Code review comment for lp:~kill-animals/ubuntu-terminal-app/1349749workaround-select-font-added-to-preferences

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Filippo Scognamiglio (flscogna) wrote :

Sorry for the late response.

> Perhaps though these should just be removed if they arent doing anything.

Agreed, since those are set only on construction we should simply put everything in Component.onComplete (where they should work in theory).

We still need to remove the overloaded setVTFont(font, size) since I think that's unnecessary code duplicatoin and might be replaced by something like that in Component.onCompleted:

Component.onCompleted: {
    kterm.font.pointSize: jsConf.getFontSize() jsConf.getFontStyle()
    //Something else

>Doesn't work ; its the same as " "Ubuntu Mono"" which also was not working...

This is surely a problem with how we are initializing the plugin. It is something that might be worth checking in the future, but if we can force them from Component.onCompleted the pedantic me would be happy enough :)

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