Publishing details


apport (2.14.4-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04.1~c42.ppa1) trusty; urgency=medium

  * No-change backport to trusty

apport (2.14.4-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium

  * New upstream bug fix release:
    - Adjust code to match latest pep8 checker.
    - Report.crash_signature_addresses(): Drop kernel architecture from
      StacktraceAddressSignature field. It isn't useful there (at most the ELF
      architecture, but we don't really need that either). This makes it
      easier to regenerate broken signatures from existing reports on
      different architectures. (LP: #1336565)
  * Fix PEP-8 errors in Ubuntu hooks.

apport (2.14.3-0ubuntu2) utopic; urgency=medium

  * Turn on Launchpad crash submission for the devel series.

apport (2.14.3-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium

  * New upstream bug fix release:
    - Add kernel package version to the various kernel-related hooks. Thanks
      Brian Murray. (LP: #1316845)
    - Use package name in duplicate signature for recoverable problems. Thanks
      Brian Murray. (LP: #1316763)
    - Have whoopsie-upload-all upload recoverable problems. Thanks Brian
      Murray.  (LP: #1319099)

apport (2.14.2-0ubuntu4) utopic; urgency=medium

  * data/package-hooks/ create a duplicate signature for
    suspend resume failures. (LP: #1316841)

apport (2.14.2-0ubuntu3) utopic; urgency=medium

  * debian/apport-noui.upstart: remove early exit (LP: #1235436)
  * debian/apport-noui.dirs: create /var/lib/apport (LP: #1235436)

apport (2.14.2-0ubuntu2) utopic; urgency=medium

  * Merge "backend_apt_dpkg.test_install_packages_versioned: Fix namespacing
    of ver" fix from trunk, to better debug the autopkgtest failure on i386.

apport (2.14.2-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release:
    - Move error handling for invalid .crash files into collect_info(), so
      that it also applies when using the "Show Details..." button in the UI.
      Otherwise the UI just hangs eternally at this point when encountering
      broken core dumps. (LP: #1282349)
    - apt/dpkg install_packages(): Try to install the requested package
      version instead of always picking the most recent one. This should
      improve retracing results for older crash reports. Thanks to Brian
      Murray for inspiring this.
    -, make_sandbox(): When determining packages to install
      from ProcMaps, look up and use the package versions from the reporter,
      to improve retracing results. Thanks Brian Murray for the initial patch!
    - iwlwifi_error_dump: Make reports private, and subscribe
      canonical-kernel-team.  Thanks Seth Forshee. (LP: #1313818)
    - signal_crashes test: Time out after 5 seconds if the test process does
      not terminate on the specified signal, to avoid eternal hangs.
    - signal_crashes test: Ensure that we don't inherit an ignored SIGQUIT
      from the caller.
  * Switch Vcs-* to utopic branch.
  * Add build-essential test dependency, some tests call gcc.
  * Install iwl_wifi_error_dump and corresponding udev rules. (Second part of
    LP: #1313818)
 -- <email address hidden> (H.-Dirk Schmitt)   Sat, 05 Jul 2014 17:30:12 +0200

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files