Code review comment for lp:~garyvdm/qbzr/viz

Revision history for this message
Gary van der Merwe (garyvdm) wrote :

Sorry - I should have given more comments. I have not dicussed this with Luks.

The search in qlog currently uses a QSortFilterProxyModel, which visits all revisions to see if the search string matches for the selected role.

For revision id's and numbers, indexes are created on load, as they are needed in creating the graph.

This change uses these indexes if you are searching on revision number or revsions id to find the revisions you are looking for.

It behaves a bit differently. Previously, when you search, the revisions that don't match are hidden. With this change, when you search on revision id or revision number, it selects the revision that matches. This is ok because there will only be one revision that matches. In fact, I think it is better.

I am concerend that because there is a difference between in the behaviour between searching on Message or Author, and searching on revision id, and revision number, that it may confuse the user.

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