuOne.ProcessDispatcher.Tests' and the exec block after it. (Note that Executing is misspelled in the echo string).

At that point nunit-console.exe spikes at 50% processor utilization and about 30,048K. The first time I tried this I left it running like this for two hours and it never came back.

Once the script is broken w/ CTRL-C, nunit-console.exe has to be killed at the task manager before anything further can be run in this context.

review: Needs Fixing

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