Code review comment for lp:~liuyq0307/lava-dispatcher/timeout_wait_home_screen

Revision history for this message
Zygmunt Krynicki (zyga) wrote :

8 -, response=['stopped', pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5)
9 - if self.match_id == 0:
10 - return True
11 - time.sleep(1)
12 + try:
13 +, response=['stopped'], timeout=5)
14 + if self.match_id == 0:
15 + return True
16 + except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
17 + time.sleep(1)

What is the logical change this part is supposed to make? I don't see any. You've traded the explicit timeout handling to an exception based timeout handling

review: Needs Information

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