Code review comment for lp:~frankban/juju-quickstart/more-cloud-providers

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Richard Harding (rharding) wrote :

In creating an Azure environment there's a space issue before 'saucy' in
the list of default series.

The dual nature of this is kind of strange. There's a lot of text/links
there. I'd probably leave off the 'left_empty' since that's just
defaulting to precise. Why not just prefill that in and let users change

Do you think we can skip the "Click the choices to auto-fill..." on each
field? Are the underline links a common enough/discoverable? If you
don't have/use a mouse does it help/matter?

The list of providers to create config for says 'openstack' but
everything inside of that references both openstack and HP. Should that
original selection be "openstack (HP Cloud)"?

I don't have openstack creds but looks sane.

I created 3 environments and removed two of them. One was the default.
I'd expect the last one left to be made the default now.

On the main interactive landing page it says "Use the links below to
create new environments." I don't really think of those as links. The
underlined bits in the choice fields are more "link like". I'd suggest
rephrasing this as just "Create new environments:"

Better yet, I'd try to match this up a bit. The main header can just be
"Manage Juju environments" and add a header to the top section as
"Manage existing environments:" and then the lower one could be the
"Create a new environment". I think it would flow and read a bit nicer.

When you select an existing environment the header is "name (type:
local, default). However that same information is listed below. Can it
be simpler and just be "name"?

I created a local environment, set it up, and got the gui loaded up on
it. I then changed it to be the default and selected 'use' think it
would open my existing session. Instead I got a request for my sudo
password, it went through the 'installing ppa...', asking for my ssh
passphrase, and only after that did it open. Can this shortcut to just
open it up and detect/know the other steps aren't necessary?

I removed my last environment and got the 'please create one' which is
nice. The bullet/selection for 'automatically create and bootstrap a
local' does not have a line of space between it and the above content
like the other ones do. I'd propose moving that down one newline.

One other note, removing the environment did not ask or do anything
about destroying it. Now that I've removed my config there's not a good
way for me to shut it down? Should we ask to destroy-environment when
removing a config?

Overall this is really great and nice to use. I'm with-holding the L G T
M because I think the destroy question and the re-opening without asking
might require enough code changes (if there's agreement to make those
changes) to want to re-review.

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