Code review comment for lp:~kalikiana/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/unit_x11_fixes

Revision history for this message
Cris Dywan (kalikiana) wrote :

Executing ./tst_components -input tst_alarms.qml -import "../../../modules" -maxwarnings 20
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display
../../unit/ line 31: 151379 Aborted

FAIL! : tst_UCTheme::testThemesRelativePathWithParent() Compared values are not the same
   Actual (component != NULL): 0
   Expected (true): 1
   Loc: [tst_theme_enginetest.cpp(127)]

I see neither locally and they both don't make sense… Xvfb is clearly running and stopping properly according to the log and the theme files are there.

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