Code review comment for lp:~james-w/launchpad-work-items-tracker/blueprints-api

Revision history for this message
Clint Byrum (clint-fewbar) wrote :

Upon running the code as-is, I received a failure rather quickly:

clint@clint-MacBookPro:~/src/wi/bzr/trunk$ ./collect -d ../natty.db -c ../natty.cfg --debug
lp_import_milestones(): milestone table already filled
lp_import_teams(): teams table already filled
lp_import(): downloading cloud-server-n-automated-testing from
lp_import_blueprint(cloud-server-n-automated-testing): finished parsing; data: {'status': 'Session for discussion about automated testing of Ubuntu Server; automated ISO testing was implemented for Maverick using libvirt/kvm + Hudson (see This approach could be applied in other variants and for other aspects of server testing', 'definition': 'Approved', 'implementation': 'Started', 'milestone': 'natty-alpha-3', 'approver': 'robbie.w', 'details_url': None, 'priority': 'Essential', 'assignee': 'james-page', 'roadmap_notes': None, 'drafter': 'james-page'}
lp_import_blueprint_workitems(): processing cloud-server-n-automated-testing (spec milestone: natty-alpha-3, spec assignee: james-page, spec implementation: Started)
lp_import_blueprint_workitems(): starting work items block at Work items for natty-alpha-2:
  ... setting milestone to natty-alpha-2
 workitem (raw): '[hggdh2] Way forward on production deployment of ISO testing: TODO'
 workitem (clean): '[hggdh2] Way forward on production deployment of ISO testing: TODO'
 workitem (raw): '[james-page] Move Server ISO tests to normal PXE + TFTP instead for broader fit with potential test architectures: DONE'
 workitem (clean): '[james-page] Move Server ISO tests to normal PXE + TFTP instead for broader fit with potential test architectures: DONE'
 workitem (raw): '[james-page] Server ISO test - review what the iso overlay looks like and refactor as required: DONE'
 workitem (clean): '[james-page] Server ISO test - review what the iso overlay looks like and refactor as required: DONE'
 workitem (raw): '[james-page] Package ubuntu-server-iso-testing and locate in PPA: INPROGRESS'
 workitem (clean): '[james-page] Package ubuntu-server-iso-testing and locate in PPA: INPROGRESS'
 workitem (raw): ''
lp_import_blueprint_workitems(): closing work items block with line:
lp_import_blueprint_workitems(): starting work items block at Work items for natty-alpha-3:
  ... setting milestone to natty-alpha-3
 workitem (raw): '[james-page] Automate EC2 testing and increase depth of image testing using unittest/subunit: TODO'
 workitem (clean): '[james-page] Automate EC2 testing and increase depth of image testing using unittest/subunit: TODO'
 workitem (raw): '[james-page] Server ISO test - fix concurrency in ISO download: TODO'
 workitem (clean): '[james-page] Server ISO test - fix concurrency in ISO download: TODO'
 workitem (raw): '[cr2] Output plugin for checkbox to write to couchdb: TODO'
 workitem (clean): '[cr2] Output plugin for checkbox to write to couchdb: TODO'
  [WARNING] assignee "cr2" is not a valid Launchpad account
 workitem (raw): '[cr2] Checkbox plugin to download tests from couchdb to execute: TODO'
 workitem (clean): '[cr2] Checkbox plugin to download tests from couchdb to execute: TODO'
  [WARNING] assignee "cr2" is not a valid Launchpad account
 workitem (raw): '[james-page] Move Server ISO tests to checkbox and integrate with guest: TODO'
 workitem (clean): '[james-page] Move Server ISO tests to checkbox and integrate with guest: TODO'
 workitem (raw): '[james-page] proof of concept for complex package testing - use case openldap/mysql: POSTPONED'
 workitem (clean): '[james-page] proof of concept for complex package testing - use case openldap/mysql: POSTPONED'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./collect", line 873, in <module>
    lp_import(db, cfg, opts.pattern)
  File "./collect", line 490, in lp_import
    lp_import_blueprint_workitems(lp, db, bp, cfg.get('release'))
  File "./collect", line 377, in lp_import_blueprint_workitems
    for bug in bp.bugs:
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/", line 643, in __getattr__
    return super(Entry, self).__getattr__(name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/", line 308, in __getattr__
    % (self.__class__.__name__, attr))
AttributeError: 'Entry' object has no attribute 'bugs'

In an IRC conversation James suggested that there is code in LP's trunk that needs to land that will correct this by exposing bug links in the BP API.

Once I changed the if statement above this to check for the bugs attribute, the code ran fine, though the data was off because bugs were not collected from any of the BP's.

So, I'd say that we should just hold off merging until that LP change lands and this test passes.

review: Needs Resubmitting

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