Code review comment for lp:~leonardr/lazr.restful/bug-619180

Revision history for this message
Данило Шеган (danilo) wrote :

> leonardr, hi, is .encode(utf-8) safe to do for URLs?
<lifeless> if it is a url, then it must be a subset of ascii
 by definition
<leonardr> danilos: what specific case are you thinking of?
<danilos> ok, let me rephrase that... leonardr, is .encode('utf-8') safe to do before passing to webservice.get() [i.e. does it do escaping as appropriate, and is it documented that our webservice works with UTF-8]
 leonardr, line 48
<leonardr> danilos: well, the test works... that's a good question, though
<danilos> leonardr, heh, ok, fair enough
 leonardr, how do we answer that question?
<leonardr> danilos: i'll take a look at the incoming request
<jam> jtv: are you still around? I got stuck shoveling snow for a couple of hours this morning, but I'm around now
<danilos> leonardr, cool, thanks... even if it might be a problem already, it doesn't have much to do with this branch I suppose, so r=me
 leonardr, please do file a bug if you find it is, though
<leonardr> danilos: actually, i know it works in reality, because ursula's test request went through properly (and once this fix is applied, it works everywhere)
<leonardr> so i think httplib2 percent-encodes the utf-8, and that's how it works
<danilos> leonardr, right, makes sense, thanks

review: Approve

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