Code review comment for lp:~edwin-grubbs/launchpad/bug-525956-unlink-button

Revision history for this message
Edwin Grubbs (edwin-grubbs) wrote :


The sourcepackage index page had an edit button but no way to remove
a link to the upstream via the project series.

The $distroseries/+packaging page also displayed identical info,
so I moved that into a template that could be shared.

Implementation details

Moved identical formatting of upstream connection info from and
into Added the (-) removal link
and moved the edit link next to the projectgroup/project/series info.

Added $sourcepackage/+remove-packaging and $sourcepackage/upstream-connections.

Drive-by improvement of formatting.


./bin/test -vv -t 'sourcepackage-views.txt|xx-show-distroseries-packaging.txt'

Demo and Q/A

* Open
    * If there is a "Link to Upstream Project" button, use that
      since the removal button won't show up without an existing link.
    * The Upstream Connections portlet should show:
        GNOME ⇒ Evolution ⇒ trunk (E) (-)
      where (E) is the edit button, and (-) is the remove button.
    * Click on the (-) button.
    * Click on the Unlink button.
    * The Upstream Connections portlet should now show the
      "Link to Upstream Project" button again.
* Open
    * The table should now show the projectgroup/project/series like so:
        GNOME ⇒ Evolution ⇒ trunk (E) (-)

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