Code review comment for lp:~kicad-gost-committers/kicad/kicad

Revision history for this message
Wayne Stambaugh (stambaughw) wrote :

On 5/13/2013 6:43 PM, Alexander Lunev wrote:
> Wayne, you disappointed me once again.
> The first time was with pcad2kicad standalone executable.
> The situation has repeated. When a hard work is already completed and ready to use by many users around the world, you suggest to throw it away not concerning the users and me of course.
> You also said nothing about the component manager:
> "implemented component manager (contains only English words and could be used by any KiCad user for general purpose). Features:
> - listing all components and displaying the full component string in the form how it would be printed in the resultant documents
> - adding new circuit variants
> - viewing and working with components in various planes (full list, constant part, variable part for given variant)
> - assigning components to variants
> - possibility to assign a component "not installed" status. This status will be displayed in the component index document and as a result such components will not be printed in the specification document
> - editing component attributes (Title, Value, Type, Precision and so on)
> - components with reference description like "A1C1" are formed into sets and appropriately printed in the resultant documents
> - possibility to edit components as a group by means of multiple selection in the main table of the component manager
> - all changes made in both the eeshema and the component manager are mutually reflected to each other (invisibly to a user)
> - initiating immediate generation of GOST documents from the component manager"


Please let me make it clear that this will be my last response to this
merge request. I made my decision based on what I feel is best for the
project. I expect at times my decisions will disappoint but that is not
the goal.

At no point did I ever tell you to throw away any of your code. That
doesn't even sound like something I would say. Regarding pcad2kicad, I
suggested that it be refactored as a plug-in which was accepted in KiCad
so I fail to see any issue there. I also did not tell you to throw away
this merge request. I only suggested that it maintained in a separate
branch. I am not sure how this hurts users as long as your branch is
available to the public. The choice to throw away this code would be yours.

As a lead developer, even I would not have started on a project like
this without consulting the other lead developers at a minimum for
input. The decision to take on this project was yours alone and you
gave no consideration to the fact that it could get rejected.

I looks to me as though your "component manager" is spreadsheet view of
component properties similar to OrCad which is useful. I'm not sure why
you chose to implement it with the OpenOffice SDK and RPC instead of
wxGrid which would have been a better fit for the project. This single
decision alone probably would have made this merge request worth
considering. This most certainly would have been suggest if you would
have let other developers know what your intentions were before you started.

Best Regards,


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