Code review comment for lp:~julian-edwards/launchpad/queue-accept-with-private-bugs

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Tim Penhey (thumper) wrote :

If the work should be moved, how about you file a bug and add an XXX comment?

Also I think your test is a bit more convoluted than it needs to be.

Instead of:
  removeSecurityProxy(spr).changelog_entry = "blah"
you should tweak
to accept a changelog_entry. This is simple, quick, and avoids the need
for a removeSecurityProxy.

We don't care who the bug reporter is, so you can get rid of that makePerson,
and remove the owner from the makeBug and makeBugTask calls.

The archive_admin person isn't really an archive admin are they? they are
just some random person. Should it be a particular user? Or just someone
who can't see the bug?

Also, we don't need to be the bug reporter to see the change, we could just
use an admin user as we know they can see everything.

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