Merge lp:~maddevelopers/mg5amcnlo/improved_scale_pdf_handling into lp:~maddevelopers/mg5amcnlo/2.3.4

Proposed by Rikkert Frederix
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 367
Proposed branch: lp:~maddevelopers/mg5amcnlo/improved_scale_pdf_handling
Merge into: lp:~maddevelopers/mg5amcnlo/2.3.4
Diff against target: 13202 lines (+4853/-3868) (has conflicts)
107 files modified
Template/NLO/Cards/run_card.dat (+46/-52)
Template/NLO/FixedOrderAnalysis/HwU.f (+7/-8)
Template/NLO/FixedOrderAnalysis/ (+2/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_V.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_h.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_hjj.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_leptons.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_lplm.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_lvl.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_taptam.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_tj.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_ttx.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_rates.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_V.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_h.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_hjj.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_leptons.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_lplm.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_lvl.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_taptam.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_tj.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_ttx.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_ttx_v2.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_rates.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_V_hepmc.f (+3/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_h_hepmc.f (+4/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_hjj_hepmc.f (+3/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_leptons_hepmc.f (+3/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lplm_hepmc.f (+3/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lvl_hepmc.f (+3/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_taptam_hepmc.f (+3/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_tj_hepmc.f (+3/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_hepmc.f (+3/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_v2_hepmc.f (+3/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_rates_hepmc.f (+3/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_V.f (+6/-13)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_h.f (+7/-14)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_hjj.f (+7/-14)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_leptons.f (+7/-14)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_lplm.f (+7/-14)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_lvl.f (+7/-14)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_taptam.f (+7/-14)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_tj.f (+7/-14)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_ttx.f (+7/-14)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f (+7/-14)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_rates.f (+7/-14)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_V.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_h.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_hjj.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_leptons.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lplm.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lvl.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_taptam.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_tj.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_v2.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_rates.f (+1/-2)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_V.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_h.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_hjj.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_leptons.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_lplm.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_lvl.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_taptam.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_tj.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_ttx.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_rates.f (+1/-5)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/include/LHEFRead.h (+16/-51)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcHerwig/madfks_hwlhin.f (+54/-204)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia/madfks_pylhin.f (+54/-201)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia8/ (+4/-3)
Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia8/ (+4/-3)
Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdfwrap.f (+27/-0)
Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdg2pdf_lhapdf.f (+7/-13)
Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdg2pdf_lhapdf6.f (+8/-15)
Template/NLO/Source/ (+4/-4)
Template/NLO/Source/setrun.f (+29/-0)
Template/NLO/SubProcesses/ (+1/-1)
Template/NLO/SubProcesses/collect_events.f (+29/-10)
Template/NLO/SubProcesses/fks_singular.f (+118/-69)
Template/NLO/SubProcesses/handling_lhe_events.f (+343/-539)
Template/NLO/SubProcesses/madfks_plot.f (+150/-95)
Template/NLO/SubProcesses/makefile (+5/-0)
Template/NLO/SubProcesses/ (+22/-5)
Template/NLO/SubProcesses/ (+0/-5)
Template/NLO/SubProcesses/reweight_xsec_events.f (+345/-472)
Template/NLO/SubProcesses/setscales.f (+6/-2)
UpdateNotes.txt (+5/-0)
madgraph/interface/ (+251/-192)
madgraph/interface/ (+56/-51)
madgraph/interface/ (+2/-2)
madgraph/interface/ (+2/-2)
madgraph/interface/ (+2/-2)
madgraph/interface/ (+2/-2)
madgraph/madevent/ (+6/-1)
madgraph/various/ (+199/-54)
madgraph/various/ (+1627/-233)
madgraph/various/ (+2/-2)
tests/input_files/IOTestsComparison/IOTest_Histogram/gnuplot_histo_output/HistoOut.HwU (+741/-741)
tests/input_files/IOTestsComparison/IOTest_Histogram/gnuplot_histo_output/HistoOut.gnuplot (+152/-280)
tests/input_files/madspin_event.lhe (+1/-1)
tests/time_db (+301/-182)
tests/unit_tests/interface/ (+8/-0)
tests/unit_tests/various/ (+56/-2)
tests/unit_tests/various/ (+5/-5)
Text conflict in Template/NLO/SubProcesses/makefile
Text conflict in UpdateNotes.txt
Text conflict in tests/time_db
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~maddevelopers/mg5amcnlo/improved_scale_pdf_handling
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Olivier Mattelaer Approve
Valentin Hirschi Approve
Stefano Frixione Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Allow for multiple scale and PDF reweighting via the run_card.dat for NLO runs. Both for fixed order and matching to parton shower. Input is by putting lists for the following parameters in the run_card.


Also, instead of just a single factor up and down, also there can be given a list of values using


I've linked the python interface of lhapdf6 to the MG5_aMC code and forced this when trying to compute PDF uncertainties from the reweighted event weights. This means that for lhapdf5 (or when 'import lhapdf' did not work for whatever reason) you'll not get automatically the PDF uncertainties printed to the screen. Of course you do still get all the weights in the events or plots. I think this is okay; the automatic computation we had before became unmaintainable, because every time a new PDF set came out, the way of computing the uncertainties needed updating. Better to give no number than a wrong number.

@ Olivier. There is a bit of a dirty trick in common_run_interface (line 534-643) to include the NAME of the pdf set (when using LHAPDF) to the (instead of only the lhaid number). We need the name before going to the fortran code, because there is no way to load multiple PDF sets at once with only the lhaid numbers. This than also leads to an ugly trick in (line 1474-1475). I couldn't really figure out a way of doing this properly. Maybe you know?

@ Valentin. Please have a look particularly at the changes in the file. Getting the correct colours for each of the curves has become a bit of a mess. In any case, the plots quickly become unreadable when including multiple scales and PDFs. Not sure if there is a better way of plotting things. Maybe a separate inset for each of the scales and PDFs? ---Although, maybe this can wait.

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334. By Rikkert Frederix

following Stefano's comments, improved the description in the run_card.dat

Revision history for this message
Valentin Hirschi (valentin-hirschi) wrote :
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Hi Rik,

This is a nice improvement. Here are my comments on the functionalities:

a) It would be nice to be able to define the list with a python syntax like
    [a for a in range(100) if a%2!=0]
   This can simply be done with an 'eval' statement, and Olivier agreed to do it.
   So I just wrote that here for reference.

b) The default entry and text for the parameter 'reweight_PDF' and 'reweight_scale' is not very clear, especially because in fact they should now read ('consider_PDF_variation' and 'consider_scale_variation') but we cannot afford to change the name.
Also the stressing the fact that it should be a list *of booleans* should help.
So all in all, I simply suggest to change it by stressing 'booleans' and using the keyword 'variations' instead of 'dependence' which I think is clearer for most people (but I might be wrong).

True = reweight_scale ! Reweight to get scale variations using the
             ! rw_rscale and rw_fscale factors. Should be a list of booleans
             ! of length equal to that of the parameter 'dynamical_scale_choice'
             ! specifying which scales to include in the variation.

and similarly for 'reweight_PDF'.

Also, how can one pick several fixed scales? Is there no other way than modifying the code so as to add additional 'fake dynamical' scales which always return a constant one?

c) When using built-in pdfs, if I have a list defined for lhaid and reweight_PDF (with all reweight_PDF set to False) then the code crashes, which is bit annoying.

d) When doing a fixed order analysis, with two PDF sets and only the second of which has the PDF variations computed, then the plotting fails with:

RuntimeError : Error in LHAPDF::PDFSet::uncertainty. Input vector must contain values for all PDF members.
Please report this bug on
More information is found in '/Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scale_pdf_handling/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/run_06_tag_1_debug.log'.
Please attach this file to your report.

d) Otherwise the various runs I did went through fine and I really love the summary printout.
It is very clean. So now that you seem to have streamlined the mapping of the lhaid to the pdfset name, would it be considerable to be able to input the pdfset name instead of its lhaid in the run_card? (just an idea, of course not worth it if not trivial to do).

e) In the context of the PY8 merging systematics branch we talked with Stefan and thought it would be nice to add the 'name' attribute to the XML tag 'weightid' which would dictate the name that this weight will have in the hepmc file (following v3 standards).
We could consider to take the opportunity of this branch to add this here. If you agree, then we should follow the ongoing unofficial convention on how to name the weights of different PDF and scales so that analysis tools like Rivets an other can directly parse it.

Finally, the plots look good, nice work. However, the problem is that I have myself been working quite a lot on in the PY8 branch (I used it to automatically generate the DJR plots for different merging scales as part of the systematics study. Btw, I also m...


335. By Rikkert Frederix

fixed a couple of things following Valentin's suggestions

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) wrote :
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Hi Valentin,

Thanks for the review!

> a) It would be nice to be able to define the list with a python syntax like
> range(10)
> [1,2,3]
> [a for a in range(100) if a%2!=0]
> This can simply be done with an 'eval' statement, and Olivier agreed to do
> it.
> So I just wrote that here for reference.

I would be kind of against this. This might be *very* unsafe when allowing users to upload a run_card for on-line running. Also, it's not at all obvious to the user why (s)he is allowed to use python syntax in a run_card. And, in general, these will not be very long lists that something like range(..) will be necessary.

> b) The default entry and text for the parameter 'reweight_PDF' and
> 'reweight_scale' is not very clear, especially because in fact they should now
> read ('consider_PDF_variation' and 'consider_scale_variation') but we cannot
> afford to change the name.
> Also the stressing the fact that it should be a list *of booleans* should
> help.
> So all in all, I simply suggest to change it by stressing 'booleans' and using
> the keyword 'variations' instead of 'dependence' which I think is clearer for
> most people (but I might be wrong).
> True = reweight_scale ! Reweight to get scale variations using the
> ! rw_rscale and rw_fscale factors. Should be a list of booleans
> ! of length equal to that of the parameter
> 'dynamical_scale_choice'
> ! specifying which scales to include in the variation.
> and similarly for 'reweigh_PDF'.


> Also, how can one pick several fixed scales? Is there no other way than
> modifying the code so as to add additional 'fake dynamical' scales which
> always return a constant one?

That's the only way. I don't think there is a clear way to do this via a run_card.

> c) When using built-in pdfs, if I have a list defined for lhaid and
> reweight_PDF (with all reweight_PDF set to False) then the code crashes, which
> is bit annoying.


> d) When doing a fixed order analysis, with two PDF sets and only the second of
> which has the PDF variations computed, then the plotting fails with:
> RuntimeError : Error in LHAPDF::PDFSet::uncertainty. Input vector must contain
> values for all PDF members.
> Please report this bug on
> More information is found in '/Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scal
> e_pdf_handling/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/run_06_tag_1_debug.log'.
> Please attach this file to your report.


> d) Otherwise the various runs I did went through fine and I really love the
> summary printout.
> It is very clean. So now that you seem to have streamlined the mapping of the
> lhaid to the pdfset name, would it be considerable to be able to input the
> pdfset name instead of its lhaid in the run_card? (just an idea, of course not
> worth it if not trivial to do).

Well, according to Olivier, it's rather tricky to have a list of strings correctly interpreted in the run_card.dat. Therefore, maybe for a future version...

> e) In the context of the PY8 merging systematics branch we talked with Stefan
> and thought it would be nice to add the 'name' attribute to the XML ta...


336. By Rikkert Frederix

changed madgraph5 to mg5amcnlo in the launchpad paths when an error occurs

337. By Rikkert Frederix

Improved the warning message if the python interface of lhapdf6 could
not be found/imported.

Revision history for this message
Valentin Hirschi (valentin-hirschi) wrote :
Download full text (7.5 KiB)

Hi Rik,

On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 2:36 AM, Rikkert Frederix <email address hidden>

> Hi Valentin,
> Thanks for the review!
> > a) It would be nice to be able to define the list with a python syntax
> like
> > range(10)
> > [1,2,3]
> > [a for a in range(100) if a%2!=0]
> > This can simply be done with an 'eval' statement, and Olivier agreed
> to do
> > it.
> > So I just wrote that here for reference.
> >
> I would be kind of against this. This might be *very* unsafe when allowing
> users to upload a run_card for on-line running. Also, it's not at all
> obvious to the user why (s)he is allowed to use python syntax in a
> run_card. And, in general, these will not be very long lists that something
> like range(..) will be necessary.

This is very true! A really dangerous potential code-injection security
liability there!
This could be handled correctly by the WebInterface mother so that the
python syntax would be forbidden only for the web runs, but I agree that it
is probably not worth the trouble.
We already have the possibility of using the python syntax for defining the
model scans in the param card (where it is much more useful there than in
this case, I agree), so Olivier, did you make sure that this is forbidden
when running on the Web ?

> > b) The default entry and text for the parameter 'reweight_PDF' and
> > 'reweight_scale' is not very clear, especially because in fact they
> should now
> > read ('consider_PDF_variation' and 'consider_scale_variation') but we
> cannot
> > afford to change the name.
> > Also the stressing the fact that it should be a list *of booleans* should
> > help.
> > So all in all, I simply suggest to change it by stressing 'booleans' and
> using
> > the keyword 'variations' instead of 'dependence' which I think is
> clearer for
> > most people (but I might be wrong).
> >
> > True = reweight_scale ! Reweight to get scale variations using the
> > ! rw_rscale and rw_fscale factors. Should be a list of
> booleans
> > ! of length equal to that of the parameter
> > 'dynamical_scale_choice'
> > ! specifying which scales to include in the variation.
> >
> > and similarly for 'reweigh_PDF'.
> Done.
> >
> > Also, how can one pick several fixed scales? Is there no other way than
> > modifying the code so as to add additional 'fake dynamical' scales which
> > always return a constant one?
> That's the only way. I don't think there is a clear way to do this via a
> run_card.

I thought so but it is a bit annoying I think because it is quite a common
thing to do.
I can see a couple ways of doing it elegantly but they all break backward
The only acceptable (from a user poitn of view) backward compatible way of
doing it that I can see is to promote the following run_card parameters:


to be lists of equal lengths as well.
Then 'fixed_ren_scale' and 'fixed_fac_scale' would apply only if the
corresponding entry is of length one. (i.e. lists would always be
considered no matter what).

Unfortunately, it might be too complicated to implement for what it is
worth; you are the bette...


Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) wrote :

Hi Valentin,

> I thought so but it is a bit annoying I think because it is quite a common
> thing to do.
> I can see a couple ways of doing it elegantly but they all break backward
> compatibility.
> The only acceptable (from a user poitn of view) backward compatible way of
> doing it that I can see is to promote the following run_card parameters:
> muR_ref_fixed
> muF_ref_fixed
> muR_over_ref
> muF_over_ref
> to be lists of equal lengths as well.
> Then 'fixed_ren_scale' and 'fixed_fac_scale' would apply only if the
> corresponding entry is of length one. (i.e. lists would always be
> considered no matter what).
> Unfortunately, it might be too complicated to implement for what it is
> worth; you are the better judge there.

I think it's too much hassle.

> Speaking of the above, did you check everything works fine if you set
> 'fixed_ren_scale' to 'True' but 'fixed_fac_scale' to 'False' with a list of
> dynamical scales?

I'll double check what the code does in this case. I don't think this is covered correctly.

> What I meant is that, right now the weightid declaration reads:
> <weight id='1001'> muR=0.10000E+01 muF=0.10000E+01 </weight>
> and it could read
> <weight id='1001' name='NAME_OF_THE_WEIGHT_TO_APPEAR_IN_THE_HEP_MC_FILE'>
> muR=0.10000E+01 muF=0.10000E+01 </weight>
> where 'NAME_OF_THE_WEIGHT_TO_APPEAR_IN_THE_HEP_MC_FILE' would follow some
> ongoing convention we have with the various analysis tools out there.
> Using the content of this XML tag instead a 'name' attribute like above is
> not ideal because one should be able to put whatever he/she wants there
> (i.e. Olivier puts [or at least planned to] a diff of two param_cards in
> there in his reweighting for example).

This is not following the LHEF v3 standards. The name of the id is the actual "muR=0.10000E+01 muF=0.10000E+01" string. I don't think there is a need to define another one. Of course, we can enlarge it and give it a nice name, but I would suggest to put this string directly in the HepMC file, possibly concatenated with the 'name=' string of the weightgroup to which the weight belongs. But let's discuss this also over Skype. See also here:

> Yes, like I said in my other email, if you can make it on wednesday
> morning, 7:45 Munich time, it would work better for me. Let me know.

Wednesday morning is okay for me.


Revision history for this message
Valentin Hirschi (valentin-hirschi) wrote :

Hi Rik,

> Hi Valentin,
> >
> > I thought so but it is a bit annoying I think because it is quite a common
> > thing to do.
> > I can see a couple ways of doing it elegantly but they all break backward
> > compatibility.
> > The only acceptable (from a user poitn of view) backward compatible way of
> > doing it that I can see is to promote the following run_card parameters:
> >
> > muR_ref_fixed
> > muF_ref_fixed
> > muR_over_ref
> > muF_over_ref
> >
> > to be lists of equal lengths as well.
> > Then 'fixed_ren_scale' and 'fixed_fac_scale' would apply only if the
> > corresponding entry is of length one. (i.e. lists would always be
> > considered no matter what).
> >
> > Unfortunately, it might be too complicated to implement for what it is
> > worth; you are the better judge there.
> I think it's too much hassle.

I understand. Then maybe just update set_scales.f to add an example of dynamic scale which is a 'fake fixed one' with a short comment on the run_card regarding its existence for simultaneously considering several fixed scales. I would find it nice, but up to you.

> >
> > Speaking of the above, did you check everything works fine if you set
> > 'fixed_ren_scale' to 'True' but 'fixed_fac_scale' to 'False' with a list of
> > dynamical scales?
> >
> >
> I'll double check what the code does in this case. I don't think this is
> covered correctly.

Yes, one of these marginal things that almost nobody uses but that we should still aim at handling correctly...

> > What I meant is that, right now the weightid declaration reads:
> >
> > <weight id='1001'> muR=0.10000E+01 muF=0.10000E+01 </weight>
> >
> > and it could read
> >
> > <weight id='1001' name='NAME_OF_THE_WEIGHT_TO_APPEAR_IN_THE_HEP_MC_FILE'>
> > muR=0.10000E+01 muF=0.10000E+01 </weight>
> >
> > where 'NAME_OF_THE_WEIGHT_TO_APPEAR_IN_THE_HEP_MC_FILE' would follow some
> > ongoing convention we have with the various analysis tools out there.
> > Using the content of this XML tag instead a 'name' attribute like above is
> > not ideal because one should be able to put whatever he/she wants there
> > (i.e. Olivier puts [or at least planned to] a diff of two param_cards in
> > there in his reweighting for example).
> This is not following the LHEF v3 standards. The name of the id is the actual
> "muR=0.10000E+01 muF=0.10000E+01" string. I don't think there is a need to
> define another one. Of course, we can enlarge it and give it a nice name, but
> I would suggest to put this string directly in the HepMC file, possibly
> concatenated with the 'name=' string of the weightgroup to which the weight
> belongs. But let's discuss this also over Skype. See also here:
> > Yes, like I said in my other email, if you can make it on wednesday
> > morning, 7:45 Munich time, it would work better for me. Let me know.
> >
> Wednesday morning is okay for me.

Ok, talk to you then.


> Cheers,
> Rik

Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) wrote :

Hi Rik, Valentin,

>This is very true! A really dangerous potential code-injection security liability there!
> so Olivier, did you make sure that this is forbidden when running on the Web ?

This is not the most dangerous code injection that we can face, since we should also prevent the direct shell injection via the download of the banner. (be sure that the following command in the banner:
! rm /*
is not executed)

So yes, MadGraph/Madevent has a normal and a secure mode.
In the secure mode, the possibility to enter shell command is deactivate.
I'm using this flag to check if the param_card is allowed to have the scan parameter.
actually even in that case, we could still in principle use:
but it is very limited.

So long story short, I'm not particularly worried by code-injection for this feature.
Since we can easily put the same security as for the scan.



338. By Rikkert Frederix

updated the shower interfaces and analyses to be able to deal with the extended weights.
Also, search also in lib64 for the analyses.

339. By Rikkert Frederix

some fixes in the previous push

340. By Rikkert Frederix

improve the treatment of fixed scales

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) wrote :

Hi Valentin,

I've fixed some problems when using fixed scales. Also, I've updated all the shower analysis and interfaces to deal with the extended extra weights.


341. By Rikkert Frederix

fixed a couple of things following Valentin's suggestions on Skype

Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) wrote :

Hi Rik,

1) I tried the following:
pdlabel -> lhapdf
lhaid -> 244600 244601 244602
dynamical_scale_choice -> -1 1 2 3
and the code crashes with
 lhaid 244601 not valid input number for the current lhapdf
Not sure if we can fix that or not (and how)...

I actually note later that it is explicitly written than only central value are allowed
But if this is not that much work, it can be nice to support also those ones. Otherwise it is fine.
(Maybe have a nicer error message)

2) If I continue the run and did (with the set command)
set lhaid 244600
the code crash due to the reweight PDF written as [False]
This is a formatting problem that I will have to fix.

3) After having fix the above it crashes since:
InvalidRunCard : 'reweight_scale' and 'lhaid' lists should have the same length

This is confusing since
 - I have both of the same lenght (1)
 - the comment in the run_card refer that this parameter should have the same length as dynamical_scale_choice
I would advise that if reweight_scale/reweight_pdf has only one entry then it goes trough (by automatically switching this to a list of the correct length)

If I define reweight_scale and reweight_pdf to a list of 4 entry (to match dynamical_scale_choice it is still crashing.

4) I would either not advertise at all this list option, or include in the header an example of syntax for list entry. Since it is everything but clear how to enter a list in the card.

5) When I succeed to make a run (with forcing lhaid to be size 4... with the same lhaid) then I have the message:
run_card missed argument lhapdfsetname. Takes default: ['NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed', 'NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed', 'NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed', 'NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed']
This is obviously everything but nice.... This parameter should stay fully hidden.

6) The print_results is very nice (really nice)... but no way to write this in a file:
print_results --path=out.txt

Command "print_results --path=out.txt" interrupted with error:
AttributeError : 'aMCatNLOCmdShell' object has no attribute 'print_results_in_file'
Please report this bug on
More information is found in '/Users/omatt/Documents/eclipse/improved_scale_pdf_handling/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/run_03_tag_1_debug.log'.
Please attach this file to your report.

For the problem that you ask me to look at:
- I guess taht the best is that I allow to have list of strings. I wanted to avoid it but it seems that you really need it. So let me fight with the parsing.
- lhapdfsetname should be define in the runcardNLO. No way to not have it define in the class if it is used by us. (you can put it as hidden)

I will stop here so far, since some of those problem forbids to fully test this module.
I will move forward on the list of strings and on the formatting problem.
(and will allow the syntax [ , , ] in any case)



review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) wrote :

> Hi Rik,
> 1) I tried the following:
> pdlabel -> lhapdf
> lhaid -> 244600 244601 244602
> dynamical_scale_choice -> -1 1 2 3
> and the code crashes with
> lhaid 244601 not valid input number for the current lhapdf
> Not sure if we can fix that or not (and how)...
> I actually note later that it is explicitly written than only central value
> are allowed
> But if this is not that much work, it can be nice to support also those ones.
> Otherwise it is fine.
> (Maybe have a nicer error message)
> 2) If I continue the run and did (with the set command)
> set lhaid 244600
> the code crash due to the reweight PDF written as [False]
> This is a formatting problem that I will have to fix.
> 3) After having fix the above it crashes since:
> InvalidRunCard : 'reweight_scale' and 'lhaid' lists should have the same
> length
> This is confusing since
> - I have both of the same lenght (1)
> - the comment in the run_card refer that this parameter should have the same
> length as dynamical_scale_choice
> I would advise that if reweight_scale/reweight_pdf has only one entry then it
> goes trough (by automatically switching this to a list of the correct length)
> If I define reweight_scale and reweight_pdf to a list of 4 entry (to match
> dynamical_scale_choice it is still crashing.
> 4) I would either not advertise at all this list option, or include in the
> header an example of syntax for list entry. Since it is everything but clear
> how to enter a list in the card.
> 5) When I succeed to make a run (with forcing lhaid to be size 4... with the
> same lhaid) then I have the message:
> run_card missed argument lhapdfsetname. Takes default:
> ['NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed', 'NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed',
> 'NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed', 'NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed']
> This is obviously everything but nice.... This parameter should stay fully
> hidden.
> 6) The print_results is very nice (really nice)... but no way to write this in
> a file:
> print_results --path=out.txt
> Command "print_results --path=out.txt" interrupted with error:
> AttributeError : 'aMCatNLOCmdShell' object has no attribute
> 'print_results_in_file'
> Please report this bug on
> More information is found in '/Users/omatt/Documents/eclipse/improved_scale_pd
> f_handling/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/run_03_tag_1_debug.log'.
> Please attach this file to your report.
> For the problem that you ask me to look at:
> - I guess taht the best is that I allow to have list of strings. I wanted to
> avoid it but it seems that you really need it. So let me fight with the
> parsing.
> - lhapdfsetname should be define in the runcardNLO. No way to not have it
> define in the class if it is used by us. (you can put it as hidden)
> I will stop here so far, since some of those problem forbids to fully test
> this module.
> I will move forward on the list of strings and on the formatting problem.
> (and will allow the syntax [ , , ] in any case)
> Cheers,
> Olivier

342. By Rikkert Frederix

fixed some of the issues raised by Olivier

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) wrote :
Download full text (4.1 KiB)

Hi Olivier,

> Hi Rik,
> 1) I tried the following:
> pdlabel -> lhapdf
> lhaid -> 244600 244601 244602
> dynamical_scale_choice -> -1 1 2 3
> and the code crashes with
> lhaid 244601 not valid input number for the current lhapdf
> Not sure if we can fix that or not (and how)...
> I actually note later that it is explicitly written than only central value
> are allowed
> But if this is not that much work, it can be nice to support also those ones.
> Otherwise it is fine.
> (Maybe have a nicer error message)

Maybe. But I'm not sure how to do this... I don't think there is a way to get the name of the PDF or something if only the error set is known. Do you know any?

> 2) If I continue the run and did (with the set command)
> set lhaid 244600
> the code crash due to the reweight PDF written as [False]
> This is a formatting problem that I will have to fix.


> 3) After having fix the above it crashes since:
> InvalidRunCard : 'reweight_scale' and 'lhaid' lists should have the same
> length
> This is confusing since
> - I have both of the same lenght (1)
> - the comment in the run_card refer that this parameter should have the same
> length as dynamical_scale_choice
> I would advise that if reweight_scale/reweight_pdf has only one entry then it
> goes trough (by automatically switching this to a list of the correct length)
> If I define reweight_scale and reweight_pdf to a list of 4 entry (to match
> dynamical_scale_choice it is still crashing.

This is my mistake. The printing of the error message is wrong: the code checks that 'reweight_scale' and 'dynamical_scale_choice' are of equal length (which they have to be). I've updated the error message.
It's indeed a good idea that if the reweight_scale or reweight_PDF is of length 1 to automatically switch to the correct length, so I've implemented this.

> 4) I would either not advertise at all this list option, or include in the
> header an example of syntax for list entry. Since it is everything but clear
> how to enter a list in the card.

There are examples (rw_rscale and rw_fscale) as well as a comment all the way at the beginning of the run_card.dat (where the complete syntax is "explained"). Do you really think that stating that it should be "comma-separated list" is not enough?

> 5) When I succeed to make a run (with forcing lhaid to be size 4... with the
> same lhaid) then I have the message:
> run_card missed argument lhapdfsetname. Takes default:
> ['NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed', 'NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed',
> 'NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed', 'NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed']
> This is obviously everything but nice.... This parameter should stay fully
> hidden.

Yeah, this is needed. However, with the fact that we cannot use a list of string, there is no way of doing this...

> 6) The print_results is very nice (really nice)... but no way to write this in
> a file:
> print_results --path=out.txt
> Command "print_results --path=out.txt" interrupted with error:
> AttributeError : 'aMCatNLOCmdShell' object has no attribute
> 'print_results_in_file'
> Please report this bug on
> More information is found in '/Users/omatt/Documents/...


Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) wrote :
Download full text (3.9 KiB)

Hi Rik,

> Maybe. But I'm not sure how to do this... I don't think there is a way to get
> the name of the PDF or something if only the error set is known. Do you know
> any?

What about something like that?

=== modified file 'madgraph/interface/'
--- madgraph/interface/ 2016-02-16 18:51:00 +0000
+++ madgraph/interface/ 2016-02-24 15:32:30 +0000
@@ -639,7 +639,12 @@
                     if lhaid in pdfsets:
- raise MadGraph5Error('lhaid %s not valid input number for the current lhapdf' % lhaid )
+ keys = pdfsets.keys()
+ n_lhaid = max([k for k in keys if k < lhaid])
+ misc.sprint(lhaid, n_lhaid)
+ lhapdfsetname.append(pdfsets[n_lhaid]['filename'])
+ if abs(n_lhaid) - abs(lhaid) > 100 and '_1000' not in pdfsets[n_lhaid]['filename']:
+ raise MadGraph5Error('lhaid %s not valid input number for the current lhapdf' % lhaid )

> > 2) If I continue the run and did (with the set command)
> > set lhaid 244600
> > the code crash due to the reweight PDF written as [False]
> > This is a formatting problem that I will have to fix.

Done this was linked to a lower/upper case issue.

> There are examples (rw_rscale and rw_fscale) as well as a comment all the way
> at the beginning of the run_card.dat (where the complete syntax is
> "explained"). Do you really think that stating that it should be "comma-
> separated list" is not enough?

You right, I miss that line. That's enough

> Yeah, this is needed. However, with the fact that we cannot use a list of
> string, there is no way of doing this...

- I have added the possibility. It is not 100% complete and can in extreme case leads to weird results but I think that this is save enough as long as we do not handle path (with space or comma).
- I have added the lhapdfsetname argument and now that message do not exists anymore.

> >
> > 6) The print_results is very nice (really nice)... but no way to write this
> in
> > a file:
> > print_results --path=out.txt
> >
> > Command "print_results --path=out.txt" interrupted with error:
> > AttributeError : 'aMCatNLOCmdShell' object has no attribute
> > 'print_results_in_file'
> > Please report this bug on
> > More information is found in
> '/Users/omatt/Documents/eclipse/improved_scale_pd
> > f_handling/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/run_03_tag_1_debug.log'.
> > Please attach this file to your report.
> >
> Sorry, but what is this option/command? Is this supposed to work at NLO? I
> didn't change anything in structure of the code for printing the results, so I
> don't understand what this is.

This command is suppose to print the summary of the run to a file. we have typically two output:
the normal one (the same as printed on the screen)
and a multicolumn one (with...


343. By Olivier Mattelaer

allow for list of strings

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) wrote :

Hi Olivier,

Thanks for updating the code to allow for a list of strings. I'll have a look tomorrow, and if there is something that I don't understand/agree with, I'll let you know.

> === modified file 'madgraph/interface/'
> --- madgraph/interface/ 2016-02-16 18:51:00 +0000
> +++ madgraph/interface/ 2016-02-24 15:32:30 +0000
> @@ -639,7 +639,12 @@
> if lhaid in pdfsets:
> lhapdfsetname.append(pdfsets[lhaid]['filename'])
> else:
> - raise MadGraph5Error('lhaid %s not valid input number
> for the current lhapdf' % lhaid )
> + keys = pdfsets.keys()
> + n_lhaid = max([k for k in keys if k < lhaid])
> + misc.sprint(lhaid, n_lhaid)
> + lhapdfsetname.append(pdfsets[n_lhaid]['filename'])
> + if abs(n_lhaid) - abs(lhaid) > 100 and '_1000' not in
> pdfsets[n_lhaid]['filename']:
> + raise MadGraph5Error('lhaid %s not valid input
> number for the current lhapdf' % lhaid )
> run_card['lhapdfsetname']=lhapdfsetname
> run_card.write_include_file(pjoin(opt['output_dir'],''))

I'm not very happy with this for 2 reasons. It's not obvious if you get a n_lhaid close enough lhaid that it's the correct one. If you look through the list of lhaid for central sets, , it's very common to have the numbers not spaced very far apart. The second reason is the fortran code: you cannot initialise more than one PDF set from the lhaid number. You'll have to use the name and from there you can specify the pdf error set number, which would be the difference of the lhaid of the run_card and the lhaid of the central set. This quickly become a bit of a mess to get right. Therefore, I decided to only allow for the central set lhaid number and then you can either turn all error pdfs on or off with the reweight_pdf flag.

I've updated the error message to
"lhaid %s is not a valid PDF identification number. This can be due to the use of an outdated version of LHAPDF, or %s is not a LHAGlue number corresponding to a central PDF set (but rather one of the error sets)." % (lhaid,lhaid)

> This command is suppose to print the summary of the run to a file. we have
> typically two output:
> the normal one (the same as printed on the screen)
> and a multicolumn one (with option --format=short) which allow easy parsing of
> argument.
> Don't know if that was ever implemented @NLO but it is a must have (when I see
> the error maybe not).
> Especially with the growing number of uncertainties. Having those only in the
> log screen is not a good options.

For NLO running, you already get a 'summary.txt' in the Events/*/ folder by default. Is there something else needed? --I don't think this was ever implemented at NLO.

> Will restart this review later ;-)


344. By Rikkert Frederix

updated the error message when having a wrong lhaid number in the run_card.

Revision history for this message
Valentin Hirschi (valentin-hirschi) wrote :
Download full text (4.0 KiB)

Hi Rik,

Now my shower-reweighting run did proceed past the python-lhapdf band
computation. but it still crashed after:

    return self.pdf_scale_from_reweighting(evt_files)
line 3682, in pdf_scale_from_reweighting
    pdfsetname=self.run_card['lhapdfsetname'][2:-2].split("', '")[j]
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'split'

This seems like a simple typo to fix, so hopefully nothing bad.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 9:37 AM, Rikkert Frederix <email address hidden>

> Hi Olivier,
> Thanks for updating the code to allow for a list of strings. I'll have a
> look tomorrow, and if there is something that I don't understand/agree
> with, I'll let you know.
> >
> > === modified file 'madgraph/interface/'
> > --- madgraph/interface/ 2016-02-16 18:51:00 +0000
> > +++ madgraph/interface/ 2016-02-24 15:32:30 +0000
> > @@ -639,7 +639,12 @@
> > if lhaid in pdfsets:
> > lhapdfsetname.append(pdfsets[lhaid]['filename'])
> > else:
> > - raise MadGraph5Error('lhaid %s not valid input
> number
> > for the current lhapdf' % lhaid )
> > + keys = pdfsets.keys()
> > + n_lhaid = max([k for k in keys if k < lhaid])
> > + misc.sprint(lhaid, n_lhaid)
> > +
> lhapdfsetname.append(pdfsets[n_lhaid]['filename'])
> > + if abs(n_lhaid) - abs(lhaid) > 100 and '_1000'
> not in
> > pdfsets[n_lhaid]['filename']:
> > + raise MadGraph5Error('lhaid %s not valid
> input
> > number for the current lhapdf' % lhaid )
> > run_card['lhapdfsetname']=lhapdfsetname
> > run_card.write_include_file(pjoin(opt['output_dir'],''))
> >
> >
> >
> I'm not very happy with this for 2 reasons. It's not obvious if you get a
> n_lhaid close enough lhaid that it's the correct one. If you look through
> the list of lhaid for central sets,
> , it's very common to have the
> numbers not spaced very far apart. The second reason is the fortran code:
> you cannot initialise more than one PDF set from the lhaid number. You'll
> have to use the name and from there you can specify the pdf error set
> number, which would be the difference of the lhaid of the run_card and the
> lhaid of the central set. This quickly become a bit of a mess to get right.
> Therefore, I decided to only allow for the central set lhaid number and
> then you can either turn all error pdfs on or off with the reweight_pdf
> flag.
> I've updated the error message to
> "lhaid %s is not a valid PDF identification number. This can be due to the
> use of an outdated version of LHAPDF, or %s is not a LHAGlue number
> corresponding to a central PDF set (but rather one of the error sets)." %
> (lhaid,lhaid)
> >
> > This command is suppose to print the summary of the run to a file. we
> have
> > typically two output:
> > the normal one (the same as pri...


345. By Rikkert Frederix

fixed a couple of things related to the fact that we can now have a
list of strings.

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) wrote :

Thank you Olivier, for the implementation of the list of strings. I've had to change the code in a couple of places to get this working correctly (which also solved Valentin's problem). It should all be okay now.


346. By Rikkert Frederix

removed the intrusive message

"Thanks for using LHAPDF 6.1.6. Please make sure to cite the paper: ..."

when closing the main MG5_aMC python prompt. It's still there at the end
of the individual log files of the jobs.

Revision history for this message
Valentin Hirschi (valentin-hirschi) wrote :

> Thank you Olivier, for the implementation of the list of strings. I've had to
> change the code in a couple of places to get this working correctly (which
> also solved Valentin's problem). It should all be okay now.

In my multi-weight shower run, I can indeed now go past the issue I reported before, but I know bump into another crash that occurs once the shower is finished:

INFO: Preparing MCatNLO run
INFO: Compiling MCatNLO for PYTHIA8...
WARNING: 'dl' was added to extralibs from the shower_card.dat.
It is needed for the correct running of PY8.2xx.
If this library cannot be found on your system, a crash will occur.
INFO: ... done
INFO: Showering events...
INFO: (Running in /Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scale_pdf_handling/TMP_test_Rik3/MCatNLO/RUN_PYTHIA8_1)
INFO: Idle: 1, Running: 0, Completed: 0 [ current time: 19h31 ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 1 [ 1m 2s ]
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 0 [ current time: 19h32 ]
Command "launch auto " interrupted with error:
UnboundLocalError : local variable 'use_lhapdf' referenced before assignment

with the following backtrace:

  File "/Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scale_pdf_handling/madgraph/interface/", line 3100, in run_mcatnlo
    format = 'gnuplot',lhapdfconfig=self.options['lhapdf'])
  File "/Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scale_pdf_handling/madgraph/various/", line 1611, in output
    lhapdfconfig = lhapdfconfig)
  File "/Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scale_pdf_handling/madgraph/various/", line 1687, in output_group
    (mu_var_pos,mu) = self[0].set_uncertainty(type='all_scale')
  File "/Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scale_pdf_handling/madgraph/various/", line 1079, in set_uncertainty
    if use_lhapdf: lhapdf.setVerbosity(0)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'use_lhapdf' referenced before assignment

Again, it does not look like a major thing, but it prevents me from carrying the review further.
Just to make sure it is clear, I am trying to generate and shower events for p p > e+ ve [QCD] with two different dynamical scales and central PDF (with their variations turned on) and using the 'lvl'HwU shower analysis.

And fyi, the corresponding fixed order run which was working before is now also failing for the same problem as above apparently.


> Cheers,
> Rik

Revision history for this message
Valentin Hirschi (valentin-hirschi) wrote :
Download full text (3.2 KiB)

Hi Rik,

I think it was really just a simple indentation typo. I replaced the
problematic line with


and it went through fine. So I pushed this modification and will carry on
with the attempt at merging our two I will let you know.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 7:35 PM, Valentin Hirschi <
<email address hidden>> wrote:

> > Thank you Olivier, for the implementation of the list of strings. I've
> had to
> > change the code in a couple of places to get this working correctly
> (which
> > also solved Valentin's problem). It should all be okay now.
> In my multi-weight shower run, I can indeed now go past the issue I
> reported before, but I know bump into another crash that occurs once the
> shower is finished:
> INFO: Preparing MCatNLO run
> INFO: Compiling MCatNLO for PYTHIA8...
> WARNING: 'dl' was added to extralibs from the shower_card.dat.
> It is needed for the correct running of PY8.2xx.
> If this library cannot be found on your system, a crash will occur.
> INFO: ... done
> INFO: Showering events...
> INFO: (Running in
> /Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scale_pdf_handling/TMP_test_Rik3/MCatNLO/RUN_PYTHIA8_1)
> INFO: Idle: 1, Running: 0, Completed: 0 [ current time: 19h31 ]
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 1 [ 1m 2s ]
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 0 [ current time: 19h32 ]
> Command "launch auto " interrupted with error:
> UnboundLocalError : local variable 'use_lhapdf' referenced before
> assignment
> with the following backtrace:
> [...]
> File
> "/Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scale_pdf_handling/madgraph/interface/",
> line 3100, in run_mcatnlo
> format = 'gnuplot',lhapdfconfig=self.options['lhapdf'])
> File
> "/Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scale_pdf_handling/madgraph/various/",
> line 1611, in output
> lhapdfconfig = lhapdfconfig)
> File
> "/Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scale_pdf_handling/madgraph/various/",
> line 1687, in output_group
> (mu_var_pos,mu) = self[0].set_uncertainty(type='all_scale')
> File
> "/Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/improved_scale_pdf_handling/madgraph/various/",
> line 1079, in set_uncertainty
> if use_lhapdf: lhapdf.setVerbosity(0)
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'use_lhapdf' referenced before assignment
> Again, it does not look like a major thing, but it prevents me from
> carrying the review further.
> Just to make sure it is clear, I am trying to generate and shower events
> for p p > e+ ve [QCD] with two different dynamical scales and central PDF
> (with their variations turned on) and using the 'lvl'HwU shower analysis.
> And fyi, the corresponding fixed order run which was working before is now
> also failing for the same problem as above apparently.
> Cheers
> > Cheers,
> > Rik
> --
> You are requested to review the proposed merge of
> lp:~maddevelopers/mg5amcnlo/improved_scale_pdf_handling into
> lp:~maddevelopers/mg5a...


347. By Valentin Hirschi

1. Fixed a simple indentation typo for if use_lhapdf

348. By Rikkert Frederix

small fix in the setverbosity for lhapdf

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) wrote :

Hi Valentin,

Sorry about the lhapdf.setVerbosity stuff. It was a last-minute addition yesterday to remove the printing of the very intrusive message at the end of runs coming from LHAPDF. I've just fixed it by making sure it's only tried if PDF uncertainties are computed and use_lhapdf is true.


Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) wrote :

Hi Rik,

I have made a couple of run and they mainly went trough in a nice way.

I have two comments:

1) We will need to have at least a link on your summary in the webpage.
All results should be linked from that page. So far no information on the scale/PDF uncertainty is available on that page which is quite bad.

2) I face some parser error with the PDF reweighting associated to the HwU:
DEBUG: Combining HwU plots.
Command "launch auto " interrupted with error:
ParseError : There are only 79 weights specified and 161 were expected.

The run was done with:
set lhaid 24000 24000

3) I do not understand the utility of the "lhapdfsetname" parameter.
Looks like this parameter should not be allowed to be modified by the user (at least for the moment) and therefore should not be part of the RunCard (at least not as editable parameter).
I tried to play with this parameter but get only very weird result:

 A) If I do the following:
add the line
['CT10nlo', 'CT10nnlo', 'MMHT2014lo68cl'] = lhapdfsetname
in the run_card, remove the lhaid entry
and set
 True True True = reweight_pdf
then it crash saying that lhaid and reweight_pdf should have the same length...

B) if I do:
set lhaid 24000 24000 24000
set lhapdfsetname ['CT10nlo', 'CT10nnlo', 'MMHT2014lo68cl']
Then looks like it runs three times for 24000 (and therefore crash as above)
But the code seems to have kept "my" value of lhapdfsetname which is everything but save.

4) Looks like you continue the LHEF miss-convention in this branch, even if you modify some of the incriminated branch. I would suggest that this branch being merged with the LHEF_convention branch
such that we can check that all the type= have been correctly removed in this branch.



review: Needs Fixing
349. By Rikkert Frederix

added the changes of the LHEF_convention branch

350. By Rikkert Frederix

added a check that all 'lhaid' and 'dynamical_scale_choices' are different

351. By Olivier Mattelaer

set lhapdfsetname to private attribute that can not be modified by the user

352. By Rikkert Frederix

added the summary.txt to the HTML pages

353. By Rikkert Frederix

make 'system' parameters in the run_card also 'hidden'.

Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) wrote :

Hi Olivier,

Thanks for the suggestions. I've implemented all of them. Note that I made the 'system' parameters automatically 'hidden' as well. I guess this is what we want, right?


354. By Olivier Mattelaer

correct the fix of Rikkert

355. By Rikkert Frederix

added Valentin's improved

356. By Valentin Hirschi

1. Fixed a typo in the 3 statements
    uncertainty_plot_lines[-1]['merging'] = ...
   which should have read:
    uncertainty_plot_lines[-1]['merging_scale'] = ...

2. Forced to always have the legend for the variations in the main plot,
   and not with a text in the first subplot.
   However, now only one band can appear in the main plot. The variations
   which are not to be displayed as a band will only show in the first

357. By Valentin Hirschi

1. Fixed an obvious little issue in when not running with uncertainties.

Revision history for this message
Valentin Hirschi (valentin-hirschi) wrote :

Hi Rik,

I tested again the module in various conditions and it worked fine (besides an obvious simple problem in that I fixed right away). However, I was too lazy to perform any validation, but I assume you have done so already.
Is there any test related to this advanced reweighting functionality?

My last comment is that I think it would be nice that you change the options for the HwU output in aMC@NLO_run_interface so as to automatically use the band for scale variations (with the use_band= option) *when there is only one central value* (easy to detect once the HwU histograms have been loaded already). But this is up to you, so I already accept this merge; good job.


review: Approve
358. By Rikkert Frederix

slightly improved the importing of the LHAPDF python interface and
improved the warning message in case it cannot do it.

Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) wrote :

Hi Rik,

I have two small question

1) I see a couple of parameter which have pass in hidden mode:
"hidden" mode is for parameter that the user can modify but which are not present in the default run_card (mainly because they are too technical)

I guess some should be put in "legacy" mode instead. (parameter which generates a warning if present in the card since it has no effect on the code anymore).
I guess that it should be the case for muf1_over_ref, rw_fscale_down, pdf_set_max,...
If those are suppose to be legacy parameter. Is the behavior the same as before?
I guess that (some)of those can not be combine with the new syntax. Did you check that in the check_validity routine?

For reference, here is the list of all the hidden parameter.

I see a lot of parameter not present anymore by default in the run_card:
run_card missed argument muf1_over_ref. Takes default: 0.5
run_card missed argument muf2_over_ref. Takes default: 0.5
run_card missed argument fixed_qes_scale. Takes default: False
run_card missed argument rw_fscale_down. Takes default: -1.0
run_card missed argument rw_rscale_down. Takes default: -1.0
run_card missed argument muf1_ref_fixed. Takes default: 91.118
run_card missed argument qes_over_ref. Takes default: 2.0
run_card missed argument pdf_set_min. Takes default: 244601
run_card missed argument maxjetflavor. Takes default: 4
run_card missed argument rw_fscale_up. Takes default: -1.0
run_card missed argument muf2_ref_fixed. Takes default: 91.118
run_card missed argument pdf_set_max. Takes default: 244700
run_card missed argument rw_rscale_up. Takes default: -1.0
run_card missed argument qes_ref_fixed. Takes default: 91.118

2) Can you comment on the status of maxjetflavor?
I see that the parameter pass in hidden (see above) but we still set it automatically in the routine
I'm not sure if that make sense.

Since this is minor anyway, I already approve this.
Thanks a lot,


review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Rikkert Frederix (frederix) wrote :

Hi Olivier,

Thanks for the review.

1.) I think basically all those parameters are still working; the code is backward compatible. It's just that their use should be discouraged, which is the reason I made them hidden. Maybe in some future version we can put them to 'legacy' status.

2.) I've never noticed that this is set automatically. And it is certainly not working as intended: doing e+ e- > j j [QCD], makes that the default of maxjetflavour remains always equal to 4, no matter how many light partons I have in my model and are part of 'j'. In my opinion, maxjetflavour should be set to the number of massless quarks in the model.

However, maxjetflavour is not a parameter that makes real sense at NLO. I mean, the only case where it might be considered is a process where you ask for explicit (massive) b quarks in the process, but want to put cuts on the b-*jets*. But there is a problem with that. Suppose you do p p > w+ b b~ [QCD] and set maxjetflavour=5 and put pT(j)>50GeV or so, it's not that you get two *b*-jets. Rather, also the real-emission parton can form one of the jets, which means you could also get one b-jet and one light jet, which is something that's easily overlooked when not too familiar with NLO computations. And this is, in general, not what you want when you asked for the process p p > w+ b b~. Hence, I thought it would be safer to move this parameter to hidden.


Preview Diff

[H/L] Next/Prev Comment, [J/K] Next/Prev File, [N/P] Next/Prev Hunk
1=== modified file 'Template/NLO/Cards/run_card.dat'
2--- Template/NLO/Cards/run_card.dat 2015-11-02 16:43:45 +0000
3+++ Template/NLO/Cards/run_card.dat 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
4@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
5 # Lines starting with a hash (#) are info or comments *
6 # *
7 # mind the format: value = variable ! comment *
8+# *
9+# Some of the values of variables can be list. These can either be *
10+# comma or space separated. *
11 #***********************************************************************
12 #
13 #*******************
14@@ -58,8 +61,10 @@
15 #***********************************************************************
16 # PDF choice: this automatically fixes also alpha_s(MZ) and its evol. *
17 #***********************************************************************
18- %(pdlabel)s = pdlabel ! PDF set
19- %(lhaid)s = lhaid ! if pdlabel=lhapdf, this is the lhapdf number
20+ %(pdlabel)s = pdlabel ! PDF set
21+ %(lhaid)s = lhaid ! If pdlabel=lhapdf, this is the lhapdf number. Only
22+ ! numbers for central PDF sets are allowed. Can be a list;
23+ ! PDF sets beyond the first are included via reweighting.
24 #***********************************************************************
25 # Include the NLO Monte Carlo subtr. terms for the following parton *
27@@ -73,36 +78,29 @@
28 # (Default functional form for the non-fixed scales is the sum of *
29 # the transverse masses divided by two of all final state particles *
30 # and partons. This can be changed in SubProcesses/set_scales.f or via *
31-# dynamical_scale_choice options) *
32+# dynamical_scale_choice option) *
33 #***********************************************************************
34- %(fixed_ren_scale)s = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale
35- %(fixed_fac_scale)s = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale
36+ %(fixed_ren_scale)s = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale
37+ %(fixed_fac_scale)s = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale
38 %(mur_ref_fixed)s = muR_ref_fixed ! fixed ren reference scale
39- %(muf1_ref_fixed)s = muF1_ref_fixed ! fixed fact reference scale for pdf1
40- %(muf2_ref_fixed)s = muF2_ref_fixed ! fixed fact reference scale for pdf2
41- %(dynamical_scale_choice)s = dynamical_scale_choice ! Choose one of the preselected dynamical choices
43-# Renormalization and factorization scales (advanced and NLO options) *
45- %(fixed_qes_scale)s = fixed_QES_scale ! if .true. use fixed Ellis-Sexton scale
46- %(qes_ref_fixed)s = QES_ref_fixed ! fixed Ellis-Sexton reference scale
47- %(mur_over_ref)s = muR_over_ref ! ratio of current muR over reference muR
48- %(muf1_over_ref)s = muF1_over_ref ! ratio of current muF1 over reference muF1
49- %(muf2_over_ref)s = muF2_over_ref ! ratio of current muF2 over reference muF2
50- %(qes_over_ref)s = QES_over_ref ! ratio of current QES over reference QES
51+ %(muf_ref_fixed)s = muF_ref_fixed ! fixed fact reference scale
52+ %(dynamical_scale_choice)s = dynamical_scale_choice ! Choose one (or more) of the predefined
53+ ! dynamical choices. Can be a list; scale choices beyond the
54+ ! first are included via reweighting
55+ %(mur_over_ref)s = muR_over_ref ! ratio of current muR over reference muR
56+ %(muf_over_ref)s = muF_over_ref ! ratio of current muF over reference muF
57 #***********************************************************************
58-# Reweight flags to get scale dependence and PDF uncertainty *
59-# For scale dependence: factor rw_scale_up/down around central scale *
60-# For PDF uncertainty: use LHAPDF with supported set *
61+# Reweight variables for scale dependence and PDF uncertainty *
62 #***********************************************************************
63- %(reweight_scale)s = reweight_scale ! reweight to get scale dependence
64- %(rw_rscale_down)s = rw_Rscale_down ! lower bound for ren scale variations
65- %(rw_rscale_up)s = rw_Rscale_up ! upper bound for ren scale variations
66- %(rw_fscale_down)s = rw_Fscale_down ! lower bound for fact scale variations
67- %(rw_fscale_up)s = rw_Fscale_up ! upper bound for fact scale variations
68- %(reweight_pdf)s = reweight_PDF ! reweight to get PDF uncertainty
69- %(pdf_set_min)s = PDF_set_min ! First of the error PDF sets
70- %(pdf_set_max)s = PDF_set_max ! Last of the error PDF sets
71+ %(rw_rscale)s = rw_rscale ! muR factors to be included by reweighting
72+ %(rw_fscale)s = rw_fscale ! muF factors to be included by reweighting
73+ %(reweight_scale)s = reweight_scale ! Reweight to get scale variation using the
74+ ! rw_rscale and rw_fscale factors. Should be a list of
75+ ! booleans of equal length to dynamical_scale_choice to
76+ ! specify for which choice to include scale dependence.
77+ %(reweight_pdf)s = reweight_PDF ! Reweight to get PDF uncertainty. Should be a
78+ ! list booleans of equal length to lhaid to specify for
79+ ! which PDF set to include the uncertainties.
80 #***********************************************************************
81 # ickkw parameter: *
82 # 0: No merging *
83@@ -117,47 +115,43 @@
84 #***********************************************************************
85 #
86 #***********************************************************************
87-# BW cutoff (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma) *
88+# BW cutoff (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma). Determines which resonances are *
89+# written in the LHE event file *
90 #***********************************************************************
91 %(bwcutoff)s = bwcutoff
92 #***********************************************************************
93-# Cuts on the jets *
94-# Jet clustering is performed by FastJet.
95-# When matching to a parton shower, these generation cuts should be *
96-# considerably softer than the analysis cuts. *
97-# (more specific cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f) *
98+# Cuts on the jets. Jet clustering is performed by FastJet. *
99+# - When matching to a parton shower, these generation cuts should be *
100+# considerably softer than the analysis cuts. *
101+# - More specific cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f *
102 #***********************************************************************
103- %(jetalgo)s = jetalgo ! FastJet jet algorithm (1=kT, 0=C/A, -1=anti-kT)
104- %(jetradius)s = jetradius ! The radius parameter for the jet algorithm
105+ %(jetalgo)s = jetalgo ! FastJet jet algorithm (1=kT, 0=C/A, -1=anti-kT)
106+ %(jetradius)s = jetradius ! The radius parameter for the jet algorithm
107 %(ptj)s = ptj ! Min jet transverse momentum
108 %(etaj)s = etaj ! Max jet abs(pseudo-rap) (a value .lt.0 means no cut)
109 #***********************************************************************
110 # Cuts on the charged leptons (e+, e-, mu+, mu-, tau+ and tau-) *
111-# (more specific gen cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f) *
112+# More specific cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f *
113 #***********************************************************************
114 %(ptl)s = ptl ! Min lepton transverse momentum
115- %(etal)s = etal ! Max lepton abs(pseudo-rap) (a value .lt.0 means no cut)
116+ %(etal)s = etal ! Max lepton abs(pseudo-rap) (a value .lt.0 means no cut)
117 %(drll)s = drll ! Min distance between opposite sign lepton pairs
118 %(drll_sf)s = drll_sf ! Min distance between opp. sign same-flavor lepton pairs
119 %(mll)s = mll ! Min inv. mass of all opposite sign lepton pairs
120- %(mll_sf)s = mll_sf ! Min inv. mass of all opp. sign same-flavor lepton pairs
122-# Photon-isolation cuts, according to hep-ph/9801442 *
123-# When ptgmin=0, all the other parameters are ignored *
125- %(ptgmin)s = ptgmin ! Min photon transverse momentum
126- %(etagamma)s = etagamma ! Max photon abs(pseudo-rap)
127+ %(mll_sf)s = mll_sf ! Min inv. mass of all opp. sign same-flavor lepton pairs
129+# Photon-isolation cuts, according to hep-ph/9801442. When ptgmin=0, *
130+# all the other parameters are ignored. *
131+# More specific cuts can be specified in SubProcesses/cuts.f *
133+ %(ptgmin)s = ptgmin ! Min photon transverse momentum
134+ %(etagamma)s = etagamma ! Max photon abs(pseudo-rap)
135 %(r0gamma)s = R0gamma ! Radius of isolation code
136 %(xn)s = xn ! n parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
137 %(epsgamma)s = epsgamma ! epsilon_gamma parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
138- %(isoem)s = isoEM ! isolate photons from EM energy (photons and leptons)
140-# Maximal PDG code for quark to be considered a jet when applying cuts.*
141-# At least all massless quarks of the model should be included here. *
143- %(maxjetflavor)s = maxjetflavor
144+ %(isoem)s = isoEM ! isolate photons from EM energy (photons and leptons)
145 #***********************************************************************
146 # For aMCfast+APPLGRID use in PDF fitting (*
147 #***********************************************************************
148- %(iappl)s = iappl ! aMCfast switch (0=OFF, 1=prepare APPLgrids, 2=fill grids)
149+ %(iappl)s = iappl ! aMCfast switch (0=OFF, 1=prepare grids, 2=fill grids)
150 #***********************************************************************
152=== modified file 'Template/NLO/FixedOrderAnalysis/HwU.f'
153--- Template/NLO/FixedOrderAnalysis/HwU.f 2015-03-05 19:51:04 +0000
154+++ Template/NLO/FixedOrderAnalysis/HwU.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
155@@ -360,16 +360,15 @@
156 character*4 str_nbin
157 double precision xnorm
158 c column info: x_min, x_max, y (central value), dy, {extra
159-c weights}. Use columns with a width of 17 characters.
160- write (buffer( 1:17),'(a)')'##& xmin &'
161- write (buffer(18:34),'(a)')' xmax '
162- write (buffer(35:51),'(a2,a15)') ' &',wgts_info(1)(1:15)
163- write (buffer(52:68),'(a)')' & dy '
164+c weights}.
165+ write (unit,'(a$)') '##& xmin'
166+ write (unit,'(a$)') ' & xmax'
167+ write (unit,'(a$)') ' & '//trim(adjustl(wgts_info(1)))
168+ write (unit,'(a$)') ' & dy'
169 do j=2,nwgts
170- write (buffer((j+2)*17+1:(j+3)*17),'(a2,a15)')
171- $ ' &',wgts_info(j)(1:15)
172+ write (unit,'(a$)') ' & '//trim(adjustl(wgts_info(j)))
173 enddo
174- write (unit,'(a)') buffer(1:(nwgts+3)*17)
175+ write (unit,'(a)') ''
176 write (unit,'(a)') ''
177 do label=1,max_plots
178 if (.not. booked(label)) cycle
180=== modified file 'Template/NLO/FixedOrderAnalysis/'
181--- Template/NLO/FixedOrderAnalysis/ 2015-03-05 19:51:04 +0000
182+++ Template/NLO/FixedOrderAnalysis/ 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
183@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
184 integer max_plots,max_bins,max_wgts,max_points
185 parameter (max_plots=200)
186 parameter (max_bins=100)
187- parameter (max_wgts=300)
188+ parameter (max_wgts=1024)
189 parameter (max_points=max_plots*40)
191 logical booked(max_plots)
192 integer nbin(max_plots),nwgts,np,p_bin(max_points)
193 & ,p_label(max_points),histi(max_plots,max_bins)
194 character*50 title(max_plots)
195- character*15 wgts_info(max_wgts)
196+ character*50 wgts_info(max_wgts)
197 double precision histy(max_wgts,max_plots,max_bins)
198 $ ,histy_acc(max_wgts,max_plots,max_bins),histy2(max_plots
199 $ ,max_bins),histy_err(max_plots,max_bins),histxl(max_plots
201=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_V.f'
202--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_V.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
203+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_V.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
204@@ -49,11 +49,7 @@
205 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
206 common/cnwgt/nwgt
207 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
208- integer maxRWGT
209- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
210- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
211- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
212- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
213+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
214 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
215 c Initialize histograms
216 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
218=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_h.f'
219--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_h.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
220+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_h.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
221@@ -46,11 +46,7 @@
222 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis,kk,l
223 common/cnwgt/nwgt
224 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
225- integer maxRWGT
226- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
227- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
228- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
229- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
230+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
231 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
232 c Initialize histograms
233 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
235=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_hjj.f'
236--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_hjj.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
237+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_hjj.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
238@@ -51,11 +51,7 @@
239 common /to_veto_hist/vetomin,vetomax,nbinveto
240 common/cnwgt/nwgt
241 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
242- integer maxRWGT
243- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
244- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
245- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
246- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
247+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
248 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
249 c Initialize histograms
250 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
252=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_leptons.f'
253--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_leptons.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
254+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_leptons.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
255@@ -60,11 +60,7 @@
256 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
257 common/cnwgt/nwgt
258 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
259- integer maxRWGT
260- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
261- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
262- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
263- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
264+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
265 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
266 c Initialize histograms
267 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
269=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_lplm.f'
270--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_lplm.f 2016-02-17 14:32:27 +0000
271+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_lplm.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
272@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@
273 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
274 common/cnwgt/nwgt
275 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
276- integer maxRWGT
277- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
278- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
279- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
280- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
281+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
282 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
283 c Initialize histograms
284 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
286=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_lvl.f'
287--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_lvl.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
288+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_lvl.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
289@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@
290 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
291 common/cnwgt/nwgt
292 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
293- integer maxRWGT
294- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
295- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
296- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
297- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
298+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
299 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
300 c Initialize histograms
301 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
303=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_taptam.f'
304--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_taptam.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
305+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_taptam.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
306@@ -46,11 +46,7 @@
307 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis,kk,l
308 common/cnwgt/nwgt
309 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
310- integer maxRWGT
311- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
312- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
313- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
314- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
315+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
316 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
317 c Initialize histograms
318 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
320=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_tj.f'
321--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_tj.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
322+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_tj.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
323@@ -46,11 +46,7 @@
324 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
325 common/cnwgt/nwgt
326 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
327- integer maxRWGT
328- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
329- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
330- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
331- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
332+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
333 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
334 c Initialize histograms
335 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
337=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_ttx.f'
338--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_ttx.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
339+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_ttx.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
340@@ -46,11 +46,7 @@
341 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
342 common/cnwgt/nwgt
343 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
344- integer maxRWGT
345- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
346- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
347- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
348- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
349+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
350 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
351 c Initialize histograms
352 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
354=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f'
355--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
356+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
357@@ -46,11 +46,7 @@
358 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
359 common/cnwgt/nwgt
360 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
361- integer maxRWGT
362- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
363- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
364- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
365- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
366+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
367 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
368 c Initialize histograms
369 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
371=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_rates.f'
372--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_rates.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
373+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/hw6an_HwU_rates.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
374@@ -42,11 +42,7 @@
375 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
376 common/cnwgt/nwgt
377 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
378- integer maxRWGT
379- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
380- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
381- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
382- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
383+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
384 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
385 c Initialize histograms
386 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
388=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_V.f'
389--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_V.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
390+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_V.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
391@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
392 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
393 common/cnwgt/nwgt
394 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
395- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
396- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
397+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
398 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
399 c
400 call inihist
402=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_h.f'
403--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_h.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
404+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_h.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
405@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
406 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis,kk,l
407 common/cnwgt/nwgt
408 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
409- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
410- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
411+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
412 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
413 call inihist
414 nwgt_analysis=nwgt
416=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_hjj.f'
417--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_hjj.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
418+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_hjj.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
419@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
420 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
421 common/cnwgt/nwgt
422 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
423- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
424- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
425+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
426 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
427 character*8 cc(2)
428 data cc/' ','vbfcuts '/
430=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_leptons.f'
431--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_leptons.f 2014-02-12 10:28:36 +0000
432+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_leptons.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
433@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
434 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
435 common/cnwgt/nwgt
436 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
437- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
438- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
439+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
440 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
441 integer nsingle,ncorr,nlepton,nplots,ncuts
442 common/cplots/nsingle,ncorr,nlepton,nplots,ncuts
444=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_lplm.f'
445--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_lplm.f 2016-02-17 14:32:27 +0000
446+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_lplm.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
447@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
448 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
449 common/cnwgt/nwgt
450 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
451- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
452- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
453+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
454 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
455 call inihist
456 nwgt_analysis=nwgt
458=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_lvl.f'
459--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_lvl.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
460+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_lvl.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
461@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
462 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
463 common/cnwgt/nwgt
464 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
465- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
466- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
467+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
468 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
469 c
470 call inihist
472=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_taptam.f'
473--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_taptam.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
474+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_taptam.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
475@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
476 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
477 common/cnwgt/nwgt
478 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
479- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
480- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
481+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
482 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
483 call inihist
484 nwgt_analysis=nwgt
486=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_tj.f'
487--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_tj.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
488+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_tj.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
489@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
490 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
491 common/cnwgt/nwgt
492 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
493- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
494- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
495+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
496 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
497 call inihist
498 nwgt_analysis=nwgt
500=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_ttx.f'
501--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_ttx.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
502+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_ttx.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
503@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
504 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
505 common/cnwgt/nwgt
506 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
507- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
508- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
509+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
510 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
511 c
512 call inihist
514=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_ttx_v2.f'
515--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_ttx_v2.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
516+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_pp_ttx_v2.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
517@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
518 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
519 common/cnwgt/nwgt
520 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
521- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
522- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
523+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
524 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
525 c
526 call inihist
528=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_rates.f'
529--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_rates.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
530+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/HWAnalyzer/mcatnlo_hwan_rates.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
531@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@
532 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
533 common/cnwgt/nwgt
534 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
535- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
536- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
537+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
538 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
539 c
540 call inihist
542=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_V_hepmc.f'
543--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_V_hepmc.f 2014-05-16 13:57:11 +0000
544+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_V_hepmc.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
545@@ -22,12 +22,10 @@
546 integer j,kk,l,jpr,i,nnn
547 character*5 cc(2)
548 data cc/' ','Born '/
549- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
550- common/cnwgt/nwgt
551+ integer nwgt_analysis
552 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
553- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
554- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
555- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
556+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
557+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
558 c
559 call inihist
560 weights_info(1)="central value "
562=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_h_hepmc.f'
563--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_h_hepmc.f 2014-05-16 13:57:11 +0000
564+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_h_hepmc.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
565@@ -14,12 +14,11 @@
566 C----------------------------------------------------------------------
568 include ''
569- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis,kk,l,nnn
570- common/cnwgt/nwgt
571+ integer nwgt,nwgt_analysis,kk,l,nnn
572+ integer nwgt_analysis
573 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
574- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
575- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
576- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
577+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
578+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
579 c
580 call inihist
581 weights_info(1)="central value "
583=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_hjj_hepmc.f'
584--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_hjj_hepmc.f 2014-05-16 13:57:11 +0000
585+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_hjj_hepmc.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
586@@ -17,12 +17,10 @@
587 REAL*8 pi
588 PARAMETER (PI=3.14159265358979312D0)
589 integer j,kk,l,i,nnn
590- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
591- common/cnwgt/nwgt
592+ integer nwgt_analysis
593 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
594- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
595- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
596- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
597+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
598+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
599 character*8 cc(2)
600 data cc/' ','vbfcuts '/
601 real*8 vetomin, vetomax
603=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_leptons_hepmc.f'
604--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_leptons_hepmc.f 2014-05-16 13:57:11 +0000
605+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_leptons_hepmc.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
606@@ -14,12 +14,10 @@
607 C----------------------------------------------------------------------
609 include ''
610- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
611- common/cnwgt/nwgt
612+ integer nwgt_analysis
613 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
614- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
615- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
616- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
617+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
618+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
619 integer nsingle,ncorr,nlepton,nplots,ncuts
620 common/cplots/nsingle,ncorr,nlepton,nplots,ncuts
623=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lplm_hepmc.f'
624--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lplm_hepmc.f 2016-02-17 14:32:27 +0000
625+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lplm_hepmc.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
626@@ -19,12 +19,10 @@
627 integer j,kk,l,jpr,i,nnn
628 character*5 cc(2)
629 data cc/' ','cuts '/
630- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
631- common/cnwgt/nwgt
632+ integer nwgt_analysis
633 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
634- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
635- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
636- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
637+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
638+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
639 c
640 call inihist
641 weights_info(1)="central value "
643=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lvl_hepmc.f'
644--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lvl_hepmc.f 2014-05-16 13:57:11 +0000
645+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lvl_hepmc.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
646@@ -22,12 +22,10 @@
647 integer j,kk,l,i,nnn
648 character*5 cc(2)
649 data cc/' ','Born '/
650- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
651- common/cnwgt/nwgt
652+ integer nwgt_analysis
653 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
654- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
655- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
656- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
657+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
658+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
659 c
660 call inihist
661 weights_info(1)="central value "
663=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_taptam_hepmc.f'
664--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_taptam_hepmc.f 2014-05-16 13:57:11 +0000
665+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_taptam_hepmc.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
666@@ -17,12 +17,10 @@
667 integer j,kk,l,i,nnn
668 character*5 cc(2)
669 data cc/' ','Born '/
670- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
671- common/cnwgt/nwgt
672+ integer nwgt_analysis
673 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
674- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
675- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
676- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
677+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
678+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
679 c
680 call inihist
681 weights_info(1)="central value "
683=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_tj_hepmc.f'
684--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_tj_hepmc.f 2014-05-16 13:57:11 +0000
685+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_tj_hepmc.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
686@@ -21,12 +21,10 @@
687 integer j,kk,l,i,nnn
688 character*5 cc(2)
689 data cc/' ','Born '/
690- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
691- common/cnwgt/nwgt
692+ integer nwgt_analysis
693 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
694- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
695- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
696- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
697+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
698+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
699 c
700 call inihist
701 weights_info(1)="central value "
703=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_hepmc.f'
704--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_hepmc.f 2014-05-16 13:57:11 +0000
705+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_hepmc.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
706@@ -19,12 +19,10 @@
707 integer j,kk,l,i,nnn
708 character*5 cc(2)
709 data cc/' ','cuts '/
710- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
711- common/cnwgt/nwgt
712+ integer nwgt_analysis
713 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
714- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
715- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
716- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
717+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
718+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
719 c
720 call inihist
721 weights_info(1)="central value "
723=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_v2_hepmc.f'
724--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_v2_hepmc.f 2014-05-16 13:57:11 +0000
725+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_v2_hepmc.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
726@@ -19,12 +19,10 @@
727 integer j,kk,l,i,nnn
728 character*5 cc(2)
729 data cc/' ','Born '/
730- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
731- common/cnwgt/nwgt
732+ integer nwgt_analysis
733 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
734- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
735- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
736- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
737+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
738+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
739 c
740 call inihist
741 weights_info(1)="central value "
743=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_rates_hepmc.f'
744--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_rates_hepmc.f 2014-05-16 13:57:11 +0000
745+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_rates_hepmc.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
746@@ -14,12 +14,10 @@
747 integer j,kk,l,i,nnn
748 character*5 cc(2)
749 data cc/' ','Born '/
750- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
751- common/cnwgt/nwgt
752+ integer nwgt_analysis
753 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
754- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
755- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
756- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
757+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
758+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
759 c
760 call inihist
761 weights_info(1)="central value "
763=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_V.f'
764--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_V.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
765+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_V.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
766@@ -46,21 +46,15 @@
767 integer j,kk,l,jpr,i,nnn
768 character*5 cc(2)
769 data cc/' ','Born '/
770- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
771- common/cnwgt/nwgt
772+ integer nwgt_analysis
773 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
774- integer maxRWGT
775- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
776- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
777- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
778- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
779- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
780+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
781+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
782 c
783- weights_info(1)="central value "
784- do i=1,nnn+1
785+ do i=1,nnn
786 weights_info(i+1)=wwwi(i)
787 enddo
788- nwgt=nnn+1
789+ nwgt=nnn
790 c Initialize histograms
791 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
792 c Set method for error estimation to '0', i.e., use Poisson statistics
793@@ -126,9 +120,8 @@
794 double precision ww(max_weight),www(max_weight),xww(max_weight)
795 common/cww/ww
796 c
797- ww(1)=xww(2)
798 if(nnn.eq.0)ww(1)=1d0
799- do i=2,nnn+1
800+ do i=1,nnn
801 ww(i)=xww(i)
802 enddo
803 c
805=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_h.f'
806--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_h.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
807+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_h.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
808@@ -43,21 +43,15 @@
809 c
810 character*8 HwUtype(2)
811 data HwUtype/'|T@NOCUT','|T@CUT '/
812- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
813- common/cnwgt/nwgt
814+ integer nwgt_analysis
815 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
816- integer maxRWGT
817- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
818- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
819- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
820- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
821- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
822+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
823+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
824 c
825- weights_info(1)="central value "
826- do i=1,nnn+1
827- weights_info(i+1)=wwwi(i)
828+ do i=1,nnn
829+ weights_info(i)=wwwi(i)
830 enddo
831- nwgt=nnn+1
832+ nwgt=nnn
833 c Initialize histograms
834 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
835 c Set method for error estimation to '0', i.e., use Poisson statistics
836@@ -164,9 +158,8 @@
837 double precision ww(max_weight),www(max_weight),xww(max_weight)
838 common/cww/ww
839 c
840- ww(1)=xww(2)
841 if(nnn.eq.0)ww(1)=1d0
842- do i=2,nnn+1
843+ do i=,nnn
844 ww(i)=xww(i)
845 enddo
846 c
848=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_hjj.f'
849--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_hjj.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
850+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_hjj.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
851@@ -43,26 +43,20 @@
852 c
853 character*8 HwUtype(2)
854 data HwUtype/'|T@NOCUT','|T@CUT '/
855- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
856- common/cnwgt/nwgt
857+ integer nwgt_analysis
858 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
859- integer maxRWGT
860- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
861- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
862- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
863- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
864- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
865+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
866+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
867 character*8 cc(2)
868 data cc/' ','vbfcuts '/
869 real*8 vetomin, vetomax
870 integer nbinveto
871 common /to_veto_hist/vetomin,vetomax,nbinveto
872 c
873- weights_info(1)="central value "
874- do i=1,nnn+1
875- weights_info(i+1)=wwwi(i)
876+ do i=1,nnn
877+ weights_info(i)=wwwi(i)
878 enddo
879- nwgt=nnn+1
880+ nwgt=nnn
881 c Initialize histograms
882 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
883 c Set method for error estimation to '0', i.e., use Poisson statistics
884@@ -216,9 +210,8 @@
885 double precision ww(max_weight),www(max_weight),xww(max_weight)
886 common/cww/ww
887 c
888- ww(1)=xww(2)
889 if(nnn.eq.0)ww(1)=1d0
890- do i=2,nnn+1
891+ do i=1,nnn
892 ww(i)=xww(i)
893 enddo
894 c
896=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_leptons.f'
897--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_leptons.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
898+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_leptons.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
899@@ -41,15 +41,10 @@
900 character*8 HwUtype(2)
901 data HwUtype/'|T@NOCUT','|T@CUT '/
902 integer j,jpr
903- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
904- common/cnwgt/nwgt
905+ integer nwgt_analysis
906 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
907- integer maxRWGT
908- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
909- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
910- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
911- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
912- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
913+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
914+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
915 integer nsingle,ncorr,nlepton,nplots,ncuts
916 common/cplots/nsingle,ncorr,nlepton,nplots,ncuts
918@@ -67,11 +62,10 @@
919 integer i,kk,l,icuts,nnn
920 integer l0,ilep1,ilep2,io,ipair
921 c
922- weights_info(1)="central value "
923- do i=1,nnn+1
924- weights_info(i+1)=wwwi(i)
925+ do i=1,nnn
926+ weights_info(i)=wwwi(i)
927 enddo
928- nwgt=nnn+1
929+ nwgt=nnn
930 c Initialize histograms
931 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
932 c Set method for error estimation to '0', i.e., use Poisson statistics
933@@ -219,9 +213,8 @@
934 # PELM(4,25),PELP(4,25),PMUM(4,25),PMUP(4,25),PLEP(4,25),
935 # obs(100)
936 c
937- ww(1)=xww(2)
938 if(nnn.eq.0)ww(1)=1d0
939- do i=2,nnn+1
940+ do i=1,nnn
941 ww(i)=xww(i)
942 enddo
943 c
945=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_lplm.f'
946--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_lplm.f 2016-02-17 14:32:27 +0000
947+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_lplm.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
948@@ -45,21 +45,15 @@
949 integer j,kk,l,jpr,i,nnn
950 character*5 cc(2)
951 data cc/' ','Born '/
952- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
953- common/cnwgt/nwgt
954+ integer nwgt_analysis
955 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
956- integer maxRWGT
957- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
958- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
959- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
960- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
961- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
962+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
963+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
964 c
965- weights_info(1)="central value "
966- do i=1,nnn+1
967- weights_info(i+1)=wwwi(i)
968+ do i=1,nnn
969+ weights_info(i)=wwwi(i)
970 enddo
971- nwgt=nnn+1
972+ nwgt=nnn
973 c Initialize histograms
974 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
975 c Set method for error estimation to '0', i.e., use Poisson statistics
976@@ -140,9 +134,8 @@
977 double precision ww(max_weight),www(max_weight),xww(max_weight)
978 common/cww/ww
979 c
980- ww(1)=xww(2)
981 if(nnn.eq.0)ww(1)=1d0
982- do i=2,nnn+1
983+ do i=1,nnn
984 ww(i)=xww(i)
985 enddo
986 c
988=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_lvl.f'
989--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_lvl.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
990+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_lvl.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
991@@ -45,21 +45,15 @@
992 integer j,kk,l,jpr,i,nnn
993 character*5 cc(2)
994 data cc/' ','Born '/
995- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
996- common/cnwgt/nwgt
997+ integer nwgt_analysis
998 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
999- integer maxRWGT
1000- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1001- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1002- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1003- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
1004- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1005+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1006+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
1007 c
1008- weights_info(1)="central value "
1009- do i=1,nnn+1
1010- weights_info(i+1)=wwwi(i)
1011+ do i=1,nnn
1012+ weights_info(i)=wwwi(i)
1013 enddo
1014- nwgt=nnn+1
1015+ nwgt=nnn
1016 c Initialize histograms
1017 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
1018 c Set method for error estimation to '0', i.e., use Poisson statistics
1019@@ -124,9 +118,8 @@
1020 double precision ww(max_weight),www(max_weight),xww(max_weight)
1021 common/cww/ww
1022 c
1023- ww(1)=xww(2)
1024 if(nnn.eq.0)ww(1)=1d0
1025- do i=2,nnn+1
1026+ do i=1,nnn
1027 ww(i)=xww(i)
1028 enddo
1029 c
1031=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_taptam.f'
1032--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_taptam.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1033+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_taptam.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1034@@ -41,21 +41,15 @@
1035 c
1036 character*8 HwUtype(2)
1037 data HwUtype/'|T@NOCUT','|T@CUT '/
1038- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1039- common/cnwgt/nwgt
1040+ integer nwgt_analysis
1041 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1042- integer maxRWGT
1043- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1044- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1045- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1046- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
1047- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1048+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1049+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
1050 c
1051- weights_info(1)="central value "
1052- do i=1,nnn+1
1053- weights_info(i+1)=wwwi(i)
1054+ do i=1,nnn
1055+ weights_info(i)=wwwi(i)
1056 enddo
1057- nwgt=nnn+1
1058+ nwgt=nnn
1059 c Initialize histograms
1060 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
1061 c Set method for error estimation to '0', i.e., use Poisson statistics
1062@@ -120,9 +114,8 @@
1063 double precision ww(max_weight),www(max_weight),xww(max_weight)
1064 common/cww/ww
1065 c
1066- ww(1)=xww(2)
1067 if(nnn.eq.0)ww(1)=1d0
1068- do i=2,nnn+1
1069+ do i=1,nnn
1070 ww(i)=xww(i)
1071 enddo
1072 c
1074=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_tj.f'
1075--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_tj.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1076+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_tj.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1077@@ -43,21 +43,15 @@
1078 c
1079 character*8 HwUtype(2)
1080 data HwUtype/'|T@NOCUT','|T@CUT '/
1081- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1082- common/cnwgt/nwgt
1083+ integer nwgt_analysis
1084 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1085- integer maxRWGT
1086- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1087- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1088- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1089- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
1090- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1091+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1092+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
1093 c
1094- weights_info(1)="central value "
1095- do i=1,nnn+1
1096- weights_info(i+1)=wwwi(i)
1097+ do i=1,nnn
1098+ weights_info(i)=wwwi(i)
1099 enddo
1100- nwgt=nnn+1
1101+ nwgt=nnn
1102 c Initialize histograms
1103 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
1104 c Set method for error estimation to '0', i.e., use Poisson statistics
1105@@ -151,9 +145,8 @@
1106 double precision ww(max_weight),www(max_weight),xww(max_weight)
1107 common/cww/ww
1108 c
1109- ww(1)=xww(2)
1110 if(nnn.eq.0)ww(1)=1d0
1111- do i=2,nnn+1
1112+ do i=1,nnn
1113 ww(i)=xww(i)
1114 enddo
1115 c
1117=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_ttx.f'
1118--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_ttx.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1119+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_ttx.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1120@@ -43,21 +43,15 @@
1121 c
1122 character*8 HwUtype(2)
1123 data HwUtype/'|T@NOCUT','|T@CUT '/
1124- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1125- common/cnwgt/nwgt
1126+ integer nwgt_analysis
1127 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1128- integer maxRWGT
1129- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1130- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1131- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1132- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
1133- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1134+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1135+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
1136 c
1137- weights_info(1)="central value "
1138- do i=1,nnn+1
1139- weights_info(i+1)=wwwi(i)
1140+ do i=1,nnn
1141+ weights_info(i)=wwwi(i)
1142 enddo
1143- nwgt=nnn+1
1144+ nwgt=nnn
1145 c Initialize histograms
1146 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
1147 c Set method for error estimation to '0', i.e., use Poisson statistics
1148@@ -148,9 +142,8 @@
1149 double precision ww(max_weight),www(max_weight),xww(max_weight)
1150 common/cww/ww
1151 c
1152- ww(1)=xww(2)
1153 if(nnn.eq.0)ww(1)=1d0
1154- do i=2,nnn+1
1155+ do i=1,nnn
1156 ww(i)=xww(i)
1157 enddo
1158 c
1160=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f'
1161--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1162+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1163@@ -43,21 +43,15 @@
1164 c
1165 character*8 HwUtype(2)
1166 data HwUtype/'|T@NOCUT','|T@CUT '/
1167- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1168- common/cnwgt/nwgt
1169+ integer nwgt_analysis
1170 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1171- integer maxRWGT
1172- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1173- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1174- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1175- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
1176- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1177+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1178+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
1179 c
1180- weights_info(1)="central value "
1181- do i=1,nnn+1
1182- weights_info(i+1)=wwwi(i)
1183+ do i=1,nnn
1184+ weights_info(i)=wwwi(i)
1185 enddo
1186- nwgt=nnn+1
1187+ nwgt=nnn
1188 c Initialize histograms
1189 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
1190 c Set method for error estimation to '0', i.e., use Poisson statistics
1191@@ -132,9 +126,8 @@
1192 double precision ww(max_weight),www(max_weight),xww(max_weight)
1193 common/cww/ww
1194 c
1195- ww(1)=xww(2)
1196 if(nnn.eq.0)ww(1)=1d0
1197- do i=2,nnn+1
1198+ do i=1,nnn
1199 ww(i)=xww(i)
1200 enddo
1201 c
1203=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_rates.f'
1204--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_rates.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1205+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PY8Analyzer/py8an_HwU_rates.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1206@@ -39,21 +39,15 @@
1207 integer i,kk,l,nnn
1208 character*5 cc(2)
1209 data cc/' ','Born '/
1210- integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1211- common/cnwgt/nwgt
1212+ integer nwgt_analysis
1213 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1214- integer maxRWGT
1215- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1216- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1217- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1218- character*15 weights_info(max_weight),wwwi(max_weight)
1219- common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1220+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1221+ $ ,wwwi(max_weight_shower)
1222 c
1223- weights_info(1)="central value "
1224- do i=1,nnn+1
1225- weights_info(i+1)=wwwi(i)
1226+ do i=1,nnn
1227+ weights_info(i)=wwwi(i)
1228 enddo
1229- nwgt=nnn+1
1230+ nwgt=nnn
1231 c Initialize histograms
1232 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
1233 c Set method for error estimation to '0', i.e., use Poisson statistics
1234@@ -105,9 +99,8 @@
1235 double precision ww(max_weight),www(max_weight),xww(max_weight)
1236 common/cww/ww
1237 c
1238- ww(1)=xww(2)
1239 if(nnn.eq.0)ww(1)=1d0
1240- do i=2,nnn+1
1241+ do i=1,nnn
1242 ww(i)=xww(i)
1243 enddo
1244 c
1246=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_V.f'
1247--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_V.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
1248+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_V.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1249@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@
1250 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1251 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1252 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1253- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1254- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1255+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1256 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1257 c
1258 call inihist
1260=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_h.f'
1261--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_h.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
1262+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_h.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1263@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
1264 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis,kk,l
1265 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1266 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1267- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1268- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1269+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1270 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1271 call inihist
1272 nwgt_analysis=nwgt
1274=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_hjj.f'
1275--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_hjj.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
1276+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_hjj.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1277@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@
1278 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1279 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1280 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1281- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1282- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1283+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1284 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1285 character*8 cc(2)
1286 data cc/' ','vbfcuts '/
1288=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_leptons.f'
1289--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_leptons.f 2014-02-12 10:28:36 +0000
1290+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_leptons.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1291@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
1292 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1293 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1294 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1295- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1296- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1297+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1298 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1299 integer nsingle,ncorr,nlepton,nplots,ncuts
1300 common/cplots/nsingle,ncorr,nlepton,nplots,ncuts
1302=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lplm.f'
1303--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lplm.f 2016-02-17 14:32:27 +0000
1304+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lplm.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1305@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
1306 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1307 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1308 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1309- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1310- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1311+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1312 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1313 call inihist
1314 nwgt_analysis=nwgt
1316=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lvl.f'
1317--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lvl.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
1318+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_lvl.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1319@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
1320 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1321 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1322 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1323- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1324- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1325+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1326 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1327 c
1328 call inihist
1330=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_taptam.f'
1331--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_taptam.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
1332+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_taptam.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1333@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
1334 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1335 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1336 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1337- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1338- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1339+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1340 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1341 call inihist
1342 nwgt_analysis=nwgt
1344=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_tj.f'
1345--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_tj.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
1346+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_tj.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1347@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
1348 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1349 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1350 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1351- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1352- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1353+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1354 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1355 call inihist
1356 nwgt_analysis=nwgt
1358=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx.f'
1359--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
1360+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1361@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
1362 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1363 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1364 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1365- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1366- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1367+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1368 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1369 c
1370 call inihist
1372=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_v2.f'
1373--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_v2.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
1374+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_pp_ttx_v2.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1375@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
1376 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1377 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1378 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1379- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1380- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1381+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1382 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1383 c
1384 call inihist
1386=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_rates.f'
1387--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_rates.f 2014-03-07 07:46:55 +0000
1388+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/mcatnlo_pyan_rates.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1389@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
1390 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1391 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1392 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1393- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1394- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1395+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1396 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1397 c
1398 call inihist
1400=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_V.f'
1401--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_V.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1402+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_V.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1403@@ -51,11 +51,7 @@
1404 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1405 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1406 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1407- integer maxRWGT
1408- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1409- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1410- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1411- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1412+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1413 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1414 c Initialize histograms
1415 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
1417=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_h.f'
1418--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_h.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1419+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_h.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1420@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@
1421 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1422 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1423 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1424- integer maxRWGT
1425- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1426- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1427- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1428- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1429+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1430 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1431 c
1432 c Initialize histograms
1434=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_hjj.f'
1435--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_hjj.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1436+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_hjj.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1437@@ -52,11 +52,7 @@
1438 common /to_veto_hist/vetomin,vetomax,nbinveto
1439 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1440 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1441- integer maxRWGT
1442- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1443- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1444- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1445- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1446+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1447 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1448 c
1449 c Initialize histograms
1451=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_leptons.f'
1452--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_leptons.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1453+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_leptons.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1454@@ -59,11 +59,7 @@
1455 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1456 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1457 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1458- integer maxRWGT
1459- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1460- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1461- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1462- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1463+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1464 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1465 c Initialize histograms
1466 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
1468=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_lplm.f'
1469--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_lplm.f 2016-02-17 14:32:27 +0000
1470+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_lplm.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1471@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@
1472 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1473 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1474 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1475- integer maxRWGT
1476- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1477- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1478- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1479- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1480+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1481 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1482 c Initialize histograms
1483 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
1485=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_lvl.f'
1486--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_lvl.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1487+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_lvl.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1488@@ -50,11 +50,7 @@
1489 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1490 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1491 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1492- integer maxRWGT
1493- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1494- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1495- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1496- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1497+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1498 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1499 c Initialize histograms
1500 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
1502=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_taptam.f'
1503--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_taptam.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1504+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_taptam.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1505@@ -46,11 +46,7 @@
1506 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1507 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1508 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1509- integer maxRWGT
1510- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1511- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1512- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1513- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1514+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1515 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1516 c
1517 c Initialize histograms
1519=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_tj.f'
1520--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_tj.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1521+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_tj.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1522@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@
1523 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1524 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1525 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1526- integer maxRWGT
1527- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1528- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1529- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1530- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1531+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1532 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1533 c
1534 c Initialize histograms
1536=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_ttx.f'
1537--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_ttx.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1538+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_ttx.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1539@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@
1540 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1541 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1542 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1543- integer maxRWGT
1544- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1545- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1546- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1547- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1548+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1549 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1550 c
1551 c Initialize histograms
1553=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f'
1554--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1555+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_pp_ttx_v2.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1556@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@
1557 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1558 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1559 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1560- integer maxRWGT
1561- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1562- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1563- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1564- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1565+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1566 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1567 c
1568 c Initialize histograms
1570=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_rates.f'
1571--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_rates.f 2015-12-04 15:47:32 +0000
1572+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/PYAnalyzer/py6an_HwU_rates.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1573@@ -42,11 +42,7 @@
1574 integer nwgt,max_weight,nwgt_analysis
1575 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1576 common/c_analysis/nwgt_analysis
1577- integer maxRWGT
1578- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1579- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1580- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1581- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1582+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1583 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1584 c Initialize histograms
1585 call HwU_inithist(nwgt,weights_info)
1587=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/include/LHEFRead.h'
1588--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/include/LHEFRead.h 2015-06-12 07:55:36 +0000
1589+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/include/LHEFRead.h 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1590@@ -16,75 +16,41 @@
1591 LHEF::Reader reader;
1594- void lhef_read_wgtsinfo_(int &cwgtinfo_nn, char (cwgtinfo_weights_info[350][15])) {
1595+ void lhef_read_wgtsinfo_(int &cwgtinfo_nn, char (cwgtinfo_weights_info[1024][50])) {
1597 // Read header of event file
1598 std::stringstream hss;
1599- std::string hs,hsvec[5];
1600- cwgtinfo_nn=0;
1602+ std::string hs;
1603+ sprintf(cwgtinfo_weights_info[0], "%50s","central value");
1604+ cwgtinfo_nn=1;
1605 while (true){
1606 hss << reader.headerBlock;
1607 std::getline(hss,hs,'\n');
1608 if (hs.find("</header>") != std::string::npos) break;
1610- // Read the scale block
1611- if (hs.find("<weightgroup type='scale_variation'") != std::string::npos) {
1612- while (true) {
1613- std::getline(hss,hs,'\n');
1614- if (hs.find("</weightgroup>") != std::string::npos) break;
1615- //find the values of muR and muF
1616- std::string xmuR = hs.substr(hs.find("muR")+4,hs.length());
1617- xmuR = xmuR.substr(0,xmuR.find("muF")-1);
1618- std::string xmuF = hs.substr(hs.find("muF")+4,hs.length());
1619- xmuF = xmuF.substr(0,xmuF.find("</w")-1);
1620- double muR = atof(xmuR.c_str());
1621- double muF = atof(xmuF.c_str());
1622- //store the plot label
1623- sprintf(cwgtinfo_weights_info[cwgtinfo_nn], "muR=%2.1f muF=%2.1f", muR, muF);
1624- ++cwgtinfo_nn;
1625- }
1626- }
1628- // Read the PDF block
1629- if (hs.find("<weightgroup type='PDF_variation'") != std::string::npos) {
1630- while (true) {
1631- std::getline(hss,hs,'\n');
1632- if (hs.find("</weightgroup>") != std::string::npos) break;
1633- //find the PDF set used
1634- std::string PDF = hs.substr(hs.find("pdfset")+8,hs.length());
1635- PDF = PDF.substr(0,PDF.find("</w")-1);
1636- int iPDF = atoi(PDF.c_str());
1637- //store the plot label
1638- sprintf(cwgtinfo_weights_info[cwgtinfo_nn], "PDF=%8d ", iPDF);
1639- ++cwgtinfo_nn;
1640- }
1641- }
1643- // Read the mg_reweighting block
1644- if (hs.find("<weightgroup type='mg_reweighting'") != std::string::npos) {
1645- while (true) {
1646- std::getline(hss,hs,'\n');
1647- if (hs.find("</weightgroup>") != std::string::npos) break;
1648+ // Read the wgt information
1649+ if (hs.find("<initrwgt>") != std::string::npos) {
1650+ while (true) {
1651+ std::getline(hss,hs,'\n');
1652+ if (hs.find("</initrwgt>") != std::string::npos) break;
1653+ if (hs.find("<weightgroup") != std::string::npos) continue;
1654+ if (hs.find("</weightgroup>") != std::string::npos) continue;
1655 if (hs.find("<weight id") != std::string::npos) {
1656- std::string sRWGT = hs.substr(hs.find("weight id")+11,hs.length());
1657- sRWGT = sRWGT.substr(0,sRWGT.find("'>"));
1658- //store the reweight label
1659- sprintf(cwgtinfo_weights_info[cwgtinfo_nn], "%15s", sRWGT.c_str());
1660+ std::string sRWGT = hs.substr(hs.find("'>")+2,hs.find("</w")-3);
1661+ sRWGT = sRWGT.substr(0,sRWGT.find("<"));
1662+ sprintf(cwgtinfo_weights_info[cwgtinfo_nn],"%50s",sRWGT.c_str());
1663 ++cwgtinfo_nn;
1664 }
1665 }
1666 }
1669 }
1670 }
1673- void lhef_read_wgts_(double (cwgt_ww[350])) {
1674+ void lhef_read_wgts_(double (cwgt_ww[1024])) {
1676 // Read events
1677 if (reader.readEvent()) {
1678- double wgtxsecmu[4][4],wgtxsecPDF[200];
1679 std::string svec[16],isvec[4],refstr;
1680 std::stringstream ss;
1681 int i,j;
1682@@ -129,7 +95,6 @@
1683 ++iww;
1684 }
1685 }
1686- iww-=1;
1687 }
1688 }
1689 }
1691=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcHerwig/madfks_hwlhin.f'
1692--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcHerwig/madfks_hwlhin.f 2015-06-12 07:34:40 +0000
1693+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcHerwig/madfks_hwlhin.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1694@@ -35,15 +35,11 @@
1697 include ''
1698- integer iww,max_weight
1699- integer maxRWGT
1700- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
1701- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
1702- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
1703- double precision ww(max_weight)
1704+ integer iww
1705+ double precision ww(max_weight_shower)
1706 common/cww/ww
1707- integer numRWGTS
1708- common/cnrwgts/numRWGTS
1709+ integer nwgt
1710+ common/cnwgt/nwgt
1711 C
1713 c
1714@@ -78,104 +74,15 @@
1715 # scale1_lhe,scale2_lhe,
1716 # jwgtinfo,mexternal,iwgtnumpartn,
1717 # wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin,wgtpdfmax
1718- if(
1719- read(iunit,'(a)')string
1720- read(iunit,401)wgtref,wgtqes2(2)
1721- read(iunit,402)wgtxbj(1,1),wgtxbj(2,1),
1722- # wgtxbj(1,2),wgtxbj(2,2),
1723- # wgtxbj(1,3),wgtxbj(2,3),
1724- # wgtxbj(1,4),wgtxbj(2,4)
1725- if(jwgtinfo.eq.1)then
1726- read(iunit,403)wgtmuR2(1),wgtmuF12(1),wgtmuF22(1),
1727- # wgtmuR2(2),wgtmuF12(2),wgtmuF22(2)
1728- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.2)then
1729- ii=iSorH_lhe+1
1730- if(ii.eq.3)ii=1
1731- read(iunit,404)wgtmuR2(ii),wgtmuF12(ii),wgtmuF22(ii)
1732- do i=1,mexternal
1733- read(iunit,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,iSorH_lhe),j=0,3)
1734- enddo
1735- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.3 .or. jwgtinfo.eq.4)then
1736- do i=1,mexternal
1737- read(iunit,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,1),j=0,3)
1738- enddo
1739- do i=1,mexternal
1740- read(iunit,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,2),j=0,3)
1741- enddo
1742- endif
1743- read(iunit,441)wgtwreal(1),wgtwreal(2),
1744- # wgtwreal(3),wgtwreal(4)
1745- read(iunit,441)wgtwdeg(3),wgtwdeg(4),
1746- # wgtwdegmuf(3),wgtwdegmuf(4)
1747- read(iunit,405)wgtwborn(2),wgtwns(2),
1748- # wgtwnsmuf(2),wgtwnsmur(2)
1749- do i=1,iwgtnumpartn
1750- read(iunit,442)wgtwmcxsecE(i),
1751- # wgtmcxbjE(1,i),wgtmcxbjE(2,i)
1752- enddo
1753- if(jwgtinfo.eq.4) read(iunit,'(1x,e14.8)') wgtbpower
1754- read(iunit,'(a)')string
1755- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.8)then
1756- read(iunit,'(a)')string
1757- read(iunit,406)wgtref,wgtxsecmu(1,1),numscales,numPDFpairs
1758- do i=1,numscales
1759- read(iunit,404)(wgtxsecmu(i,j),j=1,numscales)
1760- enddo
1761- do i=1,numPDFpairs
1762- nps=2*i-1
1763- nng=2*i
1764- read(iunit,404)wgtxsecPDF(nps),wgtxsecPDF(nng)
1765- enddo
1766- read(iunit,'(a)')string
1767- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.9)then
1768- if (numscales.eq.0 .and. numPDFpairs.eq.0) then
1769- write (*,*) 'event file not correct format'
1770- write(*,*)'FATAL ERROR #3 IN UPEVNT'
1771- stop
1772- endif
1773- read(iunit,'(a)')string
1774- wgtref=XWGTUP/MQQ
1775- do i=1,numscales
1776- do j=1,numscales
1777- call read_rwgt_line(iunit,idwgt,wgtxsecmu(i,j))
1778- if ( then
1779- write (*,*) 'ERROR #1 in UPEVNT:',numscales
1780- stop
1781- endif
1782- if(idwgt.eq.1001.and.(
1783- & idwgt.eq.1002.and.(
1784- & idwgt.eq.1003.and.(
1785- & idwgt.eq.1004.and.(
1786- & idwgt.eq.1005.and.(
1787- & idwgt.eq.1006.and.(
1788- & idwgt.eq.1007.and.(
1789- & idwgt.eq.1008.and.(
1790- & idwgt.eq.1009.and.(
1791- write(*,*)'incorrect event wgt id',idwgt,i,j
1792- stop
1793- endif
1794-c 1 = central,
1795-c 2 = (muR0,muF0), 3 = (muR0,muFup), 4 = (muR0,muFdown)
1796-c 5 = (muRup,muF0), 6 = (muRup,muFup), 7 = (muRup,muFdown)
1797-c 8 = (muRdown,muF0), 9 = (muRdown,muFup), 10 = (muRdown,muFdown)
1798- iww=iww+1
1799- ww(iww)=wgtxsecmu(i,j)
1800+ if(jwgtinfo.eq.9)then
1801+ if ( then
1802+ read(iunit,'(a)')string ! <rwgt>
1803+ wgtref=XWGTUP/MQQ
1804+ do iww=2,nwgt ! start at 2, because 'central value' is not part of the extra weights
1805+ call read_rwgt_line_wgt(iunit,ww(iww))
1806 enddo
1807- enddo
1808- do i=1,2*numPDFpairs
1809- call read_rwgt_line(iunit,idwgt,wgtxsecPDF(i))
1810- iww=iww+1
1811- ww(iww)=wgtxsecPDF(i)
1812- enddo
1813- do i=1,numRWGTS
1814- call read_rwgt_line_RWGT(iunit,cidwgt,wgtxsecRWGT(i))
1815- iww=iww+1
1816- ww(iww)=wgtxsecRWGT(i)
1817- enddo
1818- if (numscales.eq.0) then
1819- wgtxsecmu(1,1)=wgtref
1820+ read(iunit,'(a)')string ! </rwgt>
1821 endif
1822- read(iunit,'(a)')string
1823 else
1824 do while(index(string,'</event>').eq.0)
1825 read(iunit,'(a)')string
1826@@ -233,80 +140,48 @@
1829 c Hard event file (to be entered in Herwig driver)
1830+ integer i
1834 include ''
1835- integer nwgt,max_weight
1836+ integer nwgt
1837 common/cnwgt/nwgt
1838- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
1839- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
1840+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
1841 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
1842- double precision xmuR,xmuF
1843- integer iPDF,i,numRWGTS
1844- common/cnrwgts/numRWGTS
1845- character*20 sRWGT
1847- numscales=0
1848- numPDFpairs=0
1849- numRWGTS=0
1851 nwgt=1
1852- weights_info(nwgt)="central value "
1853+ weights_info(nwgt)="central value"
1857-C--Read (non compulsory) headers here if need be
1858- DO WHILE(.TRUE.)
1859+C--Read (non compulsory) headers here if need be. Look for extra
1861+ do
1862 READ(61,'(a)')STRING
1863-c --> see if we have the new format for the weights
1864- IF ( INDEX(STRING,"<weightgroup type='scale_variation'").ne.0
1865- $ .and.STRING(1:1).ne.'#') then
1866- DO WHILE (.TRUE.)
1867- READ(61,'(a)') STRING
1868- if (INDEX(STRING,"</weightgroup>").ne.0 .and.
1869- $ STRING(1:1).ne.'#') exit
1870- numscales=numscales+1
1871- read(string(index(string,"muR")+4:index(string,"muF")-1),*)xmuR
1872- read(string(index(string,"muF")+4:index(string,"</w")-1),*)xmuF
1873-c 1 = central,
1874-c 2 = (muR0,muF0), 3 = (muR0,muFup), 4 = (muR0,muFdown)
1875-c 5 = (muRup,muF0), 6 = (muRup,muFup), 7 = (muRup,muFdown)
1876-c 8 = (muRdown,muF0), 9 = (muRdown,muFup), 10 = (muRdown,muFdown)
1877- write(weights_info(numscales+1), 111)"muR=",xmuR,"muF=",xmuF
1878- ENDDO
1879- nwgt=nwgt+numscales
1880- numscales=nint(sqrt(dble(numscales)))
1881- if ( then
1882- write (*,*) 'ERROR #1 in UPINIT:',numscales
1883- stop
1884- endif
1885- ELSEIF( INDEX(STRING,"<weightgroup type='PDF_variation'").ne.0
1886- $ .and.STRING(1:1).ne.'#') then
1887- DO WHILE (.TRUE.)
1888- READ(61,'(a)') STRING
1889- if (INDEX(STRING,"</weightgroup>").ne.0 .and.
1890- $ STRING(1:1).ne.'#') exit
1891- numPDFpairs=numPDFpairs+1
1892- read(string(index(string,"pdf")+7:index(string,"</w")-1),*)iPDF
1893- write(weights_info(numscales**2+numPDFpairs+1),112)
1894- & 'PDF=',iPDF,' '
1895- ENDDO
1896- nwgt=nwgt+numPDFpairs
1897- numPDFpairs=numPDFpairs/2
1898- ELSEIF( INDEX(STRING,"<weightgroup type='mg_reweighting'").ne.0
1899- $ .and.STRING(1:1).ne.'#') then
1900- DO WHILE (.TRUE.)
1901- READ(61,'(a)') STRING
1902- if (INDEX(STRING,"<weight id").ne.0 .and.
1903- $ STRING(1:1).ne.'#')then
1904- numRWGTS=numRWGTS+1
1905- read(string(index(string,"weight id")+11:index(string,"'>")-1),*)sRWGT
1906- write(weights_info(numscales**2+2*numPDFpairs+numRWGTS+1),113)sRWGT
1907+ if (index(string,'<initrwgt>').ne.0) then
1908+c Found extra weight labels:
1909+ do
1910+ READ(61,'(a)')STRING
1911+c exit when end of weight information is found
1912+ IF ( INDEX(STRING,'</initrwgt>').ne.0 .and.
1913+ & STRING(1:1).ne.'#' ) exit
1914+c skip comments and weightgroup lines. We just need to copy this
1915+c information
1916+ if ( index(string,"<weightgroup").ne.0 .or.
1917+ & index(string,"</weightgroup>").ne.0 .or.
1918+ & string(1:1).eq.'#') cycle
1919+ if (INDEX(STRING,"<weight id").ne.0)then
1920+ nwgt=nwgt+1
1921+ read(string(index(string,"'>")+2: index(string
1922+ $ ,"</weight>")-1),'(a)') weights_info(nwgt)
1923+ if ( then
1924+ write (*,*) 'Too many weights in event file. '/
1925+ $ /'Increase max_weight_shower'
1926+ stop
1927+ endif
1928 endif
1929- if (INDEX(STRING,"</weightgroup>").ne.0 .and.
1930- $ STRING(1:1).ne.'#') exit
1931- ENDDO
1932- nwgt=nwgt+numRWGTS
1933+ enddo
1934 ELSEIF ( INDEX(STRING,'</header>').ne.0 .and.
1935 & STRING(1:1).ne.'#' ) then
1936 EXIT
1937@@ -396,43 +271,18 @@
1938 END
1941- subroutine read_rwgt_line(unit,id,wgt)
1942-c read a line in the <rwgt> tag. The syntax should be
1943-c <wgt id='1001'> 0.1234567e+01 </wgt>
1944-c The id should be exactly 4 digits long.
1945- implicit none
1946- integer unit,id,wgt_start,id_start
1947- double precision wgt
1948- character*100 buff
1949- read (unit,'(a)') buff
1950-c Use char() to make sure that the non-standard characters are compiler
1951-c independent (char(62)=">", char(61)="=", char(39)="'")
1952- wgt_start=index(buff,CHAR(39)//CHAR(62))+2
1953- id_start=index(buff,'id'//CHAR(61)//CHAR(39))+4
1954- read (buff(id_start:100),'(i4)') id
1955- read (buff(wgt_start:100),*) wgt
1956- return
1957- end
1960- subroutine read_rwgt_line_RWGT(unit,cid,wgt)
1961-c read a line in the <rwgt> tag. The syntax should be
1962-c <wgt id='1001'> 0.1234567e+01 </wgt>
1963-c The id should be exactly 4 digits long.
1964- implicit none
1965- integer unit,wgt_start,id_start,id_end
1966- double precision wgt
1967- character*100 buff
1968- character*20 cid
1969- read (unit,'(a)') buff
1970-c Use char() to make sure that the non-standard characters are compiler
1971-c independent (char(62)=">", char(61)="=", char(39)="'")
1972- wgt_start=index(buff,CHAR(39)//CHAR(62))+2
1973- id_start=index(buff,'id'//CHAR(61)//CHAR(39))+4
1974- id_end=wgt_start-3
1976- read (buff(id_start:id_end),*) cid
1977- read (buff(wgt_start:100),*) wgt
1979+ subroutine read_rwgt_line_wgt(unit,wgt)
1980+c read a line in the <rwgt> tag. The syntax should be
1981+c <wgt id='1001'> 0.1234567e+01 </wgt>
1982+c The id should be exactly 4 digits long.
1983+ implicit none
1984+ integer unit,wgt_start
1985+ double precision wgt
1986+ character*100 buff
1987+ read (unit,'(a)') buff
1988+c Use char() to make sure that the non-standard characters are compiler
1989+c independent (char(62)=">", char(61)="=", char(39)="'")
1990+ wgt_start=index(buff,CHAR(39)//CHAR(62))+2
1991+ read (buff(wgt_start:100),*) wgt
1992 return
1993 end
1995=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia/madfks_pylhin.f'
1996--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia/madfks_pylhin.f 2015-06-12 07:34:40 +0000
1997+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia/madfks_pylhin.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
1998@@ -34,15 +34,11 @@
2001 include ''
2002- integer iww,max_weight
2003- integer maxRWGT
2004- parameter (maxRWGT=100)
2005- double precision wgtxsecRWGT(maxRWGT)
2006- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+maxRWGT+1)
2007- double precision ww(max_weight)
2008+ integer iww
2009+ double precision ww(max_weight_shower)
2010 common/cww/ww
2011- integer numRWGTS
2012- common/cnrwgts/numRWGTS
2013+ integer nwgt
2014+ common/cnwgt/nwgt
2015 C
2016 COMMON/PYPARS/MSTP(200),PARP(200),MSTI(200),PARI(200)
2018@@ -81,104 +77,15 @@
2019 # scale1_lhe,scale2_lhe,
2020 # jwgtinfo,mexternal,iwgtnumpartn,
2021 # wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin,wgtpdfmax
2022- if(
2023- read(iunit,'(a)')string
2024- read(iunit,401)wgtref,wgtqes2(2)
2025- read(iunit,402)wgtxbj(1,1),wgtxbj(2,1),
2026- # wgtxbj(1,2),wgtxbj(2,2),
2027- # wgtxbj(1,3),wgtxbj(2,3),
2028- # wgtxbj(1,4),wgtxbj(2,4)
2029- if(jwgtinfo.eq.1)then
2030- read(iunit,403)wgtmuR2(1),wgtmuF12(1),wgtmuF22(1),
2031- # wgtmuR2(2),wgtmuF12(2),wgtmuF22(2)
2032- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.2)then
2033- ii=iSorH_lhe+1
2034- if(ii.eq.3)ii=1
2035- read(iunit,404)wgtmuR2(ii),wgtmuF12(ii),wgtmuF22(ii)
2036- do i=1,mexternal
2037- read(iunit,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,iSorH_lhe),j=0,3)
2038- enddo
2039- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.3 .or. jwgtinfo.eq.4)then
2040- do i=1,mexternal
2041- read(iunit,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,1),j=0,3)
2042- enddo
2043- do i=1,mexternal
2044- read(iunit,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,2),j=0,3)
2045- enddo
2046- endif
2047- read(iunit,441)wgtwreal(1),wgtwreal(2),
2048- # wgtwreal(3),wgtwreal(4)
2049- read(iunit,441)wgtwdeg(3),wgtwdeg(4),
2050- # wgtwdegmuf(3),wgtwdegmuf(4)
2051- read(iunit,405)wgtwborn(2),wgtwns(2),
2052- # wgtwnsmuf(2),wgtwnsmur(2)
2053- do i=1,iwgtnumpartn
2054- read(iunit,442)wgtwmcxsecE(i),
2055- # wgtmcxbjE(1,i),wgtmcxbjE(2,i)
2056- enddo
2057- if(jwgtinfo.eq.4) read(iunit,'(1x,e14.8)') wgtbpower
2058- read(iunit,'(a)')string
2059- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.8)then
2060- read(iunit,'(a)')string
2061- read(iunit,406)wgtref,wgtxsecmu(1,1),numscales,numPDFpairs
2062- do i=1,numscales
2063- read(iunit,404)(wgtxsecmu(i,j),j=1,numscales)
2064- enddo
2065- do i=1,numPDFpairs
2066- nps=2*i-1
2067- nng=2*i
2068- read(iunit,404)wgtxsecPDF(nps),wgtxsecPDF(nng)
2069- enddo
2070- read(iunit,'(a)')string
2071- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.9)then
2072- if (numscales.eq.0 .and. numPDFpairs.eq.0) then
2073- write (*,*) 'event file not correct format'
2074- write(*,*)'FATAL ERROR #3 IN UPEVNT'
2075- stop
2076- endif
2077- read(iunit,'(a)')string
2078- wgtref=XWGTUP/MQQ
2079- do i=1,numscales
2080- do j=1,numscales
2081- call read_rwgt_line(iunit,idwgt,wgtxsecmu(i,j))
2082- if ( then
2083- write (*,*) 'ERROR #1 in UPEVNT:',numscales
2084- stop
2085- endif
2086- if(idwgt.eq.1001.and.(
2087- & idwgt.eq.1002.and.(
2088- & idwgt.eq.1003.and.(
2089- & idwgt.eq.1004.and.(
2090- & idwgt.eq.1005.and.(
2091- & idwgt.eq.1006.and.(
2092- & idwgt.eq.1007.and.(
2093- & idwgt.eq.1008.and.(
2094- & idwgt.eq.1009.and.(
2095- write(*,*)'incorrect event wgt id',idwgt,i,j
2096- stop
2097- endif
2098-c 1 = central,
2099-c 2 = (muR0,muF0), 3 = (muR0,muFup), 4 = (muR0,muFdown)
2100-c 5 = (muRup,muF0), 6 = (muRup,muFup), 7 = (muRup,muFdown)
2101-c 8 = (muRdown,muF0), 9 = (muRdown,muFup), 10 = (muRdown,muFdown)
2102- iww=iww+1
2103- ww(iww)=wgtxsecmu(i,j)
2104- enddo
2105- enddo
2106- do i=1,2*numPDFpairs
2107- call read_rwgt_line(iunit,idwgt,wgtxsecPDF(i))
2108- iww=iww+1
2109- ww(iww)=wgtxsecPDF(i)
2110- enddo
2111- do i=1,numRWGTS
2112- call read_rwgt_line_RWGT(iunit,cidwgt,wgtxsecRWGT(i))
2113- iww=iww+1
2114- ww(iww)=wgtxsecRWGT(i)
2115- enddo
2116- if (numscales.eq.0) then
2117- wgtxsecmu(1,1)=wgtref
2118- endif
2119- read(iunit,'(a)')string
2120+ if(jwgtinfo.eq.9)then
2121+ if ( then
2122+ read(iunit,'(a)')string ! <rwgt>
2123+ wgtref=XWGTUP/MQQ
2124+ do iww=2,nwgt ! start at 2, because 'central value' is not part of the extra weights
2125+ call read_rwgt_line_wgt(iunit,ww(iww))
2126+ enddo
2127+ read(iunit,'(a)')string ! </rwgt>
2128+ endif
2129 else
2130 do while(index(string,'</event>').eq.0)
2131 read(iunit,'(a)')string
2132@@ -235,20 +142,16 @@
2135 c Hard event file (to be entered in Herwig driver)
2136+ integer i
2140 common/pypars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200)
2141 include ''
2142- integer nwgt,max_weight
2143+ integer nwgt
2144 common/cnwgt/nwgt
2145- parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
2146- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
2147+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight_shower)
2148 common/cwgtsinfo/weights_info
2149- double precision xmuR,xmuF
2150- integer iPDF,i,numRWGTS
2151- common/cnrwgts/numRWGTS
2152- character*20 sRWGT
2153 C
2154 numscales=0
2155 numPDFpairs=0
2156@@ -257,58 +160,33 @@
2157 weights_info(nwgt)="central value "
2160-C--Read (non compulsory) headers here if need be
2161- DO WHILE(.TRUE.)
2162+C--Read (non compulsory) headers here if need be. Look for extra
2164+ do
2165 READ(61,'(a)')STRING
2166-c --> see if we have the new format for the weights
2167- IF ( INDEX(STRING,"<weightgroup type='scale_variation'").ne.0
2168- $ .and.STRING(1:1).ne.'#') then
2169- DO WHILE (.TRUE.)
2170- READ(61,'(a)') STRING
2171- if (INDEX(STRING,"</weightgroup>").ne.0 .and.
2172- $ STRING(1:1).ne.'#') exit
2173- numscales=numscales+1
2174- read(string(index(string,"muR")+4:index(string,"muF")-1),*)xmuR
2175- read(string(index(string,"muF")+4:index(string,"</w")-1),*)xmuF
2176-c 1 = central,
2177-c 2 = (muR0,muF0), 3 = (muR0,muFup), 4 = (muR0,muFdown)
2178-c 5 = (muRup,muF0), 6 = (muRup,muFup), 7 = (muRup,muFdown)
2179-c 8 = (muRdown,muF0), 9 = (muRdown,muFup), 10 = (muRdown,muFdown)
2180- write(weights_info(numscales+1), 111)"muR=",xmuR,"muF=",xmuF
2181- ENDDO
2182- nwgt=nwgt+numscales
2183- numscales=nint(sqrt(dble(numscales)))
2184- if ( then
2185- write (*,*) 'ERROR #1 in UPINIT:',numscales
2186- stop
2187- endif
2188- ELSEIF( INDEX(STRING,"<weightgroup type='PDF_variation'").ne.0
2189- $ .and.STRING(1:1).ne.'#') then
2190- DO WHILE (.TRUE.)
2191- READ(61,'(a)') STRING
2192- if (INDEX(STRING,"</weightgroup>").ne.0 .and.
2193- $ STRING(1:1).ne.'#') exit
2194- numPDFpairs=numPDFpairs+1
2195- read(string(index(string,"pdf")+7:index(string,"</w")-1),*)iPDF
2196- write(weights_info(numscales**2+numPDFpairs+1),112)
2197- & 'PDF=',iPDF,' '
2198- ENDDO
2199- nwgt=nwgt+numPDFpairs
2200- numPDFpairs=numPDFpairs/2
2201- ELSEIF( INDEX(STRING,"<weightgroup type='mg_reweighting'").ne.0
2202- $ .and.STRING(1:1).ne.'#') then
2203- DO WHILE (.TRUE.)
2204- READ(61,'(a)') STRING
2205- if (INDEX(STRING,"<weight id").ne.0 .and.
2206- $ STRING(1:1).ne.'#')then
2207- numRWGTS=numRWGTS+1
2208- read(string(index(string,"weight id")+11:index(string,"'>")-1),*)sRWGT
2209- write(weights_info(numscales**2+2*numPDFpairs+numRWGTS+1),113)sRWGT
2210+ if (index(string,'<initrwgt>').ne.0) then
2211+c Found extra weight labels:
2212+ do
2213+ READ(61,'(a)')STRING
2214+c exit when end of weight information is found
2215+ IF ( INDEX(STRING,'</initrwgt>').ne.0 .and.
2216+ & STRING(1:1).ne.'#' ) exit
2217+c skip comments and weightgroup lines. We just need to copy this
2218+c information
2219+ if ( index(string,"<weightgroup").ne.0 .or.
2220+ & index(string,"</weightgroup>").ne.0 .or.
2221+ & string(1:1).eq.'#') cycle
2222+ if (INDEX(STRING,"<weight id").ne.0)then
2223+ nwgt=nwgt+1
2224+ read(string(index(string,"'>")+2: index(string
2225+ $ ,"</weight>")-1),'(a)')weights_info(nwgt)
2226+ if ( then
2227+ write (*,*) 'Too many weights in event file. '/
2228+ $ /'Increase max_weight_shower'
2229+ stop
2230+ endif
2231 endif
2232- if (INDEX(STRING,"</weightgroup>").ne.0 .and.
2233- $ STRING(1:1).ne.'#') exit
2234- ENDDO
2235- nwgt=nwgt+numRWGTS
2236+ enddo
2237 ELSEIF ( INDEX(STRING,'</header>').ne.0 .and.
2238 & STRING(1:1).ne.'#' ) then
2239 EXIT
2240@@ -528,43 +406,18 @@
2244- subroutine read_rwgt_line(unit,id,wgt)
2245-c read a line in the <rwgt> tag. The syntax should be
2246-c <wgt id='1001'> 0.1234567e+01 </wgt>
2247-c The id should be exactly 4 digits long.
2248- implicit none
2249- integer unit,id,wgt_start,id_start
2250- double precision wgt
2251- character*100 buff
2252- read (unit,'(a)') buff
2253-c Use char() to make sure that the non-standard characters are compiler
2254-c independent (char(62)=">", char(61)="=", char(39)="'")
2255- wgt_start=index(buff,CHAR(39)//CHAR(62))+2
2256- id_start=index(buff,'id'//CHAR(61)//CHAR(39))+4
2257- read (buff(id_start:100),'(i4)') id
2258- read (buff(wgt_start:100),*) wgt
2259- return
2260- end
2263- subroutine read_rwgt_line_RWGT(unit,cid,wgt)
2264-c read a line in the <rwgt> tag. The syntax should be
2265-c <wgt id='1001'> 0.1234567e+01 </wgt>
2266-c The id should be exactly 4 digits long.
2267- implicit none
2268- integer unit,wgt_start,id_start,id_end
2269- double precision wgt
2270- character*100 buff
2271- character*20 cid
2272- read (unit,'(a)') buff
2273-c Use char() to make sure that the non-standard characters are compiler
2274-c independent (char(62)=">", char(61)="=", char(39)="'")
2275- wgt_start=index(buff,CHAR(39)//CHAR(62))+2
2276- id_start=index(buff,'id'//CHAR(61)//CHAR(39))+4
2277- id_end=wgt_start-3
2279- read (buff(id_start:id_end),*) cid
2280- read (buff(wgt_start:100),*) wgt
2282+ subroutine read_rwgt_line_wgt(unit,wgt)
2283+c read a line in the <rwgt> tag. The syntax should be
2284+c <wgt id='1001'> 0.1234567e+01 </wgt>
2285+c The id should be exactly 4 digits long.
2286+ implicit none
2287+ integer unit,wgt_start
2288+ double precision wgt
2289+ character*100 buff
2290+ read (unit,'(a)') buff
2291+c Use char() to make sure that the non-standard characters are compiler
2292+c independent (char(62)=">", char(61)="=", char(39)="'")
2293+ wgt_start=index(buff,CHAR(39)//CHAR(62))+2
2294+ read (buff(wgt_start:100),*) wgt
2295 return
2296 end
2298=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia8/'
2299--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia8/ 2015-06-12 07:55:36 +0000
2300+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia8/ 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
2301@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
2302 #define cevwgt cevwgt_
2304 extern "C" {
2305- void pyabeg_(int&,char(*)[15]);
2306+ void pyabeg_(int&,char(*)[50]);
2307 void pyaend_(double&);
2308 void pyanal_(int&,double(*));
2309 }
2310@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
2311 Pythia pythia;
2313 int cwgtinfo_nn;
2314- char cwgtinfo_weights_info[350][15];
2315- double cwgt_ww[350];
2316+ char cwgtinfo_weights_info[1024][50];
2317+ double cwgt_ww[1024];
2319 string inputname="Pythia8.cmd",outputname="Pythia8.hep";
2321@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
2322 for (; iLHEFread<nTry ; ++iLHEFread) {
2323 read.lhef_read_wgts_(cwgt_ww);
2324 }
2325+ cwgt_ww[0]=cevwgt.EVWGT;
2326 pyanal_(cwgtinfo_nn,cwgt_ww);
2328 if (iEvent % nstep == 0 && iEvent >= 100){
2330=== modified file 'Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia8/'
2331--- Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia8/ 2015-06-12 07:55:36 +0000
2332+++ Template/NLO/MCatNLO/srcPythia8/ 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
2333@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
2334 #define cevwgt cevwgt_
2336 extern "C" {
2337- void pyabeg_(int&,char(*)[15]);
2338+ void pyabeg_(int&,char(*)[50]);
2339 void pyaend_(double&);
2340 void pyanal_(int&,double(*));
2341 }
2342@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
2343 Pythia pythia;
2345 int cwgtinfo_nn;
2346- char cwgtinfo_weights_info[350][15];
2347- double cwgt_ww[350];
2348+ char cwgtinfo_weights_info[1024][50];
2349+ double cwgt_ww[1024];
2351 string inputname="Pythia8.cmd",outputname="Pythia8.hep";
2353@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
2354 for (; iLHEFread<nTry ; ++iLHEFread) {
2355 read.lhef_read_wgts_(cwgt_ww);
2356 }
2357+ cwgt_ww[0]=cevwgt.EVWGT;
2358 pyanal_(cwgtinfo_nn,cwgt_ww);
2360 if (iEvent % nstep == 0 && iEvent >= 100){
2362=== modified file 'Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdfwrap.f'
2363--- Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdfwrap.f 2014-05-16 08:09:51 +0000
2364+++ Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdfwrap.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
2365@@ -292,3 +292,30 @@
2366 end
2369+ subroutine numberPDFm(idummy)
2370+ implicit none
2371+ integer idummy
2372+ write (*,*) 'ERROR: YOU ARE IN THE numberPDFm SUBROUTINE.'
2374+ stop
2375+ return
2376+ end
2378+ subroutine initPDFm(idummy1,idummy2)
2379+ implicit none
2380+ integer idummy1,idummy2
2381+ write (*,*) 'ERROR: YOU ARE IN THE initPDFm SUBROUTINE.'
2383+ stop
2384+ return
2385+ end
2387+ subroutine initPDFsetbynamem(idummy,cdummy)
2388+ implicit none
2389+ integer idummy
2390+ character*(*) cdummy
2391+ write (*,*) 'ERROR: YOU ARE IN THE initPDFsetbynamem SUBROUTINE.'
2393+ stop
2394+ return
2395+ end
2397=== modified file 'Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdg2pdf_lhapdf.f'
2398--- Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdg2pdf_lhapdf.f 2015-10-21 14:57:34 +0000
2399+++ Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdg2pdf_lhapdf.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
2400@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
2401 include ''
2402 C
2403 integer i,j,ihlast(20),ipart,iporg,ireuse,imemlast(20),iset,imem
2404- & ,i_replace,ii
2405+ & ,i_replace,ii,isetlast(20)
2406 double precision xlast(20),xmulast(20),pdflast(-7:7,20)
2407 save ihlast,xlast,xmulast,pdflast,imemlast
2408 data ihlast/20*-99/
2409@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
2410 data xmulast/20*-99d9/
2411 data pdflast/300*-99d9/
2412 data imemlast/20*-99/
2413+ data isetlast/20*-99/
2414 data i_replace/20/
2416 if (ih.eq.0) then
2417@@ -59,8 +60,6 @@
2418 return
2419 elseif ( .or. then
2420 write (*,*) 'PDF not supported for Bjorken x ', x
2421- open(unit=26,file='../../../error',status='unknown')
2422- write(26,*) 'Error: PDF not supported for Bjorken x ',x
2423 stop 1
2424 endif
2426@@ -74,19 +73,11 @@
2427 write(*,*) 'PDF not supported for pdg ',ipdg
2428 write(*,*) 'For lepton colliders, please set the lpp* '//
2429 $ 'variables to 0 in the run_card'
2430- open(unit=26,file='../../../error',status='unknown')
2431- write(26,*) 'Error: PDF not supported for pdg ',ipdg
2432 stop 1
2433 endif
2435 c Determine the iset used in lhapdf
2436 call getnset(iset)
2437- if ( then
2438- write (*,*) 'PDF not supported for Bjorken x ', x
2439- open(unit=26,file='../../../error',status='unknown')
2440- write(26,*) 'Error: PDF not supported for Bjorken x ',x
2441- stop 1
2442- endif
2444 c Determine the member of the set (function of lhapdf)
2445 call getnmem(iset,imem)
2446@@ -100,8 +91,10 @@
2447 if (x.eq.xlast(ii)) then
2448 if (xmu.eq.xmulast(ii)) then
2449 if (imem.eq.imemlast(ii)) then
2450- ireuse = ii
2451- exit
2452+ if (iset.eq.isetlast(ii)) then
2453+ ireuse = ii
2454+ exit
2455+ endif
2456 endif
2457 endif
2458 endif
2459@@ -128,6 +121,7 @@
2460 xmulast(i_replace)=xmu
2461 ihlast(i_replace)=ih
2462 imemlast(i_replace)=imem
2463+ isetlast(i_replace)=iset
2464 c
2465 pdg2pdf=pdflast(ipart,i_replace)
2466 return
2468=== modified file 'Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdg2pdf_lhapdf6.f'
2469--- Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdg2pdf_lhapdf6.f 2016-02-02 17:38:59 +0000
2470+++ Template/NLO/Source/PDF/pdg2pdf_lhapdf6.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
2471@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
2472 include ''
2473 C
2474 integer i,j,ihlast(20),ipart,iporg,ireuse,imemlast(20),iset,imem
2475- & ,i_replace,ii,ipartlast(20)
2476+ & ,i_replace,ii,ipartlast(20),isetlast(20)
2477 double precision xlast(20),xmulast(20),pdflast(20)
2478 save ihlast,xlast,xmulast,pdflast,imemlast,ipartlast
2479 data ihlast/20*-99/
2480@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
2481 data xmulast/20*-99d9/
2482 data pdflast/20*-99d9/
2483 data imemlast/20*-99/
2484+ data isetlast/20*-99/
2485 data i_replace/20/
2487 if (ih.eq.0) then
2488@@ -60,8 +61,6 @@
2489 return
2490 elseif ( .or. then
2491 write (*,*) 'PDF not supported for Bjorken x ', x
2492- open(unit=26,file='../../../error',status='unknown')
2493- write(26,*) 'Error: PDF not supported for Bjorken x ',x
2494 stop 1
2495 endif
2497@@ -75,20 +74,11 @@
2498 write(*,*) 'PDF not supported for pdg ',ipdg
2499 write(*,*) 'For lepton colliders, please set the lpp* '//
2500 $ 'variables to 0 in the run_card'
2501- open(unit=26,file='../../../error',status='unknown')
2502- write(26,*) 'Error: PDF not supported for pdg ',ipdg
2503 stop 1
2504 endif
2506 c Determine the iset used in lhapdf
2507 call getnset(iset)
2508- if ( then
2509- write (*,*) 'PDF not supported for Bjorken x ', x
2510- open(unit=26,file='../../../error',status='unknown')
2511- write(26,*) 'Error: PDF not supported for Bjorken x ',x
2512- stop 1
2513- endif
2515 c Determine the member of the set (function of lhapdf)
2516 call getnmem(iset,imem)
2518@@ -102,8 +92,10 @@
2519 if (x.eq.xlast(ii)) then
2520 if (xmu.eq.xmulast(ii)) then
2521 if (imem.eq.imemlast(ii)) then
2522- ireuse = ii
2523- exit
2524+ if (iset.eq.isetlast(ii)) then
2525+ ireuse = ii
2526+ exit
2527+ endif
2528 endif
2529 endif
2530 endif
2531@@ -126,13 +118,14 @@
2533 c Call lhapdf and give the current values to the arrays that should
2534 c be saved
2535- call evolvepart(ipart,x,xmu,pdg2pdf)
2536+ call evolvepartm(iset,ipart,x,xmu,pdg2pdf)
2537 pdg2pdf=pdg2pdf/x
2538 pdflast(i_replace)=pdg2pdf
2539 xlast(i_replace)=x
2540 xmulast(i_replace)=xmu
2541 ihlast(i_replace)=ih
2542 imemlast(i_replace)=imem
2543+ isetlast(i_replace)=iset
2544 c
2545 return
2546 end
2548=== modified file 'Template/NLO/Source/'
2549--- Template/NLO/Source/ 2015-09-14 18:56:28 +0000
2550+++ Template/NLO/Source/ 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
2551@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@
2552 c Ratios of current values of scales over their reference values. The
2553 c latter may be fixed or dynamic
2554 double precision muR_over_ref,muF1_over_ref,muF2_over_ref,
2555- # QES_over_ref
2556+ # QES_over_ref,muF_over_ref
2557 common/cscales_fact/muR_over_ref,muF1_over_ref,muF2_over_ref,
2558- # QES_over_ref
2559+ # QES_over_ref,muF_over_ref
2561 c Values of fixed reference scales, to be given in input
2562 double precision muR_ref_fixed,muF1_ref_fixed,
2563- # muF2_ref_fixed,QES_ref_fixed
2564+ # muF2_ref_fixed,QES_ref_fixed,muF_ref_fixed
2565 common/cscales_fixed_values/muR_ref_fixed,muF1_ref_fixed,
2566- # muF2_ref_fixed,QES_ref_fixed
2567+ # muF2_ref_fixed,QES_ref_fixed,muF_ref_fixed
2569 c Values of the current scales squared. The information is partly
2570 c redundant with that of common block /to_scale/
2572=== modified file 'Template/NLO/Source/setrun.f'
2573--- Template/NLO/Source/setrun.f 2015-03-11 13:44:47 +0000
2574+++ Template/NLO/Source/setrun.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
2575@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
2576 include ''
2577 include ''
2578 include 'MODEL/'
2579+ include '../SubProcesses/'
2581 double precision D
2582 common/to_dj/D
2583@@ -81,6 +82,26 @@
2584 call to_upper(shower_MC)
2585 C
2587+c Determine if there is a need to do scale and/or PDF reweighting
2588+ do_rwgt_scale=.false.
2589+ do i=1,dyn_scale(0)
2590+ if (lscalevar(i) .or. dyn_scale(0).gt.1) then
2591+ do_rwgt_scale=.true.
2592+ exit
2593+ endif
2594+ enddo
2595+ do_rwgt_pdf=.false.
2596+ do i=1,lhaPDFid(0)
2597+ if (lpdfvar(i) .or. lhaPDFid(0).gt.1) then
2598+ do_rwgt_pdf=.true.
2599+ exit
2600+ endif
2601+ enddo
2603+c Default scale and PDF choice used for the actual run
2604+ dynamical_scale_choice=dyn_scale(1)
2605+ lhaid=lhaPDFid(1)
2607 c merging cuts
2608 xqcut=0d0
2609 xmtc=0d0
2610@@ -179,6 +200,14 @@
2611 enddo
2612 call get_pdfup(pdlabel,pdfgup,pdfsup,lhaid)
2614+ if (lpdfvar(1) .and. (lpp(1).ne.0.or.lpp(2).ne.0) ) then
2615+c fill the nmemPDF(i) array with the number of PDF error set. This we
2616+c get from LHAPDF.
2617+ call numberPDFm(1,nmemPDF(1))
2618+ else
2619+ nmemPDF(1)=0
2620+ endif
2622 return
2623 99 write(*,*) 'error in reading'
2624 return
2626=== modified file 'Template/NLO/SubProcesses/'
2627--- Template/NLO/SubProcesses/ 2015-02-13 20:03:34 +0000
2628+++ Template/NLO/SubProcesses/ 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
2629@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2630 * -*-fortran-*-
2632 integer max_contr,max_wgt,max_iproc
2633- parameter (max_contr=128,max_wgt=256,max_iproc=100)
2634+ parameter (max_contr=128,max_wgt=1024,max_iproc=100)
2635 logical H_event(max_contr)
2636 integer nFKS(max_contr),itype(max_contr),QCDpower(max_contr)
2637 $ ,pdg(nexternal,max_contr),pdg_uborn(nexternal,max_contr)
2639=== modified file 'Template/NLO/SubProcesses/collect_events.f'
2640--- Template/NLO/SubProcesses/collect_events.f 2014-06-18 11:49:44 +0000
2641+++ Template/NLO/SubProcesses/collect_events.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
2642@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
2643 common /c_i_orig/i_orig
2644 integer ioutput,junit(80)
2645 integer imaxevt,maxevt,ii,numoffiles,nevents,itot,iunit,
2646- # mx_of_evt(80),i0,i,j
2647+ # mx_of_evt(80),i0,i,j,jj,kk,n,nn
2648 double precision evwgt,evwgt_sign
2649 integer ione
2650 parameter (ione=1)
2651@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@
2652 integer lprup_l(100),nproc_l
2653 logical found_proc
2654 include ''
2655+ include ''
2656 integer proc_id_tot(0:100)
2657 double precision xsec(100),xsecABS,xerr(100)
2658 logical get_xsec_from_res1
2659@@ -412,7 +413,7 @@
2661 # XSECUP,XERRUP,abs(evwgt),LPRUP)
2662 itot=maxevt
2663- do ii=1,maxevt
2664+ do i=1,maxevt
2665 rnd=fk88random(iseed)
2666 call whichone(rnd,numoffiles,itot,mx_of_evt,junit,iunit,i0)
2667 call read_lhef_event(iunit,
2668@@ -425,14 +426,32 @@
2669 c Overwrite the weights. Also overwrite the weights used for PDF & scale
2670 c reweighting
2671 evwgt_sign=dsign(evwgt,XWGTUP)
2672- do i=1,numscales
2673- do j=1,numscales
2674- wgtxsecmu(i,j)=wgtxsecmu(i,j)*evwgt_sign/XWGTUP
2675- enddo
2676- enddo
2677- do i=1,numPDFpairs*2
2678- wgtxsecPDF(i)=wgtxsecPDF(i)*evwgt_sign/XWGTUP
2679- enddo
2680+ if (do_rwgt_scale) then
2681+ do kk=1,dyn_scale(0)
2682+ if (lscalevar(kk)) then
2683+ do ii=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
2684+ do jj=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
2685+ wgtxsecmu(jj,ii,kk)=wgtxsecmu(jj,ii,kk)
2686+ $ *evwgt_sign/XWGTUP
2687+ enddo
2688+ enddo
2689+ else
2690+ wgtxsecmu(1,1,kk)=wgtxsecmu(1,1,kk)
2691+ $ *evwgt_sign/XWGTUP
2692+ endif
2693+ enddo
2694+ endif
2695+ if (do_rwgt_pdf) then
2696+ do nn=1,lhaPDFid(0)
2697+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
2698+ do n=0,nmemPDF(nn)
2699+ wgtxsecPDF(n,nn)=wgtxsecPDF(n,nn)*evwgt_sign/XWGTUP
2700+ enddo
2701+ else
2702+ wgtxsecPDF(0,nn)=wgtxsecPDF(0,nn)*evwgt_sign/XWGTUP
2703+ endif
2704+ enddo
2705+ endif
2706 endif
2707 call write_lhef_event(ioutput,
2710=== modified file 'Template/NLO/SubProcesses/fks_singular.f'
2711--- Template/NLO/SubProcesses/fks_singular.f 2015-12-16 16:13:10 +0000
2712+++ Template/NLO/SubProcesses/fks_singular.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
2713@@ -1276,9 +1276,10 @@
2714 include ''
2715 include ''
2716 include ''
2717- integer i,kr,kf,iwgt_save
2718- double precision xlum(maxscales),dlum,pi,mu2_r(maxscales)
2719- & ,mu2_f(maxscales),mu2_q,alphas,g(maxscales),rwgt_muR_dep_fac
2720+ integer i,kr,kf,iwgt_save,dd
2721+ double precision xlum(maxscales),dlum,pi,mu2_r(maxscales),c_mu2_r
2722+ $ ,c_mu2_f,mu2_f(maxscales),mu2_q,alphas,g(maxscales)
2723+ $ ,rwgt_muR_dep_fac
2724 external rwgt_muR_dep_fac
2725 parameter (pi=3.1415926535897932385d0)
2726 external dlum,alphas
2727@@ -1297,33 +1298,41 @@
2728 xbk(1) = bjx(1,i)
2729 xbk(2) = bjx(2,i)
2730 mu2_q=scales2(1,i)
2731+c Loop over the dynamical_scale_choices
2732+ do dd=1,dyn_scale(0)
2733 c renormalisation scale variation (requires recomputation of the strong
2734 c coupling)
2735- do kr=1,numscales
2736- mu2_r(kr)=scales2(2,i)*yfactR(kr)**2
2737- g(kr)=sqrt(4d0*pi*alphas(sqrt(mu2_r(kr))))
2738- enddo
2739+ call set_mu_central(i,dd,c_mu2_r,c_mu2_f)
2740+ do kr=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
2741+ if ((.not. lscalevar(dd)) .and. exit
2742+ mu2_r(kr)=c_mu2_r*scalevarR(kr)**2
2743+ g(kr)=sqrt(4d0*pi*alphas(sqrt(mu2_r(kr))))
2744+ enddo
2745 c factorisation scale variation (require recomputation of the PDFs)
2746- do kf=1,numscales
2747- mu2_f(kf)=scales2(3,i)*yfactF(kf)**2
2748- q2fact(1)=mu2_f(kf)
2749- q2fact(2)=mu2_f(kf)
2750- xlum(kf) = dlum()
2751- enddo
2752- do kr=1,numscales
2753- do kf=1,numscales
2754- iwgt=iwgt+1 ! increment the iwgt for the wgts() array
2755- if ( then
2756- write (*,*) 'ERROR too many weights in reweight_scale'
2757- & ,iwgt,max_wgt
2758- stop 1
2759- endif
2760+ do kf=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
2761+ if ((.not. lscalevar(dd)) .and. exit
2762+ mu2_f(kf)=c_mu2_f*scalevarF(kf)**2
2763+ q2fact(1)=mu2_f(kf)
2764+ q2fact(2)=mu2_f(kf)
2765+ xlum(kf) = dlum()
2766+ enddo
2767+ do kf=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
2768+ if ((.not. lscalevar(dd)) .and. exit
2769+ do kr=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
2770+ if ((.not. lscalevar(dd)) .and. exit
2771+ iwgt=iwgt+1 ! increment the iwgt for the wgts() array
2772+ if ( then
2773+ write (*,*) 'ERROR too many weights in '/
2774+ $ /'reweight_scale',iwgt,max_wgt
2775+ stop 1
2776+ endif
2777 c add the weights to the array
2778- wgts(iwgt,i)=xlum(kf) * (wgt(1,i)+wgt(2,i)*log(mu2_r(kr)
2779- & /mu2_q)+wgt(3,i)*log(mu2_f(kf)/mu2_q))*g(kr)
2780- & **QCDpower(i)
2781- wgts(iwgt,i)=wgts(iwgt,i)
2782- & *rwgt_muR_dep_fac(sqrt(mu2_r(kr)),sqrt(mu2_r(1)))
2783+ wgts(iwgt,i)=xlum(kf) * (wgt(1,i)+wgt(2,i)
2784+ $ *log(mu2_r(kr)/mu2_q)+wgt(3,i)*log(mu2_f(kf)
2785+ $ /mu2_q))*g(kr)**QCDpower(i)
2786+ wgts(iwgt,i)=wgts(iwgt,i)*rwgt_muR_dep_fac(
2787+ & sqrt(mu2_r(kr)),sqrt(scales2(2,i)))
2788+ enddo
2789 enddo
2790 enddo
2791 enddo
2792@@ -1355,14 +1364,22 @@
2793 common/c_nFKSprocess/nFKSprocess
2794 call cpu_time(tBefore)
2795 if (icontr.eq.0) return
2796+ if (dyn_scale(0).gt.1) then
2797+ write (*,*) "When doing NNLL+NLO veto, "/
2798+ $ /"can only do one dynamical_scale_choice",dyn_scale(0)
2799+ stop
2800+ endif
2802 c currently we have 'iwgt' weights in the wgts() array.
2803 iwgt_save=iwgt
2804 c compute the new veto multiplier factor
2805- do ks=1,numscales
2806- do kh=1,numscales
2807+ do ks=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
2808+ if ((.not. lscalevar(1)) .and. exit
2809+ do kh=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
2810+ if ((.not. lscalevar(1)) .and. exit
2811 if ( then
2812- call compute_veto_multiplier(H1_factor_virt,yfactR(ks)
2813- & ,yfactF(kh),veto_multiplier_new(ks,kh))
2814+ call compute_veto_multiplier(H1_factor_virt,scalevarR(ks)
2815+ $ ,scalevarF(kh),veto_multiplier_new(ks,kh))
2816 veto_multiplier_new(ks,kh)=veto_multiplier_new(ks,kh)
2817 & /veto_multiplier
2818 else
2819@@ -1377,17 +1394,19 @@
2820 xbk(1) = bjx(1,i)
2821 xbk(2) = bjx(2,i)
2822 mu2_q=scales2(1,i)
2823+c Hard scale variation
2824+ do kh=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
2825+ if ((.not. lscalevar(1)) .and. exit
2826 c soft scale variation
2827- do ks=1,numscales
2828- mu2_r(ks)=scales2(2,i)*yfactR(ks)**2
2829- g(ks)=sqrt(4d0*pi*alphas(sqrt(mu2_r(ks))))
2830- mu2_f(ks)=scales2(2,i)*yfactR(ks)**2
2831- q2fact(1)=mu2_f(ks)
2832- q2fact(2)=mu2_f(ks)
2833- xlum(ks) = dlum()
2834-c Hard scale variation
2835- do kh=1,numscales
2836- iwgt=iwgt+1 ! increment the iwgt for the wgts() array
2837+ do ks=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
2838+ if ((.not. lscalevar(1)) .and. exit
2839+ mu2_r(ks)=scales2(2,i)*scalevarR(ks)**2
2840+ g(ks)=sqrt(4d0*pi*alphas(sqrt(mu2_r(ks))))
2841+ mu2_f(ks)=scales2(2,i)*scalevarR(ks)**2
2842+ q2fact(1)=mu2_f(ks)
2843+ q2fact(2)=mu2_f(ks)
2844+ xlum(ks) = dlum()
2845+ iwgt=iwgt+1 ! increment the iwgt for the wgts() array
2846 if ( then
2847 write (*,*) 'ERROR too many weights in reweight_scale'
2848 & ,iwgt,max_wgt
2849@@ -1401,14 +1420,14 @@
2850 else
2851 c special for the itype=7 (i.e, the veto-compensating factor)
2852 call compute_veto_compensating_factor(H1_factor_virt
2853- & ,born_wgt_veto,yfactR(ks),yfactF(kh)
2854+ & ,born_wgt_veto,scalevarR(ks),scalevarF(kh)
2855 & ,veto_compensating_factor_new)
2856 wgts(iwgt,i)=xlum(ks) * wgt(1,i)*g(ks)**QCDpower(i)
2857 & /veto_compensating_factor
2858 & *veto_compensating_factor_new
2859 endif
2860- wgts(iwgt,i)=wgts(iwgt,i)
2861- & *rwgt_muR_dep_fac(sqrt(mu2_r(ks)),sqrt(mu2_r(1)))
2862+ wgts(iwgt,i)=wgts(iwgt,i)*rwgt_muR_dep_fac(
2863+ & sqrt(mu2_r(ks)),sqrt(scales2(2,i)))
2864 wgts(iwgt,i)=wgts(iwgt,i)*veto_multiplier_new(ks,kh)
2865 enddo
2866 enddo
2867@@ -1428,8 +1447,7 @@
2868 include ''
2869 include ''
2870 include ''
2871- integer n,izero,i
2872- parameter (izero=0)
2873+ integer n,i,nn
2874 double precision xlum,dlum,pi,mu2_r,mu2_f,mu2_q,rwgt_muR_dep_fac,g
2875 & ,alphas
2876 external rwgt_muR_dep_fac
2877@@ -1439,38 +1457,40 @@
2878 common/c_nFKSprocess/nFKSprocess
2879 call cpu_time(tBefore)
2880 if (icontr.eq.0) return
2881+ do nn=1,lhaPDFid(0)
2882 c Use as external loop the one over the PDF sets and as internal the one
2883 c over the icontr. This reduces the number of calls to InitPDF and
2884 c allows for better caching of the PDFs
2885- do n=1,numPDFs-1
2886- iwgt=iwgt+1
2887- if ( then
2888- write (*,*) 'ERROR too many weights in reweight_pdf',iwgt
2889- & ,max_wgt
2890- stop 1
2891- endif
2892- call InitPDF(n)
2893- do i=1,icontr
2894- nFKSprocess=nFKS(i)
2895- xbk(1) = bjx(1,i)
2896- xbk(2) = bjx(2,i)
2897- mu2_q=scales2(1,i)
2898- mu2_r=scales2(2,i)
2899- mu2_f=scales2(3,i)
2900- q2fact(1)=mu2_f
2901- q2fact(2)=mu2_f
2902+ do n=0,nmemPDF(nn)
2903+ iwgt=iwgt+1
2904+ if ( then
2905+ write (*,*) 'ERROR too many weights in reweight_pdf',iwgt
2906+ & ,max_wgt
2907+ stop 1
2908+ endif
2909+ call InitPDFm(nn,n)
2910+ do i=1,icontr
2911+ nFKSprocess=nFKS(i)
2912+ xbk(1) = bjx(1,i)
2913+ xbk(2) = bjx(2,i)
2914+ mu2_q=scales2(1,i)
2915+ mu2_r=scales2(2,i)
2916+ mu2_f=scales2(3,i)
2917+ q2fact(1)=mu2_f
2918+ q2fact(2)=mu2_f
2919 c Compute the luminosity
2920- xlum = dlum()
2921+ xlum = dlum()
2922 c Recompute the strong coupling: alpha_s in the PDF might change
2923- g=sqrt(4d0*pi*alphas(sqrt(mu2_r)))
2924+ g=sqrt(4d0*pi*alphas(sqrt(mu2_r)))
2925 c add the weights to the array
2926- wgts(iwgt,i)=xlum * (wgt(1,i) + wgt(2,i)*log(mu2_r/mu2_q) +
2927- & wgt(3,i)*log(mu2_f/mu2_q))*g**QCDpower(i)
2928- wgts(iwgt,i)=wgts(iwgt,i)*
2929- & rwgt_muR_dep_fac(sqrt(mu2_r),sqrt(mu2_r))
2930+ wgts(iwgt,i)=xlum * (wgt(1,i) + wgt(2,i)*log(mu2_r/mu2_q)
2931+ $ +wgt(3,i)*log(mu2_f/mu2_q))*g**QCDpower(i)
2932+ wgts(iwgt,i)=wgts(iwgt,i)*
2933+ & rwgt_muR_dep_fac(sqrt(mu2_r),sqrt(mu2_r))
2934+ enddo
2935 enddo
2936 enddo
2937- call InitPDF(izero)
2938+ call InitPDFm(1,0)
2939 call cpu_time(tAfter)
2940 tr_pdf=tr_pdf+(tAfter-tBefore)
2941 return
2942@@ -6010,3 +6030,32 @@
2944 END
2947+ subroutine set_mu_central(ic,dd,c_mu2_r,c_mu2_f)
2948+ implicit none
2949+ include ''
2950+ include ''
2951+ include ''
2952+ include ''
2953+ integer ic,dd,i,j
2954+ double precision c_mu2_r,c_mu2_f,muR,muF,pp(0:3,nexternal)
2955+ if (dd.eq.1) then
2956+ c_mu2_r=scales2(2,ic)
2957+ c_mu2_f=scales2(3,ic)
2958+ else
2959+c need to recompute the scales using the momenta
2960+ dynamical_scale_choice=dyn_scale(dd)
2961+ do i=1,nexternal
2962+ do j=0,3
2963+ pp(j,i)=momenta(j,i,ic)
2964+ enddo
2965+ enddo
2966+ call set_ren_scale(pp,muR)
2967+ c_mu2_r=muR**2
2968+ call set_fac_scale(pp,muF)
2969+ c_mu2_f=muF**2
2970+c reset the default dynamical_scale_choice
2971+ dynamical_scale_choice=dyn_scale(1)
2972+ endif
2973+ return
2974+ end
2976=== modified file 'Template/NLO/SubProcesses/handling_lhe_events.f'
2977--- Template/NLO/SubProcesses/handling_lhe_events.f 2015-03-03 10:11:02 +0000
2978+++ Template/NLO/SubProcesses/handling_lhe_events.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
2979@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@
2980 integer event_id
2981 common /c_event_id/ event_id
2982 data event_id /-99/
2983- logical rwgt_skip
2984- common /crwgt_skip/ rwgt_skip
2985- data rwgt_skip /.false./
2986 integer nattr,npNLO,npLO
2987 common/event_attributes/nattr,npNLO,npLO
2988 data nattr,npNLO,npLO /0,-1,-1/
2989@@ -24,8 +21,12 @@
2991 subroutine write_lhef_header(ifile,nevents,MonteCarlo)
2992 implicit none
2993+ include ''
2994+ include ''
2995+ integer idwgt,kk,ii,jj,nn,n
2996 integer ifile,nevents
2997 character*10 MonteCarlo
2998+ character*13 temp
2999 c Scales
3000 character*80 muR_id_str,muF1_id_str,muF2_id_str,QES_id_str
3001 common/cscales_id_string/muR_id_str,muF1_id_str,
3002@@ -35,6 +36,63 @@
3003 # '<LesHouchesEvents version="3.0">'
3004 write(ifile,'(a)')
3005 # ' <!--'
3006+ if (do_rwgt_scale .or. do_rwgt_pdf) then
3007+ write(ifile,'(a)') ' <initrwgt>'
3008+ idwgt=1000
3009+ if (do_rwgt_scale) then
3010+ do kk=1,dyn_scale(0)
3011+ write(ifile,'(a,i4,a)')
3012+ & " <weightgroup name='scale_variation ",
3013+ & dyn_scale(kk),"' combine='envelope'>"
3014+ if (lscalevar(kk)) then
3015+ do ii=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
3016+ do jj=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
3017+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3018+ write(ifile,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,e11.5,a,e11.5,a)')
3019+ $ " <weight id='",idwgt,"'> dyn=",
3020+ $ dyn_scale(kk)," muR=",scalevarR(jj)," muF="
3021+ $ ,scalevarF(ii)," </weight>"
3022+ enddo
3023+ enddo
3024+ else
3025+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3026+ write(ifile,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,e11.5,a,e11.5,a)')
3027+ $ " <weight id='",idwgt,"'> dyn=",
3028+ $ dyn_scale(kk)," muR=",1d0 ," muF=",1d0
3029+ $ ," </weight>"
3030+ endif
3031+ write(ifile,'(a)') " </weightgroup>"
3032+ enddo
3033+ endif
3034+ if (do_rwgt_pdf) then
3035+ do nn=1,lhaPDFid(0)
3036+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
3037+ write(ifile,'(a)') " <weightgroup "/
3038+ & /"name='PDF_variation "/
3039+ & /trim(adjustl(lhaPDFsetname(nn)))/
3040+ & /"' combine='unknown'>"
3041+ do n=0,nmemPDF(nn)
3042+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3043+ write(temp,'(a4,i8)') "PDF=",lhaPDFid(nn)+n
3044+ write(ifile,'(a,i4,a)') " <weight id='" ,idwgt
3045+ $ ,"'> "//trim(adjustl(temp))//' '
3046+ $ //trim(adjustl(lhaPDFsetname(nn)))/
3047+ $ /" </weight>"
3048+ enddo
3049+ else
3050+ write(ifile,'(a)') " <weightgroup "/
3051+ & /"name='PDF_variation' combine='none'>"
3052+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3053+ write(temp,'(a4,i8)') "PDF=",lhaPDFid(nn)
3054+ write(ifile,'(a,i4,a)') " <weight id='" ,idwgt
3055+ $ ,"'> "//trim(adjustl(temp))//' '
3056+ $ //trim(adjustl(lhaPDFsetname(nn)))//" </weight>"
3057+ endif
3058+ write(ifile,'(a)') " </weightgroup>"
3059+ enddo
3060+ endif
3061+ write(ifile,'(a)') ' </initrwgt>'
3062+ endif
3063 write(ifile,'(a)')' <scalesfunctionalform>'
3064 write(ifile,'(a)')muR_id_str(1:len_trim(muR_id_str))
3065 write(ifile,'(a)')muF1_id_str(1:len_trim(muF1_id_str))
3066@@ -57,7 +115,7 @@
3068 subroutine write_lhef_header_banner(ifile,nevents,MonteCarlo,path)
3069 implicit none
3070- integer ifile, i, idwgt, nevents,iseed
3071+ integer ifile, i, idwgt, nevents,iseed,ii,jj,kk,nn,n
3072 double precision mcmass(-16:21)
3073 c parameter to allow to include
3074 include './'
3075@@ -66,6 +124,7 @@
3076 character*20 pdlabel
3077 integer iappl
3078 character*7 event_norm
3079+ character*13 temp
3080 c other parameter
3081 integer nevents_old
3082 character*80 muR_id_str,muF1_id_str,muF2_id_str,QES_id_str
3083@@ -74,9 +133,6 @@
3084 character*10 MonteCarlo
3085 character*100 path
3086 character*72 buffer,buffer_lc,buffer2
3087- logical rwgt_skip
3088- common /crwgt_skip/ rwgt_skip
3089- logical rwgt_skip_pdf,rwgt_skip_scales
3090 integer event_id
3091 common /c_event_id/ event_id
3092 include ''
3093@@ -107,12 +163,6 @@
3094 88 close(92)
3095 write(ifile,'(a)') ' </slha>'
3096 write(ifile,'(a)') ' <MGRunCard>'
3097- rwgt_skip_pdf=.true.
3098- rwgt_skip_scales=.true.
3099- rwgt_skip=.true.
3100- pdf_set_min=-1
3101- pdf_set_max=-1
3102- numscales=0
3103 c import the parameter from the run_card
3104 nevents_old = nevents
3105 include './'
3106@@ -126,14 +176,9 @@
3107 close(93)
3108 goto 95
3109 96 write (*,*) '"randinit" file not found in write_lhef_header_'/
3110- & /'banner: not overwriting iseed in event file header.'
3111+ & /'banner: not overwriting iseed in event file header.'
3112 c Scale variation
3113- 95 if (do_rwgt_scale.or.do_rwgt_pdf) rwgt_skip=.false.
3114- if (do_rwgt_scale) then
3115- rwgt_skip_scales = .false.
3116- numscales=3
3117- endif
3118- if (do_rwgt_pdf) rwgt_skip_pdf=.false.
3119+ 95 continue
3121 c copy the run_card as part of the banner.
3122 open (unit=92,file=path(1:index(path," ")-1)//'run_card.dat'
3123@@ -156,13 +201,6 @@
3124 write(ifile,'(a)') buffer
3125 enddo
3126 87 close(92)
3127- if ( ( .and. pdf_set_max.eq.-1) .or.
3128- & (pdf_set_min.eq.-1 .and. then
3129- write (*,*) 'Not consistent PDF reweigthing parameters'/
3130- $ /' found in the run_card.',pdf_set_min,pdf_set_max
3131- stop
3132- endif
3133- if (.not.rwgt_skip_pdf) numPDFpairs=(pdf_set_max-pdf_set_min+1)/2
3134 write(ifile,'(a)') ' </MGRunCard>'
3135 c Functional form of the scales
3136 write(ifile,'(a)') ' <scalesfunctionalform>'
3137@@ -183,51 +221,60 @@
3138 write (ifile,'(2x,i6,3x,e12.6)')21,mcmass(21)
3139 write(ifile,'(a)') ' </MonteCarloMasses>'
3140 c Write here the reweight information if need be
3141- if (.not.rwgt_skip) then
3142+ if (do_rwgt_scale .or. do_rwgt_pdf) then
3143 write(ifile,'(a)') ' <initrwgt>'
3144- if ( then
3145- if ( then
3146- write (*,*) 'Error in handling_lhe_events.f:'
3147- write (*,*) 'number of scale not equal to three'
3148- $ ,numscales
3149- stop
3150- endif
3151- write(ifile,'(a)') " <weightgroup "/
3152- & /"type='scale_variation' combine='envelope'>"
3153- write(ifile,602) " <weight id='1001'>"/
3154- $ /" muR=",1d0," muF=",1d0," </weight>"
3155- write(ifile,602) " <weight id='1002'>"/
3156- $ /" muR=",1d0," muF=",rw_Fscale_up," </weight>"
3157- write(ifile,602) " <weight id='1003'>"/
3158- $ /" muR=",1d0," muF=",rw_Fscale_down," </weight>"
3159- write(ifile,602) " <weight id='1004'>"/
3160- $ /" muR=",rw_Rscale_up," muF=",1d0," </weight>"
3161- write(ifile,602) " <weight id='1005'> muR="
3162- $ ,rw_Rscale_up," muF=",rw_Fscale_up," </weight>"
3163- write(ifile,602) " <weight id='1006'> muR="
3164- $ ,rw_Rscale_up," muF=",rw_Fscale_down," </weight>"
3165- write(ifile,602) " <weight id='1007'> muR="
3166- $ ,rw_Rscale_down," muF=",1d0," </weight>"
3167- write(ifile,602) " <weight id='1008'> muR="
3168- $ ,rw_Rscale_down," muF=",rw_Fscale_up," </weight>"
3169- write(ifile,602) " <weight id='1009'> muR="
3170- $ ,rw_Rscale_down," muF=",rw_Fscale_down," </weight>"
3171- write(ifile,'(a)') " </weightgroup>"
3172+ idwgt=1000
3173+ if (do_rwgt_scale) then
3174+ do kk=1,dyn_scale(0)
3175+ write(ifile,'(a,i4,a)')
3176+ & " <weightgroup name='scale_variation ",
3177+ & dyn_scale(kk),"' combine='envelope'>"
3178+ if (lscalevar(kk)) then
3179+ do ii=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
3180+ do jj=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
3181+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3182+ write(ifile,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,e11.5,a,e11.5,a)')
3183+ $ " <weight id='",idwgt,"'> dyn=",
3184+ $ dyn_scale(kk)," muR=",scalevarR(jj)," muF="
3185+ $ ,scalevarF(ii)," </weight>"
3186+ enddo
3187+ enddo
3188+ else
3189+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3190+ write(ifile,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,e11.5,a,e11.5,a)')
3191+ $ " <weight id='",idwgt,"'> dyn=",
3192+ $ dyn_scale(kk)," muR=",1d0 ," muF=",1d0
3193+ $ ," </weight>"
3194+ endif
3195+ write(ifile,'(a)') " </weightgroup>"
3196+ enddo
3197 endif
3198- if ( then
3199- if ( then ! MSTW & CTEQ
3200- write(ifile,'(a)') " <weightgroup "/
3201- & /"type='PDF_variation' combine='hessian'>"
3202- else ! NNPDF
3203- write(ifile,'(a)') " <weightgroup "/
3204- & /"type='PDF_variation' combine='gaussian'>"
3205- endif
3206- do i=1,numPDFpairs*2
3207- idwgt=2000+i
3208- write(ifile,'(a,i4,a,i6,a)') " <weight id='",idwgt,
3209- $ "'> pdfset=",pdf_set_min+(i-1)," </weight>"
3210+ if (do_rwgt_pdf) then
3211+ do nn=1,lhaPDFid(0)
3212+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
3213+ write(ifile,'(a)') " <weightgroup "/
3214+ & /"name='PDF_variation "/
3215+ & /trim(adjustl(lhaPDFsetname(nn)))/
3216+ & /"' combine='unknown'>"
3217+ do n=0,nmemPDF(nn)
3218+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3219+ write(temp,'(a4,i8)') "PDF=",lhaPDFid(nn)+n
3220+ write(ifile,'(a,i4,a)') " <weight id='" ,idwgt
3221+ $ ,"'> "//trim(adjustl(temp))//' '
3222+ $ //trim(adjustl(lhaPDFsetname(nn)))/
3223+ $ /" </weight>"
3224+ enddo
3225+ else
3226+ write(ifile,'(a)') " <weightgroup "/
3227+ & /"name='PDF_variation' combine='none'>"
3228+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3229+ write(temp,'(a4,i8)') "PDF=",lhaPDFid(nn)
3230+ write(ifile,'(a,i4,a)') " <weight id='" ,idwgt
3231+ $ ,"'> "//trim(adjustl(temp))//' '
3232+ $ //trim(adjustl(lhaPDFsetname(nn)))//" </weight>"
3233+ endif
3234+ write(ifile,'(a)') " </weightgroup>"
3235 enddo
3236- write(ifile,'(a)') " </weightgroup>"
3237 endif
3238 write(ifile,'(a)') ' </initrwgt>'
3239 endif
3240@@ -246,13 +293,16 @@
3241 & /' run_card.dat not found :',path(1:index(path," ")-1)
3242 & //'run_card.dat'
3243 stop
3244- 602 format(a,e11.5,a,e11.5,a)
3245 end
3248 subroutine read_lhef_header(ifile,nevents,MonteCarlo)
3249 implicit none
3250- integer ifile,nevents,i,ii,ii2,iistr
3251+ include ''
3252+ include './'
3253+ logical already_found
3254+ integer ifile,nevents,i,ii,ii2,iistr,itemp
3255+ double precision temp
3256 character*10 MonteCarlo
3257 character*80 string,string0
3258 character*3 event_norm
3259@@ -264,7 +314,7 @@
3260 MonteCarlo = ''
3261 c
3262 string=' '
3263- dowhile(' -->')
3264+ do while(' -->')
3265 string0=string
3266 if (index(string,'</header>').ne.0) return
3267 read(ifile,'(a)')string
3268@@ -285,13 +335,92 @@
3269 read(ifile,'(a)') muF2_id_str
3270 read(ifile,'(a)') QES_id_str
3271 endif
3272+c Find the reweight information for scale and PDF uncertainties
3273+ if (index(string,'<initrwgt>').ne.0) then
3274+ dyn_scale(0)=0
3275+ lhaPDFid(0)=0
3276+ lscalevar(1)=.false.
3277+ lpdfvar(1)=.false.
3278+ do_rwgt_scale=.false.
3279+ do_rwgt_pdf=.false.
3280+ do
3281+c find the start of a weightgroup
3282+ do
3283+ read(ifile,'(a)')string
3284+ if (index(string,'<weightgroup').ne.0) exit
3285+ if (index(string,'</initrwgt').ne.0) exit
3286+ enddo
3287+ if (index(string,"name='scale_variation").ne.0) then
3288+ do_rwgt_scale=.true.
3289+ dyn_scale(0)=dyn_scale(0)+1
3290+ read(ifile,'(a)')string
3291+ read(string(index(string,'dyn=')+4:),*)
3292+ $ dyn_scale(dyn_scale(0))
3293+ read(string(index(string,'muR=')+4:),*) scalevarR(1)
3294+ read(string(index(string,'muF=')+4:),*) scalevarF(1)
3295+ scalevarR(0)=1d0
3296+ scalevarF(0)=1d0
3297+ do
3298+ read(ifile,'(a)')string
3299+ if (index(string,'</weightgroup>').ne.0) exit
3300+ read(string(index(string,'muR=')+4:),*) temp
3301+ already_found=.false.
3302+ do i=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
3303+ if (temp.eq.scalevarR(i)) already_found=.true.
3304+ enddo
3305+ if (.not.already_found) then
3306+ scalevarR(0)=scalevarR(0)+1d0
3307+ scalevarR(nint(scalevarR(0)))=temp
3308+ endif
3309+ read(string(index(string,'muF=')+4:),*) temp
3310+ already_found=.false.
3311+ do i=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
3312+ if (temp.eq.scalevarF(i)) already_found=.true.
3313+ enddo
3314+ if (.not.already_found) then
3315+ scalevarF(0)=scalevarF(0)+1d0
3316+ scalevarF(nint(scalevarF(0)))=temp
3317+ endif
3318+ enddo
3319+ if (scalevarR(0).gt.1d0 .or. scalevarF(0).gt.1d0) then
3320+ lscalevar(dyn_scale(0))=.true.
3321+ else
3322+ lscalevar(dyn_scale(0))=.false.
3323+ endif
3324+ elseif (index(string,"name='PDF_variation").ne.0) then
3325+ do_rwgt_pdf=.true.
3326+ lhaPDFid(0)=lhaPDFid(0)+1
3327+ nmemPDF(lhaPDFid(0))=-1
3328+ do
3329+ read(ifile,'(a)')string
3330+ if (index(string,'</weightgroup>').ne.0) exit
3331+ nmemPDF(lhaPDFid(0))=nmemPDF(lhaPDFid(0))+1
3332+ if (nmemPDF(lhaPDFid(0)).eq.0) then
3333+ read(string(index(string,'PDF=')+4:),*)
3334+ $ lhaPDFid(lhaPDFid(0))
3335+ $ ,lhaPDFsetname(lhaPDFid(0))
3336+ lhaPDFsetname(lhaPDFid(0))
3337+ $ =trim(adjustl(lhaPDFsetname(lhaPDFid(0))))
3338+ endif
3339+ enddo
3340+ if (nmemPDF(lhaPDFid(0)).gt.0) then
3341+ lpdfvar(lhaPDFid(0))=.true.
3342+ else
3343+ lpdfvar(lhaPDFid(0))=.false.
3344+ endif
3345+ elseif (index(string,'</initrwgt').ne.0) then
3346+ exit
3347+ endif
3348+ enddo
3349+ endif
3350 enddo
3352 c Works only if the name of the MC is the last line of the comments
3353 MonteCarlo=string0(1:10)
3354 call case_trap4(10,MonteCarlo)
3355 c Here we are at the end of (user-defined) comments. Now go to end
3356 c of headers
3357- dowhile(index(string,'</header>').eq.0)
3358+ do while(index(string,'</header>').eq.0)
3359 string0=string
3360 read(ifile,'(a)')string
3361 enddo
3362@@ -325,7 +454,7 @@
3363 itempPDF=0
3364 c
3365 string=' '
3366- dowhile(' -->')
3367+ do while(' -->')
3368 string0=string
3369 if (index(string,'</header>').ne.0) return
3370 read(ifile,'(a)')string
3371@@ -344,7 +473,7 @@
3372 if( index(string,'<montecarlomasses>').ne.0 .or.
3373 # index(string,'<MonteCarloMasses>').ne.0 )then
3374 read(ifile,'(a)')string
3375- dowhile( index(string,'</montecarlomasses>').eq.0 .and.
3376+ do while( index(string,'</montecarlomasses>').eq.0 .and.
3377 # index(string,'</MonteCarloMasses>').eq.0 )
3378 read(string,*)ipart,temp
3379 if(
3380@@ -356,23 +485,30 @@
3381 read(ifile,'(a)')string
3382 enddo
3383 endif
3384- if( index(string,'scale_variation').ne.0 )then
3385- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3386- itempsc=1
3387- dowhile( index(string,'</weightgroup>').eq.0 )
3388- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3389- itempsc=itempsc+1
3390- enddo
3391- itempsc=itempsc-1
3392- endif
3393- if( index(string,'PDF_variation').ne.0 )then
3394- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3395- itempPDF=1
3396- dowhile( index(string,'</weightgroup>').eq.0 )
3397- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3398- itempPDF=itempPDF+1
3399- enddo
3400- itempPDF=itempPDF-1
3401+c Find the reweight information for scale and PDF uncertainties
3402+ if (index(string,'<initrwgt>').ne.0) then
3403+ do
3404+ do
3405+ read(ifile,'(a)')string
3406+ if (index(string,'<weightgroup').ne.0) exit
3407+ if (index(string,'</initrwgt').ne.0) exit
3408+ enddo
3409+ if (index(string,"name='scale_variation").eq.0) then
3410+ do
3411+ read(ifile,'(a)')string
3412+ if (index(string,'</weightgroup>').ne.0) exit
3413+ itempsc=itempsc+1
3414+ enddo
3415+ elseif (index(string,"name='PDF_variation").eq.0) then
3416+ do
3417+ read(ifile,'(a)')string
3418+ if (index(string,'</weightgroup>').ne.0) exit
3419+ itempsc=itempsc+1
3420+ enddo
3421+ elseif (index(string,'</initrwgt').ne.0) then
3422+ exit
3423+ endif
3424+ enddo
3425 endif
3426 if(index(string,'<scalesfunctionalform>').ne.0) then
3427 read(ifile,'(a)') muR_id_str
3428@@ -386,7 +522,7 @@
3429 call case_trap4(10,MonteCarlo)
3430 c Here we are at the end of (user-defined) comments. Now go to end
3431 c of headers
3432- dowhile(index(string,'</header>').eq.0)
3433+ do while(index(string,'</header>').eq.0)
3434 string0=string
3435 read(ifile,'(a)')string
3436 enddo
3437@@ -465,14 +601,12 @@
3439 # PUP(5,*),VTIMUP(*),SPINUP(*)
3440 character*140 buff
3441- integer ifile,i
3442+ integer ifile,i,kk
3443 character*9 ch1
3444 integer isorh_lhe,ifks_lhe,jfks_lhe,fksfather_lhe,ipartner_lhe
3445 double precision scale1_lhe,scale2_lhe
3446 integer ii,j,nps,nng,iFKS,idwgt
3447 double precision wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin,wgtpdfmax
3448- logical rwgt_skip
3449- common /crwgt_skip/ rwgt_skip
3450 integer event_id
3451 common /c_event_id/ event_id
3452 integer i_process
3453@@ -480,6 +614,7 @@
3454 integer nattr,npNLO,npLO
3455 common/event_attributes/nattr,npNLO,npLO
3456 include ''
3457+ include './'
3458 include ''
3459 c if event_id is zero or positive (that means that there was a call
3460 c to write_lhef_header_banner) update it and write it
3461@@ -539,129 +674,14 @@
3462 # PUP(1,I),PUP(2,I),PUP(3,I),PUP(4,I),PUP(5,I),
3464 enddo
3465- if(buff(1:1).eq.'#' .and. .not.rwgt_skip) then
3466+ if(buff(1:1).eq.'#' .and. (do_rwgt_scale .or. do_rwgt_pdf)) then
3467 write(ifile,'(a)') buff(1:len_trim(buff))
3468 read(buff,*)ch1,iSorH_lhe,ifks_lhe,jfks_lhe,
3469 # fksfather_lhe,ipartner_lhe,
3470 # scale1_lhe,scale2_lhe,
3471 # jwgtinfo,mexternal,iwgtnumpartn,
3472 # wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin,wgtpdfmax
3473- if(
3474- write(ifile,'(a)') ' <rwgt>'
3475- write(ifile,401)wgtref,wgtqes2(2)
3476- write(ifile,402)wgtxbj(1,1),wgtxbj(2,1),
3477- # wgtxbj(1,2),wgtxbj(2,2),
3478- # wgtxbj(1,3),wgtxbj(2,3),
3479- # wgtxbj(1,4),wgtxbj(2,4)
3480- if(jwgtinfo.eq.1)then
3481- write(ifile,403)wgtmuR2(1),wgtmuF12(1),wgtmuF22(1),
3482- # wgtmuR2(2),wgtmuF12(2),wgtmuF22(2)
3483- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.2)then
3484- ii=iSorH_lhe+1
3485- if(ii.eq.3)ii=1
3486- write(ifile,404)wgtmuR2(ii),wgtmuF12(ii),wgtmuF22(ii)
3487- do i=1,mexternal
3488- write(ifile,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,iSorH_lhe),j=0,3)
3489- enddo
3490- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.3 .or. jwgtinfo.eq.4)then
3491- do i=1,mexternal
3492- write(ifile,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,1),j=0,3)
3493- enddo
3494- do i=1,mexternal
3495- write(ifile,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,2),j=0,3)
3496- enddo
3497- endif
3498- write(ifile,441)wgtwreal(1),wgtwreal(2),
3499- # wgtwreal(3),wgtwreal(4)
3500- write(ifile,441)wgtwdeg(3),wgtwdeg(4),
3501- # wgtwdegmuf(3),wgtwdegmuf(4)
3502- write(ifile,405)wgtwborn(2),wgtwns(2),
3503- # wgtwnsmuf(2),wgtwnsmur(2)
3504- do i=1,iwgtnumpartn
3505- write(ifile,442)wgtwmcxsecE(i),
3506- # wgtmcxbjE(1,i),wgtmcxbjE(2,i)
3507- enddo
3508- if(jwgtinfo.eq.4) write(ifile,
3509- f '(1x,e14.8,1x,e14.8,1x,i4,1x,i4)')
3510- & wgtbpower,wgtcpower,nFKSprocess_used,nFKSprocess_used_born
3511- write(ifile,'(a)') ' </rwgt>'
3512- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.5) then
3513- write(ifile,'(a)')' <rwgt>'
3514- if (iSorH_lhe.eq.1) then ! S-event
3515- write(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,e14.8,i4,i4)')
3516- f wgtbpower,wgtcpower,nScontributions,i_process
3517- write(ifile,'(1x,i4,1x,e14.8)') nFKSprocess_used_born
3518- & ,wgtref_nbody_all(i_process)
3519- do i=1,mexternal
3520- write(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,2,0),j=0,3)
3521- enddo
3522- write(ifile,402) wgtxbj_all(1,2,0),wgtxbj_all(2,2,0)
3523- write(ifile,'(1x,e14.8)') wgtqes2_all(2,0)
3524- write(ifile,405)wgtwborn_all,wgtwns_all,
3525- & wgtwnsmuf_all,wgtwnsmur_all
3526- write(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(2,0),wgtmuF12_all(2,0)
3527- $ ,wgtmuF22_all(2,0)
3528- do ii=1,nScontributions
3529- write(ifile,'(1x,i4)') nFKSprocess_reweight(ii)
3530- iFKS=nFKSprocess_reweight(ii)*2-1
3531- write(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,i4)')
3532- & wgtref_all(iFKS,i_process),iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
3533- do i=1,mexternal
3534- write(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,1,iFKS),j=0,3)
3535- enddo
3536- write(ifile,402)
3537- & wgtxbj_all(1,1,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,1,iFKS),
3538- & wgtxbj_all(1,2,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,2,iFKS),
3539- & wgtxbj_all(1,3,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,3,iFKS),
3540- & wgtxbj_all(1,4,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,4,iFKS)
3541- write(ifile,'(1x,e14.8)') wgtqes2_all(2,iFKS)
3542- write(ifile,441)wgtwreal_all(1,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(2
3543- & ,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(3,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(4,iFKS)
3544- write(ifile,441)wgtwdeg_all(3,iFKS),wgtwdeg_all(4,iFKS)
3545- & ,wgtwdegmuf_all(3,iFKS),wgtwdegmuf_all(4,iFKS)
3546- do i=1,iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
3547- write(ifile,442)wgtwmcxsec_all(i,iFKS),
3548- & wgtmcxbj_all(1,i,iFKS),wgtmcxbj_all(2,i,iFKS)
3549- enddo
3550- write(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(1,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(1
3551- $ ,iFKS),wgtmuF22_all(1,iFKS)
3552- write(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(2,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(2
3553- $ ,iFKS),wgtmuF22_all(2,iFKS)
3554- enddo
3555- elseif (iSorH_lhe.eq.2) then ! H-event
3556- write(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,e14.8,i4)')
3557- f wgtbpower,wgtcpower,i_process
3558- iFKS=nFKSprocess_used*2
3559- write(ifile,'(1x,i4)') nFKSprocess_used
3560- write(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,i4)') wgtref_all(iFKS,i_process)
3561- & ,iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
3562- do i=1,mexternal
3563- write(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,1,iFKS),j=0,3)
3564- enddo
3565- do i=1,mexternal
3566- write(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,2,iFKS),j=0,3)
3567- enddo
3568- write(ifile,402)
3569- & wgtxbj_all(1,1,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,1,iFKS),
3570- & wgtxbj_all(1,2,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,2,iFKS),
3571- & wgtxbj_all(1,3,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,3,iFKS),
3572- & wgtxbj_all(1,4,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,4,iFKS)
3573- write(ifile,441)wgtwreal_all(1,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(2
3574- & ,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(3,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(4,iFKS)
3575- do i=1,iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
3576- write(ifile,442)wgtwmcxsec_all(i,iFKS),
3577- & wgtmcxbj_all(1,i,iFKS),wgtmcxbj_all(2,i,iFKS)
3578- enddo
3579- write(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(1,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(1,iFKS)
3580- $ ,wgtmuF22_all(1,iFKS)
3581- write(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(2,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(2,iFKS)
3582- $ ,wgtmuF22_all(2,iFKS)
3583- else
3584- write (*,*) 'Not an S- or H-event in write_lhef_event'
3585- stop
3586- endif
3587- write(ifile,'(a)')' </rwgt>'
3588- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.-5) then
3589+ if(jwgtinfo.eq.-5) then
3590 write(ifile,'(a)')' <rwgt>'
3591 write (ifile,'(1x,d16.10,3(1x,i4))') wgtref,n_ctr_found
3592 & ,n_mom_conf,nint(wgtcpower)
3593@@ -685,34 +705,47 @@
3595 enddo
3596 write(ifile,'(a)')' </unlops>'
3597- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.8)then
3598- write(ifile,'(a)') ' <rwgt>'
3599- write(ifile,406)wgtref,wgtxsecmu(1,1),numscales,numPDFpairs
3600- do i=1,numscales
3601- write(ifile,404)(wgtxsecmu(i,j),j=1,numscales)
3602- enddo
3603- do i=1,numPDFpairs
3604- nps=2*i-1
3605- nng=2*i
3606- write(ifile,404)wgtxsecPDF(nps),wgtxsecPDF(nng)
3607- enddo
3608- write(ifile,'(a)') ' </rwgt>'
3610 elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.9)then
3611- write(ifile,'(a)') ' <rwgt>'
3612- do i=1,numscales
3613- do j=1,numscales
3614- idwgt=1000+(i-1)*numscales+j
3615- write(ifile,601) " <wgt id='",idwgt,"'>",wgtxsecmu(i
3616- $ ,j)," </wgt>"
3617- enddo
3618- enddo
3619- do i=1,2*numPDFpairs
3620- idwgt=2000+i
3621- write(ifile,601) " <wgt id='",idwgt,"'>",wgtxsecPDF(i)
3622- $ ," </wgt>"
3623- enddo
3624- write(ifile,'(a)') ' </rwgt>'
3625+ if (do_rwgt_scale .or. do_rwgt_pdf) then
3626+ write(ifile,'(a)') ' <rwgt>'
3627+ idwgt=1000
3628+ if (do_rwgt_scale) then
3629+ do kk=1,dyn_scale(0)
3630+ if (lscalevar(kk)) then
3631+ do i=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
3632+ do j=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
3633+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3634+ write(ifile,601) " <wgt id='",idwgt,"'>"
3635+ $ ,wgtxsecmu(j,i,kk)," </wgt>"
3636+ enddo
3637+ enddo
3638+ else
3639+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3640+ write(ifile,601) " <wgt id='",idwgt,"'>"
3641+ $ ,wgtxsecmu(1,1,kk)," </wgt>"
3642+ endif
3643+ enddo
3644+ endif
3645+ if (do_rwgt_pdf) then
3646+ do j=1,lhaPDFid(0)
3647+ if (lpdfvar(j)) then
3648+ do i=0,nmemPDF(j)
3649+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3650+ write(ifile,601) " <wgt id='",idwgt,"'>"
3651+ $ ,wgtxsecPDF(i,j)," </wgt>"
3652+ enddo
3653+ else
3654+ idwgt=idwgt+1
3655+ write(ifile,601) " <wgt id='",idwgt,"'>"
3656+ $ ,wgtxsecPDF(0,j)," </wgt>"
3657+ endif
3658+ enddo
3659+ endif
3660+ write(ifile,'(a)') ' </rwgt>'
3661+ endif
3662+ else
3663+ write(*,*) 'Unknown jwgtinfo in handling_lhe_events',jwgtinfo
3664+ stop
3665 endif
3666 endif
3667 write(ifile,'(a)') ' </event>'
3668@@ -739,7 +772,7 @@
3671 # PUP(5,*),VTIMUP(*),SPINUP(*)
3672- integer ifile,i
3673+ integer ifile,i,kk
3674 character*140 buff
3675 character*80 string
3676 character*12 dummy12
3677@@ -755,6 +788,7 @@
3678 common/event_attributes/nattr,npNLO,npLO
3679 include ''
3680 include ''
3681+ include ''
3682 c
3683 read(ifile,'(a)')string
3684 nattr=0
3685@@ -783,128 +817,7 @@
3686 # jwgtinfo,mexternal,iwgtnumpartn,
3687 # wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin,wgtpdfmax
3689- if(
3690- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3691- read(ifile,401)wgtref,wgtqes2(2)
3692- read(ifile,402)wgtxbj(1,1),wgtxbj(2,1),
3693- # wgtxbj(1,2),wgtxbj(2,2),
3694- # wgtxbj(1,3),wgtxbj(2,3),
3695- # wgtxbj(1,4),wgtxbj(2,4)
3696- if(jwgtinfo.eq.1)then
3697- read(ifile,403)wgtmuR2(1),wgtmuF12(1),wgtmuF22(1),
3698- # wgtmuR2(2),wgtmuF12(2),wgtmuF22(2)
3699- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.2)then
3700- ii=iSorH_lhe+1
3701- if(ii.eq.3)ii=1
3702- read(ifile,404)wgtmuR2(ii),wgtmuF12(ii),wgtmuF22(ii)
3703- do i=1,mexternal
3704- read(ifile,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,iSorH_lhe),j=0,3)
3705- enddo
3706- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.3 .or. jwgtinfo.eq.4)then
3707- do i=1,mexternal
3708- read(ifile,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,1),j=0,3)
3709- enddo
3710- do i=1,mexternal
3711- read(ifile,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,2),j=0,3)
3712- enddo
3713- endif
3714- read(ifile,441)wgtwreal(1),wgtwreal(2),
3715- # wgtwreal(3),wgtwreal(4)
3716- read(ifile,441)wgtwdeg(3),wgtwdeg(4),
3717- # wgtwdegmuf(3),wgtwdegmuf(4)
3718- read(ifile,405)wgtwborn(2),wgtwns(2),
3719- # wgtwnsmuf(2),wgtwnsmur(2)
3720- do i=1,iwgtnumpartn
3721- read(ifile,442)wgtwmcxsecE(i),
3722- # wgtmcxbjE(1,i),wgtmcxbjE(2,i)
3723- enddo
3724- if(jwgtinfo.eq.4) read(ifile,
3725- f '(1x,e14.8,1x,e14.8,1x,i4,1x,i4)')
3726- & wgtbpower,wgtcpower,nFKSprocess_used,nFKSprocess_used_born
3727- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3728- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.5) then
3729- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3730- if (iSorH_lhe.eq.1) then ! S-event
3731- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,e14.8,i4,i4)')
3732- f wgtbpower,wgtcpower,nScontributions
3733- $ ,i_process
3734- read(ifile,'(1x,i4,1x,e14.8)') nFKSprocess_used_born
3735- & ,wgtref_nbody_all(i_process)
3736- do i=1,mexternal
3737- read(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,2,0),j=0,3)
3738- enddo
3739- read(ifile,402) wgtxbj_all(1,2,0),wgtxbj_all(2,2,0)
3740- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8)') wgtqes2_all(2,0)
3741- read(ifile,405)wgtwborn_all,wgtwns_all,
3742- & wgtwnsmuf_all,wgtwnsmur_all
3743- read(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(2,0),wgtmuF12_all(2,0)
3744- $ ,wgtmuF22_all(2,0)
3745- do ii=1,nScontributions
3746- read(ifile,'(1x,i4)') nFKSprocess_reweight(ii)
3747- iFKS=nFKSprocess_reweight(ii)*2-1
3748- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,i4)') wgtref_all(iFKS
3749- $ ,i_process),iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
3750- do i=1,mexternal
3751- read(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,1,iFKS),j=0,3)
3752- enddo
3753- do i=1,mexternal
3754- do j=0,3
3755- wgtkin_all(j,i,2,iFKS)=wgtkin_all(j,i,2,0)
3756- enddo
3757- enddo
3758- read(ifile,402)
3759- & wgtxbj_all(1,1,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,1,iFKS),
3760- & wgtxbj_all(1,2,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,2,iFKS),
3761- & wgtxbj_all(1,3,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,3,iFKS),
3762- & wgtxbj_all(1,4,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,4,iFKS)
3763- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8)') wgtqes2_all(2,iFKS)
3764- read(ifile,441)wgtwreal_all(1,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(2
3765- & ,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(3,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(4,iFKS)
3766- read(ifile,441)wgtwdeg_all(3,iFKS),wgtwdeg_all(4,iFKS)
3767- & ,wgtwdegmuf_all(3,iFKS),wgtwdegmuf_all(4,iFKS)
3768- do i=1,iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
3769- read(ifile,442)wgtwmcxsec_all(i,iFKS),
3770- & wgtmcxbj_all(1,i,iFKS),wgtmcxbj_all(2,i,iFKS)
3771- enddo
3772- read(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(1,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(1
3773- $ ,iFKS),wgtmuF22_all(1,iFKS)
3774- read(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(2,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(2
3775- $ ,iFKS),wgtmuF22_all(2,iFKS)
3776- enddo
3777- elseif (iSorH_lhe.eq.2) then ! H-event
3778- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,e14.8,i4)')
3779- f wgtbpower,wgtcpower,i_process
3780- read(ifile,'(1x,i4)') nFKSprocess_used
3781- iFKS=nFKSprocess_used*2
3782- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,i4)') wgtref_all(iFKS,i_process)
3783- $ ,iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
3784- do i=1,mexternal
3785- read(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,1,iFKS),j=0,3)
3786- enddo
3787- do i=1,mexternal
3788- read(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,2,iFKS),j=0,3)
3789- enddo
3790- read(ifile,402)
3791- & wgtxbj_all(1,1,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,1,iFKS),
3792- & wgtxbj_all(1,2,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,2,iFKS),
3793- & wgtxbj_all(1,3,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,3,iFKS),
3794- & wgtxbj_all(1,4,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,4,iFKS)
3795- read(ifile,441)wgtwreal_all(1,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(2
3796- & ,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(3,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(4,iFKS)
3797- do i=1,iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
3798- read(ifile,442)wgtwmcxsec_all(i,iFKS),
3799- & wgtmcxbj_all(1,i,iFKS),wgtmcxbj_all(2,i,iFKS)
3800- enddo
3801- read(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(1,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(1,iFKS)
3802- $ ,wgtmuF22_all(1,iFKS)
3803- read(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(2,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(2,iFKS)
3804- $ ,wgtmuF22_all(2,iFKS)
3805- else
3806- write (*,*) 'Not an S- or H-event in write_lhef_event'
3807- stop
3808- endif
3809- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3810- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.-5) then
3811+ if(jwgtinfo.eq.-5) then
3812 read(ifile,'(a)')string
3813 read(ifile,*) wgtref,n_ctr_found,n_mom_conf,wgtcpower
3814 do i=1,n_mom_conf
3815@@ -916,7 +829,7 @@
3816 read (ifile,'(a)') n_ctr_str(i)
3817 enddo
3818 read(ifile,'(a)')string
3819- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.15) then
3820+ elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.15) then
3821 read(ifile,'(a)') string
3822 read(ifile,*)NUP_H
3823 do i=1,NUP_H
3824@@ -926,33 +839,39 @@
3826 enddo
3827 read(ifile,'(a)') string
3828- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.8)then
3829- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3830- read(ifile,406)wgtref,wgtxsecmu(1,1),numscales,numPDFpairs
3831- do i=1,numscales
3832- read(ifile,404)(wgtxsecmu(i,j),j=1,numscales)
3833- enddo
3834- do i=1,numPDFpairs
3835- nps=2*i-1
3836- nng=2*i
3837- read(ifile,404)wgtxsecPDF(nps),wgtxsecPDF(nng)
3838- enddo
3839- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3840 elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.9)then
3841- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3842- wgtref=XWGTUP
3843- do i=1,numscales
3844- do j=1,numscales
3845- call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecmu(i,j))
3846- enddo
3847- enddo
3848- do i=1,2*numPDFpairs
3849- call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecPDF(i))
3850- enddo
3851- if (numscales.eq.0 .and. then
3852- wgtxsecmu(1,1)=XWGTUP
3853+ if (do_rwgt_scale .or. do_rwgt_pdf) then
3854+ read(ifile,'(a)')string
3855+ wgtref=XWGTUP
3856+ if (do_rwgt_scale) then
3857+ do kk=1,dyn_scale(0)
3858+ if (lscalevar(kk)) then
3859+ do i=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
3860+ do j=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
3861+ call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecmu(j,i,kk))
3862+ enddo
3863+ enddo
3864+ else
3865+ call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecmu(1,1,kk))
3866+ endif
3867+ enddo
3868+ endif
3869+ if (do_rwgt_pdf) then
3870+ do j=1,lhaPDFid(0)
3871+ if (lpdfvar(j)) then
3872+ do i=0,nmemPDF(j)
3873+ call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecPDF(i,j))
3874+ enddo
3875+ else
3876+ call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecPDF(0,j))
3877+ endif
3878+ enddo
3879+ endif
3880+ read(ifile,'(a)')string
3881 endif
3882- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3883+ else
3884+ write(*,*) 'Unknown jwgtinfo in handling_lhe_events',jwgtinfo
3885+ stop
3886 endif
3887 read(ifile,'(a)')string
3888 else
3889@@ -982,7 +901,7 @@
3892 # PUP(5,*),VTIMUP(*),SPINUP(*)
3893- integer ifile,i
3894+ integer ifile,i,kk
3895 character*140 buff
3896 character*80 string
3897 character*12 dummy12
3898@@ -998,6 +917,7 @@
3899 common/event_attributes/nattr,npNLO,npLO
3900 include ''
3901 include ''
3902+ include ''
3903 c
3904 read(ifile,'(a)')string
3905 if(index(string,'<event').eq.0)then
3906@@ -1035,128 +955,7 @@
3907 # scale1_lhe,scale2_lhe,
3908 # jwgtinfo,mexternal,iwgtnumpartn,
3909 # wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin,wgtpdfmax
3910- if(
3911- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3912- read(ifile,401)wgtref,wgtqes2(2)
3913- read(ifile,402)wgtxbj(1,1),wgtxbj(2,1),
3914- # wgtxbj(1,2),wgtxbj(2,2),
3915- # wgtxbj(1,3),wgtxbj(2,3),
3916- # wgtxbj(1,4),wgtxbj(2,4)
3917- if(jwgtinfo.eq.1)then
3918- read(ifile,403)wgtmuR2(1),wgtmuF12(1),wgtmuF22(1),
3919- # wgtmuR2(2),wgtmuF12(2),wgtmuF22(2)
3920- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.2)then
3921- ii=iSorH_lhe+1
3922- if(ii.eq.3)ii=1
3923- read(ifile,404)wgtmuR2(ii),wgtmuF12(ii),wgtmuF22(ii)
3924- do i=1,mexternal
3925- read(ifile,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,iSorH_lhe),j=0,3)
3926- enddo
3927- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.3 .or. jwgtinfo.eq.4)then
3928- do i=1,mexternal
3929- read(ifile,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,1),j=0,3)
3930- enddo
3931- do i=1,mexternal
3932- read(ifile,405)(wgtkinE(j,i,2),j=0,3)
3933- enddo
3934- endif
3935- read(ifile,441)wgtwreal(1),wgtwreal(2),
3936- # wgtwreal(3),wgtwreal(4)
3937- read(ifile,441)wgtwdeg(3),wgtwdeg(4),
3938- # wgtwdegmuf(3),wgtwdegmuf(4)
3939- read(ifile,405)wgtwborn(2),wgtwns(2),
3940- # wgtwnsmuf(2),wgtwnsmur(2)
3941- do i=1,iwgtnumpartn
3942- read(ifile,442)wgtwmcxsecE(i),
3943- # wgtmcxbjE(1,i),wgtmcxbjE(2,i)
3944- enddo
3945- if(jwgtinfo.eq.4) read(ifile,
3946- f '(1x,e14.8,1x,e14.8,1x,i4,1x,i4)')
3947- & wgtbpower,wgtcpower,nFKSprocess_used,nFKSprocess_used_born
3948- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3949- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.5) then
3950- read(ifile,'(a)')string
3951- if (iSorH_lhe.eq.1) then ! S-event
3952- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,e14.8,i4,i4)')
3953- f wgtbpower,wgtcpower,nScontributions
3954- $ ,i_process
3955- read(ifile,'(1x,i4,1x,e14.8)') nFKSprocess_used_born
3956- & ,wgtref_nbody_all(i_process)
3957- do i=1,mexternal
3958- read(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,2,0),j=0,3)
3959- enddo
3960- read(ifile,402) wgtxbj_all(1,2,0),wgtxbj_all(2,2,0)
3961- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8)') wgtqes2_all(2,0)
3962- read(ifile,405)wgtwborn_all,wgtwns_all,
3963- & wgtwnsmuf_all,wgtwnsmur_all
3964- read(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(2,0),wgtmuF12_all(2,0)
3965- $ ,wgtmuF22_all(2,0)
3966- do ii=1,nScontributions
3967- read(ifile,'(1x,i4)') nFKSprocess_reweight(ii)
3968- iFKS=nFKSprocess_reweight(ii)*2-1
3969- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,i4)') wgtref_all(iFKS
3970- $ ,i_process),iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
3971- do i=1,mexternal
3972- read(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,1,iFKS),j=0,3)
3973- enddo
3974- do i=1,mexternal
3975- do j=0,3
3976- wgtkin_all(j,i,2,iFKS)=wgtkin_all(j,i,2,0)
3977- enddo
3978- enddo
3979- read(ifile,402)
3980- & wgtxbj_all(1,1,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,1,iFKS),
3981- & wgtxbj_all(1,2,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,2,iFKS),
3982- & wgtxbj_all(1,3,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,3,iFKS),
3983- & wgtxbj_all(1,4,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,4,iFKS)
3984- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8)') wgtqes2_all(2,iFKS)
3985- read(ifile,441)wgtwreal_all(1,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(2
3986- & ,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(3,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(4,iFKS)
3987- read(ifile,441)wgtwdeg_all(3,iFKS),wgtwdeg_all(4,iFKS)
3988- & ,wgtwdegmuf_all(3,iFKS),wgtwdegmuf_all(4,iFKS)
3989- do i=1,iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
3990- read(ifile,442)wgtwmcxsec_all(i,iFKS),
3991- & wgtmcxbj_all(1,i,iFKS),wgtmcxbj_all(2,i,iFKS)
3992- enddo
3993- read(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(1,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(1
3994- $ ,iFKS),wgtmuF22_all(1,iFKS)
3995- read(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(2,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(2
3996- $ ,iFKS),wgtmuF22_all(2,iFKS)
3997- enddo
3998- elseif (iSorH_lhe.eq.2) then ! H-event
3999- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,e14.8,i4)')
4000- f wgtbpower,wgtcpower,i_process
4001- read(ifile,'(1x,i4)') nFKSprocess_used
4002- iFKS=nFKSprocess_used*2
4003- read(ifile,'(1x,e14.8,1x,i4)') wgtref_all(iFKS,i_process)
4004- & ,iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
4005- do i=1,mexternal
4006- read(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,1,iFKS),j=0,3)
4007- enddo
4008- do i=1,mexternal
4009- read(ifile,405)(wgtkin_all(j,i,2,iFKS),j=0,3)
4010- enddo
4011- read(ifile,402)
4012- & wgtxbj_all(1,1,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,1,iFKS),
4013- & wgtxbj_all(1,2,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,2,iFKS),
4014- & wgtxbj_all(1,3,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,3,iFKS),
4015- & wgtxbj_all(1,4,iFKS),wgtxbj_all(2,4,iFKS)
4016- read(ifile,441)wgtwreal_all(1,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(2
4017- & ,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(3,iFKS),wgtwreal_all(4,iFKS)
4018- do i=1,iwgtnumpartn_all(iFKS)
4019- read(ifile,442)wgtwmcxsec_all(i,iFKS),
4020- & wgtmcxbj_all(1,i,iFKS),wgtmcxbj_all(2,i,iFKS)
4021- enddo
4022- read(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(1,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(1,iFKS)
4023- $ ,wgtmuF22_all(1,iFKS)
4024- read(ifile,404) wgtmuR2_all(2,iFKS),wgtmuF12_all(2,iFKS)
4025- $ ,wgtmuF22_all(2,iFKS)
4026- else
4027- write (*,*) 'Not an S- or H-event in write_lhef_event'
4028- stop
4029- endif
4030- read(ifile,'(a)')string
4031- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.-5) then
4032+ if(jwgtinfo.eq.-5) then
4033 read(ifile,'(a)')string
4034 read(ifile,*) wgtref,n_ctr_found,n_mom_conf,wgtcpower
4035 do i=1,n_mom_conf
4036@@ -1168,7 +967,7 @@
4037 read (ifile,'(a)') n_ctr_str(i)
4038 enddo
4039 read(ifile,'(a)')string
4040- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.15) then
4041+ elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.15) then
4042 read(ifile,'(a)') string
4043 read(ifile,*)NUP_H
4044 do i=1,NUP_H
4045@@ -1178,33 +977,39 @@
4047 enddo
4048 read(ifile,'(a)') string
4049- elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.8)then
4050- read(ifile,'(a)')string
4051- read(ifile,406)wgtref,wgtxsecmu(1,1),numscales,numPDFpairs
4052- do i=1,numscales
4053- read(ifile,404)(wgtxsecmu(i,j),j=1,numscales)
4054- enddo
4055- do i=1,numPDFpairs
4056- nps=2*i-1
4057- nng=2*i
4058- read(ifile,404)wgtxsecPDF(nps),wgtxsecPDF(nng)
4059- enddo
4060- read(ifile,'(a)')string
4061 elseif(jwgtinfo.eq.9)then
4062- read(ifile,'(a)')string
4063- wgtref=XWGTUP
4064- do i=1,numscales
4065- do j=1,numscales
4066- call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecmu(i,j))
4067- enddo
4068- enddo
4069- do i=1,2*numPDFpairs
4070- call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecPDF(i))
4071- enddo
4072- if (numscales.eq.0 .and. then
4073- wgtxsecmu(1,1)=XWGTUP
4074+ if (do_rwgt_scale .or. do_rwgt_pdf) then
4075+ read(ifile,'(a)')string
4076+ wgtref=XWGTUP
4077+ if (do_rwgt_scale) then
4078+ do kk=1,dyn_scale(0)
4079+ if (lscalevar(kk)) then
4080+ do i=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
4081+ do j=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
4082+ call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecmu(j,i,kk))
4083+ enddo
4084+ enddo
4085+ else
4086+ call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecmu(1,1,kk))
4087+ endif
4088+ enddo
4089+ endif
4090+ if (do_rwgt_pdf) then
4091+ do j=1,lhaPDFid(0)
4092+ if (lpdfvar(j)) then
4093+ do i=0,nmemPDF(j)
4094+ call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecPDF(i,j))
4095+ enddo
4096+ else
4097+ call read_rwgt_line(ifile,idwgt,wgtxsecPDF(0,j))
4098+ endif
4099+ enddo
4100+ endif
4101+ read(ifile,'(a)')string
4102 endif
4103- read(ifile,'(a)')string
4104+ else
4105+ write(*,*) 'Unknown jwgtinfo in handling_lhe_events',jwgtinfo
4106+ stop
4107 endif
4108 read(ifile,'(a)')string
4109 else
4110@@ -1266,7 +1071,6 @@
4112 function iistr(string)
4113 c returns the position of the first non-blank character in string
4115 implicit none
4116 logical is_i
4117 character*(*) string
4119=== modified file 'Template/NLO/SubProcesses/madfks_plot.f'
4120--- Template/NLO/SubProcesses/madfks_plot.f 2015-12-16 16:13:10 +0000
4121+++ Template/NLO/SubProcesses/madfks_plot.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
4122@@ -6,77 +6,92 @@
4123 include ''
4124 integer nwgt,max_weight
4125 parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
4126- character*15 weights_info(max_weight)
4127- integer i,npdfs,ii,jj,n
4128- double precision xsecScale_acc(maxscales,maxscales)
4129- $ ,xsecPDFr_acc(0:maxPDFs)
4130+ character*50 weights_info(max_weight)
4131+ character*13 temp
4132+ integer i,npdfs,ii,jj,n,kk,nn
4133+ double precision xsecScale_acc(maxscales,maxscales,maxdynscales)
4134+ $ ,xsecPDFr_acc(0:maxPDFs,maxPDFsets)
4135 common /scale_pdf_print/xsecScale_acc,xsecPDFr_acc
4136 integer iappl
4137 common /for_applgrid/ iappl
4138 include ""
4140 nwgt=1
4141- weights_info(nwgt)=" central value"
4142+ weights_info(nwgt)="central value "
4143 if (do_rwgt_scale) then
4144- nwgt=nwgt+9
4145- if ( then
4146- write (*,*) 'ERROR #1 in initplot:',numscales
4147- stop 1
4148- endif
4149- if ( then
4150-c Renormalisation and factorisation scale uncertainties
4151- write (weights_info(nwgt-8),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4152- & "muR=",1.0,"muF=",1d0
4153- write (weights_info(nwgt-7),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4154- & "muR=",1.0,"muF=",rw_Fscale_up
4155- write (weights_info(nwgt-6),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4156- & "muR=",1.0,"muF=",rw_Fscale_down
4157- write (weights_info(nwgt-5),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4158- & "muR=",rw_Rscale_up,"muF=",1d0
4159- write (weights_info(nwgt-4),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4160- & "muR=",rw_Rscale_up,"muF=",rw_Fscale_up
4161- write (weights_info(nwgt-3),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4162- & "muR=",rw_Rscale_up,"muF=",rw_Fscale_down
4163- write (weights_info(nwgt-2),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4164- & "muR=",rw_Rscale_down,"muF=",1d0
4165- write (weights_info(nwgt-1),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4166- & "muR=",rw_Rscale_down,"muF=",rw_Fscale_up
4167- write (weights_info(nwgt ),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4168- & "muR=",rw_Rscale_down,"muF=",rw_Fscale_down
4169- else
4170-c Soft and Hard scale variations for NLO+NNLO jet veto
4171- write (weights_info(nwgt-8),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4172- & "muS=",1.0,"muH=",1.0
4173- write (weights_info(nwgt-7),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4174- & "muS=",1.0,"muH=",2.0
4175- write (weights_info(nwgt-6),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4176- & "muS=",1.0,"muH=",0.5
4177- write (weights_info(nwgt-5),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4178- & "muS=",2.0,"muH=",1.0
4179- write (weights_info(nwgt-4),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4180- & "muS=",2.0,"muH=",2.0
4181- write (weights_info(nwgt-3),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4182- & "muS=",2.0,"muH=",0.5
4183- write (weights_info(nwgt-2),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4184- & "muS=",0.5,"muH=",1.0
4185- write (weights_info(nwgt-1),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4186- & "muS=",0.5,"muH=",2.0
4187- write (weights_info(nwgt ),'(a4,f3.1,x,a4,f3.1)')
4188- & "muS=",0.5,"muH=",0.5
4189- endif
4190+ do kk=1,dyn_scale(0)
4191+c set the weights_info string for scale variations
4192+ if (lscalevar(kk)) then
4193+ do ii=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
4194+ do jj=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
4195+ nwgt=nwgt+1
4196+ if ( then
4197+ write(weights_info(nwgt),
4198+ & '(a4,i4,x,a4,f6.3,x,a4,f6.3)')
4199+ $ "dyn=",dyn_scale(kk),"muR=",scalevarR(jj)
4200+ $ ,"muF=",scalevarF(ii)
4201+ else
4202+ write(weights_info(nwgt),
4203+ & '(a4,i4,x,a4,f6.3,x,a4,f6.3)')
4204+ $ "dyn=",dyn_scale(kk),"muS=",scalevarR(jj)
4205+ $ ,"muH=",scalevarF(ii)
4206+ endif
4207+ enddo
4208+ enddo
4209+ else
4210+ nwgt=nwgt+1
4211+ if ( then
4212+ write(weights_info(nwgt),'(a4,i4,x,a4,f6.3,x,a4,f6.3)')
4213+ $ "dyn=",dyn_scale(kk),"muR=",scalevarR(1)
4214+ $ ,"muF=",scalevarF(1)
4215+ else
4216+ write(weights_info(nwgt),'(a4,i4,x,a4,f6.3,x,a4,f6.3)')
4217+ $ "dyn=",dyn_scale(kk),"muS=",scalevarR(1)
4218+ $ ,"muH=",scalevarF(1)
4219+ endif
4220+ endif
4221+ enddo
4222 endif
4223 if (do_rwgt_pdf) then
4224- npdfs=pdf_set_max-pdf_set_min+1
4225- if ( then
4226- write (*,*) "ERROR in initplot: "/
4227- $ /"too many PDFs in reweighting"
4228- stop 1
4229- endif
4230- do i=1,npdfs
4231- write(weights_info(nwgt+i),'(a4,i8,a3)')
4232- & 'PDF=',pdf_set_min-1+i,' '
4233+ do nn=1,lhaPDFid(0)
4234+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
4235+ write (*,*) "Including central PDF with "/
4236+ $ /"uncertainties for "//lhaPDFsetname(nn)
4237+ else
4238+ write (*,*) "Including central PDF for "
4239+ $ //lhaPDFsetname(nn)
4240+ endif
4241+c Load all the PDF sets (the 1st one has already by loaded by the call
4242+c to "setrun")
4243+ if ( then
4244+ call initpdfsetbynamem(nn,lhaPDFsetname(nn))
4245+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
4246+ call numberPDFm(nn,nmemPDF(nn))
4247+ else
4248+ nmemPDF(nn)=0
4249+ endif
4250+ endif
4251+ if(nmemPDF(nn)
4252+ write(*,*)'Too many PDFs: increase maxPDFs in '/
4253+ $ /' to ',numPDFs+1
4254+ stop
4255+ endif
4256+c set the weights_info string for PDF variation
4257+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
4258+ do n=0,nmemPDF(nn)
4259+ nwgt=nwgt+1
4260+ write(temp,'(a4,i8)') "PDF=",lhaPDFid(nn)+n
4261+ write(weights_info(nwgt),'(a)') trim(adjustl(temp))/
4262+ $ /' '//trim(adjustl(lhaPDFsetname(nn)))
4263+ enddo
4264+ else
4265+ nwgt=nwgt+1
4266+ write(temp,'(a4,i8)') "PDF=",lhaPDFid(nn)
4267+ write(weights_info(nwgt),'(a)') trim(adjustl(temp))/
4268+ $ /' '//trim(adjustl(lhaPDFsetname(nn)))
4269+ endif
4270 enddo
4271- nwgt=nwgt+npdfs
4272+c start with central member of the first set
4273+ call InitPDFm(1,0)
4274 endif
4275 if(
4276 c Initialize grid parameters to negative values.
4277@@ -91,13 +106,25 @@
4278 endif
4279 call analysis_begin(nwgt,weights_info)
4280 c To keep track of the accumulated results:
4281- do ii=1,numscales
4282- do jj=1,numscales
4283- xsecScale_acc(jj,ii)=0d0
4284- enddo
4285+ do kk=1,dyn_scale(0)
4286+ if (lscalevar(kk)) then
4287+ do ii=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
4288+ do jj=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
4289+ xsecScale_acc(jj,ii,kk)=0d0
4290+ enddo
4291+ enddo
4292+ else
4293+ xsecScale_acc(1,1,kk)=0d0
4294+ endif
4295 enddo
4296- do n=0,npdfs
4297- xsecPDFr_acc(n)=0d0
4298+ do nn=1,lhaPDFid(0)
4299+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
4300+ do n=0,nmemPDF(nn)
4301+ xsecPDFr_acc(n,nn)=0d0
4302+ enddo
4303+ else
4304+ xsecPDFr_acc(0,nn)=0d0
4305+ endif
4306 enddo
4307 return
4308 end
4309@@ -107,8 +134,8 @@
4310 implicit none
4311 include ""
4312 include ''
4313- include ''
4314- integer ii,jj,n
4315+ include ''
4316+ integer ii,jj,n,kk,nn
4317 logical usexinteg,mint
4318 common/cusexinteg/usexinteg,mint
4319 integer itmax,ncall
4320@@ -116,8 +143,8 @@
4321 logical useitmax
4322 common/cuseitmax/useitmax
4323 real*8 xnorm
4324- double precision xsecScale_acc(maxscales,maxscales)
4325- $ ,xsecPDFr_acc(0:maxPDFs)
4326+ double precision xsecScale_acc(maxscales,maxscales,maxdynscales)
4327+ $ ,xsecPDFr_acc(0:maxPDFs,maxPDFsets)
4328 common /scale_pdf_print/xsecScale_acc,xsecPDFr_acc
4329 integer iappl
4330 common /for_applgrid/ iappl
4331@@ -137,19 +164,32 @@
4332 c Write the accumulated results to a file
4333 open (unit=34,file='scale_pdf_dependence.dat',status='unknown')
4334 if (.not.useitmax) xnorm=xnorm/float(itmax)
4335- write (34,*) numscales**2
4336- if ( then
4337- write (34,*) ((xsecScale_acc(ii,jj)*xnorm,ii=1
4338- $ ,numscales),jj=1,numscales)
4339- else
4340- write (34,*) ''
4341+ if (do_rwgt_scale) then
4342+ write (34,*) "scale variations:"
4343+ do kk=1,dyn_scale(0)
4344+ if (lscalevar(kk)) then
4345+ write (34,*) dyn_scale(kk),nint(scalevarR(0))
4346+ $ ,nint(scalevarF(0))
4347+ write (34,*) ((xsecScale_acc(jj,ii,kk)*xnorm,jj=1
4348+ $ ,nint(scalevarR(0))),ii=1,nint(scalevarF(0)))
4349+ else
4350+ write (34,*) dyn_scale(kk),1,1
4351+ write (34,*) xsecScale_acc(1,1,kk)*xnorm
4352+ endif
4353+ enddo
4354 endif
4355- if ( then
4356- write (34,*) numPDFs
4357- write (34,*) (xsecPDFr_acc(n)*xnorm,n=0,numPDFs-1)
4358- else
4359- write(34,*) numPDFs
4360- write (34,*) ''
4361+ if (do_rwgt_pdf) then
4362+ write (34,*) "pdf variations:"
4363+ do nn=1,lhaPDFid(0)
4364+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
4365+ write (34,*) trim(adjustl(lhaPDFsetname(nn))),
4366+ $ nmemPDF(nn)+1
4367+ write (34,*) (xsecPDFr_acc(n,nn)*xnorm,n=0,nmemPDF(nn))
4368+ else
4369+ write(34,*) lhaPDFsetname(nn),nmemPDF(nn) + 1
4370+ write (34,*) xsecPDFr_acc(0,nn)*xnorm
4371+ endif
4372+ enddo
4373 endif
4374 close(34)
4375 return
4376@@ -185,7 +225,7 @@
4377 integer itype
4378 double precision p(0:4,nexternal),pplab(0:3,nexternal),chybst
4379 $ ,shybst,chybstmo
4380- integer i,j,ibody,i_wgt
4381+ integer i,j,ibody,i_wgt,ii,jj,kk,n,nn
4382 double precision xd(3)
4383 data (xd(i),i=1,3) /0d0,0d0,1d0/
4384 integer istatus(nexternal),iPDG(nexternal)
4385@@ -199,8 +239,8 @@
4386 integer nwgt,max_weight
4387 parameter (max_weight=maxscales*maxscales+maxpdfs+1)
4388 double precision www(max_weight),wgtden,ratio
4389- double precision xsecScale_acc(maxscales,maxscales)
4390- $ ,xsecPDFr_acc(0:maxPDFs)
4391+ double precision xsecScale_acc(maxscales,maxscales,maxdynscales)
4392+ $ ,xsecPDFr_acc(0:maxPDFs,maxPDFsets)
4393 common /scale_pdf_print/xsecScale_acc,xsecPDFr_acc
4394 integer iappl
4395 common /for_applgrid/ iappl
4396@@ -243,18 +283,33 @@
4397 c Fill the accumulated results
4398 i_wgt=1
4399 if (do_rwgt_scale) then
4400- do i=1,numscales
4401- do j=1,numscales
4402+ do kk=1,dyn_scale(0)
4403+ if (lscalevar(kk)) then
4404+ do ii=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
4405+ do jj=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
4406+ i_wgt=i_wgt+1
4407+ xsecScale_acc(jj,ii,kk)=xsecScale_acc(jj,ii,kk)
4408+ $ +www(i_wgt)
4409+ enddo
4410+ enddo
4411+ else
4412 i_wgt=i_wgt+1
4413- xsecScale_acc(i,j)=xsecScale_acc(i,j)+www(i_wgt)
4414- enddo
4415+ xsecScale_acc(1,1,kk)=xsecScale_acc(1,1,kk)
4416+ $ +www(i_wgt)
4417+ endif
4418 enddo
4419 endif
4420 if (do_rwgt_pdf) then
4421- xsecPDFr_acc(0)=xsecPDFr_acc(0)+www(1)
4422- do i=1,numPDFs-1
4423- i_wgt=i_wgt+1
4424- xsecPDFr_acc(i)=xsecPDFr_acc(i)+www(i_wgt)
4425+ do nn=1,lhaPDFid(0)
4426+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
4427+ do n=0,nmemPDF(nn)
4428+ i_wgt=i_wgt+1
4429+ xsecPDFr_acc(n,nn)=xsecPDFr_acc(n,nn)+www(i_wgt)
4430+ enddo
4431+ else
4432+ i_wgt=i_wgt+1
4433+ xsecPDFr_acc(0,nn)=xsecPDFr_acc(0,nn)+www(i_wgt)
4434+ endif
4435 enddo
4436 endif
4437 999 return
4439=== modified file 'Template/NLO/SubProcesses/makefile'
4440--- Template/NLO/SubProcesses/makefile 2016-02-19 09:48:51 +0000
4441+++ Template/NLO/SubProcesses/makefile 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
4442@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@
4443 $(FC) $(LDFLAGS) -o split40 $(SPLIT40)
4445 collect_events: $(COLLECT_EVENTS)
4446+<<<<<<< TREE
4447 $(FC) $(LDFLAGS) -o collect_events $(COLLECT_EVENTS) $(LINKLIBS)
4448 rm handling_lhe_events.o
4450+ $(FC) $(LDFLAGS) -o collect_events $(COLLECT_EVENTS)
4451+ rm handling_lhe_events.o
4452+>>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE
4455=== modified file 'Template/NLO/SubProcesses/'
4456--- Template/NLO/SubProcesses/ 2015-03-03 17:09:53 +0000
4457+++ Template/NLO/SubProcesses/ 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
4458@@ -65,16 +65,28 @@
4459 c Cross sections after variations of scales and PDFs
4460 c
4461 integer maxscales,maxPDFs
4462- parameter (maxscales=3)
4463+ parameter (maxscales=9)
4464 parameter (maxPDFs=200)
4466+c New format to allow for multiple PDF sets and scales (both functional form
4467+c and normal)
4468+ integer maxPDFsets, maxdynscales
4469+ parameter (maxPDFsets=10,maxdynscales=10)
4470+ integer lhaPDFid(0:maxPDFsets),nmemPDF(maxPDFsets)
4471+ $ ,dyn_scale(0:maxdynscales)
4472+ logical lscalevar(maxdynscales),lpdfvar(maxPDFsets)
4473+ character*100 LHAPDFsetname(maxPDFsets)
4474+ double precision scalevarR(0:maxscales),scalevarF(0:maxscales)
4475+ common/new_format_scale_pdf/LHAPDFsetname,scalevarR,scalevarF
4476+ $ ,lhaPDFid,nmemPDF,dyn_scale,lscalevar,lpdfvar
4478 c Number of scale factors (for each scale) and PDF error pairs
4479- integer numscales,numPDFpairs
4480- common/cwgxsec1/numscales,numPDFpairs
4481+ integer numscales,numPDFpairs,numPDFs
4482+ common/cwgxsec1/numscales,numPDFpairs,numPDFs
4484 c Cross sections at different scales and PDFs
4485- double precision wgtxsecmu(maxscales,maxscales),
4486- # wgtxsecPDF(0:maxPDFs)
4487+ double precision wgtxsecmu(maxscales,maxscales,maxdynscales),
4488+ # wgtxsecPDF(0:maxPDFs,maxPDFsets)
4489 common/cwgxsec2/wgtxsecmu,wgtxsecPDF
4491 c Cross sections at different scales and PDFs, for NLO computations
4492@@ -136,3 +148,8 @@
4493 character*1024 n_ctr_str(max_n_ctr)
4494 double precision momenta_str(0:3,maxparticles,max_n_ctr)
4495 common /c_rwgt_lines/n_ctr_str,momenta_str,n_ctr_found,n_mom_conf
4497+ integer max_weight_shower
4498+ parameter (max_weight_shower=1024)
4502=== modified file 'Template/NLO/SubProcesses/'
4503--- Template/NLO/SubProcesses/ 2013-10-29 11:45:05 +0000
4504+++ Template/NLO/SubProcesses/ 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
4505@@ -14,8 +14,3 @@
4506 c in the computation, but this condition may be relaxed
4507 integer idpdf(0:maxPDFs)
4508 common/cNLOrwgt3/idpdf
4510-c Total number of PDFs used in the computation (ilastPDF-ifirstPDF+2),
4511-c including the central one
4512- integer numPDFs
4513- common/cNLOrwgt4/numPDFs
4515=== modified file 'Template/NLO/SubProcesses/reweight_xsec_events.f'
4516--- Template/NLO/SubProcesses/reweight_xsec_events.f 2015-08-19 12:50:52 +0000
4517+++ Template/NLO/SubProcesses/reweight_xsec_events.f 2016-03-04 16:01:53 +0000
4518@@ -6,54 +6,40 @@
4519 c and PDF variations
4520 c Compile with makefile_rwgt
4521 implicit none
4522- include ""
4523- include ""
4524- include ""
4525+ include ""
4526 include ""
4527- include ""
4528- character*7 pdlabel,epa_label
4529- integer lhaid
4530+ integer i,ii,jj,kk,isave,idpdf(0:maxPDFs),itmp,lef,ifile,maxevt
4531+ $ ,iSorH_lhe,ifks_lhe,jfks_lhe,fksfather_lhe,ipartner_lhe
4532+ $ ,kwgtinfo,kexternal,jwgtnumpartn,ofile,kf,kr,n,nn
4533+ double precision yfactR(maxscales),yfactF(maxscales),value(20)
4534+ $ ,scale1_lhe,scale2_lhe,wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin
4535+ $ ,wgtpdfmax,saved_weight,xsecPDFr_acc(0:maxPDFs,maxPDFsets)
4536+ $ ,xsecScale_acc(maxscales,maxscales,maxdynscales)
4537+ logical AddInfoLHE,unweighted
4538+ character*9 ch1
4539+ character*10 MonteCarlo
4540+ character*20 parm(20)
4541+ character*80 event_file,fname1
4542+ character*140 buff
4543+c Parameters
4544+ integer izero
4545+ parameter (izero=0)
4546+c Common blocks
4547+ character*7 pdlabel,epa_label
4548+ integer lhaid
4549 common/to_pdf/lhaid,pdlabel,epa_label
4550- integer maxevt,ifile,ofile,i,jj,isave,ii
4551- double precision saved_weight
4552- logical unweighted
4553+c Les Houches Event File info:
4555 double precision EBMUP(2),XSECUP,XERRUP,XMAXUP
4562- integer isorh_lhe,ifks_lhe,jfks_lhe,fksfather_lhe,ipartner_lhe
4563- double precision scale1_lhe,scale2_lhe,percentage
4564- integer kwgtinfo,kexternal,jwgtnumpartn
4565- double precision wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin,wgtpdfmax
4566- double precision xmuR_over_ref,xmuF1_over_ref,xmuF2_over_ref,
4567- # xQES_over_ref,pr_muR_over_ref,pr_muF1_over_ref,pr_muF2_over_ref,
4568- # tmp,yfactR(maxscales),yfactF(maxscales),xsecPDFr(0:maxPDFs)
4569- double precision xsecPDFr_acc(0:maxPDFs),xsecScale_acc(maxscales
4570- $ ,maxscales)
4571- double precision compute_rwgt_wgt_Sev,compute_rwgt_wgt_Sev_nbody
4572- & ,compute_rwgt_wgt_Hev
4573- integer kr,kf,n,nng,nps,npairs,nsets,izero,itmp,idpdf(0:maxPDFs)
4574- parameter (izero=0)
4575- integer lef
4576- character*80 event_file,fname1
4577- character*140 buff
4578- character*10 MonteCarlo
4579- character*9 ch1
4580- character*20 parm(20)
4581- double precision value(20)
4582- logical AddInfoLHE
4583- external compute_rwgt_wgt_Sev,compute_rwgt_wgt_Sev_nbody
4584- & ,compute_rwgt_wgt_Hev
4585- integer i_process
4586- common/c_i_process/i_process
4588+ $ ,ICOLUP(2,MAXNUP)
4591 c
4592 call setrun !Sets up run parameters
4595 write(*,*) 'Enter event file name'
4596 read(*,*) event_file
4598@@ -66,74 +52,51 @@
4599 isave=0
4600 endif
4603- xQES_over_ref=QES_over_ref
4604- xmuR_over_ref=muR_over_ref
4605- xmuF1_over_ref=muF1_over_ref
4606- xmuF2_over_ref=muF2_over_ref
4607- write(*,*) 'Using:'
4608- write(*,*) 'QES_over_ref: ', xQES_over_ref
4609- write(*,*) 'muR_over_ref: ', xmuR_over_ref
4610- write(*,*) 'muF1_over_ref: ', xmuF1_over_ref
4611- write(*,*) 'muF2_over_ref: ', xmuF2_over_ref
4612- if (xmuF1_over_ref .ne. xmuF2_over_ref) then
4613- write(*,*) "The variables muF1_over_ref and muF2_over_ref" //
4614- 1 " have to be set equal in the run_card.dat." //
4615- 1 " Run cannot continue, quitting..."
4616- stop
4617- endif
4619 if(do_rwgt_scale)then
4620- yfactR(1)=1.d0
4621- yfactR(2)=rw_Rscale_up
4622- yfactR(3)=rw_Rscale_down
4623- yfactF(1)=1.d0
4624- yfactF(2)=rw_Fscale_up
4625- yfactF(3)=rw_Fscale_down
4626- write(*,*) 'Doing scale reweight:'
4627- write(*,*) rw_Fscale_down, ' < mu_F < ', rw_Fscale_up
4628- write(*,*) rw_Rscale_down, ' < mu_R < ', rw_Rscale_up
4629- numscales=3
4630- else
4631- numscales=0
4632+ do nn=1,dyn_scale(0)
4633+ if (lscalevar(nn)) then
4634+ write (*,*) "Including scale uncertainties for"/
4635+ $ /" dynamical_scale_choice",dyn_scale(nn)
4636+ write (*,*) " - renormalisation scale variation:"
4637+ $ ,(scalevarR(i),i=1,nint(scalevarR(0)))
4638+ write (*,*) " - factorisation scale variation:"
4639+ $ ,(scalevarF(i),i=1,nint(scalevarF(0)))
4640+ else
4641+ write (*,*) "Including central value for"/
4642+ $ /" dynamical_scale_choice",dyn_scale(nn)
4643+ endif
4644+ enddo
4645 endif
4647-c Note: when ipdf#0, the central PDF set will be used also as a reference
4648-c for the scale uncertainty
4649 if(do_rwgt_pdf)then
4651- idpdf(0)=lhaid
4652- idpdf(1)=pdf_set_min
4653- itmp=pdf_set_max
4654- nsets=itmp-idpdf(1)+1
4655- write(*,*) 'Doing PDF reweight:'
4656- write(*,*) 'Central set id: ', idpdf(0)
4657- write(*,*) 'Min error set id: ', idpdf(1)
4658- write(*,*) 'Max error set id: ', itmp
4659- if(mod(nsets,2).ne.0)then
4660- write(*,*)'The number of error sets must be even',nsets
4661- stop
4662- else
4663- npairs=nsets/2
4664- endif
4665- do i=2,nsets
4666- idpdf(i)=idpdf(1)+i-1
4667- enddo
4668- if(
4669- write(*,*)'Too many PDFs: increase maxPDFs in'
4670- stop
4671- endif
4673- value(1)=idpdf(0)
4674- parm(1)='DEFAULT'
4675- call pdfset(parm,value)
4677- numPDFpairs=npairs
4678- else
4679- numPDFpairs=0
4680+ do nn=1,lhaPDFid(0)
4681+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
4682+ write (*,*) "Including central PDF with "/
4683+ $ /"uncertainties for "//lhaPDFsetname(nn)
4684+ else
4685+ write (*,*) "Including central PDF for "
4686+ $ //lhaPDFsetname(nn)
4687+ endif
4688+c Load all the PDF sets (the 1st one has already by loaded by the call
4689+c to "setrun")
4690+ if ( then
4691+ call initpdfsetbynamem(nn,lhaPDFsetname(nn))
4692+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
4693+ call numberPDFm(nn,nmemPDF(nn))
4694+ else
4695+ nmemPDF(nn)=0
4696+ endif
4697+ endif
4698+ if(nmemPDF(nn)
4699+ write(*,*)'Too many PDFs: increase maxPDFs in '/
4700+ $ /' to ',numPDFs+1
4701+ stop
4702+ endif
4703+ enddo
4704+c start with central member of the first set
4705+ call InitPDFm(1,0)
4706 endif
4708-c$$$ call fk88strcat(event_file,'.rwgt',fname1)
4709 lef=index(event_file,' ')-1
4710 fname1=event_file(1:lef)//'.rwgt'
4712@@ -147,23 +110,21 @@
4715 do i=1,min(10,maxevt)
4716- call read_lhef_event(ifile,
4720- if(buff(1:1).ne.'#')then
4721- write(*,*)'This event file cannot be reweighted [1]',i
4722- stop
4723- endif
4724- read(buff,*)ch1,iSorH_lhe,ifks_lhe,jfks_lhe,
4725- # fksfather_lhe,ipartner_lhe,
4726- # scale1_lhe,scale2_lhe,
4727- # kwgtinfo,kexternal,jwgtnumpartn,
4728- # wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin,wgtpdfmax
4729- if(( .and.
4730- write(*,*)'This event file cannot be reweighted [2]',i
4731- write(*,*)kwgtinfo
4732- stop 1
4733+ call read_lhef_event(ifile,
4736+ if(buff(1:1).ne.'#')then
4737+ write (*,*) 'This event file cannot be reweighted [1]',i
4738+ stop
4739+ endif
4740+ read(buff,*)ch1,iSorH_lhe,ifks_lhe,jfks_lhe,fksfather_lhe
4741+ $ ,ipartner_lhe,scale1_lhe,scale2_lhe,kwgtinfo,kexternal
4742+ $ ,jwgtnumpartn,wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin
4743+ $ ,wgtpdfmax
4744+ if(
4745+ write (*,*) 'This event file cannot be reweighted [2]',i
4746+ write (*,*) kwgtinfo
4747+ stop 1
4748 endif
4749 if(i.eq.1)then
4750 saved_weight=abs(XWGTUP)
4751@@ -198,29 +159,34 @@
4754 c To keep track of the accumulated results:
4755- do ii=1,numscales
4756- do jj=1,numscales
4757- xsecScale_acc(jj,ii)=0d0
4758- enddo
4759- enddo
4760- do n=0,nsets
4761- xsecPDFr_acc(n)=0d0
4762- enddo
4764- nScontributions=1
4765+ do kk=1,dyn_scale(0)
4766+ if (lscalevar(kk)) then
4767+ do ii=1,nint(scalevarF(0))
4768+ do jj=1,nint(scalevarR(0))
4769+ xsecScale_acc(jj,ii,kk)=0d0
4770+ enddo
4771+ enddo
4772+ else
4773+ xsecScale_acc(1,1,kk)=0d0
4774+ endif
4775+ enddo
4776+ do nn=1,lhaPDFid(0)
4777+ if (lpdfvar(nn)) then
4778+ do n=0,nmemPDF(nn)
4779+ xsecPDFr_acc(n,nn)=0d0
4780+ enddo
4781+ else
4782+ xsecPDFr_acc(0,nn)=0d0
4783+ endif
4784+ enddo
4785+ nScontributions=1
4787 c Determine the flavor map between the NLO and Born
4788 call find_iproc_map()
4792 do i=1,maxevt
4795 call read_lhef_event(ifile,
4799 if(buff(1:1).ne.'#')then
4800 write(*,*)'This event file cannot be reweighted [3]',i
4801 stop
4802@@ -230,246 +196,78 @@
4803 $ ,jwgtnumpartn,wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin
4804 $ ,wgtpdfmax
4806- if ( then
4807- call reweight_fill_extra_inverse()
4809- if(
4810- write(*,*)'This event file cannot be reweighted [4]',i
4811- write(*,*)kwgtinfo
4812- stop
4813- endif
4814- if(
4815- #
4816- #
4817- write(*,*)'This event file was already reweighted',i
4818- write(*,*)wgtcentral,wgtmumin,wgtmumax,wgtpdfmin,wgtpdfmax
4819- stop
4820- endif
4822- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5) call reweight_settozero()
4824- if(do_rwgt_scale)then
4826- wgtmumin=1.d40
4827- wgtmumax=-1.d40
4829- do kr=1,3
4830- do kf=1,3
4831- wgtref=0d0
4832- pr_muR_over_ref=xmuR_over_ref*yfactR(kr)
4833- pr_muF1_over_ref=xmuF1_over_ref*yfactF(kf)
4834- pr_muF2_over_ref=pr_muF1_over_ref
4835- wgtxsecmu(kr,kf)=0d0
4836- if(iSorH_lhe.eq.1)then
4837-c The nbody contributions
4838- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5) then
4839- call fill_reweight0inc_nbody(i_process)
4840- wgtxsecmu(kr,kf)=wgtxsecmu(kr,kf)
4841- & +compute_rwgt_wgt_Sev_nbody(pr_muR_over_ref
4842- & ,pr_muF1_over_ref, pr_muF2_over_ref
4843- & ,xQES_over_ref, kwgtinfo)
4844- call reweight_settozero()
4845- endif
4846- do ii=1,nScontributions
4847- nFKSprocess_used=nFKSprocess_reweight(ii)
4848- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5)
4849- & call fill_reweight0inc(nFKSprocess_used*2-1
4850- $ ,i_process)
4851- wgtxsecmu(kr,kf)=wgtxsecmu(kr,kf)+
4852- & compute_rwgt_wgt_Sev(pr_muR_over_ref
4853- & ,pr_muF1_over_ref, pr_muF2_over_ref
4854- & ,xQES_over_ref, kwgtinfo)
4855- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5) call reweight_settozero()
4856- enddo
4857- elseif(iSorH_lhe.eq.2)then
4858- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5)
4859- & call fill_reweight0inc(nFKSprocess_used*2,
4860- & i_process)
4861- wgtxsecmu(kr,kf)=wgtxsecmu(kr,kf)+
4862- & compute_rwgt_wgt_Hev(pr_muR_over_ref
4863- & ,pr_muF1_over_ref, pr_muF2_over_ref
4864- & ,xQES_over_ref, kwgtinfo)
4865- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5) call reweight_settozero()
4866- else
4867- write(*,*)'Invalid value of iSorH_lhe',iSorH_lhe
4868- stop
4869- endif
4871- tmp=wgtxsecmu(kr,kf)
4872- if(
4873- if(
4874- enddo
4875- enddo
4877- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5) then
4878- if (iSorH_lhe.eq.1) then
4879- wgtref=wgtref_nbody_all(i_process)
4880- do ii=1,nScontributions
4881- wgtref=wgtref+ wgtref_all(nFKSprocess_reweight(ii)*2
4882- $ -1,i_process)
4883- enddo
4884- else
4885- wgtref=wgtref_all(nFKSprocess_used*2,i_process)
4886- endif
4887- endif
4889- if(unweighted)then
4890- wgtcentral=wgtxsecmu(1,1)/wgtref
4891- wgtmumin=wgtmumin/wgtref
4892- wgtmumax=wgtmumax/wgtref
4893- else
4894- wgtcentral=wgtxsecmu(1,1)
4895- endif
4897- endif
4899- if(do_rwgt_pdf)then
4901- do n=0,nsets
4902- wgtref=0d0
4903- call InitPDF(n)
4904- wgtxsecPDF(n)=0d0
4906- if(iSorH_lhe.eq.1)then
4907-c The nbody contributions
4908- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5) then
4909- call fill_reweight0inc_nbody(i_process)
4910- wgtxsecPDF(n)=wgtxsecPDF(n)
4911- $ +compute_rwgt_wgt_Sev_nbody(xmuR_over_ref
4912- $ ,xmuF1_over_ref, xmuF2_over_ref ,xQES_over_ref,
4913- $ kwgtinfo)
4914- call reweight_settozero()
4915- endif
4916- do ii=1,nScontributions
4917- nFKSprocess_used=nFKSprocess_reweight(ii)
4918- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5)
4919- & call fill_reweight0inc(nFKSprocess_used*2-1
4920- $ ,i_process)
4921- wgtxsecPDF(n)=wgtxsecPDF(n)+
4922- & compute_rwgt_wgt_Sev(xmuR_over_ref
4923- & ,xmuF1_over_ref, xmuF2_over_ref ,xQES_over_ref,
4924- & kwgtinfo)
4925- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5) call reweight_settozero()
4926- enddo
4927- elseif(iSorH_lhe.eq.2)then
4928- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5)
4929- & call fill_reweight0inc(nFKSprocess_used*2,
4930- & i_process)
4931- wgtxsecPDF(n)=wgtxsecPDF(n)+
4932- & compute_rwgt_wgt_Hev(xmuR_over_ref ,xmuF1_over_ref,
4933- & xmuF2_over_ref ,xQES_over_ref, kwgtinfo)
4934- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5) call reweight_settozero()
4935- else
4936- write(*,*)'Invalid value of iSorH_lhe',iSorH_lhe
4937- stop
4938- endif
4940- if (kwgtinfo.eq.5) then
4941- if (iSorH_lhe.eq.1) then
4942- wgtref=wgtref_nbody_all(i_process)
4943- do ii=1,nScontributions
4944- wgtref=wgtref+wgtref_all(nFKSprocess_reweight(ii)
4945- $ *2-1,i_process)
4946- enddo
4947- else
4948- wgtref=wgtref_all(nFKSprocess_used*2,i_process)
4949- endif
4950- endif
4952- if(unweighted)then
4953- xsecPDFr(n)=wgtxsecPDF(n)/wgtref
4954- else
4955- xsecPDFr(n)=wgtxsecPDF(n)
4956- endif
4957- enddo
4959- if(do_rwgt_scale)then
4960- if(abs(xsecPDFr(0)/wgtcentral-1.d0).gt.1.d-6)then
4961- write(*,*)'Central valued computed with mu and PDF differ'
4962- write(*,*)xsecPDFr(0),wgtcentral
4963- stop
4964- endif
4965- else
4966- wgtcentral=xsecPDFr(0)
4967-c The following serves to write on tape the reference cross section
4968-c computed with the new parameters
4969- wgtxsecmu(1,1)=wgtxsecPDF(0)
4970- endif
4972- wgtpdfmin=0.d0
4973- wgtpdfmax=0.d0
4975- do n=1,npairs
4976- nps=2*n-1
4977- nng=2*n
4979- wgtpdfmin=wgtpdfmin+
4980- # ( max(0.d0,
4981- # xsecPDFr(0)-xsecPDFr(nps),
4982- # xsecPDFr(0)-xsecPDFr(nng)) )**2
4983- wgtpdfmax=wgtpdfmax+
4984- # ( max(0.d0,
4985- # xsecPDFr(nps)-xsecPDFr(0),
4986- # xsecPDFr(nng)-xsecPDFr(0)) )**2
4987- enddo
4988- wgtpdfmin=wgtcentral-sqrt(wgtpdfmin)
4989- wgtpdfmax=wgtcentral+sqrt(wgtpdfmax)
4991-c Restore default PDFs
4992- call InitPDF(izero)
4994- endif
4996- else ! kwgtinfo.eq.-5
4998- call fill_wgt_info_from_rwgt_lines
4999- if (do_rwgt_scale)call reweight_scale_ext(yfactR,yfactF)
5000- if (do_rwgt_pdf) call reweight_pdf_ext
The diff has been truncated for viewing.


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