Code review comment for lp:~lool/linaro-image-tools/4-mib-align

Revision history for this message
Loïc Minier (lool) wrote :

There is definitely a regression with the new branch and the maverick hwpach:
./linaro-media-create --image_size 4G --image_file beagleold.img --dev beagle --rootfs ext4 --hwpack ~/downloads/linaro/10.11/hwpack_linaro-omap3_20101109-1_armel_supported.tar.gz --binary ~/downloads/linaro/11.05/linaro-natty-headless-tar-20110203-1.tar.gz --hwpack-force-yes

with lp:linaro-image-tools:
* qemu-system-arm -M beaglexm -sd beagleold.img -serial stdio: kernel error on boot
* qemu-system-arm -M beagle -sd beagleold.img -serial stdio: boots

with this branch:
* qemu-system-arm -M beaglexm -sd beagleold.img -serial stdio: x-loader error
* qemu-system-arm -M beagle -sd beagleold.img -serial stdio: x-loader error

the x-loader error is:

Texas Instruments X-Loader 1.4.4ss (Sep 30 2010 - 14:44:32)
Beagle xM Rev A
Reading boot sector
Error: reading boot sector
u-boot.bin not found or blank nand contents - attempting serial boot . . .
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x80008000 at 115200 bps...

So technically, we don't care too much about x-loader since it's on the SD card (except on IGEP, but then u-boot is not on SD card either!); in general, I think we would only care when we want to provide u-boot and not x-loader.

It does break our 10.11 images though, not sure what to do about this; what do you think?

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