Code review comment for lp:~fluidity-core/fluidity/fix-lagr-detectors

Revision history for this message
Rhodri Davies (rhodri-davies) wrote :

Hi Michael/Jon,

Sorry - I emailed Michal this earlier rather than add it to the review... At present, there remains work to be done before the merge (email copied below)...


Hi Michael,

Whilst looking over your most recent changes to the fix_lagr_detectors branch, I tried to run the lagrangian_detectors test case locally. I get the following error (with backtrace):

Source location: (Diagnostic_variables.F90, 2785)
Error message: Failed assertion ierror == MPI_SUCCESS
Backtrace will follow if it is available:
../../bin/fluidity(fprint_backtrace_+0x1f) [0x57be1f]
../../bin/fluidity(__fldebug_MOD_flabort_pinpoint+0x304) [0x5701c3]
../../bin/fluidity(__diagnostic_variables_MOD_write_mpi_out+0x7a0) [0x627c29]
../../bin/fluidity(__diagnostic_variables_MOD_write_detectors+0x1c7d) [0x62af98]
../../bin/fluidity(__diagnostic_variables_MOD_write_diagnostics+0x577d) [0x635d9e]
../../bin/fluidity(__fluids_module_MOD_fluids+0x72a5) [0x57b17c]
../../bin/fluidity(mainfl+0x11d) [0x56d889]
../../bin/fluidity(main+0x177) [0x5641ad]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f785ded476d]
../../bin/fluidity() [0x563d51]
Use addr2line -e <binary> <address> to decipher.
Error is terminal.

I configured as follows:

./configure --enable-debugging --enable-2d-adaptivity ; make clean ; make -j ; make -j fltools

Do you get this error locally?

Buildbot on your branch is also red right now (but apparently not for this test, which confuses me slightly!)... Any ideas?


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